Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 101 – Two Children’s Thoughts

----- Leo POV -----

"How dare you! You fucking parasite!"

Papa- no, my father turns his head toward me, his forehead creased in rage.

"What? Taking over one innocent child's body wasn't enough, so now you had to come and curse our family too!?"

'No', I wanted to say, 'it wasn't like that, I... didn't choose for this to happen.'

But the words were caught in my throat.

I wanted to cry.

But... this was expected, wasn't it?

I had gone through this once before, after all, so I should be used to this.

But... my siblings didn't deserve this.

They were young.

They were innocent, for the most part.

They were... kind.

And they loved their parents.

So I'll just bear the pain, no matter how much it hurts.

"You... you are not my son. An imposter! A devi-"

With a start, I wake up, panting heavily as I slowly regain my senses.

Right... that was just a dream.

A nightmare.

I was here, still in this world, and unlike the last time I came out with my truth, I wasn't rejected.

I was safe...

I was... still loved.

Shaking off the thin veil of sweat that had gathered on my skin, I slowly made my way out of the room I shared with my sisters.

While it was still fine for the moment... I really hope we get our own rooms soon.

I did not want to stick around the three once puberty started, for everyone's sake.

From the low level of light shining through the windows, it was early morning.

Early enough that everyone was still sleeping soundly.

Except... I could hear the faint sound of a delicate melody echoing down the hall.

A familiar sound.

One I hadn't heard in a while, but it brought me peace none the same.

Treading lightly down the hallway, careful not to step on a creaky board of wood, I eventually find the source of it.

My father, sitting just outside the back door, was playing his lyre, which I hadn't seen him do since the journey from Dragon Valley when he played around the campfire as we fell asleep.

While he had been cleared to move out of his bed, he was still not allowed to perform any activities, but I could tell he was restless.

Not only did he have a new level of strength to try out, but a problem was brewing in his mind.

That child.

Even I was shocked at the horror, but to be put front and centre of it all... it must have been eating at his mind.

My mothers seemed to notice as well, as whenever they were dotingly taking care of him, they would always eventually ask if 'everything was all right' and 'wanting to talk about what happened', but my father always waved it off with a smile.

'I'm okay', he said.

'I can think about that stuff later', he said.

Another similarity between me and my father.

Putting a burden on the mind, on the soul, until later... I could understand.

After all, after Regis had died, I did the same.

I pushed forward, putting my emotions off until later as I still had a job to do, a battle to fight.

There was no time for grieving.

But wasn't right now the perfect time to grieve for him?

When there was nothing to do but sit around all day...

Though, I suppose it might be something he can only unleash in the dungeon.

I also felt that sort of anger, when the only release was when I slaughtered all those Asuras with my blade.

Well... I would leave him to it.

The song of plucked strings eventually comes to an end as my father turns his head toward me.

"What's up, buddy? You had a bad dream or something?" He asks.

I guess even if he was injured, his senses were not dulled in the slightest.

"Yeah. Just... stupid things about my past." I say.

"It's not stupid." He says while shaking his head.

"It makes you who you are, so no way it's stupid." He says with a smile.

Once again, I was left amazed by my father.

...And confused.

How could he love me so when he knew I was not a 'pure' child?

Was parental love really such a blinding and simple emotion?

Not like I would know though...

"Anyway, come over and sit with your old man." He says, patting his leg.

Following his request, I soon found myself resting on his lap as we both watched the sky get brighter with every passing second.

Sitting on the lap of a man who was so much younger than me, while embarrassing, also flooded my body with an odd sense of warmth.

The same warmth that made me so terrified at the prospect of being torn from me.

"You're probably a little disappointed, huh? That your all-powerful Papa got taken out by a group of thugs." He eventually says with a chuckle, breaking the silence.

"No. It was... a surprise attack, with a surprise trick. You're probably the only one in this world who could survive such an encounter." I respond.

At the time I was too blinded by fear and panic to realize, but my father really did something insane.

