Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 58 – Knossos and Mission Success

----- Ryuu POV -----

"Are you sure he'll be fine, Ryuu?"

Looking over my shoulder at Alise, I can see that her face is coated in worry.

It makes sense.

As strong as Sirius is, he's still not used to combat against organizations like Evilus, organizations such as these.

We, on the other hand, have fought through dirty tactics, suicide bombers, all of it during the Great Feud.

We were experienced, he was not.

"Don't worry, Alise. You know he's strong, and he's gone through my training. No way a Familia like this will be his end."

Yeah, Kaguya's right.

After all, I've seen my beloved husband overthrow every limit previously thought possible.

Conquering monsters two levels above him, conquering floors on his lonesome, conquering my heart...

"Kaguya's right, Alise. Husband won't die from something like this, so we should make sure to finish our side of things."

Yes, we just had to trust in each other's abilities.

I believe Sirius talked about a situation like this.

Xanatos gambit... was it?

A plan where regardless of any choice, the foreseeable outcome is always beneficial.

If we had focused completely on the child, they would simply escape with the Xenos, and if we focused on the Xenos, they could use the child as a hostage, or whoever is there could escape.

And if we split evenly, one side could be outnumbered.

The way to beat this situation is to have trust in each other and not lose sight of each other's goals.

Seems that even without you being here, you still find a way to keep me calm, husband.

But that's one of the many reasons I love you so much.

"We're here."

Concentrating on the task ahead of me, I see an orange glow, one from torches, coming from the end of the dark hallway.

Placing Celty on the ground, me and Alise start chanting our magic while I pull out Alf's Lumina in my right hand and Alf's Somnium in my left.

Having been a while since Sirius had gifted me my second sword, I had gone to the dungeon a few times to hone my dual-wielding abilities.

I wonder how they will work on people~

Entering the room, I see the walls lined with cages, Xenos of various monster species trapped inside.

Most are battered, bruised, and bleeding.

The scent of feces and blood, the child-like cries.

The sight causes my anger to explode before cooling down into a freezing rage.

Ah... so this is what Sirius felt.

Yet, with this feeling of rage and empathy for monsters, I can't help but feel glad.

Even when I first met Ray and Lyd, the automatic response of disgust for another species, much less monsters, didn't appear.

It seems that finally, the teachings from my homeland have left me.

Seeing a couple of adventurers- no, criminals bolting towards one of the cages, I send forward two orbs of Luminous Wind.


A powerful explosion, immediately ruptured the torso of the closest one while sending the other's legs flying through the air.

While my past self would be disgusted by the thought of murder, I was no longer the naive girl from before.


Nor is Alise.

A wave of fire explodes on another three, ending their lives instantly.


We've changed since the Great Feud.

We're now able to properly, well and truly, protect the innocents.

And with my four bundles of joy waiting at home, I had even more reasons to protect this city than before.

"Your schemes end here, Ikelos Familia. Surrender yourselves, or your lives will be forfeit."

A wave of fear washes over those present, their hands shaking as they feebly grasp their weapons.

"S-Shit! GaleScarlet HarnelYamato Rindou, and Crimson Monarch! W-We're screwed!"

Their despair increases at the words, as panic begins to set in on the group.

Perhaps this may be easier than I thought.

 "Stay calm! Believe in the captain's orders! Just stay alive until he returns!"

At least until one member stands firm.

Level 4, huh?

But against a level 5 and three level 6's, what difference does it make?

Hmm... from his words, it seems that Dix Perdix is up to something.

Could it have to do with Sirius?


If so, they're in for a rough surprise.

"Last warning, Ikelos Familia."

Gritting his teeth, the level 4 then pulls out an orb.

"Don't fear. Captain entrusted me with a key. Now, let's run!"

Dammit, we can't just let them free, nor can we leave the Xenos here alone.

And that key... according to Sirius' information, it allows the user to gain control over all the mechanisms and traps located within Knossos.

This will be annoying.

"Kaguya, Celty! Guard the Xenos and release them! Ryuu, let's go catch those bastards!"

Sending a nod over to my wife, I raise my mask to cover my mouth.

Just like old times, huh?

Well, not exactly.

