Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 99 – End of the Attack

His sword flashes towards me like a whip, the air screeching from the speed.

Bringing my sword up to defend, I block the strike just in time to be sent careening across the pavement.

Was a level 5... always this strong?

Right... it was.

I had just forgotten after all this time.

"You blocked that? Ha... haha! Well well well, would you look at that?" Vito says, slightly surprised.

I needed to calm down.

Yes... I needed to breathe.

My pure power and magic might have relied on my status, but my technique did not.

Closing my eyes, I focus on my body.

The feeling of my feet on the ground, loose and unstable.

That wouldn't do.

Tensing my legs, I lower my center of gravity and feel my shoes grip against the hardened stone.

Breathing in, I taste the dust in the air, earthy and stale, mixing with the pungent scent of iron and salt from the blood running down my face.

I didn't want to think of whether it was mine or not.

The ringing in my ears subsides as I slowly bring up my sword, the tip of the blade trembling slightly from my unsteady grip.

That wouldn't do either.

Breathing out, the fog clouding my mind clears as my hands become steady and stable.

Alright... let's do this.

"Hmm... we should still have some time before any reinforcements come, so let's have some fun with this, shall we? Ah, but then again, my lord wouldn't appreciate me playing around-"

I step forward, cutting off Vito's rambling as I unleash a slash towards his neck.

My sword arcing through the air, I can't help but grimace at how... slow it was.

But that was fine.

While I didn't have Magic Sense to help me out, I knew my sword was still a dangerous one, especially if handled lightly.

Vito hastily brings his sword up to block the strike, his previous confidence gone from his face replaced with a look of shock.

His movements... they were clumsy.

Even Lefiya was probably a better swordsman than this person.

But with his pure strength and speed, it didn't matter.

But damn... my ranged strike... wasn't enough.

He tenses his legs, readying himself to jump toward me.

And in turn, I leap toward him.

I had to bring the fight as far away from the orphanage as possible.

A clang resounds as metal grinds against metal.

"How the hell did you attack like that?" Vito says with some anger.

Despite putting in all the strength I could muster, my blade wasn't moving forward.


Was this all I amounted to?

"Well, you're still weak though."

He then flicks my sword to the side, leaving me completely open.


His blade comes down, and twisting to the side, I barely bring my sword up in time to parry his blade, sending it arcing to the ground.

But before I could make use of the opening, a fist came rocketing toward my side, sending me flying backward once again.


While my Sword Saint Arts allowed me to keep up with his sword techniques and defend against his power, my body was still that of a fragile human.

Quickly getting to my feet, I block another strike, and another.

I was getting overwhelmed.

Thankfully, the other members of Evilus seemed to just be watching the fight on the sidelines rather than joining in, or worse, attacking the children.

But at least I knew my children were strong enough to get away.

But at this rate... I would lose.

I needed a moment to reset myself, but unfortunately, he wouldn't give it to me.

Unless I gave him a reason to...

Blocking another strike, I bring my sword towards Vito in a reckless attack towards his neck, one he dodges, but not enough to escape unscathed, leaving a deep cut across his shoulder.



His sword had run through my abdomen.

The pain was dulled, likely from adrenaline, but it still felt like a hot iron rod had been pressed against my stomach.

A terrible wound.

But... this was also an opportunity.

My left hand gripping his sword, I feel the edge dig into my palm as I bring down the sword in my right hand towards his neck.

But Vito wouldn't let that happen.

Kicking me in the chest, I fly backward, rolling against the pavement before soon coming to a stop.

""Papa!"" The four kids scream.

Gritting my teeth to ignore the pain, I slowly stand up once again, a large patch of blood growing across my shirt.

"Haha! Well... that was quite fun. Tell me, how did you keep up with me for so long?" Vito says through panting breath.

Luckily, it seemed part of my gamble had paid off.

With me receiving such an injury, he was gloating, giving me time.

"Oy? Are you a mute or something? Come on, talk to me!" 

There was no time for talking.

Only for killing.

Slowly, I raise my sword overhead, with both my hands gripping the handle, tight, but still loose enough to allow ease of movement from my wrist.

Slowly, I take a shaky breath in, the air hissing through my teeth before releasing the air through my nose.

The pain hurt, but it also tempered my focus.

My swordsmanship... was much weaker than it should be.

It seems that even after all that training, I was still relying on my status somewhat.

How shameful.

