Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 97 – Truths Unveiled

----- Alea POV -----

Today was going to be a good day!

The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and Mama Alise even made us pancakes for dinner!

Or at least... that's how it started.

"Hey kiddos, guess what? Since you're all five years old... physically, at least, we decided it's about time you get your falnas! Are you excited?" Papa says with a smile.

Right... this.

I didn't have any crazy fighting experience like Ellie or Leo, so nothing was likely to come up on my status, but when those two were exposed...

Well, Papa was kind of stupid when it came to us, but he would definitely realize we were all similarly reincarnated.

The four of our gazes meeting, we give each other a resolute nod.

This was something we couldn't escape.

We... we had to do this.


We had talked about this day amongst ourselves more than a few times before, so we were somewhat prepared.

"Papa... can we... do it alone?" Leo asks hesitantly.

"Hm? Why?" Mama Ryuu asks.

"Just... because." He says in response.

"No. Your father is a bit of an... oddity-"

"Hey!" Papa exclaims.

"-so it would be best if one of us was there with you all in case anything goes wrong." Mama Ryuu says, pointedly ignoring my father.

I would say she didn't hear him, but I could see the small smirk of amusement on her face.

Mama Ryuu was cute, for sure... but also a little sadistic at times.

But as expected, someone had to be there with us, huh?

As for who we would want to be with us... well, that was obvious.

The four of our gazes meeting once again, we gave each other another simultaneous nod.

Right... let's hope everything goes alright.

I really loved my family, after all.

And I know they loved me.

I... didn't want these happy times to disappear.

----- Sirius POV -----

It had been a few weeks since we had returned from our journey, and it was about time to do something I couldn't put off any longer.

While they were only two and a half, with their growth rate, my kids had become biologically five years old.

It was about time they got their falna.

I had been warned a few times that giving kids a falna before they were five stunted their growth, and I wasn't really sure if my kids had passed the threshold... but even if they didn't, I wouldn't really mind the stunted development at this point.

My babies were growing up way too fast.

"You guys nervous?" I ask them.

The four babies in question were currently in my room with me, waiting for Mother Astraea to return from tending to the garden.

Their mothers would normally be here for such an important event, but for some reason, they all had asked only to have me there.

Rather, they wanted complete privacy, but when we told them one of us wanted to be there, they chose me.

It was a little odd... but thinking about it now, they had all been pretty private kids.

Besides, it was awfully cute how Ryuu looked with her jealous pout when they told her.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt a bit." I say with a smile.

But for some reason, my calming words didn't seem to have an effect.

Their little hands were still trembling, and their lips were quivering.

And oddly enough, Leo, who was often the most... mature out of the four, seemed to be having the worst of it.

Well, once it was over with, they'll realize their fear was for naught, so might as well get this done quickly.

"Ah. You four are here already, I see." Mother Astraea says while entering the room.

Good timing!

"Now... shall we get started?" She asks with a smile.

With the four sitting on the bed with their shirts off, I watch in interest as Mother Astraea pokes her finger before placing a bead of blood on each of their bare backs.

The room glows with the familiar blue hue, and Mother Astraea places a blank page on each of their backs.

"Oh? Oh... my." Mother Astraea says in shock.

"What? What is it?" I ask.

Did something go wrong?

Looking at the kids, all their faces are looking down, with their backs hunched.

"Just... here, look at these." Mother Astraea says, handing me their status sheets.

"What? Did they already have a skill or something-?"

My words get caught in my throat as I look over the four papers.


Name: Leo Lovion ~Arthur Leywin~
Level: 1

Strength: I0
Endurance: I0
Dexterity: I0
Agility: I0
Magic: I0


Realmheart - Enhances magic power and regeneration and allows the user to use magic without chanting.
Lance Godspell - Increased magic defence and allows the user to stay conscious with a mind down.
Asura Arts - Increased stats when wielding a sword and fighting hand-to-hand, enhances combat instincts and spatial awareness.


Thunderclap Impulse - Runs a current of lightning through the body, allowing the user to enhance their speed and reaction time.
"Thunderclap Impulse"

Aether Blade - Can create a blade of magic power or coat a weapon in magic power, enhancing said weapon.
"Schwert des Lichts"

Burst Step - Propels the user with a near-instantaneous burst in speed that is nearly undetectable.


Name: Alea Lovion ~Ai Hoshino~
Level: 1

Strength: I0
Endurance: I0
Dexterity: I0
Agility: I0
Magic: I0


Dual Stellar Sword Style - Increased stats when wielding two swords, enhanced combat instincts and spatial awareness, and also allows stellar magic to be formed on wielded blades.