Before I would wear it as I was disgusted with myself, now it's only to not breathe in any poisons.

And to protect my face from becoming stained with blood.

"Let's go."

Memories of the absolute destruction of the Rudras Familia enter my head.

Unfortunately, it seems like that act still wasn't enough of a deterrent.

But now, they would learn.

The Familia of Justice does not show mercy to scum.

----- Sirius POV -----

"You're actually serious about fighting me, huh?"

"U-Uh, i-it's the bad man!"

Drowning out the useless noise, I activate Celestial Ascent, feeling the familiar heat of the enhancement course through my veins.

But it was weaker, disorientingly weaker.

I could easily see how this could bring down the average adventurer more than just a level.

After all, the change in strength would lead to countless mistakes and openings.

Well, good thing I wasn't an average adventurer.

My sword skills were never ones that relied on my level, and besides, it had only been a few months since I levelled up, as opposed to most people who have spent a year or longer at a level.

"Tch. Not even responding, how bor-"

Sending out a flurry of ranged slashes, as Dix begins to dodge the strikes, I move in.

Step one, move the fight away from Anna, complete.

Using the cover of the shadows, I launch my sword toward his open side, only to be blocked by his short sword.

"Damn, you're not as disorganized as I thought. I better get a refund-"

Our swords locked in a stalemate, I jump into a spin, landing a kick at his open side that he brings his free arm to defend just in time.

Skidding backwards, even further away from the girl, I don't give him any time to think as I send a barrage of strikes his way.

Unfortunately, I don't know how I would handle Elemental Orb in my current state.

My mind has been decreased and I don't know what the effects of using the magic I got at level 5 would be, so it's better not to risk it.

And from his strained face, I don't think I need it.

"God damn, just let me talk-"


Parrying his sword, I bend backwards to avoid his fist before cutting through his leg, leaving a sizeable gash.

"Gah! Fuck!"

Jumping away, there's a momentary pause in our battle.

Hmm, I didn't hit his vitals, but at least I gave him some pain.

"Shit, you're really a monster of talent. I'll end up losing at this rate. Haa, to think I'd have to use that."

Not wanting to find out what 'that' was, I leap forward with a stellar magic-enhanced kick, twisting mid-air to deliver a powerful slash, only to be blocked by a pulsating red spear.

This doesn't look good...

"Damn, and I wanted to live until I was an old man, oh well. Awaken."

A burst of power sends me flying back.

No, not the power, my instincts had made me jump back.

Looking forward, I see a deep gash right where I just had been standing.

So I was too late.

"Huh, you dodged that blow too."

That sudden increase of power, the ominous feeling I get from the spear...

"Well, bear witness to my greatest possession."

Without notice, Dix disappears from view, my instincts guiding me to raise my blade in defence.

Suddenly appearing, Dix swings down his spear with his entire body, sending me flying backwards into the wall.



A cursed weapon.

A weapon that gives one increased powers, either in a plain stat boost, or a unique ability, in exchange for something, usually the user's lifespan.

And judging from his speed and power just now...

He had definitely reached the realm of level 6.

I was confident in my skills, enough to take on most opponents a level higher than me.

But two levels?

Now that was pushing it.

Chanting Aqua Corona under my breath, I dodge out of the way of his strike, the spear being embedded into the wall.

To pierce Adamantine so easily... yeah, definitely level 6.

Not a great situation to be in.

"Well~ Where's all that vigour you showed before? Now that I'm so much stronger than you, cat's got your tongue, eh?"

Ah, but at least I have that, huh?

I could feel it.

My stats are slightly enhanced by Heroic Will.

The pressure of Strike of Hope slowly building.

All because he's so much stronger than me.

"Heh. Unfortunately, stronger opponents are my specialty."

"What'd you say, bastar-"

I unleash another flurry of strikes, his spear easily blocking all of them.

But that's fine.

After all, that wasn't the main attack.

My free hand igniting in stellar magic, I send five spears of light from my fingers, all arcing to hit Dix in his defenceless back.

You're not the only one who can use a Xanatos Gambit.

Turning to defend the strike, I kick off the ground with one leg, spinning with my sword in hand and slashing into his side four times before Dix sends me flying with a kick.

