Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 48 – 2 Months and Balor

Two months have passed by, and I was currently sitting with Ryuu and Alise at my sides, our group surrounding a campfire on the 38th floor.

We were currently on an expedition alongside the Loki Familia with a pair of goals in mind, to defeat Balor and explore the 50th floor.

Hoping to become the first to do so since the days of the Zeus and Hera Familias.

The kids, of course, were left at home to be looked after by Mother Astraea and the team of rookies, that being Haru, Lili, Ariel, and Iris.

This could only be done because of the stockpiled bottles of milk we had as well as how well-behaved the kids were.

Speaking of the kids, they've grown... and fast.

According to the doctor during their check-up last week, they've been growing at around double the normal rate and were an extremely healthy set of babies.

While he was baffled, he also explained that they were the first kids to be born from two powerful adventurers for quite some time, so that is probably the cause for their abnormal growth.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that it's due to my otherworldly origins.

Well, they're happy and healthy, so it doesn't really matter.

After Alea's first words, all the kids quickly followed suit, not allowing their sister to get ahead.

Their current vocabulary being 'Mama', 'Papa', 'hungry', and 'diaper'.

...those last two were a bit weird, but from the fact we often say to them 'Are you hungry?' and 'Is your diaper full?' it makes sense that they picked up those words.

They've also started trying to crawl, although they aren't getting very far...

Stay strong, my children!

"So, the rumours were true that both of you had twins."

Looking up, I see that Alise and Ryuu are in a conversation with the executives of the Loki Familia.

"Yep! They're all so cute! I was worried at first, especially having four kids at once, but it's been pretty easy!"

"Is that so?"

"Excuse my vice-captain's curiosity. You see, with her caring nature over Ais and the twins, she's been called 'Mama' by the Familia. It seems that she has taken it to heart."

"T-That's not true at all, Finn! I've just, always liked the innocence of babies, especially back home. They wouldn't look at me as royalty, only as a normal person."

"Well, you're welcome to visit, only if you want to. Besides, I think Sirius has missed his morning spars with the Sword Princess."

"Mmm, Ais has been missing them too."

Looking up, I see that Ais is looking at me with an eager expression.

Has she missed our training that much?

"Yeah, you guys can come over whenever. I've been doing morning training with the four newbies, so I'd be happy if you joined us."

"Thank you, Sirius."

"No problem, the kids like seeing our training so I bet they'll be excited about a new member."

"Interesting, are you sure they aren't just watching their father?"

"Nah, from how they burst into giggles, I think they find me playing with the newbies funny."

"I wouldn't be so sure, husband. The girls are very attached to you, especially Eleanor and Alea."

Yeah, my daughters are quite affectionate with me, constantly wanting to be carried and cuddled.

Leo seems to be a mama's boy though, even if he still refuses to breastfeed.

"Yeah, I suppose. So? What's the plan against Balor tomorrow?"

"Good that you asked, Sirius Lovion. The frontline attackers against Balor will be those level 5 and above, except for you. While every backline fighter will be under the command of Riveria. The frontline fighters that are level 3 and 4 will be defending the backline and removing any other monsters from interfering."

"So attacking the thing directly will be me, Ryuu, Alise, Kaguya, Ais, Gareth, and you. Correct?"

"Indeed. Meanwhile, Thrail will be the one leading the ground forces not fighting Balor."

So Lyra's got our asses covered.

Good, that's reassuring.

"With that, I think it's about time we get some sleep. We'll be rushing through until the 49th floor much like our last joint venture."

Alise then stands up while taking Ryuu and I's hand before responding to Finn.

"I agree. At least this time we have the floor completely mapped out. Let's head to bed you two."

Bidding our farewells, we then make our way into our tent.

Luckily, the Loki Familia would be the ones on watch tonight, so I could stay snuggled up with my wives the entire night.

Laying down, Ryuu cuddles up to my right side, her head perched on my chest while Alise wraps herself around my arm, her head pressed against my shoulder.

Engulfed in the warmth from the two beauties, I close my eyes and drift off to unconsciousness.

----- 1 Day Later -----

"Alright, this is it. Stick to the plan and follow Nine Hell or Thrail's commands. Understood?"

Receiving various shouts of confirmation, our group then makes their down the stairs before entering the 49th floor.

Surveying the desolate wasteland, my gaze eventually falls upon the giant black monster rex of the 49th floor.

Estimated to be level 8 in strength, Balor.

While I can still feel a slight pressure from the difference in levels, it's nothing compared to what I felt the last time I was here.

After all, I had grown.

"Let's waste no time. Balor team, follow my lead! Let's end this quickly and forge a new era of adventurers!"

Following Finn's words, the six frontline fighters speed toward the monster with the rest of the expedition force following close behind.