Veil of Lies - Allows the user to become difficult to detect by others, effect increases if the user leaves their view. 
"Deception is but a perception of reality"


Name: Stella Lovion ~Meteria~
Level: 1

Strength: I0
Endurance: I0
Dexterity: I0
Agility: I0
Magic: I0


Loved by the World - Increases the amount of mind of the user and increases the effect of healing magic.


Starfall - Chantless magic that allows the user to conjure and use stellar magic to enhance self and objects.

Sanitatem Amoris - Can heal others through touch, the effect increases the more the user loves the target.
"As the proof of our bond, please grant me this sacred miracle"


Name: Eleanor Lovion ~Alfia~
Level: 1

Strength: I0
Endurance: I0
Dexterity: I0
Agility: I0
Magic: I0


Alme - Increases stats when in combat with or near those viewed as family members.
Vel Ardore - Increases the effect of sound and shockwave magic.


Satanas Verion - Can create and attack with blocks of sound shockwaves, which are extremely powerful and deadly. Any magic power that remains after an attack can be made to explode with a secondary chant of Lugio.
"Gospel, Lugio"

Silentium Eden - Covers the user's body in magic power that completely nullifies attacking magic, though it requires a large amount of mind to sustain it. While using the magic, the user's magic power is greatly diminished.

Genos Angelus - Manifests a giant silver bell above the user's head, with each ring generating increasingly powerful shockwaves until the chant is finished, which then releases a final, devastating attack.
"Blessing of the root of evil, curse of birth. My original sin that devoured half of my body. Not hard. There is no purification. There is no salvation. The resonance of this heavenly sound is my sin. The trumpet of gods, the lyre of spirits. Melody of light, the seal of the sin. Loved by the miniature garden, my destiny is shattered. I hate you. The compensation is here. Destroy everything with a proof of my sin. Cry, holy bell tower"


...What the fuck?

What in the fucking fuck?

They all had a magic and a skill, and in Leo and Eleanor's case, had more than one, but that wasn't what I was focusing on.

While it was faded compared to the other parts... what was with those names?

"Hey... do you four happen to know about this?" I ask the kids.

They all flinch simultaneously.

That paired with how worried they looked throughout the whole process... I had a feeling they definitely knew what was going on.

"F-Father... I can explain." Leo then turns towards me.

His expression looked... guilty.

And sad, mixed with a feeling of bitter acceptance.

...I didn't like that look on my child's face.

"I... no, we... have been hiding something from you." He says.

And with that, he started to reveal their secret.

----- 30 Minutes Later -----

My kids were reincarnated.

All four of them.

I had always known that they were... different, from other kids, but I had chalked that up to either being my children, with the fact I was from a higher-tiered world screwing stuff up, or it being due to their parents being high-level adventurers.

But it seemed it was a completely separate reason.

Well, looking at it now, the signs were definitely there.

How Leo and Eleanor seemed so used to swords and monsters, how fast they each came to learn how to talk and how to walk...

Yeah, I had definitely been blinded by my paternal love, but it was weird how no one else thought something was up.

Anyway, after telling me the shocking truth of their... circumstances, they went on to tell me about themselves.

As in, the selves before they became my children.

Which brought us to now.

And taking in all four of their stories, I came upon a shocking realization...

I knew them all.

It took a moment to go through my memories, but I definitely knew them all.

Ai Hoshino from Oshi no Ko, Arthur Leywin from The Beginning After the End, and of course Meteria and Alfia from this very world.

Haa... I had a feeling this was my fault.

After all, they were all from stories in my world, so they were all on the same 'tier' that the Goddess of Earth talked about.

But that didn't really matter at the moment.

Because right now, all of my kids were wearing sombre expressions, and in the case of Alea and Stella, there were even tears in their eyes.

That's right... my kids.

I did the deed with my wives, watched as their bellies grew bigger, held these four when they were but infants the size of my hand, and watched them grow bigger as the years passed.

Their smiles, their laughs, their expressions of curiosity and child-like innocence, how excited Alea was when I gave her her first practice sword... 

Memories from another life... did that make everything a lie?

"I see you as my children." I say resolutely.

No way in hell it did.

When a parent was absent from their child's life for a few years, didn't they remain their parent when they reunited with them?

It was the same case here.

And if anyone disagreed with that?

Well, it's none of their business.

Seeing all four of their faces turn hopeful, I know that my decision is right.

"Alea, Stella, Ellie... you're all my daughters, and nothing will ever change that. And Leo... while it's a bit hard to still see you as a toddler considering your... experiences, you are still definitely my son." I continue.

Besides, aside from Leo, my daughters didn't really have any parents, from what I could remember.