Ouch, that hurt.

But it's fine.

The pressure of Strike of Hope had increased, just like I wanted it to.

Wiping the blood from my lips, I snarl at Dix who was clutching his side in pain.

"So? Is that enough vigour for you?"

"You piece of sh-"

My hand, which was hidden behind my back, reveals itself to send another barrage of stellar magic bullets his way, cutting off his insult and creating two more gashes in his skin.

Wow, he's really easy to distract, huh?

"That's it."

He then jumps forward, his speed even faster than before with his spear swiping sideways, sending a wave of energy my way.

What the shit?

Oh, yeah, this was a fantasy world like that, huh?

Raising my sword, I strike the energy slash, only leaving me with a few deep cuts at my sides.

Ouch, that one really hurt.

But how could I forget?

With enough strength and skill, one can send out waves of energy from one's swing.

And I'd completely neglected that fact due to my stellar magic slashes being better.

But... what if I added them together.

Sensing the two presences making their way toward me, I stand up to face the pseudo-level 6.

"I must thank you, Dix Perdix, for reminding me of something so simple."

"The hell you talking about?"

Raising my sword, I condense stellar magic into my blade while adding the pressure of Strike of Hope to it.

Now, for that energy slash, I don't know the specifics of it, it's something impossible to understand after all, just like magic.

So keep it simple.

The strength of the falna... the perfect overhead strike I have performed a thousand times every morning...

A swing of absolute power and technique.

No trick, no special conditions.

Just... feel it!

Swinging down my blade, in a perfect and controlled manner just as I had every morning, a beam of golden light, with a subtle white hue, erupts from my sword.

Reaching Dix's position in an instant, it slams against his raised spear, the Ikelos captain grunting in exertion.

The light fading, I see that Dix is leaning against the wall, panting in exhaustion and wincing in pain, blood seeping from the deep gash on his thigh.

Of course, I was in no better of a state.

That attack held everything, all my strength and all my mind.

"Gah. Damn. To think you had an attack like that. Well, too bad, I'm still standing."

But that's fine, after all, my two lovely wives were here.

"So? Anything to say, Celestial Sword? You can't beat me as a level 4!"

"Haha, yeah, I doubt I can, at least in my current state."

His lips curved into a confident smirk at my words.

"But, I think a couple of level 6's would be enough, no?"

His eyebrows raised in confusion, he turns just in time to see the famed joint attack of my two beauties.



An explosion of green and red, sending the mutilated top half of Dix's body sailing through the air.

Jeez, and here I thought I'd be seeing a cool fight.



"I'm fine. Ryuu, do you mind healing me? And Alise, that child is still in there, but watch the floor for traps."

Propping me up by her shoulder, Ryuu begins to chant her Noah Heal while we begin to make our way toward the entrance.

Going through enemy territory wouldn't be a good idea, after all.

"So? Did you get all of them?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, the key was destroyed by that guy."

"I see. How are the Xenos?"

"They're being taken to the entrance by Kaguya and Celty."

Good, Ganesha and Fels should be waiting in the sewers by now.

"A-Ah! Mister! Y-You beat him!"

Feeling better from my wife's healing, I ruffle Anna's hair, who was being held in Alise's arms.

"Of course I did, I promised you, didn't I? But to say that... did you keep your eyes closed as I asked?"

She then averts her eyes.

Hehe, got her-

An echoing boom, the vibrations nearly throwing me to the ground.

What the fuck?

"Husband! We need to leave, now!"

Nodding at her words, I down a mind potion before enhancing myself with stellar magic, racing towards the entrance with as much speed as I could muster.

Luckily, it seems that the level decrease is slowly fading, as with each passing second my speed becomes faster, allowing me to catch up to Ryuu and Alise.

The walls and ceiling crumbling, the dust falling throughout the corridor grows denser before I hear a crash behind me.

Oh shit, this thing's coming down, isn't it?

Racing with increased vigour, we reach the entrance just as a giant boulder falls behind us, blocking the entrance to Knossos.

Raising my head, I see a bunch of Xenos staring at us in wonder.


"'Yo!'? Are you serious? Do you know how worried we were!?"

