Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 46 – Monster Party and City Walk

Walking through the 24th floor, my hunting ground for today, I keep my senses sharp for any monsters.

While I had gone all the way to the 27th floor on my own, I'm here today for two reasons.

One is that the guild had issued a quest for a herb that is used in healing, one only found in the Large Tree Labyrinth area, but I had reached that quota an hour ago.

The second, and most important, is to get some practical experience with my short swords.

Being only 5 weeks since the birth of my children...

Which is still a little hard to wrap my head around.

I had been unable to visit the dungeon very often.

Nevertheless, when I could, I put a tonne of effort into it, a new determination burning within me to get stronger.

After all, I now had four cute kids to protect, and unlike the other people I love, they are all completely helpless.

I have to be stronger than anyone.

Not only do I have to be able to win, I have to be able to protect while doing so.

The new additions to the family have also got me thinking about the Black Dragon more seriously.

While before, it was only the wish of the Earth goddess to slay the disaster, a favour to the being that gave me a second chance.

Now though... it was different.

I was always ready to defend my family if it attacked, but now, I was aiming to hunt it.

After all, what would happen if it attacked after I had passed?

Or while I was busy in the dungeon?

So yeah, that new goal was cemented in my mind.

I wonder if this change is part of being a father?

Finding myself at the edge of the floor, the walls surrounding me from all sides, I suddenly feel numerous presences appear out of thin air.

The walls crack open and crumble, in hardly a second revealing a horde of Hobgoblins.

How weird, I've never seen monsters spawn in the dungeon before, minus the Goliath of course.

Raising Zephyr Blade in my left hand in a reverse grip and Alf's Melodia in my right, I prepare to face off against the surprise monster party.


A humanoid monster that roams the 23rd and 24th floors, it's essentially the evolved version of a goblin.

Smarter, stronger, quicker... just in general, better.

Excelling in group tactics, their approach to combat is to overwhelm their opponent, sacrificing their lives for their comrade to gain the upper hand.

How lucky am I?

Unfortunately for them, this situation is perfect for maximizing my dual-wielding style.

Well, let's get this started.

Activating Celestial Ascent, I flood my body with the tingling heat of stellar magic before crouching down and leaping toward the center of the group.

Too quick to react, I pierce the first monster's head while dragging my left sword across another's belly, using its moment of surprise to twist to the right and decapitate the Hobgoblin with Alf's Melodia.

Not giving me a moment to rest, the monsters surround me with three and attack directly, hoping to overwhelm me with numbers.

Crouching to dodge their initial blow, I take advantage of my position and stab one Hobgoblin in the stomach, simultaneously kicking out to bring another to its knees.

The third monster swinging downward with its heavy club, I dodge at the last second as he smacks his ally in the chest, breaking its ribs.

The first rule of outnumbered battles use their discoordination to your advantage.

The so-called 'too many cooks in the kitchen' dilemma.

While those two were occupied with their friendly fire, I shot out Zephyr Blade at the remaining Hobgoblin attacker, slitting its neck and causing it bursts into grey ash.

The other two now recovered, well, except for the caved-in chest, I leap towards them while enchanting my sword with stellar magic, bisecting both their raised clubs and their bodies, ending the first encounter.

Oooh! That was fun!

My heart still beating with excitement, I send a thrum of stellar magic through my body while facing the remaining horde.

"Well? Let's continue."

A flurry of movement, ensuring one blade is constantly raised to block attacks while also slicing through any passing opponent, while the other lashes out to strike any undefended spots.

A mix of simultaneous offence and defence, stitched together with my flexibility, agility, and instincts.

A slash to the side, releasing a blade of stellar magic and causing three monsters to instantly perish.

Blocking an incoming jagged blade, the Hobgoblin's now unprotected chest was pierced by my second sword.

 Like this, a dance of death ensued.

Throughout the fight, I could feel myself getting more attuned to using my short swords.

Every movement increases my control and dual processing as the numbers of the horde slowly dwindle.

Now released from my trance, I look around at the scattered magic stones, a few drop items littered here and there.

Wiping off both short swords with a rag, I sheath them across my back before taking off my pack and beginning to collect all the loot.

Yeah, that's enough for today.