Ah, this feels really epic.

I'm definitely bragging about this to my cute kids!

Soon reaching the xenomorph-like Balor, its arm detaches from the ground before shooting toward our group.


Flaring stellar magic, I leap to the side to dodge the attack.


Looking back, a giant crater is all that's left from where I had just been standing, the sand compressed to stone with smoke rising from the heat of the impact.

Looking back, I can see that the shockwave of the blow has travelled far enough to shock the backline members that are standing around half a kilometre away.

Holy shit.

This thing... it's on a completely different level compared to what I've faced before.

Rather than feeling discouraged at the display of power, I can only feel my heartbeat pick up in excitement.

A passionate high begging for an adventure.

Looking over at the three girls in my Familia, I can tell that they are feeling something similar.

Well, they've been eager to level up and become one of the few level 6's in Orario, so this fight is a good feat to push them over the edge.

"Magic spear, penetrate my forehead offering blood."

"Finn's usin' his magic now. He'll be stronger, but no tactician anymore."

Nodding at his words, we split up to surround the monster in teams of two.

Finn and Gareth as they know each other's moves, Alise and Ryuu so that they can use their combined magic, and me and Kaguya since we're the only ones left.

Enhancing myself with stellar magic, I begin releasing slashes of stellar magic towards the monster, both to build up the charge of Strike of Hope and to distract the beast.

From the strategy meeting before entering the floor, the general plan is to wear down Balor before simultaneously releasing all of our strongest attacks, those being my Strike of Hope, Alise and Ryuu's combined magic, Finn's Tir na Nog magic, and Riveria's magic.

We only have one shot at this as Finn's magic is only useable every 24 hours, but with that cooldown, I'm excited to see what power it holds.

"Switch out, Sirius."

Leaping back, Kaguya speeds toward Balor with five swords of light surrounding her.

Running up its spine, she twirls in the air with her sword held in its sheath.

Oh, she's doing that scary stance.

'Iai', was it called?

Her body crouched, tension bound like a coiled spring, just as her falling form makes contact with the monster, she releases.

Time feels as if it's stopped before a white line flashes through the air, followed by five arcs of light chasing a similar path.

A roar of intense rage follows as black blood rains from Balor's neck.

Holy shit Kaguya, that's insane!

Getting over my momentary shock, I continue peppering the monster rex with attacks, both in ranged and close quarters, as the pressure of Strike of Hope continues growing.

With Gareth and Finn taking its front, it's been a pretty easy fight so far, only needing to dodge a few spikes that shoot from its body.

Isn't it a little too easy though?

Just as the thought goes through my mind, the ground begins to quake.

"What the shit!?"

"Careful Sirius! This is the ability reported by the Zeus Familia! Hup-! It supposedly creates spikes of earth to attack!"

A gut feeling telling me to dodge spikes at her words, following my intuition, I jump into the air, a pillar of sharp dirt emerging from my previous position.

Dammit, I just had to jinx it!

The battlefield quickly turning hectic, Riveria starts chanting her magic signalling the beginning of the end of the battle.

"Ready your final attacks!"

With Finn's orders made, I begin to concentrate stellar magic in my sword while controlling Strike of Hope.

Perhaps it's due to it being my third time using the skill, or that Magia Imperium is affecting it, but I feel much more... connected with the skill.

With Alise and Ryuu chanting their magic and Finn setting his posture to a javelin-throwing position, I run up to the monster's head.

A burst of white mist soon fires from the end of Riveria's staff, causing the simultaneous release of all our attacks.

A spear with a white hue shoots through the air.

A storm of green stardust and orange fire launches toward Balor's neck.

And finally, a golden light, bright enough to illuminate the darkest nights arises from my sword.

I've always wondered, with skills and status and all that being so closely linked to one's soul and desires, how do feelings affect one's power?

Closing my eyes, I picture all the things I've sworn to protect.

The city, Mother Astraea, the Familia, Ryuu, Alise...

And the four bundles of joy that have found their way into my life.

Every time Alea has raised her hands to be carried, every time Eleanor has cuddled deeper into my grasp, every time Stella giggled as I tickled under her chin, every time Leo leaned against my arm.

Every time they grasped my finger with their small hands, slept soundly in my loving hold, said 'Papa' with innocent smiles...

A collage of cherished memories.

These times of precious peace and love, would I ever allow anything to destroy it?


Absolutely not!

Over my dead fucking body!

The pressure arising from my being increases as the golden light turns a blinding white.

The trio of attacks nearing their target, I release the mounting pressure as a giant arc of white speeds downward in parallel to my swing.

A chorus of explosions attacks the monster rex, the shockwave launching me backwards.