Yeah, Celty gets quite mad when our Familia gets into danger.

"Sorry, it wasn't my fault the place started to collapse! Did you all get out alright?"

"Hmph! Yes, we did. Luckily, we were exiting Knossos just as the explosion happened."

Looking over the gathered intelligent monsters, I snap my head over to Alise, or more specifically, the girl in her arms.

"Don't worry, Sirius. She passed out on the way here."

"Either from stress, fear, or the speed. Well, either way, it's for the best."

Yeah, as long as she didn't get a concussion.

"Well done. Even if Knossos would have been the preferred mode of returning the Xenos to the dungeon, you completed the task splendidly."

Looking over to Fels, I also see Shakti standing next to him.

"The Ganesha Familia will deal with all the transport, so you all are free to go home. The streets will be hectic, as a god seems to have returned to Tenkai."

Ah, I guess Ikelos must've been crushed under the rubble, huh?

Receiving various words of thanks from the Xenos, our group of five- no, six makes its way out of the sewers.

Looking over Daedelus Street, I can see that the city is in a state of panic, likely from the destruction of Knossos and the pillar of light representing a god sent back to heaven.

I wonder though... what the hell caused that?

Dix was considered the 'master' of Knossos, so maybe his death triggered it?

Maybe the destruction of a 'key'?

Well, who cares.

It's no longer our problem, as cool as another entrance to the dungeon would be.

"Baby! Anna, my baby, where are you!"


No way, right?

Looking at the panicking woman, her brown hair a perfect replica of the sleeping girl's, there's no mistaking it.

Damn, what a coincidence.

Taking Anna from Alise, I chant Aqua Corona and send the stream towards the sleeping girl, her lips curling up in pleasure.

Well, seems like she's still sleepy.

Walking over to the woman, I don't need to call out to her as she spots me, running over with a speed befitting an adventurer.

Handing Anna over to her mother, she then bursts into tears while holding onto my shirt.

"Celestial Sword... thank you so much for returning my daughter!"

A few moments of sobbing later, I notice a small crowd has gathered amongst us, mostly women.

Raising her head, she looks at me with a slight blush.

"I-Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

Feeling two piercing stares, I try to work my way out of this troublesome situation without making it any worse.

"N-No need, seeing a mother and daughter reunited is all the thanks I could want."

Her blush deepens as she averts her eyes.

Oh no.


"As expected of Celestial Sword!"

"So heroic!"

"So dreamy~"

"So hot!"

Shit, wrong dialogue option.

Hearing the growling of my wives, I'm soon pulled back by my collar by two hands.

"It seems you're in for a long night, Husband."

"Mmm, we need to give him some education, don't we Ryuu."


Lamenting my fate, I let the two of them drag me through the crowded streets of Orario, my head hung low in defeat.

Yes, it seems that I've gained quite a reputation among the females of the city, much to the ire of my lovely wives.

Even when I go out with my children, it only increases my attention.


In short, troublesome.

And from the expressions on their faces, the pain of my fight with Dix will be nothing compared to what my hips and tongue will be going through.

Well, at least the toughest part of the Xenos saga has been completed.

----- Unknown POV -----

"So you lost, huh Dix?"

And to think, he was such a good pawn.

"Well, I never liked Ikelos, and it isn't quite time for us to reveal ourselves just yet. So goodbye."

Turning the mechanism, I destroy the first floor of Knossos.

As much of a blessing as it would be to take out a member of the Astraea Familia, it wasn't the main purpose of my action.

While it won't completely destroy the first floor, due to the foundations of Orario holding it up, it's still enough to make it impassable, giving us time to grow our strength and plan our next moves.

"Haa, Barca is definitely going to be mad, isn't he?"

Well, I'll just give him some more materials to appease him.

But for the secret of Knossos to be revealed so early...

Well, no matter.

Without a 'key', there's no use in knowing about the artificial dungeon.

So we'll bide our time, until we can be released on the world, destroying Orario in the process.

"Kukuku, soon, Ouranos... Soon, you'll feel my wrath."

With the smile on my face dropping, I think back to today's events.

"So you sided with the monsters. How interesting, Astraea Familia."

Hmm... yes, that could definitely work.

"Bad move~"

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