Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 53 – First Steps and Ouranos’ Quest

Looking over a map of the newly explored 51st floor, I feel a tug on my shirt, causing me to glance down at my son.

"What's up, Leo?"

Last night, Ryuu, Alise, and I left the kids for the night to have some fun where we were able to be loud, or rather, my wives were.

It was subtle at first, but throughout today I noticed my four children were much more... genuine.

They also talked more and looked to be more comfortable around each other, especially Stella and Ellie.


Well, it's not a bad thing, but it does make me wonder what brought about this change.

Now what does my cute son want?

"Gonna try walk, catch me?"


"Is that so? One sec. Alise! Ryuu!"

My two wives quickly enter, eyebrows raised in question.

"It seems Leo's gonna try to walk, wouldn't want you guys to miss it."

"Really!? Aren't they only 5 months old!?"

"Alise, the doctor did say their growth rate was doubled, while 10 months is a bit early, it's not unheard of."

"Does it really matter? Here, Leo, try to get over to your mother, alright? I'll be next to you to catch you."

And I can always heal him up if I miss.

Getting on his hands and knees, Leo slowly rises to his feet, stumbling slightly before grabbing onto my hand.

"Whoa, be careful there. You ready?"


One step.

A second, with more confidence this time.

Then, he let go of my hand.

Seeing him shuffle slowly over to Ryuu, an overwhelming feeling of pride blossoms in my chest.

Being a father is truly amazing.

Faltering slightly, he quickly rights himself before taking the final two steps and landing in Ryuu's arms.

"Way to go Leo!"

Glancing to the side, where my three daughters are... reading?

I see that they're looking over at Leo.

Are they jealous?

"Indeed, my son. You did well- Huh?"

Did something happen?

"What's wrong, Ryuu?"

"Leo, he- he has his first tooth."


Walking over, I open his mouth to see a small white nub.

What do you know?

"Congrats, Leo. You have your first tooth!"

I mean, it makes sense seeing as they're all biologically 10 months-


Heading over to my three daughters, I check each of their mouths.

Sure enough, they each had their first tooth.

"Uh, girls, all of them got their first tooth. Wasn't breastfeeding painful from their teething?"

"What? N-No, I didn't notice anything at all... What about you, Alise?"

"No, me neither. Well, I guess we can start feeding them solid food now, right?"

Yeah, seems so.


Glancing down, I see Ellie getting to her feet, Stella and Alea each following suit.

"Aww, are you three trying to catch up to your brother?"

So cute.

"Quiet, Papa."



Hanging my head in sorrow, I walk beside each of my daughters as they hesitantly take their first steps, Stella and Alea holding my hand much of the way.

Though it seems Eleanor doesn't want any of my help.

Does she want to one-up Leo?

Fufu, what a cutie.

----- 2 Hours Later -----

So it seems my babies can walk now.


Yeah, while I'm proud of their growth, I have a feeling the four are about to become much more trouble.

They're already so curious about the world with their stories, watching us train, and their ceaseless crawling, I don't imagine what stress they'll be causing us from now on.

Well, I guess that's another issue for future me to deal with.

As for right now.

Time to get the final element under control.

Since I've gotten Elemental Orb, I've been practicing diligently both at home and in the dungeon, trying to get a baseline proficiency for all the elements and seeing how they could be used.

So far, water is by far my best element, most likely due to my control of Aqua Corona, it is the most 'physical' element in my arsenal, being able to puncture and slice opponents.

The next most used element was lightning, while it was very hard to shape, to the point of being nearly impossible at my current level, it's fast, extremely fast.

Its speed compared with its stunning ability makes it very useful in combat, especially against lower-level opponents.

There was also wind, which I was having trouble with.

It didn't like to be reigned in, and while I could manipulate it pretty well with focus, it needed too much concentration to be useful in combat.

I was hoping to ask Ryuu and Ais for some tips later on, maybe in the future I can fly with it?

Who knows.

Then there was fire, extremely volatile and powerful.

With Alise's help, I was able to become good enough with it to use it in combat, but I still had a long way to go with this element.

Its most notable ability was, of course, being able to burn.

I was also experimenting with concentrating the fire before releasing it.

And after numerous trials and errors, and various targets set aflame, I was finally able to do it.

A blue fire.

Pretty damn cool to look at, especially the light it cast on the surroundings, but what was amazing was its power.

I could even one-shot a Minotaur by just sending one blue-fire bullet its way.

And when I get even stronger and more proficient...

Hehehe, I hope Celty and Alise don't get jealous.

And then there was the last element, Space.

In short, it was a weird element.

Volatile, hard to control, it quickly dissipates before I can even see its abilities.

Last night, during a shower to wash off the fluids of our date night, I was wondering how to control this fickle element.

And then it finally came to me.

Memories of school, watching videos about space and time and all those fun existential things.

Most importantly, I remembered black holes.

The key was concentration and balance, along with spin.

Like how a spinning top can stay upright as long as it's spinning, I needed to give the space element some initial motion to get it going.