Sword technique wasn't something to be used with such brute force, it was rather something gentle... something beautiful.

Narrowing my eyes, I imagine the magic power in the air drawing in toward my sword, setting the blade alight in pure power.

But a strong sword wasn't all that was needed.

I tense my muscles from my core to my bicep to my things, imagining the latent mind locked in my body spreading through my veins, like an enormous interwoven river.

For some reason, despite all my rage and pain, I felt oddly... calm.

The world seemed a little more clearer, a little more... serene.

This... I've felt something like this before.

Years ago, when I was fighting the Goliath if my memory is correct.

'The zone'.

A state of absolute efficiency, where movements flowed into each other like a choreographed dance.

But it felt... slightly different.

Like I was in control rather than being strewn around like before.

Was this better?

I didn't know.

But what I did know, was that I felt strong.

Strong enough to slice through the hardest metal with a flick of my finger.

My right foot steps forward as I begin to bring down my blade.

Vito... and all you Evilus scum.

You played a good game, but ultimately, it wasn't enough.

My sword cuts through the air, the tip glowing red as the friction heated the blade.

I promised to deliver upon you the wrath of my blade, and I would deliver.

My legs release their gathered tension, sending me flying toward my enemy.

This... was my strength.

The pinnacle of technique.

I finish my movement, releasing a slash of blinding light that follows the path of my sword.

Huh... I thought that was only visible with Magic Sense.

The light recedes, and I'm met with the pleasant sight of Vito, his face set in surprise as the line drawn vertically down his body becomes more pronounced before slowly separating, sending him crumpling to the ground in halves.

Being cleaved in two... I don't think a potion can heal that.

With that pleasant thought in my mind, my vision slowly darkens before I fall unconscious.

----- Eleanor POV -----

I felt sick to my stomach.

Watching Papa fight off that disgusting creature of a human, I couldn't help but tremble in fear.

...Fear, huh?

I have not felt fear since... a long time ago.

Likely back in my first exploration of the dungeon.

But now... I was terrified.

It was not a fear for my life, but rather, a much purer sort of fear.

A fear for my father who was fighting so valiantly.

The one who had accepted me as his daughter even after knowing of my past life and the sins I had committed.

A fear for my siblings who were standing behind me.

A fear born out of the ones I love possibly leaving this world.

I had never really felt this way before.

Meteria's death was something inevitable due to our disease, and before that, I was strong enough to protect her from anything this harsh world decided to throw at us.

But now... I was weak.

Terribly, disgustingly weak.

My magic that could shake mountains could now barely rustle a feather.

Genos Angelus... might be able to do something, but the chant took too long, and I doubt I had enough mind in this paltry vessel to properly cast it.

"Papa!" Alea screams from behind me.

Right... that girl, that sister of mine, was not originally from a world of monsters and tragedy.

Something like this must truly be shocking for her.

She had already been shocked by the death of that child, but seeing my father on the losing end of a lethal combat... it was too much for the poor girl.

But I could comfort her later.

Right now, I had to observe the situation, for their safety.

Our father's wound was... bad, no question about it.

But he was still standing, so the situation was still salvageable.

As the elder sister, I had to do something.

But then, I watched as Papa lifted his sword over his head, and all my thoughts ground to a halt.

While I was still far away from my abilities in my past life in regard to sensing magic, I could still feel it.

Papa's body was overflowing with magic.


Even with a falna, such a sight seemed impossible, but for one without a God's blessing?


Utterly ridiculous.

A moment later, Papa leaps forward while bringing his sword down, casting the street in a blinding flash of light.

And in awe, I watch as Vito falls helplessly to the floor in two, dead.

He... did it?

He... my father... after suffering a point-blank explosion and then losing his status... won against Vito, one of the strongest members of Evilus?

I... suppose I should be used to his surprises by now, but still...

But just as I start to feel a modicum of hope, I watch as Papa crumples to the ground, his body left in an even worse state than before.

His entire skin had turned purple from bruising and his legs were bent in ways that bones were not meant to.

It... made sense.

Somehow, he had achieved the speed and strength befitting a level 5 at least, but... that does not mean he had the endurance of one.

His body was not meant to exert the insane power it had, and he was now bearing the harsh consequences.

Quickly getting their bearings, the Evilus thugs draw their weapons once again, all looking menacingly toward my father's broken figure.

This common rabble would be nothing in front of my past self, but once again, I was weak.

"Motherfuckers! Blit-"

"Stop, brother." I say with a calm that surprised me.