Defeating a level 5 without a falna... that was akin to a civilian without a mana core taking out a Lance back in Dicathean in a duel.

Truly outrageous.

"Ah, I suppose so. But not everybody would let the situation get that bad either. It seems I've gotten a bit naive, to be taken advantage of so easily." He says with a smile.

Though that smile was pained.

Whether it was bad memories or self-doubt, I didn't know.

"It's fine, Papa. They didn't take advantage of your combat prowess, but rather your kindness. Besides, everyone makes mistakes." I respond.

Though... if you're that upset about your 'naivety', then you should really stop being so dense around Lefiya.

At this point, I'm feeling bad for the girl.

But then again, I really wouldn't feel right calling her 'Mother' or anything similar...

So I'll just let him continue being an idiot.

"Is that so? Well, I can't really afford to make mistakes anymore, can I? I've got a family to look after, and I'm not only talking about your siblings and mothers." He says.


Papa had told me all about his 'future vision' headaches and stuff, and in the same vein, how he had been feeling uneasy recently about the near future.

This city, which I've only ever seen in a state of peace, was entering an age of turmoil.

But I was glad that we had Papa on our side.

With his new level 7 prowess alongside his increased vigilance due to his mistake, I was confident I could leave everything to him.

'Leave everything to him', huh?

Those words were a little foreign to me, but I had no choice in this world.

But that didn't mean I wanted to be a burden by any means.

"Papa, would you allow-"

"No." He cuts me off instantly.

"Even I am hesitant to allow you guys into the dungeon. I mean, this is your new life. You should enjoy it. But past that, you promised me to tell your mothers about you before you go in. So the answer is no." He says resolutely.

How did he know?

Was he psychic or something?

"Haa... fine. I'll talk to the other three about it." I say with a pout.

"Please do. You know I don't like keeping secrets from your mothers, so this whole situation is also kind of a pain for me anyway." Papa says with a smile.

"Besides... I do need to have a little talk to you about this world." He says.

"Oh? What about it?" I ask.

"The people here... they're strong. Stronger than in your world." He says sternly.

I... already knew that Papa was an insane guy on par with the Asuras. 

No, past that.

But that was Papa, right?

He was an anomaly that shocked Orario with his progress and skill.

"While the dungeon and monsters are bad in their own right. I can tell you're underestimating the people here. As you already know... they're dangerous." He says, grimacing as he looks down at his still-healing wound.

"Listen, son. Every adventurer in this world starts off weak. Most often with no skills, no magic, and unpolished talent. There aren't any shortcuts to gaining a level. You simply have to surpass your past self. You understand what I'm getting at, right?" He says.

"I... think I do."

I had seen what he was talking about in my past life, where strong mages jacked up on elixirs and magic tools ended up being quite useless in front of someone who knew the basics of combat.

However, once the war started, everyone ended up being battle-hardened veterans. 

Or died trying...

"Good. While some more than others, every adventurer that has levelled up deserves some respect, as they have broken past their own barrier." He says with a smile.

Woah... how profound.

To think this is the guy who was denser than a storage ring.

Although, he did snag Mama Ryuu and Mama Alise... so maybe he had just changed over the years?


"Anyway. What I'm saying is don't rush into things like you did in your past life. Here... you have to take your time getting stronger. How old were you again when you saved that Elf girl? Three?"

"I was four."

"That's not much better. And to think, with all that time together, you still didn't act on anything. Tsk tsk." He says while shaking his head.

I was getting a bit annoyed now.

I came over to have a nice conversation with my father, and now I was being bullied about my past.

"T-The difference in mental age was too much. What? Would you rather me throw myself at girls before they even reach puberty?" I blurt out.

"Hmm? I guess you're right, but with who you're eying now, that won't be a problem, will it?" He says teasingly.

W-What was he talking about?

"You really have a thing for Elven Princesses, huh? Good luck." He says while patting my head.

Embarrassed, I feel my face flush as I pointedly stare at the ground.