Well, at least I hope. 

That's what I'm here to test.

"Essence of creation, root of nature, heed my call, Spatium."

Feeling my mind exit through my hand, forming a pitch-black orb above my head.

Looking up, I remember how all the other elements were in motion in the orb.

The swirling water, the cyclone of wind, the buzzing lightning.

And if I focus, really hard, I can feel the space magic swirl and twist, though it was still very abstract.

Yep, the answer was in front of me all along, it seems that spin is indeed the key.

Let's try it out.

Pulling out some space magic into a ball, I twist the magic just as it leaves the sphere, using the image of a spinning gyroscope.

The conservation of angular momentum.

Newton's third law, or maybe second, whatever.

Well, here goes nothing.

Shooting the ball at the target, it shoots at great speed before dissipating right before contact.


That was anticlimactic.

But the spinning worked.

Before it would dissipate as soon as it left the orb, but this time it shot like, 10 meters.

Moving a little closer, I repeat the formation of the ball, this time trying to increase the spin.

Firing once again, the ball shoots through the target without a sound before digging into the ground.



That was pretty damn powerful.

Looking at the hole in the target and the centimetre-long scar in the ground, I finally find the answer to a question I had been wondering about.

Or at least, a hint to the answer.

I was curious about what 'space' meant.

I mean, water is water, fire is fire, that's all obvious.

But what the heck is space?

Well, it seems that 'space' is more apt to be called 'void'.

Complete destruction, with no effects.

Simply making existing things not exist.

Hmm, there was something like this from my old world, right?

Ah! That's it!


Cancelling out matter to make nothing.

Damn, that's cool.

So, in other words, it can bypass any defence, at the cost of the low range that is.

I can assume that the low range is due to the ball 'running out' of antimatter by making contact with the air molecules.

But that creates another question.

What does it do in contact with magic?

More specifically, barrier magic.

Does it count as matter?

If it doesn't, does it bypass it? 

Or is it simply useless against magic defences?

Well, questions for later.

Now, it's training time!

----- 1 Week Later -----

"How were the kids?"

"Adventurous as always. Alea and Stella have been trying to play soccer, though the ball is a bit too big."

"Is that so? I'll have to buy them a smaller one then. How's Ellie and Leo?"

"Leo's still invested in his reading, and Ellie has been either reading with him or watching Stella and Alea."

"She's quite protective of those two, isn't she?"

"Mhmm, I guess she's taken the title of 'big sister' to heart. Here's your status, Sirius."



Name: Sirius Lovion
Level: 5 

Strength: H162
Endurance: H145
Dexterity: H172
Agility: H169
Magic: H198
Magic Sense: E
Abnormal Resistance: F
Magic Swordsman: E
Spirit Pleasure: G


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style
Magia Imperium 


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona
Elemental Orb



Considering I've been focused on honing my skills and spending time with my children, this progress is alright.

Though at this pace, I'd be ready to level up in a little over a year...

Not fast enough.

But then again, I don't want to neglect my family.

I have kids to nurture and wives to please.

I'm just thankful that Orario's crime has gone down enough that I can focus on the dungeon, not patrolling around.

As great as it is to keep the peace, it doesn't grow my stats that much.

Heading into the common room, I'm about to go upstairs to store my status sheet before sensing someone at the door.

"Hey Alise, we have a visitor."

Still brushing Eleanor's hair, she raises her head.

"Can you get it?"

"Yeah, okay."

Opening the door, it reveals a hooded figure, face concealed by his attire.

"Yes? What is it."

"Sorry for interrupting your night, Celestial Sword. I have come at the behest of Lord Ouranos."

The leader of the guild and the dungeon?

What does he want exactly, has Evilus sprouted up again?

"What does he want?"

"He asks that Lady Astraea and five of her strongest children see him in person. I'm sorry, I cannot discuss the details here."

That's... odd.

"And do you have any proof that you're here under his orders?"

"I have met Lady Astraea many times, I assure you she will remember me."

"Ah, Fels."

Speak of the devil.

"Mother Astraea, I assume you know him?"

"Yes, he is Ouranos' aid, we can trust him. So? What did Ouranos want with me?"

Relaying his request, Mother Astraea then turns to me.

"I'd like for you, Alise, Ryuu, Kaguya, and Lyra to come."

"Sure, how long will this take, Fels?"

"It won't take longer than a few hours."

A few hours, hmm?

Well, I'll ask Haru to take care of the kids if they get sleepy, though Alea is weirdly adamant about me singing her to bed.

Mah, whatever.

"I'll go get the girls, you should probably change if we're going out, Mother Astraea."

"Thank you, Sirius. I believe Lyra and Kaguya were in the office."

----- 1 Hour Later -----

"Astraea, her children, good evening."

Staring up at Ouranos in his large chair, I give him a slight bow.

He should be respected, after all, he's the god keeping the dungeon's monsters from overflowing into the world.

...But isn't the giant podium a little much?

Raising my head, I give a curious glance over to the other gathered people.

The Ganesha Familia.

