Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 44 – Awakening I

----- Eleanor ~Alfia~ POV -----

Falling into the depths below, I can only hope that our sacrifice wasn't in vain and that the future would be able to stand against that horrible monster.

Judging by the power those girls brought out and the determination blazing in their eyes, we should be able to leave the future of Orario and the world to the current generation.

Isn't that right, Zald?

It's only at a time like this that I can truly look back on my life.

The life of the infamous Silence of the Hera Familia, Alfia.

Orphaned at birth, the only true family I ever had was my dear sister, Meteria.

The orphanage we grew up in was poor and an environment devoid of love as the other children were in constant competition to have the next meal.

But we got through it, together.

Soon enough, at the age of 6, we were taken in by the Hera Familia, the annoying goddess having found our appearances attractive.

But once I received my falna, it quickly became apparent that I wouldn't be a simple accessory to the Familia. 

But this also brought about immense guilt.

For my sister had been born with no talent whatsoever, having been stolen by me at birth.

I wish I could have switched places with her, maybe then she wouldn't have died so early to the wretched disease that plagued us both, maybe then... she could have lived a happy, peaceful life with her child.

Reaching level 7 by the age of 17, I was stronger than my level inferred, being able to challenge my level 9 captain to somewhat of a fight.

But even I wasn't strong enough to kill that monster.

The One-Eyed Black Dragon, the final great quest of the adventurers guild.

Even with the combined might of the great Hera and Zeus Familias, brimming with strong heroes were unable to deal a killing blow.

And Zald and I became the only survivors.

Although I had Meteria, she died soon after due to childbirth, leaving her son in the hands of that perverted god Zeus.

And so, being the only two people in the world to know the true danger the Black Dragon harbours, we set out to save the world.

Or tried to at least.

By cooperating with the School District, we were able to seal off that other world-ending danger for quite a while.

But that only delayed the inevitable problem.

Who would slay these dangers?

With both mine and Zald's health deteriorating, that conniving god Erebus helped us get Orario back on track, and create new heroes for this generation, or at least an environment where they could be born.

I could only hope that Meteria's child, my nephew, could live in a world of peace, not having to raise his blade to defend his life.

This leads me to now, falling through the layers of the dungeon into the fires below to become ashes much like my dear sister.

Slamming into the ground, the flames soon engulf my defenceless self, burning through my clothes and skin.

Even so... I don't feel any pain.

Could it be because I'm finally free of my sins?

Finally free of the constant noise of life?

Finally able to join my dear sister Meteria in the afterlife?

Feeling my consciousness soon slip into nothingness, an inexplicable sense of peace overcomes me.

Yes, finally, it's quiet.

An uncomfortable itch assaults my senses, causing me to cry out in pain.


I had just easily accepted burning to death, why would I cry out for such trivial discomfort?

Wait... did I even cry?

My thoughts are sound, but disconnected from my body.

Is this the afterlife?

Feeling a warmth press against me, I suddenly feel a deep hunger assault my being, causing me to reach out at the warmth for comfort.

Soon enough, I feel the hunger begin to be sated. 

Past the tingling numbness on my lips, liquid gushes into my mouth.

A light soon enters my eyes as I gain some more control of my being.

Fluttering my eyelids, I'm greeted by the sight of a beautiful woman, her long red hair draped over her shoulder as her flushed cheeks strain from her smile.

Why... why does this sight feel oddly familiar?

Searching through my memories, I soon find the answer.

But how?

Did she die as well?

But even then, why is she holding me like this, as if I'm her child?

Why are my senses so muddled and my motor skills nonexistent?

It's as if I'm a newborn-!

No! Impossible!

I've been reborn!?

With all my sins, why did I get a second chance!?

What about my sweet loving sister, why not her!?

And to be born to the Astraea captain no less.

I had accepted death!

A life without my sister, how could I-!?

"You're very cute, it looks like you got both mine and Sirius' eyes. Hmm. Did you want to see your sister?"

Feeling my gaze lower as she moves my infant body upward, I see the sight of a second newborn, bundled up in my, well, mother's arms.

Seeing the familiar sight of silver hair, seeing my new mother holding us so close, sends a warm feeling spreading through my consciousness.

One I had only felt with Meteria.

One of unconditional love.

But do I deserve this?

Having already stolen everything from Meteria, did I do this to my new sister?

What about the innocent child I had stolen this body from?

Do I deserve to live another life, much less one with love and family?


"Oh, sweetie, are you hungry? Your sister already had some so Mama's experienced now!"