----- 6 Hours Later -----

With my gear packed away and my body cleaned, I head downstairs to see my cute babies.

I had already deposited all the loot from today's dungeon dive, nesting me a good amount of valis alongside the reward from the completed quest.

I could now confidently call myself financially recovered from buying my two new weapons.

Now I could start saving for the kids, and also a nice gift for my wives.

Right now, Ryuu uses a plain beginner sword for when she dual-wields, so maybe a good sword for her?

I still have the other Amphisbaena fang after all.

Well, thoughts for later.

Entering the common room, I see Alise breastfeeding Stella and Ryuu doing the same to Alea, while Eleanor and Leo are drinking a bottle in Celty and Lyra's laps respectively.

Staring at my two cute daughters held in their mother's embrace, a thought pops into my head.


"Hey girls, and Leo, how's it going?"

Everyone turning their head at my words, Alea then removes herself from Ryuu's breast before raising her arms.


"Welcome back, husband. How was today's trip?"

Walking over, I give Ryuu and Alise a quick peck before picking up my cute daughter.

"Mmm, it was good. Had a monster party pop up on the 24th floor, so that was fun."

Holding Alea in my arm, I start tickling under her chin, causing her to break out in a fit of giggles.

Uuu! So cute!

"Is that so? Did you want to do your status update now?"

Turning to Mother Astraea, I feel something hit my thigh.

Looking down at Stella, her arms outstretched toward me, I reach down and cradle her in my free arm.

Something I've discovered over the past month is that while all of my kids were extremely well-behaved, Stella and Alea seem to seek affection whenever possible.

Not that I mind.

How could I when they're so cute?

"Sure, I'd love to. We can do it right here so you don't have to get up. Everyone here already knows my status anyways."

"If you wish."

Sitting down in front of Mother Astraea, I rest Alea and Stella on my lap while Alise raises the back of my shirt.

Using a needle to poke her finger, a drop of blood falls onto my falna, engulfing it in light while Mother Astraea presses a status sheet against my back.

Looking around, I see that Alea and Leo are staring with wide eyes and open mouths at the fantastical phenomenon.

I guess it would be pretty interesting to see for the first time.

"Here you go. You did a pretty big jump this week. Seems like using a different weapon increased your excelia growth."

Laying Stella to rest her head on my stomach, I take the status sheet, giving it a quick read.


Name: Sirius Lovion
Level: 4 

Strength: S909
Endurance: B761
Dexterity: S905
Agility: S906
Magic: SS1076
Magic Sense: E
Abnormal Resistance: F
Magic Swordsman: G


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style
Magia Imperium 


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona


So my strength, dexterity, and agility finally broke through to S.

That's good.

Folding the paper and putting it in my pocket, I pick up Stella in my arms before standing up.

"Pretty good progress. It shouldn't be too long before I level up again."

At those words, Eleanor, now in Alise's arms, widens her mouth in surprise.

"Aww, is my sweet Eleanor proud of her Papa?"

With Alise nuzzling her nose into her chest, Eleanor responds by turning her head to the side.


What a funny kid.

Glancing down at the two cuties in my arm, I try to speculate how to spend some quality family time.

After all, with my wives back to one hundred percent, they'll be returning to the dungeon soon as well.

"Hmm... do you want to take a walk around the city? The kids should get a feel for their surroundings by now. It could also double as a patrol... not that we need to do those much anymore."

"Hmm? That sounds like a great idea! I'll go get the carriage!"

Passing off Eleanor to Ryuu, Alise then makes her way out of the room.

"You know, Ryuu, I could watch them for a little later so you three can get... reacquainted. If you know what I mean."

Blushing at her words, Ryuu gives her a nod before hiding her face behind Leo and Eleanor.

Meanwhile, I was giving Kaguya a thumbs up.

Or at least trying to, for some reason Stella was slapping my face with her eyes firmly shut.

Seriously... what's up with this girl?

"Thank you Kaguya, I'll make good use of the time. Anyway, Alise is ready, so let's head on out."

----- Eleanor POV -----

Being rolled through the streets of Orario, I see that the city has regained its usual enthusiasm, recovered from the depressing state I had left it last.

Good, it seems like our successors as protectors of the city have done somewhat of an adequate job.