Before Leo could do something stupid, I grabbed onto his arm, locking him in place.

"Let me go! He's gonna-!"

"And what can you do? You have not even used your magic yet, and your body is weak, so what can you do? You do not even have your sword with you." I say sternly, my eyes unknowingly glimmering with tears.

I couldn't allow him to go get himself killed.

He seemed to understand this too as he could easily wrestle his way out of my grasp, especially if he used his magic.

But I knew how he felt.

I too wanted to go over to Papa.

But I needed to stay here.

As the only experienced one here aside from Leo, and the only one with a viable ranged attack, I needed to stay and protect my siblings.

That was what Papa would have wanted, right?

But... what was taking so long!?

That explosion was deafening, easy to be heard from anywhere in the city, so where was the Ganesha Familia!?

Where was my Familia!?

No... I knew that they were currently on the lower floors of the dungeon, dealing with a situation in Rivira, but I needed them now!

We needed them now!

One Evilus member then begins walking up to my father, his longsword scraping menacingly across the ground before he raises it over his head.

"Gospel!" I quickly chant.

A shockwave fires from my outstretched hand, slamming against the man.

But what would previously reduce the vermin to but a pulp, only pushed him back slightly, like a light shove.


He then turns to face me with eyes glimmering with anger.

This damn weakness of mine!

It was vexing! Frustrating! Infuriating! Cruel! Unjust! Unfair-!

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of screeching wind and the sight of scorching flames, both attacks twisting through the air before impacting the Evilus man, reducing his body to mere cinders.

As the dust settles, I begin to make out two figures.

Two familiar figures.

"Mamas!" Alea shouts tearfully.

But instead of answering, I feel an unknown pressure descend on the area.

A pressure that constricted my throat and caused my fingers to tremble.

"You... dare." I hear Mama Ryuu mutter.

Rather than the loving or calm voices I had grown used to hearing from the Elven woman, it was cold, like ice.

No... ice would be too warm of a word.

It was like the glacial winds on the 60th floor.

A freezing tone that sent a chill up your spine.


Her rage explodes, and with a flick of her sword, the first row of Evilus thugs, who were rooted to their places, fall to the ground, bisected.

"Ryuu, calm down. Start healing Sirius, and I'll capture these... things." Mama Alise says darkly, none of her usual cheerfulness present on her face.

"Right... you're right." Mama Ryuu responds dully.

Crouching down over my father's broken form, she then begins chanting for her healing magic.

It... should be fine now, right?

Yes... those ruffians barely scratched the surface of a level 4 with their combined power, so they would mean nothing in front of Mama Alise's wrath.

We were safe now.

But that didn't mean all was good.

Seemingly understanding the change in the situation, Stella and Alea begin running toward our mother and father, with Leo and I following close behind.

"Dammit! Why won't it work!? Stella, use your magic, please!" Mama Ryuu says with tears in her eyes.

"O-okay! As the proof of our bond, please grant me this sacred miracle."

My sister uses her chant, and with her skill increasing her mind and healing magic, paired with her love for our father, it should have sealed the wound in his chest, or at least quelled the bleeding.

But it did nothing.

"W-Why? Why is it-!?"

"Mother. Calm down, please." I interrupt.

That seems to shock her out of her daze.

Vito... while I did not interact much with the Evilus scum, even when I joined their forces, I did receive instructions on their plan from the man.

His face was disgusting, and his voice was annoying, so I usually just let Zald do the talking, but... I did remember his weapon.

A cursed weapon, one with an effect useful enough for me to take notice.

"The man father faced had a cursed weapon. He said that it could inflict wounds that are unable to be healed." I say calmly.

"Shit! He's lost too much blood... Alise! Come seal his wounds!" Mama Ryuu shouts.

I've never heard her swear before...

Looking over to Mama Alise, I watch as she dismembers the last two standing members of Evilus with her flame whip, cauterizing the wound as soon as it was made, leaving them alive but... disarmed.

There was no pity in her usually warm eyes.

The ruby red pupils that usually held a calm fire like a hearth now looked like a raging inferno.

But in the next moment, the flames calm, and all I'm left with is the sight of a woman, terribly worried for her husband.

"Why? What's wrong with your healing?" She asks.

"A cursed weapon. That damned Vito returned." Mama Ryuu says through gritted teeth.

As Mama Alise begins treating Papa, I'm soon met with the disgusting stench of burned flesh terminating from Papa's wounds.