So just because they've had some life experience, it didn't change the fact that I was their one and only Papa.

"E-Even though I'm older-"

"Apapap, shush now." I interrupt Ellie before taking her into a hug.

"You'll always be my baby girl. No matter what." I say calmly.

"I-Impudent... Impudent Papa." She says before pushing her head into my chest.

She seemed a little embarrassed.

How cute.

"S-So... you still... love us?" Alea asks apprehensively, her blue eyes shaking lightly in anxiousness.

Right... Alea, or rather, Ai Hoshino always had trouble with love.

"Of course I do. Though... I am a little upset that you and Stella have already had kids. It's unfortunate that I can't talk to your first men." I say while sending a glare to the floor.

Cursed fuckers... taking my sweet daughter's innocence without me even being there to knock some sense into them!

Seeing their teary smiles, I turned to Ellie, who was still buried in my chest.

"And Ellie, or rather Alfia."

She looks up at me, her dual-toned eyes trembling in worry.

Right... Alfia also had heterochromatia.

I wonder if it was transferred?

Though with her blazing red hair like her mother, she didn't really look like Alfia.

"I forgive you, or rather, I'm proud of you. While it was a rather... destructive way of doing things, you definitely saved Orario. So good job, sweetie." I say before gently patting her head.

Her eyes widen and begin to water before she buries her head into my chest once again, and a moment later, Alea and Stella follow suit, the four of us forming a cuddle pile.

Well, hopefully, that settled things and put their minds at ease.

"Leo, you get over here too." I say to my son.

That seems to shock him out of his daze as he slowly makes his way over.

Thinking about it... didn't I have a lot of teasing material on the guy now?

"What? Are you that scared of women? I know that in your numerous years of life you haven't-"

"Stop, stop! I'm coming, okay!" He shouts, his face red in shame.

Hehe, well, maybe my son would be the one for Artemis? 

Seeing as he is so very 'pure' and all...

"But Papa... are you sure you aren't sad that you haven't had a normal child?" Stella asks.

"Hmm... not really. Normal children seem like a pain to deal with. Besides... if I- or rather, we change our minds later, I can always have more with your mothers. Haha!" I say with a smile.

My three daughters' faces curl down in disgust.



"Just die."

Receiving consecutive damage from Alea, Stella, and Ellie in turn, my head droops down in anguish.

"Those are some harsh words, girls..."

"You deserve it, so stop being a pervert. My... my Papa should be better than that." Ellie says with a small smile.

Well, it seemed that she felt better now, so that was good.

...Even if it meant being ridiculed by my own daughter.

Anyway, with their hearts recovered, I think it was time we moved on to a more important topic.

"So... did you guys plan to tell your mothers about this?" I ask.

Their faces return to ones of worry.

Yeah, well... that's to be expected.

While I was confident that the two women I had sworn my life to wouldn't abandon them because of this... I couldn't be absolutely sure.

And with them being native to the world, they might not take this crazy situation as well as I did.

Thinking about it now, that might be why the kids asked me to be with them, assuming they knew the falna would reveal their secret.

"Thought so... well, I won't force you to do it now, but you must do so eventually. And together as a group as well." I say.

They each nod their heads.

"And until you do, you guys can't go into the dungeon. Understood?" I say.

"But why?" Alea whines.

"Because I don't want to have to convince them to let you go, since they won't know about your maturity." I explain.

Just imagining the harsh stares I would receive if I brought it up to them, especially from Ryuu... wait, why didn't I feel like that was too bad?

Was I... no, I was not a degenerate like that.

No way.

"Anyway, we'll hide the names on your status sheets, and we can explain the skills and magic as being due to me and my... otherworldlyness." I say.

Though that might not even be far from the truth.

While I still didn't know why they were reincarnated, I could see myself possibly being some sort of coordinate or beacon that brought in other souls to this world, in the vessels of my children, or something like that.

But that was something I definitely didn't want to think about, at least not while I was still sober.

Mother Astraea, who had decided to give us some privacy, then chooses that moment to return.

"Has everything been settled?" She asked.


She didn't seem that perturbed in the slightest.

Did she already know?

"Yeah... Yeah, it has. We've decided to keep it a secret from Alise and Ryuu for now, though... are you fine with that?" I ask.

"I suppose I'll have to, as long as you plan to eventually tell them. I... dislike keeping secrets, especially important ones such as this, but I would rather not impede on the matter of parent and child." She says calmly.

Alea then turns toward her.

"And... Grandma Astraea, do you see us differently?" She asks hesitantly.

"Fufufu, do you know why we Gods see all mortals as children?"

The kids shake their heads.