Though I have a feeling that the Astraea- or should I say my Familia has been a big reason as well.

Especially after hearing that my father would soon be a first-class adventurer.


"Eleanor~ Do you like this toy~?"

A beautiful loving family.

Brimming with affection and warmth.

A feeling completely foreign to me.

While my dear sister was as loving as humans come, she was still only one sister.

One I had to protect, even if it meant throwing away my kindness.

But I don't have that here.

Not only loving and gentle, but they are also strong.

Both now and in the future as it seems my father's growth speed is quite insane.

Even my two mothers, Ryuu and Alise, would be considered elite from a pure talent and potential perspective back when there were level 7's scattered throughout the city.

I truly believe, along with my new siblings, I can be happy, and I can feel love.

...But do I deserve it?

If they learned who I was, my parents would surely hate me.

After all, they had all fought me directly during the Great Feud, it would only be reasonable to loathe a villain such as me.

Passing the toy car off to my excitable sister Stella, I lean back into the chair.

My siblings... they were also weird.

While Leo held an air of immense maturity, there were also Stella and Alea who showed matureness beyond their age, even though they showed flashes of excitable innocence befitting normal children.

Could they be like me?

While before I would never take the notion of reincarnation seriously, I'm living proof of the possibility, am I not?

Well, regardless, it doesn't matter.

I will love my siblings all the same, and protect them with everything I have.

Looking to the side, I see that Stella is having a hard time holding the toy horse.

"Bah! Gah gah!"

A wide smile with shining eyes.

Staring at my white-haired sister, sometimes I can only picture my dear sister Meteria whenever she wears such an expression.

But even if, as unthinkable as it is, she had once again become my twin sister, would she love me after knowing the sins I had committed?

While I had always been cold and calculating as a result of my upbringing, or perhaps it's simply my nature, I had never stooped so low as to massacre the residents I had been sworn to protect.

Haa, I can't believe me, the one named the 'Incarnation of Talent', would feel genuine fear other than the Black Dragon.

How disappointing.

"Should we take the kids there? It's pretty neglected, no?"

"Well, the anniversary is coming up... and we're the only ones who'll ever visit."

"All right. You take Eleanor and Stella, I haven't held Leo in a while."

Stopping in front of a familiar abandoned church, the one Meteria was always had been so fond of.

It's unfortunate that it's been abandoned to such a state, its wooden steps rotted, and nature invading its stone walls.

But for what reason would we be here?

Scooped up into my father's arms with Stella held gently in the other, he carries us around to the back of the church, a small patch of grass placed between it and Orario's wall.

There near the center, are a set of two gravestones, the names 'Alfia of Hera' and 'Zald of Zeus' hand-carved into the stone.



"We'll visit Ardee's after this, does that sound good to you two?"

"Naturally. We'll have to get flowers on the way."

"Of course. Now, I'll keep this short. I of all people know that death is not the end, so I hope you can hear me, Alfia, Zald. It would be wrong of me to say that everything you guys did was right, especially to those that died during the Great Feud, but to me, to us, who know the truth... Rest assured that we do not see you as the villainous traitors this city does, and know that we will not let your sacrifices be left in vain."

Silence occupies the surroundings, while I am left wide-eyed in shock.


T-They, don't hate the past me?

But how!?

I attacked this city!

Killed its people!

Spread fear and grief!

They should despise me!

From such kind people... I deserve no consideration!

Slowly, I feel something within me crack.

The coating the worry, guilt, doubt, fear, and all such emotions break down.

My strength of will is the only thing keeping me from breaking down in relief.

A cry then assaults my senses, as my sister Stella breaks out into a fit of sobs.

And that was the catalyst.

Digging my face into my father's shoulder, I let out all the pent-up emotions that had been clouding my very being.


Never have I laid my feelings so bear, never had I been rendered to such a vulnerable state.

I had not even broken down like this when my dear sister passed away, so why!?

Is it due to this infantile body?

But why... why do I feel so... satisfied?

I do not deserve to feel such things, a sinner like me.

"Huh!? What's wrong you two? Uhh, there there, Papa's here~ Shh, it's alright~"

My blazing emotions calming down in his warm embrace, I slowly feel tiredness assault my body as I drift off to sleep.

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