Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 3 – Explanations and Falna

I struggle to open my eyes as I feel a light breeze blowing across my face.

Finding the strength to separate my eyelids, I blink away the remaining drowsiness.

Extending my arms and legs as far as possible, I try to relieve the intense stiffness in my limbs as I finally become alert to my surroundings.

I was in a nearly empty room, save for a dresser, a rocking chair, and the bed I was currently lying on.

The room had rustic wooden walls, beams across the ceiling, and to my right, an opened window displaying a beautiful blue sky, dotted with clouds here and there.

Well, that explains the breeze, but that didn’t explain why exactly I was here.

Closing my eyes, I go through my memories, trying to find an explanation for being in this unfamiliar place.

A beautiful Goddess, learning of my death, my fight with the Juggernaut…

That wasn’t a dream!?

Okay, Sirius. Calm down.

Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and stare down at my hands, closing my fist enough that my nails pinch my skin, awakening myself to the reality of my situation.

"I'm really here, huh?" I mutter to myself.

"Indeed you are." A voice responds.

I jump in surprise, my eyes darting around the room before I quickly find the source.

Standing in the open doorway was a beautiful woman, with long brown hair that reached her waist and indigo-coloured eyes.

She had an inexplicable presence.

A powerful one that made me instinctively restless, reminding me of the Goddess, yet I also got the feelings of calm and warmth.

Wait, reminding me of the Goddess?

Then… if the Astraea girls took me back to their place, this must be…

“Nice to meet you, young man. I am the Goddess Astraea, head of the Astraea Familia.”

A soothing, bell-like voice.

As I thought, this was Goddess Astraea.

The one I was hoping I could put my trust in.

Ensuring I’m properly clothed under the covers, I sit up and bow my head slightly at the deity.

"Nice to meet you too. I am Sirius, Sirius… Yeah, just Sirius." I say respectfully.

People having no last names were common here, right?

If I had the chance to not use the name of my bastard of a father, then why not use it?

"So Sirius is your name… I should first tell you that we are currently in the home of my Familia, the Stardust Garden, and it’s been two days since you went unconscious… Are you feeling alright?” She finishes with a question.

I quickly nod my head.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I… don’t really know why I was out so long. Sorry for the inconvenience.” I respond.

Her lips curl up ever so slightly at my words as she closes the door behind her, before sitting down on the chair beside me.

“There is no need to worry, Sirius. In fact, I should be thanking you right now.”

She then takes my hand in hers, the warmth of her touch travelling all the way from my fingertips to my head, giving me a fuzzy feeling.

"I would like to thank you for saving my girls. Those girls… they mean more to me than anyone could know. So thank you. Truly." She says earnestly.

Feeling a smile begin to form at her words, I quickly respond before making an embarrassment of myself.

"It's no problem, Ms. Astraea! I just did what I had to do… D-Did… did all of them make it?" I ask.

Thinking back on it now, the Astraea Familia encountered the Juggernaut due to Evilus, right?

Were they attacked while I wasn’t looking?

Or perhaps after I went unconscious?

“Just Astraea is fine, no need for the Ms. And yes, they all made it out, thanks to you…” Her words peter out as her atmosphere turns from jovial to almost… apologetic.

“Now… although I am immensely thankful to you… I have some questions that need answers.”

Ah… well, I was expecting this.

I nod my head at her words, asking her to continue.

Smiling gratefully, she begins her interrogation.

“My girls told me they had no clue who you were, despite displaying the power of a level 6. And that’s not all… I didn’t notice until last night, but… you do not have a falna, do you?”

Sighing internally, I prepare to form a response.

You couldn’t lie to a God, this was a known fact.

So while it makes my situation a bit more complicated to explain, it was also to my benefit.

I know she is a kind Goddess, so as long as she knows I am not going to harm her Familia or any innocents, she won’t exploit or remove me for my truth.


No, it’ll be alright.

I already decided, didn’t I?

She was the one I was comfortable revealing everything to.

I can trust her.

Weirdly enough, I thought there was another Goddess I could trust with my truth, but I cannot seem to remember her…

In fact, thinking about it only gives me a light headache, as if my brain is warning me to let the thought go.


Are these the future memories the Goddess mentioned?

Wait, I was not in a world filled with Gods and Goddesses… I should probably just refer to her as the Goddess of Earth.

Anyway, the future memory thoughts could be shelved for later.

Right now, I have an explanation to give.

"You would be correct. I do not possess a falna nor am I an adventurer. My situation… is not a simple one. Before I explain, can I have your promise to not share this information?"

Astraea looked slightly surprised at my words before nodding a moment later.

