Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 103 – Tavern Visit

Upon opening the door, I'm instantly hit by the sound of various conversations and the clinking of tableware, paired with the pleasant scent of good food.

Indeed, the Hostess of Fertility is just as lively as usual.

Walking up to the bar, I take a seat as Mama Mia, the owner of the tavern, raises her eyebrow.

"Celestial Sword... you here alone tonight?" she asks with confusion.

Thinking about it now... I don't think I'd ever gone here alone before.

"Yep. Just me," I respond.

"Problem with the wives?" she asks with a smirk.

"Nah, just... taking some time to unwind," I say.

"And to celebrate your new level, I presume. Anyway, what do you want?" she asks.

"I'll have a skewer set and some ale... please," I answer.

"Aye. How strong?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Enough to make me shitfaced," I say with a smirk.

"Haha! Alright, coming right up!" she answers, matching my grin.

She then heads back into the kitchen, leaving me to my lonesome. Leaning forward and resting my head on my hand, I glanced absently at the surrounding commotion and vibrant energy.

Seems like it was a productive day for a few folks.

I had already turned in all the loot I collected from my little rampage in the dungeon, so I was free to spend as much as I wanted without any guilt.

Hmm... the night looked clear, at least from what I saw on my way over here.

I think I'll get drunk, eat some good food, and then head over to the walls or our Familia's garden and stargaze for a while.

A nice relaxing night... one I'd need considering the training I was planning on putting myself through starting tomorrow.

"Here ya go! Make sure you don't pass out or anything. Don't think that the Gale will be very happy needing to take your drunk ass home," Mama Mia says, handing me a large mug of alcohol.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

Taking a small whiff, I feel my eyes begin to water.

"Fuck, what the hell did you put in this?" I ask, holding myself back from coughing.

"Hahaha! It's Dwarven Ale! More specifically, my very own recipe. Has the strength of a spirit with the taste of a cider. Anyway, Syr will be getting your food soon. Call if you need a refill!"

And with that, Mama Mia left once again.

Taking a few sips, I relish in the crisp, apple-like taste as I feel the cool liquid burn down my throat and warm my insides.

I could already feel a bit of my inhibitions lessening as my toes began to tingle.

She wasn't wrong about this being a strong drink, was she?

"Sirius~! I got your skewer set right here!"

Hearing the familiar voice, I turn my head to the side to see Syr, with her light gray hair set in its usual knotted ponytail.

"Thank you, Syr," I say.

"No problem!" she responds, setting down my plate.

What I didn't expect though, was for her to then take a seat next to me.

Well actually, considering her usual behaviour, I should have expected this.

"What are you doing? It's pretty busy, you know?" I say, gesturing to the crowded tavern.

"Oh, lighten up! All the patrons already have their food, and Anya and Chloe can handle everything. Besides... I'm on break right now!" she says with a wink.

"No you're not!" Mama Mia shouts from the kitchen.

I give Syr a look.

"Ah, well... you're a customer, right? And it's sad to be drinking alone, so I'm just doing my job as a waitress!" she says, nodding to herself.

How shameless...

Well, it's not like I minded the company.

"Hm, be my guest then," I say before digging in.

Mmm... I don't know how that woman, who was a level 6 rumoured to bash monsters' skulls in with her bare hands, can be such a good cook.

The mix of lemony sourness and savoury herbs... just wonderful.

"Umm, Sirius?" Syr says from my side.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"I'm just... I'm glad you're okay. It was... scary, seeing you go down like that," she says, her eyes downcast.


What did she mean by that?

"The way you said that... were you there or something?" I ask.

"Ah, yeah. After my shift, I was going to stop by, and I got there right as those robed people showed up. Pretty bad luck, huh?" she says bashfully.

I raise my eyebrow at this.

"You were there? Ryuu and Alise didn't mention anything about that," I say.

"Ah, well... I was pretty scared, so I hid, shamefully enough. I guess I'm not cut out to be an adventurer," she says, averting her eyes.


I would think she would still come out to greet her two friends afterwards, but maybe it was more hectic than I thought.

"That's fine. It's natural for a civilian to shy away from danger. I'm glad you're safe," I say before demolishing another skewer.

Damn, what is this delicious vegetable?

It looks like a pepper, but it tastes like smoked salmon.

Maybe I can ask Mama Mia where she got this.

"O-Oh?" Syr says.

Glancing back at her, I noticed that her face was flushed while her eyes darted around the room, avoiding me.