Specifically, their god, Ganesha, their captain, Shakti Varma, and their vice-captain, Ilta Farna.

Three level 6's and four level 5's, some of the strongest people in Orario.

And that's not even counting the other members of our respective Familias.

What would require such a force?

Is it a war against Ares again?

But even then, they could just send a few level 4's to stop any advance.

"I'm sure you are wondering why you have been gathered here."

Yes, yes I have.

"Showing you would be the easiest way to explain things, I ask that you do not attack them. Lyd, Ray, come forward."

Bracing myself, I look over at the other two presences in the room as they step into the light to reveal a Lizardman and a Siren.


Glancing around, I can see that everyone else is similarly shocked, save for Ouranos and Fels.

"Please, adventurers of justice. Help our kind."

Did- did that monster just talk?

"Did that monster just talk!?"

Thanks, Alise.

Kaguya is about to draw her sword before Ouranos releases some of his divinity, the pressure bearing down on us.

"Please do calm down. I will try to explain."

Nodding our heads in agreement, with Kaguya releasing the grip on her sword, he continues.

"These two are members of a group of monsters Fels and I have tried to keep secret. Intelligent monsters. We call them Xenos."

At those words, I feel a familiar pressure bear down on my consciousness.

So, these guys were an important story plot, huh?

Well, considering how batshit crazy this whole situation is, it doesn't surprise me.

"I have called both of your Familias here for two separate purposes. Consider it a secret quest from the guild."

"And what would these quests be, Ouranos? What does it have to do with these... Xenos."

Intelligent monsters, huh?

How troublesome, and I have a very intense feeling that things are about to become much more so.

"These Xenos hold as much intelligence and free will as every other person, if you do not believe me, please converse with Ray and Lyd after this."

Glancing over, I see Ray and Lyd send Fels a grateful smile.

Well, they only seem like level 4's, so even if they attack I can handle-


Level 4's?

"Hold up, Fels. Why do those two feel like level 4's? Lizardmen and Sirens aren't supposed to be that strong unless they're..."


Ryuu finishes my sentence.

Well, I guess that explains itself.

These 'Xenos' are anything but regular.

"You are correct, Celestial Sword. The Xenos are targeted by regular monsters and can grow stronger by ingesting magic stones. I hope your deductive skills will help in your quest."

My quest?

Is it some search and rescue type shit?

"Ganesha, this meeting was mostly for you and your Familia to meet the Xenos, we will discuss your 'Monster Feria' idea another time."


Astraea gives Ganesha a look.

"So you already knew?"

"I am Ganesha!"

Welp, that answers that.

"As for the Astraea Familia, I have two tasks for you."

Straightening our posture, the six of us listen intently to the old God.

"As Fels has said, they are treated as targets of regular monsters. Due to this, they have made Hidden Villages located throughout the dungeon to seek refuge. Xenos cannot help their brethren escape to these Hidden Villages both due to lacking strength, and our need to keep their existence a secret. At least for now."

Haa, search and rescue it is.

"So, is it our task to keep an eye out for Xenos and help them to their Hidden Villages?"

"Yes. You will be provided with the locations of these Hidden Villages."

Okay, cool-

Wait a moment.

"Excuse me, Lord Ouranos, but how will the Xenos know to trust us? As we haven't heard anything about them, I doubt they enjoy Human contact."

"Allow me to explain."

The Lizardman then steps up.

"We Xenos can instinctively differentiate between adventurers, monsters, and other Xenos by 'smell', although it is more of a sixth sense."

"Okay, Lyd, right? How does that help us?"

"One of our fellow members, Gryuu, a Green Dragon, sheds his scales. When an adventurer wears these scales, they will be seen as a Xenos by our senses."

Ah, I see.

Well, issues might come when they notice we aren't Xenos, but then I can just knock them out and bring them home.

"I see, thank you, Lyd."

"Of course. What's your name?"

"It's Sirius. Now, Lord Ouranos, you may continue."

Looking up at the god, I see he's staring intently at me.

Uh, did I do something wrong?

"I'm glad, for you to be able to converse so easily with them. I have hope for Ganesha's plan. Anyways, your second task."

I notice Lyd's teeth grind as the Siren, Ray's, feathers become ruffled.

"Some people have taken notice of the Xenos and have captured them as slaves, selling them on the black market."

My eyes narrow along with the rest of the Familia.

While the black market is a nuisance, it is too big to tackle, and by some is viewed as a necessary evil.

Our general policy is to ensure that no innocents are involved.

But when slavery is involved, well, let's just say we don't take kindly to it.


It seems Mother Astraea is pissed as well.

"Your task is to rescue the captured Xenos and remove the Familias involved in these dealings off the face of Orario. You have my full backing in these matters, as I've heard rumours that Evilus is involved as well."

Ryuu's aura intensifies.

"Those bastards keep coming back."

With the Great Feud and Ardee's death, it's no wonder she hates that organization even more than most.

Not needing our confirmation, Alise breaks the growing silence.

"We accept."

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