"You have my vow of silence as Astraea, the Goddess of Justice. I promise to not disclose this information unless absolutely necessary." She firmly states.

How reliable.

"Thank you… Now, how should I start this?"

I then explain, in brief detail, how I know about this world from my own, separate world.

How I know things I shouldn’t, the talk with the Goddess of Earth, and everything in between.

I made sure to stress what the Goddess of Earth had told me about multiple worlds in order for Astraea to not have an existential crisis, being worried about being a character in a story.

I also explained how her Familia was fated to be killed in that dungeon except for Ryuu.

Astraea was understandably shocked by that piece of information, although her smiling face attempted to hide it.

After finishing, the room is engulfed in a tense silence, before it’s broken by Astraea’s words.

"It is simply unbelievable… If it wasn't for me being able to know you were telling the truth, I would never have believed you. But Sirius, this truth is dangerous. You were right to not spout this needlessly. And… thank you, for trusting me. I will make sure it is not misplaced" Astraea ends her words with a smile.

She then rises from her chair before coming close and giving me a hug, leaving me flabbergasted.

"Umm, not that I don't appreciate it, but what's with the affection?" I ask, trying to control my rapidly beating heart.

"You said you had the chance to have a gift from that Goddess, right? Any gift you wished for. Power, wealth, fame… and you used it to save my girls from their fate, without any assured reward. Thank you. Thank you so much."

She hugs me deeper, my nose catching a pleasant forest scent.

After a few more moments, she gets up and wipes her slightly misty eyes before sitting back in the chair.

"Ahem! Now, you still need a Familia to join in order to get stronger, no? After all, this world is dangerous. With your secret and how you already treasure my girls, I'm willing to offer you a spot in my Familia. It's the least I can do to repay you, and the best way to protect you from the danger your… circumstances bring." She says.


I can… join the Astraea Familia?

"Oh, I… thank you, Astraea. I would love to join your Familia.” I respond.

The chance to be in a Familia with such good people… I wouldn’t let this go.

“But, Astraea? Isn't your Familia only for females? And what do we tell them about my situation? We can't really tell them the truth, after all..." I respond.

She releases a deep sigh before answering.

"About the female debacle… I created my Familia to be comprised of only women due to wanting to make a safe space for female adventurers in Orario. Plus, removing the inherent lust that forms in mixed-gendered Familias is befitting my title of a virgin Goddess.”

So she was a virgin…

A million men just cried right now, you know?

“But I believe I can trust you to not lack morals, and I already know you appreciate my girls. And as for the girls accepting you, they already hold a high degree of trust and appreciation, so there shouldn’t be any problems there. Besides, my title as the Goddess of Justice is much more important than being a virgin Goddess, so I will always strive to do the right thing.” She says.

“I see… thank you for trusting me.” I respond.

“Fufu~ Don’t worry, if you make any mistakes, then my disappointment will be the least of your worries.”

…I could feel a sinister undertone from her words, but I’ll ignore that for now.

“And as for what to tell them… you can leave that to me. I will tell them a partial truth, leaving aside the Goddess of Earth and the truth of the worlds. So… Sirius, will you accept my falna and join my Familia in delivering justice to the world?” She asks, her back straight as she begins to emit a regal aura.

Seeing such an expression and knowing all the trust she placed in me, how could I refuse?

"If you accept me, it would be my pleasure." I respond.

"Good! There’s no reason to hesitate, so let’s apply your falna now. While I explain to the girls about everything, you are more than welcome to take a bath.” She says.

“Do I smell that bad?” I grimace.

“Well… my girls have not even held hands with a man before, do you expect them to have washed you thoroughly?” She asks.

“Ah, no.” I say as I lift the back of my shirt.

Honestly, I was a little relieved.

I had a feeling if they had seen me or even washed me, things would become a lot more awkward.

“The girls did however give you a simple rinse, so answering your question, you don’t smell horribly. But it wasn’t enough to get rid of all the dirt and sweat, especially in your hair. Such beautiful silver should be treated properly.”

Ah, I see-


"White hair? What do you mean?" I ask.

Looking confused, Astraea hands me a mirror from the bedside table.

As I peer into it, I am greeted by the sight of a younger me, with two new surprises.

One, the acne that plagued my teenage years is nowhere to be found.

And two, my once hazelnut-brown hair has turned white with a faintly bluish hue.

Not a bad change.

In fact, I could even say I was pretty handsome!

I return the mirror to the confused Astraea before answering her unspoken question.

"Sorry. It seems that my hair colour changed in the transfer as it used to be brown. Anyway, I'm ready to begin now."