Seeing my new sister suckle on the nipple of my new mother, a new determination blazes within me.

Maybe I don't deserve this.

No, I'm sure I don't.

But I will use this life to protect them.

Protect my family, and join this generation of heroes to once again defend the world from those catastrophes.

No matter what.

----- 5 Days Later -----

These past five days, I've realized a few things about my new family.

First, it seems that I have a second mother, the blonde Elf from the Astraea Familia.

Even I had to admit that my two mothers were extremely beautiful.

I was extremely hesitant toward my new father at first, being reminded of that perverted Zeus who would go for any woman he fancied.

But it seems like it was a misunderstanding, the three being in a polyamorous relationship with each other.

While rare, I could only feel happiness in their relationship, the three's love being incredibly... calming.

Perhaps it's these infantile instinctual emotions clouding my senses, but for now, I'll just bask in these unusual feelings.

It seems like I had two other siblings from my Elven mother, a boy and a girl, both with long ears characteristic of Half-Elves.

I had also received a name.

That being Eleanor.

Eleanor Lovion.

...I'll get used to it.

There were also the other girls of the Astraea Familia, namely the goddess Astraea, the black-haired Far Easterner Kaguya, and the pink-haired Pallum Lyra.

It felt... odd, to be showered with love and affection from the people who should hate me for what I did.

Except for my father.

I had not seen nor heard of him, yet he was someone able to not only join the Astraea Familia but impregnate and marry two of their strongest members.

Was he a weakling? 

Like the one who had stolen my dear sister's virginity?

No... although my senses were extremely muddled, I could tell he was strong.

They respected him.

And while he sang us to sleep with his odd lullabies, he cast beautiful magic around the room with impeccable control.

A level of magic and mind control that would make the Empress, my previous level 9 captain salivate.

So I suppose he's somewhat respectable.

Must be some sort of mage, even though his toned body would lead you to believe otherwise.

Seriously, put a shirt on in front of your children.

Being picked up by my mother, Alise as I learned her name was, along with my sister Stella, we made our way outside for the first time in my new life.

Feeling the familiar sunshine and the soothing breeze brush across my face, I miss the times when I could walk on my own.

Damn infantile body.

That's not even getting into the embarrassment I feel each time I am breastfed or d-dirty my diaper.

I would beg for bottles, but it seems my brother Leo wishes only to be fed by them, and what kind of sister would I be to take that away?

Arriving at the edge of a large dirt patch, I am greeted by the sight of my father, Sirius, practicing with a katana-style sword.

Watching in interest, I can only be amazed as he swiftly cuts through the air with delicate control, yet harbouring power that would not lose to Zald's swordsmanship.

A style based on maximizing the sharpness of the blade, and the flexibility and adaptability to use it in any position.

"Papa's really amazing you know!"

Perking up at her words, I try to glean some information about my apparently skilled father.

"Even though he's a level 4, he's already as strong as your Mamas! And not to mention, Papa's only had a falna for two years! You wouldn't believe how weak he was when he first joined us when you see him now."



That level-up speed... it's outrageous.

Unless... is he the one?

The one Zald and I had been hoping for?

The hero to strike down that atrocious monster and finally, truly free the world?

Watching on in renewed interest, my father goes through numerous motions with his sword before switching to practicing his magic.

It seems like it's an enhancement magic, and chantless at that.

Still, that control... and considering it's an enhancement magic, it must be through the aid of a skill.

But from this practice, I know that he doesn't solely rely on his natural talent.

Yeah... even Zeus would be drooling to pick up someone like him.

Soon enough my mothers decided to train while my father took me and Stella in his arms.

When I last saw these two in combat, they were high level 3, with Alise having stats of a low level 4 with what was likely a skill.

I wonder how much they've grown since then.

Placed next to Alea and Leo, my father begins to feed Stella while I watch their training which soon turned into a spar.

High level 5, both of them.

And very skilled too.

The sight unconsciously brings a smile to my face.

My sacrifice, as selfish as my reasons were for it, was not in vain.

The familiar ache of hunger assaults my senses, and I attempt to tell my father about my plight.


Stupid baby body!

How dare you not listen to my mental orders!?

Putting my embarrassment aside, I stare at my father in hopes I would not need to get his attention again.

It seems that he got my message.

Being taken into my father's arms while he smooths my hair back, the inexplicable feeling of warmth, of unconditional love surges forward.

It's... odd.

And unfair that one as despicable as me was able to be blessed with this.

...But it's not bad.