What's with this change of demeanour?

Well... not like I cared too much.

Polishing off another skewer, I'm about to start another before Syr speaks up again.

"I... do have a question though, Sirius," she says.

"Oh? Well, I'm listening," I answer.

"Why... why did you hold that child?" she asks.

The skewer that was making its way toward my mouth stopped before I slowly placed it back on the plate.

"I guess... I just didn't want him to be alone, you know?" I say before taking a swig of alcohol.

"...Even though it put you into such a bad position?" Syr asks.

"Ha, yeah. Well, even if I was a bit of an idiot, I'm still alive, aren't I? It was... the least I could do," I say with a sad smile.

"Haa~ I see... Mmm~"


Looking at Syr, I see her cheeks are now burning, and considering that moan... was she drunk too?

Mama Mia was not gonna like that.

It seems that my visible confusion snaps her out of whatever state she is in as she quickly composes herself.

"W-Well, I should get back to work then. Tell me if you need anything!"

And with that, as quickly as she came, the grey-haired waitress left.

----- Syr POV -----

That was... too close.

But Sirius was just way too much!

The way his soul shone... I'll need to change panties just thinking about it!

Haa... well, it seems I've just been captivated once again.

Saying I saw what had happened during Evilus' attack earlier this week was not a lie, though I wasn't there in person like I had said.

Instead, I had watched the entire battle play out from Babel.

And was it ever a battle to witness...

I wasn't wrong.

Sirius... he truly had the brilliance of a hero.

How beautifully that pure white shone amid that dark night.

But my love had been shining long before that too.

Loki's favourite child, the Sword Princess, had basically cleansed her murky, disgusting blackness that tainted her soul, and while it didn't exactly shine, it was now beautiful in its own right.

The Elf that went with them had changed as well, her previously unassuming brown now a glimmering, polished bronze.

But oddly... the colour of souls had become quite dull for me recently.

Well... except for the colour of shining silver, blazing red, and calming green.

The same three souls that made me pant and shiver in my empty bed, leaving me gasping for breath as I gripped my silk sheets.

Could my Odr possibly be three people?

It's been so long that I hardly remember...

Hmm... I should try to explore a bit more about the three.

Plus, those four 'children' would be fun to be around.

"Yohoo~! You have a table free for us?" 

With the entrance of a certain redheaded Goddess, many eyes turn toward the new guest.

Just as I was thinking about those two from her Familia too.

"Loki Familia! Unfortunately, there aren't any tables right now, but the bar is nearly empty, so please feel free to make yourselves welcome," I say, gesturing toward Sirius.

"Aye! That's fine! We're just here to drink anyway! Oh? Is that-?"

"Teacher? What are you doing here?" the brunette Elf says, interrupting her Goddess.

She was the Elf that Sirius taught, right?

But hmm... what was her name again?

I knew she held a similar infatuation with my love, but past that, I couldn't remember much about her.

"Lefiya? Ah, well... just having a rest day, you know? Besides, I'm not your teacher anymore, so just call me Sirius," he responds.

So Lefiya was her name... interesting.

Well, at least I'll be able to watch these people interact with Sirius.

I bet my love will be very cute once he's drunk~

----- Lefiya POV - 2 Hours Later -----

"It's all fuckin~ bullshit, ya know? I tried, ya know? But still, it just wasn't enough..." Sirius whines.

"Yeah, I know. I've been in your place before," Bete says, before taking a swig of alcohol.

"But you just have to get stronger... and not allow any weaklings to get in their own way," he then says with a glare.

"Ay~ but you hafta challenge yourself to level up, right~? How the hell- Hic! How the hell can anyone get stronger then?" Sirius says.

"I don't know. Those weaklings just have to learn some self-preservation," Bete says with a snarl.

"Hmm~ I guess. But you know... weakling is pretty relative, ya know? Like- Hic! To me, you're a weakling, right?" Sirius says.

"What'd ya say, you bastard?" Bete responds.

"Hmm, but even if you're a weakling, you're a good drinking buddy~ Aye, maybe I should do this more? It tastes good too~" Sirius says before tipping his mug back.

"Ah! It's empty! Mia~! Refill please~!"

Meanwhile, Bete's face was contorting into a range of emotions, cycling between anger and thankfulness, leading to quite an amusing sight.

But eventually, the werewolf releases a sigh before taking the cup from Sirius' hands.

"I think that's enough. Don't you have a family to get back to?" he asks.