Aligning myself in the air, I infuse my legs with whatever remaining stellar magic I have before crashing into the ground.

A pulsating ring assaults my ears while my mouth is stale with dust.

Chanting Aqua Corona, I heal all of my injuries before downing a mind potion.

Well, if that didn't do it, I'm afraid we won't be heading deeper into the dungeon for a long while.

Looking over at the giant cloud of dust, the veil soon clears to reveal... nothing.

Uh, yippee?

Hearing the resounding cheers of the other members, I begin making my way over to the group.

Damn, I got flung quite far.

Noticing three figures racing my way, I give them a quick wave to show them I'm okay.

A few moments later, I finally come into contact with Alise, Ryuu, and Kaguya, the first two jumping into my embrace.

Giving them each a tight squeeze, they both release the hug before pulling on an ear each.


"Stupid husband, why the hell did you jump into the air?"

"Ow! I get it stop!"

"Tell us what was going through your head, Sirius!"

"I will!"

Finally loosening their grasp, I rub out the pain in my earlobes before responding.

"God, all three attacks were hitting it from the front and side, what if it could only be killed from the skull? I was just maximizing our chances, and it seems it worked well."

"Tch. Don't think I'll let you off that easy."

I then bring my mouth toward the two's ears before speaking in a hushed whisper.

"How about I make it up to you two in bed?"

Both of their ears twitching at my offer, they then nod their heads in acceptance.

Good, they aren't angry anymore and I get to be the two's boy toy for the night.

Luckily for me, I'm into that.

So a win-win.

Making our way to the expedition force, I see that the Loki Familia executives along with most of my Familia are looking down at the crater where Balor had stood.

Joining the group, the four of us look down at what they seemed so shocked about.

A giant magic stone the size of my torso alongside a pile of black scales.

While awesome, that loot was to be expected.

No, what's shocking is the giant gash in the ground, stretching nearly 100 meters and looking to be fairly deep.

D-Did, did I do that?

Holy fuck! I guess emotions do play a role in strength!

I... I think I'll need to use that sparingly though.

Turning toward me, Finn gives me a feeble smile.

"It seems I've underestimated you once again, Celestial Sword."

"U-Uhh, thanks."

"You've done something insane once again, husband."

"Yeah, Ryuu, I get it."

Can we just go to the next floor now?

----- 5 Days Later -----

Having spent the last five days surveying the 50th floor, we were now nearing the 37th floor on our way back home.

With the 50th floor now completely mapped out, the next step in the 'new age of adventurers' will be to explore past that, ready to catch up to the legendary Zeus and Hera Familias.

The 50th floor, a safe zone like any floor after a monster rex, was covered entirely in grey coniferous trees, with rivers sprawling across the forest floor.

Other than the large cliff near the entrance, there was a severe lack of landmarks, only the rivers being able to help in navigation.

So yeah, quite tedious.

About to head back up, Finn then turns to the group.

"Now, on the upcoming floor, we will probably have to fight the Udeaus, unless someone has defeated it again while we were gone. Astraea Familia, is there anyone who would need a feat to level up? If not, us Loki executives will make quick work of it."

Seeing no one raise their hand, Finn is about to continue before I call out.

"I'd like to fight it."

Thinking back, I doubt the fight against Balor was enough for me to level up.

Throughout that entire fight, I was essentially doing no damage until the final strike.

But even then, who knows how much damage I did, there had been Finn, Riveria, and my two wives' ultimate attacks already assaulting the monster.

Besides, from my past level-ups, I truly need to be pushed to my limits to gain a worthy feat.

Compared to my battles against the irregular Infant Dragon, the Goliath, and the Amphisbaena, the fight against Balor was quite easy.

So yeah, Udeaeus, a monster rex two levels above me will be a worthy challenge.

Murmurs among the Loki Familia break out at my proclamation as the girls from my Familia shake their heads with knowing grins.

...They don't see me as a battle junkie, do they?

"Are you sure? It is quite a tough opponent to defeat alone, even for me in my current state."

"I'm sure. It's about time the Astraea Familia get another first-class adventurer."

Nodding at my words, he then speaks to the entire expedition force.

"Alright. Celestial Sword will be dealing with the Udaeus while Scarlet Harnel and Gale will standby for support. Everyone else will surround the perimeter ensuring no monsters interfere and preparing for the trek to the next safe zone at floor 28."

Receiving a chorus of assenting shouts, I pass my pack over to Alise before stepping toward the front of the group, Riveria and Ais giving me words of encouragement as I pass by.

"Good luck, Sirius. Remember you have a family to return to."


"Thanks, it'll be over in no time."

Climbing the stairs to my next adventure, I double-check that my potions are all fastened to my belt.

Welp, time to slay a big bad skeleton.

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