"Okay... Okay, I t-think he's fine now." Mama Alise eventually says.

"Thank the Gods. And you..."

Mama Ryuu then turns toward the four of us before taking us into a big group hug.

"You four... I'm so glad you're okay." She says, squeezing tighter.

"Ack-! M-Mom, please-!" Leo says through strained breath.

Maybe a little too tight.

After a moment of calming harmony despite the apocalyptic surroundings, she then lets us go.

"Now... can you please tell me what happened here?" She asks.

As Stella takes Alea, whose face had turned blank at the memory, into her arms, I step forward and begin the explanation.

"There was a child..."

----- Ryuu POV -----

Evilus had returned.

Not only that, but they dared to attack my dear husband, and in front of my children no less!

I was livid.

No, that was too calm of a word.

I was enraged.

My blood felt hot as if it was boiling beneath the surface of my skin, and my knuckles had long turned white from clenching my fist.

But at the very least, I could revel in the fact that my family was safe.

While his status was still sealed, and wounds were still present, Sirius was now in the clear and was recovering under the watchful eye of the Dea Saint.

And with the kids from the orphanage looked at, and my own children sent back to the Stardust Garden, we could now move onto the more serious side of things.

Why and how did this happen? 

That was the question.

"It seems like the peace we had worked so hard for has been broken, huh? What a shame..." Finn says sadly.

While not as fast as Alise and I, the Loki Familia, or at least their executives, had also come over to investigate.

The look on their eyes when they saw the state my husband was in... it was mostly fear.

They knew how strong he was, and they knew that an ambush would not leave him in that state either, so they were scared as to what exactly caused him to be left like that.

Well, except for Ais and Lefiya.

Their worry was less toward what had left their teacher with such injuries but rather for the man himself.

Regardless, such thoughts are not important right now.

"And the Evilus members?" Finn asks.

"They're all dead. Some sort of latent activation stopped their hearts according to the Dea Saint. It was likely triggered after the death of their leader, Vito." Lyra responds.

"Hmm... I see..." 

Finn then bends down before picking up a needle, which according to Ellie, was how Vito was able to get the better of Sirius.

Well... that and the suicide bomber.

I'll... have to comfort my husband about that when he awoke.

While strong emotionally... I knew what seeing such horrors firsthand could do.

"This 'status sealing'... it's worrisome. Extremely so. They must have refined their previous contraption after it had failed in the Knossos raid you told me about. But that begs the question... is it in the needles themselves? Or were they coated in something." Finn says under his breath.

"It's not likely to be coated in something. If it was, they would have poisoned the water supply before using it for such an inconsequential attack such as this. Ah! I mean no disrespect, of course." Riveria says, bowing to me and my wife.

"It's fine. I agree. It's not like them. But it's not the needles either." Alise says.

"What makes you so certain?" I ask.


She then stabs herself with a needle before setting her hand on fire with her magic.

"Don't do that!" I scream, before smacking the needle out of her arm.

"Sorry sorry! But now we know, right?" She says lightheartedly.

A collective sigh escapes the mouths of all the gathered adventurers.

Really... that wife of mine was one of a kind.

"Then that only raises more questions. Perhaps it was a type of magic? Or perhaps it was enchanted for a set time. Either way, we will need to investigate this further. If this gets out... it could lead to unimaginable consequences. So let's keep this between us." Finn says resolutely.

I, along with everyone else, nod at his suggestion.

"Aye', but that does leave the question of how they got here. Ganesha's folks aren't ones to skimp on their gate-guarding duties." Gareth says.


"Well, there are only two real options for that, isn't there?" Finn says with a smile.

"Either Knossos is back up and running... or there is a traitor within Orario." He says ominously.

----- Unknown POV -----

"They have left, my lord." My loyal captain says.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, leaning back into my padded throne.

"Thank you, Hyakinthos. You may go now." I say calmly.

"As you wish."

Left alone with my thoughts, I looked up at the moon, which shone so beautifully in the night sky.

Raising my glass of wine, I take a small sip.

But for some reason... it tasted bitter.

"Haa... with this... it should be over now, no?" I say sadly.

With this... my children will be safe... and they will remain beautiful for years to come.

Now, I would no longer have to grieve over their deaths as they succumb to their mortality.

Yes... with this... my greatest wish will finally come true.

But even though I was acting for such a beautiful future... I felt awfully disgusting.

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