"Ah... yeah, that's right! Though I did want to watch the stars tonight..." Sirius responds.

"The stars? The fuck is that sentimental bullshit for?" Bete says.

"Preparation for new training! I'm gonna go get my falna removed and fight, fight, fight in the dungeon!" Sirius says, punching the air as a demonstration with a goofy smile.

At this, my eyes widen into saucers.

"Hah! What bullshit are you spouting? Yeah, definitely time to get home, ya bastard," Bete says with a laugh.

Ah, right... he wouldn't expect him to be serious, in fact, no one would.

But I knew differently.

While he pretended to be a normal person, Sirius, beneath that facade, was a training maniac.

Sirius gives Bete a small chuckle in response before his expression falls.

"...Hey, do you think I should make a grave for the kid?" he says, his eyes watering.

"That again? Didn't I tell you? Grieving and shit like that is useless. You just gotta get stronger," Bete responds.

"Ah, yeah... yeah, you're right."

Even though he was saying that Sirius' eyes were still holding back unshed tears.

I had heard what had happened, but I never imagined it would have such an effect on the unwavering man whom I called my teacher.

I had never seen him look so... vulnerable.

Though perhaps that was just the alcohol.

"Hic! Mmm, it's getting hot out again... maybe I should take my pants off?" he says, tilting his head in confusion.

...Yeah, definitely the alcohol.

Men in this position... they were quite prone to making mistakes, no?

And considering the sadness he was feeling... wouldn't I be able to ch-cheer him up?

He was a man, after all, and I was a woman now...

No... no I shouldn't.

I-If I wanted to do that... I wouldn't want it to be a mistake.

Glancing at me through the corner of his eye, Gareth then speaks up.

"Aye lad, I think it's about time ya get going to those missus of yours. But speaking of... what do you think of Lefiya?" he asks.


What are you doing!!!!!!

"Lefiya? What do you mean?" Sirius asks in confusion.

"What do you think of her? Do you like her?" Gareth asks.

I feel my breath get caught in my throat.

"Do I like her? Hell, I love her! Isn't it obvious?"


"She's the greatest student and little sister I could ask for," he continues with a proud smile.


For some reason, despite the nice words, I feel my heart clench.

"Aye, I can definitely see that, lad. But I meant how you feel about her as a woman," Gareth adds.


"As a woman? Come on, I got two beautiful wives already, so I don't really see other women. Unless they'd be willing to accept the full package of course, if you get what I'm saying," Sirius says.

"Aye, but if the lass did? Would you accept her?" Gareth says.

Nope! That's it! I gotta-


I'm stopped by Finn's hand, grasping my coat and restraining me to the table.

"W-Why? It's getting way too embarrassing!" I say, my cheeks feeling hot from shame.

"It's been clouding your thoughts, Lefiya. I think right now is the best time to clear any misunderstandings. 'In wine, there is truth' as they say," my captain says before calmly sipping his drink.

"W-What's been clouding my thoughts?" I ask.

"Oh please. Just because I am currently single does not mean I am completely obtuse regarding matters of romance," he responds.

Before I can comment on it, Sirius' words, which I had unknowingly been waiting for with expectation, interrupt me.

"Accept her? I... no, no I wouldn't. She's cute, and surely to turn into a beauty, but like I said before, she's a little sister to me... Besides, what's this you're on about, eh?" he says with a frown.

Weird... although he only showered me with compliments, calling me cute and beautiful, my heart hurt like never before.

Turning my gaze away from the man, my eyes land upon Syr, the waitress, her face set in a smug smile for some odd reason before she suddenly made her way toward Sirius.

"Sirius~ It's getting late, no? How about I take you home," she says, looping her arm with his.

My heart clenches once more.

"What? Well... I guess I should be heading back. But I don't need you to walk me, I can just cleanse the inbrate... inbreating... in-"

"Inebriation?" Syr finishes with a small smirk.

"Aha! That!" Sirius says happily.

"Well, you said you wanted to drunkenly watch the stars tonight, didn't you? Here, let's get going," she says, guiding him to his feet.

Not wanting to meet Sirius' eyes, I turn my face down, my hair splaying out to hide my likely tearful face.

I... I guess I should've expected that, huh?

It was always meant to be a dream, after all.

A stupid, childish crush.

But... it still hurt all the same.

"There there, lass. You want a drink? It's always good for the heart in times like these," Gareth says, gently patting my back.

"Un," I answer, nodding my head.

Perhaps... I'd watch the stars tonight too.

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