Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 28 – Alfia’s Truth and 4 Months

"-998, 999, 1000."

Finishing my final overhand practice swing, I sheath Infinite Eclipse and then wipe the sheen of sweat off my forehead.

Last night was an eventful celebration, along with the Loki Familia, many drinks were had and stories told. 

I myself had not participated in any drinking, I would hate to put on any embarrassing displays, especially if I did anything stupid with any of the girls.

I shiver at the thought of what Kaguya would do to me.

While I did say I would take the entirety of today sleeping, it seems that the combination of my falna-boosted stamina and a good night's rest does wonders for both mental and physical fatigue.

Noticing how energetic I felt in the morning and needing to blow off some steam after dealing with a drunk Alise, I decided to get some training done, which I hadn't been able to do in the dungeon for obvious reasons.

Heading inside and into the kitchen to grab a glass of juice, I notice Alise and Ryuu sitting across from each other on the dining table, a barely-eaten breakfast in front of them.

"Uhh, morning."

The two return my greeting lethargically, even the usually energetic Alise being strangely quiet.


Did last night have that much of an effect on them?

I thought hangovers were cured by Abnormal Resistance, which both have.

Well, if they're still acting down after a while I'll see if they need anything. 

For now, I need a shower.

Before I could leave the kitchen, Alise calls out to me.

"Hey Sirius, could you join us for something?"


----- 1 Hour Later -----

Leaving the florist, I walk behind the two girls, each holding a bouquet.

Although I hadn't yet been told where we would be going, from the solemn atmosphere surrounding the two girls, I'm fairly certain I have an idea.

Making our way toward the walls of Orario, we come across a large gate, a large sign atop it titled 'Adventurers Graveyard'.

As I thought.

Walking through the numerous gravestones and monuments of the various adventures and Familias that have passed within the walls of Orario, we eventually stop at one particular gravestone.

One with the name 'Ardee Varma - Vyasa'.

The two girls then kneel while placing their respective bouquets on the ground.

With a small smile, Alise begins speaking.

"Hey, Ardee. We did it, we finally became first-class adventurers, Kaguya too. We, we're still protecting the city, and constantly searching and enacting justice, just like you would want. In fact, we even have a new member helping us, I think you would like him."

After a moment of silence, Alise then turns to me. 

Her expression momentarily surprises me, one I have never seen my spirited captain wear. It's so... vulnerable.

"Sirius, could you, listen to a story? One about our friend here."

And so, the tale about a certain blue-haired, justice-loving girl was told to me, one I knew parts of, but certainly not the entire story.

Ardee Varma, level 3 member of the Ganesha Familia, and younger sister of their current captain, Shakti Varma.

An incredibly good-natured adventurer and extremely caring, to the point it led to her downfall.

She was able to pierce through the indifferent young Ryuu's veil of heartlessness effortlessly, taking the cold Elf out of her shell.

Always wanting to spread smiles to the people of Orario through comedy and her natural cheerfulness.

Caring, loving, sympathetic, everything a parent could wish their child to become, a truly kind soul.

She was able to easily forgive, being extremely merciful in her sense of justice, focusing on understanding and sympathy.

Though this blend of sympathy, forgiveness, and enacting justice led to her being killed, specifically by a child suicide bomber of Evilus using her sincerity against her.

Again, I knew of the general story of this girl, but hearing the stories told from Alise's perspective with Ryuu chiming in every so often, and seeing the emotion decorating the two girls' faces through the scenes, really is an entirely different experience.

I even was able to learn some new things, who knew she loved pastries so much?

After hearing Ardee's fate, the two began to narrate the Great Feud, Orario's crescendo of the 'Dark Era' where criminals and Evilus ran wild after the destruction of the Zeus and Hera Familias. Also being the turning point in Orario's recovery, leading to the peaceful city it is today.

An abridged version, two of the most powerful members of the Zeus and Hera Familias that had survived, Alfia the Silence and Zald the Gluttony, joined Evilus in terrorizing Orario, eventually spawning the Delphyne in the dungeon to destroy Babel, and as a result, the dungeon.

Soon enough the story dwindles to an end, only leaving the whistle of the wind and faint chirping of birds to be heard.

"Thank you, for telling me about her. She was a wonderful person, wasn't she?"


Silence is once again restored as we all idly take in the scenery, the two girls likely reminiscing about times long passed.

At least, that is until Alise speaks up hesitantly.

"Hey, Sirius. How much did you know about the Great Feud from your foresight vision?"

"Quite a bit, mostly following you girls. It's one of the biggest reasons I endeared myself to you girls. Though I did learn some things from your story."

She then looks down, eyes concentrated on the soil as if lost in thought before looking up into my eyes with a resolute expression.