"It is because we Gods are very very old. Compared to how long I have lived, even with your past lives, you are all nothing but infants to me. Besides... while it is not absolute, I am able to view what happened in your past after granting you your falnas a little, so I know you've all had difficult lives and deserve a second chance." She then bends down to the kids' level before continuing.

"But, I must ask... do you view your parents here as your parents?" She asks.

"Of course!" Alea exclaims.

Stella, Ellie, and Leo all nod their heads in agreement.

"Well, that is all I ask of you. After all, I know how much your parents love you as their children. It would be quite pitiful if that love was not reciprocated." She says with a small smile.

She then gets back up to her feet before walking over to the door.

"Now I'm certain there are still some things you five need to talk about amongst yourselves, so I'll leave you to it. By the way... you are quite lucky Alise and Ryuu went into the dungeon earlier. Did you forget about their enhanced hearing?" She says.


My kids' faces also turned panicked at what could have been a very messy situation.

"T-Thank you, Mother Astraea." I say after a moment.

"Of course, Sirius. Now, do be sure to come down for dinner." She says before closing the door behind her.

Looking down at the four, I feel my mouth curve up into a smile.

"Hey... aside from the reincarnation stuff, you four did get your falnas. I got something to commemorate that." I say.

While I had initially only planned to show them their gifts, considering how mature they were, I think it would be fine to give them now.

I had heard from Ryuu that the children in her forest received their first dagger once they turned three, so she wouldn't be too mad.


As long as the four didn't do anything stupid.

Getting up from my seat, I then walk over to the chest in the corner.

Alea and Leo were swordsmen, so their gifts had been predetermined.

And I knew that Stella liked archery, so that was easy too.

The only problem was with Eleanor.

Would she be a mage?

A healer?

A swordsman?

Well... I didn't know, so I decided to get her something that could work for almost any situation.

And luckily, it seemed that my choice had been a good one.


"Leo, this is for you." I say.

I then handed Leo Alf's Melodia, the dual-edged short sword of mine that had not seen any use recently.

"And Alea, this one's for you."

I then give her Zephyr Blade, the single-edged counterpart.

"These are both real swords. They're sharp and can cut. I'm trusting you with these, okay? Don't do anything stupid." I say seriously.

Please... please don't.

Your mothers would kill me.

But yes, I had decided to part with the short swords as I had not needed to use them recently, but I didn't want them to just wallow in storage, slowly gaining dust over the years.

That would be too sad for the blades I had spent so much money on- Ahem. The blades that had gone through countless battles with me.

And with them being short swords for me, they were more like actual swords for the kids, so it was a perfect situation!

"Woah~!" Alea says with excitement as she slowly unsheathes the blade.

"It's so pretty!" She exclaims.

...Was she really reincarnated?

With her pure excitement, it really didn't seem so...

"Stella. This is for you. Its name is Whisperwind, and it will grow to fit the user. So you can use it for a while." I say before handing my daughter the bow.

It was a recurve bow, the frame being made from reinforced and enchanted wood from the dungeon, and the bowstring being the string from an Arachne.

Grasping the bow, the weapon that was previously the length of my arm shrinks in her hand, transforming into the perfect length for a five-year-old girl like her.

"Whisperwind... So cool~!" She exclaims.

"I'm glad you like it." I say with a smile.

Indeed, it was a cool name.

...I was definitely being assimilated.

"And for you, Ellie. I got this." I then hand my final daughter the last gift.

It was a magic staff, with Mythril metal as the base that was shaped like a cane, with an array of magic gems at the head that glowed constantly.

But that wasn't all...

Grasping the top of the staff, Ellie slowly unsheaths the weapon, revealing a thin, glowing blue blade.

"Yep. That one was... tough, on your old man's wallet. But do you like it?"

Another sword staff, though this one is more like a staff that could transform into a sword, rather than Lefiya's sword and staff hybrid.

"I... I love it. Thank you... Papa." She says with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Good. And while it doesn't change its shape to fit the user like Stella's, as you grow older, it can still be used as a wand and a short sword. So treat it well, okay?" I ask- no, I plead.

Please treat it well.

Papa spent a lot of money on you~

But at least, since they all had magic, I could sell that grimoire I had been saving.

...I could sell it now, right?

"I will. I promise... I promise I will." She says resolutely.


"Well, that's enough dreary stuff. How about you four go outside and get used to your enhanced bodies? Although... it would be quite funny if you tripped over your feet later on." I say with a smirk.

"Okay~!" Alea answers for the kids.

As the four make their way out, I sit down on the bed before splaying out like a starfish.

Fuck... what a fucking day.

...I need a nap.

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