I then kneel down, leaning my body onto the bed before feeling a drop of liquid land on my bare back, heat spreading across my skin from the point of contact.

A similar feeling of omnipotence that I had when I arrived in this world surges before calming down into a comfortable warmth.

As I try to make sense of this sensation, I feel a paper pressed against my back as a flash of bright blue spreads across the room.

I wait for a few moments in silence before Astraea removes the paper.

"Let’s see~ Oh? It seems even without a gifted power you have the chance to be quite strong, Sirius. Here is your status. You do know how to read, right?" She asks.

"Yes, I do. Thank you." I say while receiving the page.

At least I hope so.

The Goddess of Earth did say I would have no issues regarding communication, right?

Looking over the status sheet, I quickly saw the thing Astraea was talking about.

It seems I have a skill and a magic.

"Having a skill is rare when becoming level 1, and it is nearly unheard of to have magic without practicing beforehand. Both seem quite strong as well. Especially the skill. You must not disclose this information either, understood?"

"Yes, Goddess." I respond.

I guess I have another secret to keep.


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

Strength: I0
Endurance: I0
Dexterity: I0
Agility: I0
Magic: I0


Heroic Will - Increases stat growth, allows stats to grow past 999, is immune to mental attacks, and increases stats against stronger opponents.


Celestial Ascent - Enchants body with stellar magic, allowing control of stellar magic throughout the body, with enough mind and control can form ranged attacks.
Chant: None


"Celestial Ascent doesn’t have a chance… I guess I’ll have to practice hard to just activate it, much less use it." I say after internalizing all the information.

And as for the skill… so I can break past the limit, huh?

And I should be able to get stronger quickly too, judging from the wording.

With this, and an ample amount of practice, I should be able to grow strong enough to survive against the Black Dragon in the future.

"That you will. Now, I will go talk to the girls about you joining the Familia now. I’ll also talk to them about training you. As for the bath, it will be the second door on your right after turning left out the door." She says.

"Thanks. But… how do I work the bath?"

I don’t think they have the showers and baths I’m used to at home, after all.

"There is a small knob at the lip of the tub. Simply press it in and turn it until you get a proper temperature. You shouldn't have to refill the magic stones as it was done just this morning. If you have any issues, just head down to the common area. Though be sure to be clothed when you do." She ends her words with a laugh.

And from that explanation… I guess they do have baths I’m used to after all, huh?


"Understood. Thank you for everything, Astraea." I say while bowing my head.

"I should be saying that to you. Besides, you are now my child, do not think of me as your Goddess but rather your Mother from now on, ok?" She says with a smile.

I nod as she leaves through the door.

Twisting my back in a stretch, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before heading toward the bathroom, being mindful to not make too much noise.

Once I arrive, I quickly lock the door behind me and take in the surroundings.

First things first, there were thankfully no naked girls.

Didn’t need that ecchi trope shit complicating things.

Instead, there was a toilet, a sink, a bin for what I assume is dirty clothes, a drying rack, and a circular tub in the corner, with jars of what I guess to be soap and shampoo on a shelf next to it.

I guess Astraea wasn’t lying.

It really did look like something from my old world.

Let’s hope it’s as simple as Astraea said.

----- Astraea POV -----

After leaving Sirius to clean up, I headed to the common room, where I was greeted by nearly every one of my girls.

Still, this meeting requires all members to be present.

Turning to my Familia’s captain and first child, Alise, I ask her my question.

"Alise, I am calling a Familia meeting. Where are Ryuu and Kaguya?"

Looking up from her sketchbook, she sets down her pencils before responding.

"They're in the kitchen. Ryuu is trying to cook… again… and Kaguya is making sure that Elf doesn’t accidentally poison anyone. I'll go get them, Mother." She says while getting up.

"Thank you." I say in response.

Always such a good girl.

A short while after, I see Ryuu and Kaguya enter the room.

Seeing everyone else seated, they join their fellow Familia members as Alise then walks up to me.

"Alright, I got them, Mother. You can begin the meeting. I’m guessing that this has to do with that guy. Did he wake up or something?" Alise asks with a mix of worry and excitement in her eyes.

Sirius… it seems your exploits were more impactful than I thought.

"You'd be correct. He has awakened. I talked to him and was able to confirm that he is not suspicious in the slightest. I also learned that his name is Sirius, so let’s refer to him as such." I say.

"Oh sweet! We've been wondering what his name was! Anyway, what's his level? Is he a secret genius from the Freya Familia? Or maybe a survivor of the Zeus or Hera Familias?" She asks with gleaming eyes.

Well, I suppose it would be best to get the troublesome things over with right away.