"Do you know why, then? Why did Alfia and Zald, previous protectors of the city, turn on Orario?"


Damn, while I know why they did that, will they be able to accept that they never turned on Orario? And that their actions have logic?

Will they be able to accept that sacrifices are sometimes made for the greater good? And need to at times.

My indecisiveness only continues until I see both sets of eyes looking at me intently, craving an answer.

Well, they will need to confront these tough choices if they ever want to discover their own version of 'true justice'.

Who am I to hold them back?

"Haa, yes yes alright. But beware, you won't like the answer, and I don't know absolutely everything either. Still want to know?"

Receiving two resolute nods, I begin recounting what I know about Alfia, Zald, their Familias, and their participation in the Great Feud, although some parts are foggy as it's been a while since I learned about it.

How the Zeus and Hera Familias were the protectors of Orario for centuries, which they already knew.

How Zald and Alfia had few years left to live due to illnesses, they spent their time aiding the School District in sealing a dangerous monster, when they were then approached by the god Erebus to save Orario.

How would joining Evilus save Orario? 

Well, firstly, it would make Evilus confident in its chances and strength, flushing out most of the organization that was then mostly destroyed that night, and the remnants of it removed from Orario the night after I arrived.

Second, it would give the adventurers of Orario a great challenge, in the form of a weakened Alfia and Zald and the Delphyne, to overcome. Seeing that the entire Astraea Familia, Loki Familia executives, and Freya Familia executives all levelled up from the conflict, they achieved this goal flawlessly.

Lastly, there must have been some lingering resentment for the people of Orario, especially the Loki and Freya Familias. They had given their everything to keeping the city safe, developing the knowledge of status, skills, and the dungeon, only to be cast aside and abandoned in their lowest moment, when most of everyone they ever knew and loved had been decimated by the Black Dragon. 

Obviously, they would bear some level of hatred and in many ways it is justified.

Essentially, witnessing the overwhelming power of the One-Eyed Black Dragon, they developed a concern over the future battle against the monster. If they who had numerous level 7's and a level 8 and 9 could not defeat it, what could Orario, who was led by a single level 6, ever do against it? They needed to strengthen the city for any hope of winning.

After telling them all of what I remembered, and seeing their aghast expressions, I let them come to terms with the information.

A minute later, I hear Ryuu speak up with a shaky tone.

"So that's why Alfia said she was disappointed in Orario's adventurers."

"Yep, it would be like if the Astraea Familia was forced out of Orario, only for the new protectors of the city to turn a blind eye to most crimes."

Alise then presses her palm to her forehead before asking a question of her own.

"Why did Loki Familia do that? Freya I can understand, but..."

"I think the Loki Familia is more selfish than you realize. Their actions to take over as the leading Familias were not wrong, after all there needs to be a protector of Orario to maintain stability, but banishing them is where I find a fault in it."

Alise then makes a bitter face while nodding her head.

Looking over the wall while blocking the sun out of my eyes, I think about the last surviving member of their Familias.

"I just hope Meteria's child is alright."

Suddenly, I feel a piercing headache, causing me to rub my temples soothingly.

"Sirius? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Ryuu. It's fine now."

The hell? That was weird.

"Anyways, I'm sorry for the big revelation. How about we get some juice in the town while you guys come to terms with it, my treat."

Receiving two smiles and nods of acceptance, I lead them out of the forest after the two say goodbye to their old friend.

----- 4 Months Later -----

Facing the young Renard girl, I casually hold my wooden sword horizontally, with enough strength on the grip to control it properly while being adequately relaxed to easily respond to any attack.

Of course, this spar does not need my full attention due to the difference in levels. Rather than overwhelming Haru with strength, the goal for me is to overwhelm her technique.

Which is quite easy. While Haru has grown massively in both strength and technique, especially since she started exploring the dungeon, I am still significantly stronger.

Stomping on the ground, she arcs her sword in a quick downward slash, one I would need to swiftly adjust my footwork to properly intercept.

That is if it was actually going to be a downward slash.

Soon after the swing reaches its apex, it is quickly brought close to her body while she shifts her body sideways.

Her sword now to her chest, she takes a deft step while extending her sword with her right arm to form a rapid lunge.

An overhead strike feinting into a thrust, and done quite well.

But unfortunately, it's not enough.

Raising my sword to match her, I ward off the stab with ease, leaving her extended arm wide open.

I let her know of her exposure, I brush my sword against her wrist, not using much force. This is training after all, not a battle, no matter how much Kaguya disagrees.

Recovering from her attack, she repositions herself with her sword raised in a defensive stance while eyeing her wrist with a small frown on her face.