"T-Thanks." I eventually mutter.

"Haha! No problem. Elves, especially those blessed with a falna, age like a fine wine. So you're in for a treat later on. Just like your mother-"

"I'm leaving," I say while hopping off of him.

Even when we were having such a pleasant conversation, he still found a way to make my skin crawl with his lust.

It really was a talent of his. 

Besides, today was Ariel and Lili's 15th birthday, right?

I should get my training in before I'm asked to help with the preparations.

----- Alea POV - 2 Days Later -----

Fear was something rare for me to feel.

Or rather, the fear I had felt before was due to more... domestic things.

Was I being a good mother?

Were Aqua and Ruby growing up okay?

Was my act still up?

Was my love for them a lie?

Things like that.

But seeing Papa fall to the ground like that... I had felt true fear for the first time.

Something similar happened the first time I saw a monster, as well as the first time I saw a corpse, but Papa was always there to calm me down at those times.

But for the first time in this second life of mine... he wasn't there.

The strong and infallible father I had come to love and view as my sole place of comfort, had fallen.

And I was left reeling in the aftermath.

But a few days had passed since then. 

He had woken up and was long past the point of his life being in danger... but that didn't change what had happened.

The immortal man that I had come to view as my father now seemed a lot more... mortal.

And that was terrifying.

But while I felt terrified, I also felt a little... restless.

When Papa collapsed to the ground, I didn't do a single thing to help.

My feet were rooted in place as tears rolled down my cheeks, but I still didn't do anything.

Logically, I knew that I had done the right thing.

While those other bad people weren't as strong as that Vito guy, they were still leagues above me, who was not only weak like my siblings, but unlike them, I was completely inexperienced in combat.

But in a way, the fact that being a coward was the correct decision only made me feel worse.

Before, it was a simple interest.

I had been enchanted by Papa's swordsmanship, and I wanted to dance like him, so I practiced.

But now... that had changed.

While I hated the idea of hurting others... if it was to protect my family... I would cut them down.

But I would need to get better to actually help and protect.

I needed to improve, not for the beauty of the blade, but for the strength to keep these happy times intact.

With determination swelling through my core, I made my way outside to the training ground.



My heart jumping out of my chest in surprise, I trip over my feet, the ground inching closer toward my face.

But before I landed, I felt someone grab my shirt, pulling me back up to my feet.

"A swordsman shouldn't trip over her feet from a small surprise like that. Did you already forget all the training we did together?" Papa says with a smirk.

Looking up at him, a smile starts to form on my face, but a moment later, my vision changes.

His arms, usually a lightly tanned brown, were bruised black and yellow, and his elbow bent in an unnatural angle as blood seeped into his light grey shirt.


I felt myself begin to hyperventilate as my fists clenched tighter.

His face was losing its colour as the blood kept seeping from his wound, his eyes slowly turning glassy, his breath slowing as blood gurgled with every-


Suddenly, I'm snapped back to reality as Papa shakes my shoulder.

"Ah..." I say absently.

He was... fine.

He was here, safe, alive...

Overcome with emotion, I jump into his arms and begin crying.

While he's slightly surprised, he soon reciprocates my hug.

"Sweetie? What's wrong?" He asks, slowly rubbing circles into my back.

Instead of giving him an answer, I just gripped him tighter.

Another thing I felt right now, other than relief, was guilt.

Crushing guilt.

Because now, I realized.

The fear that I had been feeling... I had given that to my sweet babies.

No, it was worse.

Unlike them, my parent was still here, living and breathing and giving me hugs.

Unlike them, I was an adult, at least in terms of my mental age.

Unlike them... unlike them, Papa told me he loved me many times before he got hurt.

A shameful excuse of a mother, aren't I?

Picking me up, I feel Papa carry me towards a hammock, before gently laying down with me atop his chest.

As time passed, my sobs turned into quivering whimpers, and a bit later, I finally calmed down my rampaging emotions.