"That is the thing… he had no falna nor was he part of a Familia before waking up."

With my words, the jovial atmosphere from before freezes into one of shock and confusion.

My girls know that I never lie, and in a situation like this, I would not joke.

They knew I was being sincere.

Alise is the first to recover as she questions me.

"W-what! Impossible! He punched that thing's head off and blocked our ultimate move like it was nothing! He must have a falna!"

Oh, my child… reality is often more confusing than fiction, you know?

"It is true. I verified his story. In short, he was gifted a brief vision of foresight years ago but was trapped in a place far from Orario, in that vision he foresaw all of you dying to that monster."

I see the faces of my girls collectively pale at this.

I despise lying.

And although my cover story does not contain a single lie, it still hurts to manipulate the truth and deceive my girls like this.

"Unfortunately, as he was trapped, he was unable to do anything about his vision despite desperately wanting to. Then, right before confronting the monster, he met a Goddess who wished to leave Genkai and offered him any gift from her arcanum before being banished. And for this gift, he asked to be given the ability to save you all. Thus he was teleported with power for a brief time, not one from a falna, but rather from divinity. You should all know the rest."

I give them a moment to process my words, their faces all contorted into a myriad of expressions

I was feeling slightly guilty for committing the first and only lie, as the Goddess Sirius met never came to Genkai, nor did she wish to leave it.

But it was close enough, right?

Anyway, as Hephaestus says, I should strike when the iron is hot.

"Due to being gifted power from a Goddess, even if it was temporary, from experiments to exploitation… he would land in many troubles if word got out.”

That seems to regain some of their vigour as they all meet my eyes.

Or perhaps they’re just using my words as a distraction.

Either way, I continue.

“As for his foresight, which does not see past when he saved you, many would want him for the same reason I said before, thus, I ask you all to keep this a secret and not tell a word of this to others."

They all nod seriously to my request.

I trust my girls to not spread this like naive fools, and I knew they would never intentionally say anything, so this secret was relatively safe with them.

And even if this information somehow got out, it would be much better for others to know this lie rather than the whole truth.

Alise then stands up as if to speak for the entire Familia.

"He was offered a gift from a god and he chose to save us with it instead… We all owe him our life, so the least we can do is keep his secret. But Mother… what can we possibly do to repay him?" She asks with worried eyes.

Again, Alise is such a good girl.

And seeing the others all nod in agreement to their captain, I couldn’t be prouder of all of them.

As I simply wait in silence, I notice Lyra’s eyes light up with a look of realization.

"Wait… Mother, you said 'he had no falna before waking up'. Does that mean…?"

Of course, it would be her that noticed…

I smile mischievously as the rest of the girls quickly understand what Lyra is insinuating.

"Exactly. Sirius is now a member of our Familia. Seeing that we forced him to explain such a dangerous secret and that we owe him a great debt, I saw this as the best solution for everyone. Nevertheless, are there any problems with him being in the Familia?" I ask.

The girls all look at each other with worry and confusion before Kaguya speaks up.

"There are no problems. As you said Mother, this is the optimal way to repay our debts. And considering his selfless sacrifice to save us, we can be assured that his character and nature are just. Besides, even if we discover him to be a pervert, we only need to beat it out of him. He is only a level 1, correct?"

I nod and smile toward Kaguya.

I was feeling a mix of gratefulness and unease at what she was implying.

On one hand, the rest of the girls visibly brightened up from her words, removing most of the previous doubt and anxiety.

On the other hand… well, I just hope Sirius can control his lust, for his sake.

"Besides, if he goes too far, I will simply remove what makes him a man and maintain our reputation of being a female-only Familia."

Seeing Kaguya say this with a smile does not comfort me any further.

But seeing all the others nod in agreement to her words, I’m left conflicted.

Sirius… you really must contain your lust, okay?

Putting that aside… it seems there are no dissenting opinions about our newest member, at least for now.

"A-Alright. Thank you, girls. All of you. I’m proud of you all for taking this so well. Alise, Kaguya. Can you two come with me to the office to talk about his training? The rest of you can go back to yourselves."

The girls all stand up to continue with their day, with many going to their rooms to rest as our city patrols begin again starting tonight.

Ryuu and Lyra, however, follow Kaguya, Alise, and me into the office.

I lift an eyebrow towards them both, prompting Lyra to explain.

"As the strategist and head of logistics, I should know about his training and who it will affect." She says while crossing her arms.

Ah, yes.

That makes sense.

After all, Kaguya’s schedule will be shortened for the coming months.

"That is true… And? What about you Ryuu?" I ask the Elf.

She averts her eyes before answering.