Lowering her sword to her side, she then sets herself into a sprinter-like stance, bent forward with her sword held near her hip.

Suddenly, she dashes forward, closing the distance in less than a second she slashes her sword forward.

No feint, no tricks, just pure speed and power this time.

Not bad.

Raising my sword once again, I do not parry this time but block her sword head-on.

The clack of the collision of wooden blades momentarily stuns Haru, having felt the force of the blow transmitted through her bare hands.

Taking advantage of the collision, I spin to the left, using the transferred force of the blow to increase the momentum of my spin. 

Making a complete rotation before Haru can know what's going on, I swing my sword out to her hip, reducing the power before contact, but with enough force to send her sprawling to the ground.

Seeing Haru get up with shaky legs and panting breaths, I decided to end this training session.

"That's enough."

At those words, she falls completely to the ground. 

As much as I pity her, it would be horrible for her to not stretch and hydrate after such an intense workout.

"C'mon, get on up for your cooldown. You're getting better and better Haru, especially that last attack, sometimes to win a fight you need a simple, powerful attack."

Soon both of us finish our respective stretches before heading inside to get some water.

"Ah right, I haven't seen your status in a while, mind if I see?"

Instead of a response, she only gives me a folded piece of paper from her pocket.

Opening it up, I overview the progress Haru has made these past four months.


Name: Haruhime
Level: 1

Strength: G223
Endurance: H190
Dexterity: G262
Agility: G241
Magic: F314




Uchide no Kozuchi


Ever since Haru started entering the dungeon, I have been a part of her training, with my sword skills good enough to train her while also getting some experience out of it.

Hence why I have been monitoring her progress.

While primarily being a sword fighter, she has practiced with her magic many times, figuring out how to use it, chant properly, and the effect it has on our Familia members, leading to her magic stat growing the most, talent probably has something to do with it as well.

While she still is not skilled enough to chant concurrently, she is making progress and will likely be able to by the end of the year.

Luckily, after some testing with her magic, we figured that we could play off her magic as a powerful buffing spell. While still enticing to Familias, it would not be enough to antagonize one of the strongest Familias in Orario as direct level-up magic would.

So while still not wanting to constantly use her magic, it isn't the worst if it comes to pass.

Speaking of progress, after being a level 2 for nearly six months, it's about time I level up once again.


Name: Sirius
Level: 2 

Strength: SS1054
Endurance: S919
Dexterity: SS1072
Agility: SS1059
Magic: SSS1238
Magic Sense: G


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope 


Celestial Ascent


Yep, quite an insane status that's ready to level up, in fact, it has been for a while.

This was done by frequently clearing the 16th and 17th floors and exploring the 19th and 20th floors whenever Goliath was killed.

As for my Magic Sense, I have been using it whenever possible, training with Alise or Ryuu when they are free.

Although not to the level where I can confidently use the magic reflect ability in combat, the ability to easily sense magic is still a very valuable skill.

And for Strike of Hope, well, I used it for the first time against the Goliath a couple of weeks ago along with some other level 2's in the expedition force, hoping to use the opportunity to also level up.

While the skill was used flawlessly, granting me a devastating strike that beheaded the monster rex, it was unfortunately not a great enough feat to earn a level up.

It was pretty frustrating when a few other members of that fight were able to level up afterwards.

I guess I'm just built different.

A quick sulking session with Mother Astraea later, I decided that my goal for my level up would be to defeat the Goliath once again, this time alone.

Which is what I'm going to accomplish today.

Heading into my room, I thoroughly go over the condition of my equipment before wearing it.

Completing one last inspection, I ensure that I not only have everything but that it is all worn properly, I make my downstairs to where I would be meeting Ryuu and Alise.

I don't have to wait for long before I spot the pair of beautiful girls. 

Alise with her flaming red hair tied back in a long ponytail, strands of hair framing her striking green eyes and beautiful face. Her red dress-style armour with black stockings showing just a sliver of her thighs, and her dependable rapier-style sword, Crimson Order, sheathed on her side.

Next to her is Ryuu, her stunning figure outlined by her white armour that looks like simple clothing, with a green robe covering much of her appearance. Sky blue eyes sparkle across her beautiful white skin that I've been captivated by more times than I can count. Flowing past a pair of pointed ears, her long golden blonde hair completes the image of the Elven beauty.

A calm voice breaks me from my astonished daze.

Holy crap! I never noticed before, but do level-ups increase attractiveness?

"Are you ready to go Sirius?"

"Ahem, uh, yeah, definitely ready. Well, no time like the present!"

And so, I turn around and lead the way to the dungeon, ensuring that the two girls aren't able to see my flushed cheeks.

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