"You okay?" Papa asks.

"Un," I say in response, muffled by the damp shirt I was still lying on.

"S-Sorry Papa, I just-"

"It's fine, sweetie. I know, even if you're not exactly a child, that it was... traumatic. But don't worry. Papa won't be such an idiot anymore, okay?" He says, gently patting my head.

Feeling his hands, his warm hands, weave through my hair, I feel my eyes unintentionally close in delight.

"...Papa... you said you knew about our lives, right?" I eventually ask.

"Yeah. Though it's been a while, so the knowledge is pretty fuzzy." He says in response.


While it was a bit confusing to understand... Papa's world was like mine, but not exactly.

I was from a story, or rather, an anime.

And while I didn't have an existential crisis, luckily, I did end up realizing something.

He had read about me, and more specifically, about my babies.

So he would know, right?

"How... how are Aqua and Ruby?" I eventually ask.

He looks surprised for a moment before his face turns into a difficult-to-describe expression.

"They are... fine. From what I remember, they're 16 in the story, and Ruby ended up being an idol and reviving your old idol group, B... B-Cho...B-"

"B-Komachi." I finished for him with a giggle.

"That's the one!" He says with a smile.

Good... Ruby always had that charisma, so I'm glad that she's happy.

"Hmm... that's nice. And Aqua?" I ask.

"...He's doing fine. He has two pretty girls going after him... or is it three? Anyway, I think he's doing okay too." He says while averting his eyes.

My smile turns tense and my fists clench.

...My son... my dear son... turned into a playboy?

"Oh? And what are the three's names?" I ask.

"I don't really remember. One of them was a redhead, and another's name was Akane. As for the last one..." Papa then looks off into the distance before his lips curl into a frown.

"I... don't remember."

That was a lie.

And quite an obvious one.

What was so bad that he didn't want to say it?

Was it an older woman chasing after him?

A yandere?

I mean, how could it be so bad that he needed to keep it a secret from me?

It's not like his sister is among the girls going after him or anything.

"I see... and? What do you think of them? Aren't they technically your grandchildren?" I ask with a teasing grin.

I get a flick on the forehead in response.


"Don't say such silly things. I am definitely not ready to be a grandpa yet." He answers with a frown.

Hehehe, sorry Papa~

Snuggling against his side, I use his arm as a blanket to keep the sun out of my eyes as I feel myself getting sleepier with my emotions laid bare.

I guess... training would have to wait for later, huh?

"Papa? Huam~... can I take a nap?" I ask with lidded eyes.

"Of course sweetie." He says softly.

And with that as my cue, I slowly change from deep breaths, into gentle snores.

And with the strongest person at my side, the nightmares were scared away, replaced with nothing but happy dreams.

----- Sirius POV -----

Looking down at my now-sleeping daughter, I feel my forehead crease in worry.

Well... it seems that some of the trauma had been relieved, so that was good.

But when she asked me about her past kids... that was quite a scare.

While I could have told her the truth, about how the two were reincarnated, and both broken in their own ways, that would be nothing but cruel.

After all, there's no way she could do anything to help them, no closure to be had.

Feeling the tension in my body relax, I look up at the midday sun, hidden behind a passing cloud in the relatively clear sky.

...I needed to get stronger.

Not only to clear the likely upcoming hurdles without any tragedy, but to do so in a way that was so overwhelming, so that I wouldn't bring Alea to tears like that again.

While they were mentally all old enough to pass as adults, knowing about their pasts, and how they each acted, they deserved a proper childhood.

And I wanted to give them one.

And no proper childhood should be littered with any tragedy or fear, so I will have to get much, much stronger.

Luckily, it seemed I would be cleared for training soon, and with Ariel and Lili having their 15th birthdays just a couple of days ago, no plans were holding me back from diving into the dungeon again.

But... that could all wait until tomorrow.

I had my cute daughter lying next to me, and a pleasantly warm breeze brushing past my face, so for now... I'll just enjoy the moment.

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