"I-I want to oversee his training too. H-How can I fully trust a human male with a bunch of maidens!" She says in an accusatory tone.

But it didn’t take a Goddess to know that it was but a front.

And from the smirks adorning the other three girls, I can tell they also noticed the falsehood of her words.

Fufufu… how cute you are, Ryuu.

I could now understand Alise’s love toward teasing you.

"All right, come along then." I say while opening the door.

Once inside the office, I sit down and hand them Sirius' status page.

Alise hesitantly takes the sheet as the four of them look over it with disinterest and confusion.

After all, why would the status sheet of a rookie adventurer matter?

And then, almost all at the same time, their expressions shift into ones of shock and awe.

Hehe~ must have reached the skill and magic, eh?

Kaguya is the first to speak up, her usual composed voice nowhere to be seen.

"What the hell!? A growth skill that includes a general stat boost? And that magic seems extremely versatile!"

"Yes, he indeed has a lot of talent, doesn't he?” I respond.

Seeing the four nod their heads in response, I continue.

“With such a versatile magic, I thought that Alise would be the perfect one to train it as it seems to function similarly to your Agaris Alvesynth.”

“Leave it to me! He’ll be casting Celestial Ascent like nothing in no time!” She responds while pumping her fists.

Well, it’s good that she’s excited.

“As for his general combat abilities… I’ll leave that to you, Kaguya.”

“Good~ Hehehe.” She says with a sinister smile.

Sirius… I’m sorry, my child, but this is for the best.

Lyra, meanwhile, nods her head in agreement while continuing to look at the status sheet.

"That should be fine. Those two wouldn’t be outside the house much anyway as captain and vice-captain. They can remain on call for any issues while training him. It’ll probably take a year or so, but once he’s ready he can join us on our expedition as a supporter. Then again, that’s not counting the growth aspect of his skill, so the timeline is up in the air.”

Lyra then raises her head, her eyes conveying the usual seriousness she reserved for planning expeditions.

“Mother, I know that skills that allow growth past the usual S999 limit are not unheard of, but they were solely for a single stat, and only a few stat points extra was the limit. With the way the skill is worded…”

It seems she understands just how outrageous Sirius’ skill is.

“Yes. We must keep his skill a secret at all costs. Rather than being used against him in a fight, it would paint a target on his back.” I say to the four who all nod at my words.

“Anyway, back to his training. I believe we should hold off on training him in magic, at least before getting him used to combat. Once he’s able to hold himself in the dungeon, he can then begin training with Alise. We all know the trap many mages fall into, and how fatal it can be.” Kaguya says.

“Mhmm. You’re right, but… are you sure you just don’t want to beat him up?” Alise asks.

“Well… I’ll make sure he recognizes his place, that’s for sure.” She responds.

“Kaguya. He’s your family now.” I warn her.

“I was just joking, Mother. But… you do know I am not kind in training, right? And I’ll be even harsher on him if he can take it. He’s much weaker than us right now, after all. Plus… I really do wonder how his skill can aid in his growth.”

Hearing Kaguya chuckle with a sharp glint in her eyes, I silently pray for my new child to grow quickly.

Actually, maybe growing at a normal pace would be better?

Just… good luck, Sirius.

"Alright, sounds good. After your training, he should learn about the dungeon, especially if we plan to take him to the deeper floors as a supporter. I’ll ask Rose to teach him what he needs to know." Alise says.

“I will tell him to be ready for tomorrow then. Thank you, girls, for accepting him and taking his training seriously.” I say.

They really were kind.

I’m proud that I chose my members so well.

"Of course! He's our new Familia member, after all! We'll ensure he will be ready for the dungeon, so just leave it to us! I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid once he is caught by my feminine beauty and charm!" Alise responds with her usual enthusiasm.

"And as a former Gojouno clan member, I will never allow my student to be unfit for battle. In any case… where is Sirius at the moment?" Kaguya says.

"Ah, he's cleaning up in the bathroom upstairs. Why?" I ask.

"Well, there is no need to waste time putting off his training. He can learn more about the Familia when he can no longer move."

Oh dear.

Hearing Kaguya’s words, Ryuu begins to stare lifelessly towards the wall, as if looking into the void.

She must have reawoken memories of the nightmarish training she herself had to go through when Kaguya trained her to use a sword.

Poor girl.

And that was when Kaguya was still level 1 and Ryuu had no prodigious growth skill.

She probably doesn't want to even imagine what torture Sirius will be going through very soon.

Little did I know, at that moment Ryuu had sworn in her heart to treat every injury to her saviour that she could, to somewhat alleviate the pain he would be going through in the coming days.

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