A bottle now firmly placed in my mouth, I down the contents greedily as my father begins to speak to me.

"Hey there, Eleanor. Uhh, did you know-"

Looking up at him and thinking of the rest of my new family, a pulse of love spreads through me once again.

He may be the hero we had been hoping for, the hero that the world needs.

But for now, he's just my doting father.

Soon, within the warm embrace of his arms, fatigue begins to set in as the sound of clashing wood fades into the background.

----- Stella ~Meteria~ POV - 5 Days Earlier -----

Seeing the bundle of joy with silver hair peeking through the blanket, the tension releases from my body.

Feeling my consciousness fade, I pass on my baby to the man standing next to my side, his face laden with sadness.

"T-Take care of him. Please, Lord Zeus. Be his family."

Taking the child, Zeus stares into my eyes with firm determination.

"I swear, Meteria, I will ensure he grows happy and healthy. What is the child's name?"

The familiar pain surges up once again as I cough into my arm before responding.

"Guh, B-Bell. His name is Bell."

Getting a nod from the mighty god, I close my eyes as I can feel my consciousness fading.

As my senses slowly dull with the passing seconds, I can only pray that my sweet Bell wouldn't be burdened by the illness Alfia and I had.

Please, all gods in Tenkai, please let him be happy.

Let him know love, let him smile.

Ah, this feeling of death, is not as scary as I thought.

A last thought, a last wish, and then... 


Until I could think once again.

Like waking up from a long sleep, I slowly gathered myself before opening my eyes to the morning sun.

...Or at least I tried.

My eyelids kept shut as my body took no heed to my commands, I was left alone in the darkness with my thoughts, and the odd burst of sound emerging from the outside world.

What exactly is this?

Had my disease put me into a coma instead of death?

I suppose it would make sense.

Soon, I could finally open my eyes.

A stunning woman, looking to be in her late teens, slightly older than me.

Her long red hair was tucked over her shoulder a few stray strands stuck to her wetted forehead and reddened cheeks, breath huffing at a constant pace.

Looking at the sight, a deep love burst from my core, causing me to sink deeper into her comfortable arms.

"Ah, seems you've opened your eyes, my sweet baby."

The common tongue.

I wonder why I'm being held by such a pretty girl-

Wait, 'my sweet baby'!?

----- 5 Days Later -----

It seems that I've been reincarnated.

At least it was into a loving family.

Alise, my redheaded birth mama, Ryuu, my Elven second mama, and lastly Sirius, my papa and the one who I got my silver hair from.

The family dynamic with parents showering me and my three siblings with affection, it's something I always dreamed of.

But through all the loving warmth I feel, a seed of remorse is constantly there.

Why couldn't Alfia feel this love?

She deserves to feel happy too.

This guilt would resurface each time I saw my sister Eleanor, her eyes nearly the spitting image of my past twin, only one being blue instead of grey.

"Good morning you two. How were they?"

My handsome father comes into view after his training, I give him a small smile.

While I was never one that skilled in combat, I could recognize a good fighter after having spent nearly my whole life in the Hera Familia.

Hearing the peaceful bustling sounds of the city and the pristine blue sky, I'm glad that Orario is still standing even after the destruction of the two great Familias.

From the various conversations my parents had with me, my siblings, and other people, I know that I'm currently in Orario and part of one of the leading Familias, the Astraea Familia.

Though I don't remember that name ever coming up in the past, so I can only guess some time has passed.

I'll have to listen harder to know when I am.

While I don't know anything about the details of reincarnation, I can only hope it hasn't been too long.

After all, I want to see my sweet Bell at least once in this life.

To know he's safe and happy, living a good life.

And if not, I'll beg my Papa and Mamas to go help him.

A familiar pain in my stomach appears causing my body to twist out of discomfort, causing Papa to place Eleanor in the carriage.

"Oh? Did you have an accident?"

No, stupid Papa!

I'm hungry dammit!

Embarrassment washes over me as he checks my diaper before he reaches out of view and brings a bottle of milk to my lips, holding it for me as my infantile hands were unable to support such weight.

Even after trying my hardest, I was unable to get my arms under control.

Stupid baby body!

A while later, as my two Mamas spar on the large dirt patch, I feel full, which I announce to Papa by slapping his hand.

It seems he gets the message as he then removes the bottle from my mouth.

Haa, I need to grow, and fast.

I don't know how long I can keep enduring the shame of being a baby.

Sucking on Mama's breast, having my diaper changed, being carried by people who were my age when I died...

Maybe this is why babies sleep all the time?

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