
Chapter 12.3

The band was soon attracting notice as they walked down the street and into town, mostly due to Flora. After a moment Ellaria pursed her lips.

“I would like to get our payment as soon as possible to settle with the innkeep who’s rooms we destroyed so perhaps we should avoid tempting too much attention for now. Let’s move away from the main streets.”

The elf changed direction and they turned into a less-trafficked area. They quickly made their way through alleys and back streets until they came out next to their destination, the Adventurers Guild. Unfortunately for Ellaria’s plans to remain stealthy there appeared to be a small crowd outside, apparently word had already spread that the ‘amazingly rotund goblin slayers’ had returned. Ellaria did not look pleased with this development.

Flora cleared her throat as the elf stepped inside the AG to deal with the reward for the job. The crowd looked up at the spherical gnome, waiting with bated breath to see what this strange and crazy person would do next. The morning had been prime entertainment and the crowd hungered for more.

“Fans, friends, ladies, gentlemen, we have returned from our epic quest. It was… Harrowing.”

“Hey, where's the fox one! I liked that one!”

Flora gave the catcaller an annoyed look for interrupting. Below her Vivi jumped in the air waving her paw excitedly, her tummy bounced and audibly sloshed as she moved.

“I’m here! I’m here! Form a queue and I’ll sign your stuff for a small fee!”

“Ignore her, listen to me, she’s not even gloriously filled- uh, large with uhm, She’s not big like me anymore.”

“Why?” someone called.

“Because they’re all jerks! They squeezed out all the horse cu-” The fox girl's jaw snapped shut, closed by an invisible force. Her eyes went wide and her paws slapped onto her muzzle, desperately trying to open her forcibly shut mouth.

“As I was saying we went out and did battle with the goblins threatening all of you, attacking any who dared leave this town even for a moment, making your lives difficult and dangerous and constantly under dreadful terrible threat. What was worse the goblins had teamed up with a pack of slimes! and not just any old slimes but king and queen slimes! Truly everything was on the verge of disaster until our band Magic Mog arrived to save everyone.”

The crowd gasped at this, already enthralled by the gnome’s story.

As she spoke the crowd grew larger, much larger, more and more people poured into the street outside the AG to see the gnome orb who killed scary monsters. As more people arrived the area around Fey grew more and more crowded until people started to press up against her on every side with no room to move. 

“That's a lot of people,” said Kayla from where she sat straddled atop Fey’s back. 

“Uhm it is rather a lot,” said Fey looking around nervously. There weren't any females who looked like they might be in heat nearby fortunately but she could still see a number of females who were surreptitiously scenting the air a little further away. Her musky scent tweaking their noses and causing them to wonder just where the attractive scent they were smelling was coming from. The people closest to her by some luck appeared to be mostly human and humans seemingly weren't affected as strongly as more Canidae type species were. They also appeared fairly engrossed with Flora’s story which had grown absurd in the telling and now involved the band somehow befriending a tribe of warrior otterkin whom they charged into glorious battle on horseback with against a goblin horde thousands strong.

“I think it might be a good idea to get out of here while we still c-caaaahhhn!” 

Fey let out a gaspy moan as she felt Lily suddenly buck herself onto her cock. The otterkin seemed to have discovered that she could use the rope and her feet along with her dexterous tail for leverage all at the same time to move herself and was taking to it with gusto.

“N-not here Lily! P-please we’re surrounded by people! In publiicc!” whisper whined Fey, but the otterkin hanging below her barrel couldn't hear her over the sound of the crowd and Flora’s story.

Lily repeatedly pulled herself forward with the rope then dragged herself back using her feet and tail wrapped tight around the base of Fey’s dick, a perfect setup to happily rail her pussy over and over on the horse cock.

A mewling moaning accompanied by a wet and sloppy quelching sucking sound came from beneath Fey and started to draw confused glances. The crowd of people pressed up tight around her were unable to see beneath her barrel to observe just what was happening however, leaving the otterkin in fragile privacy to do as she wished.

The cacophony of otterkin noises was only interrupted by the occasional peaking wail and the sound of liquids splattering against cobble as the otterkin squirted herself silly.

One of the women standing next to Fey flinched as Lily came, her bare legs sprayed with the otterkin’s juices. She blinked and tried to look down and spot what it was that was dousing her legs in warm fluid but of course the crowd was too tightly packed by this point for her to see anything but Fey’s back upon which Kayla sat trying her best to look innocent.

Fey for her part was blushing brighter and brighter red, her hands on her cheeks, praying that no one would notice what was happening. She was having sex completely and utterly out in the open public surrounded by unknowing strangers on every side!

Beneath her the otterkin’s convulsing vaginal muscles continued to slurp and milk at her length as the otterkin repeatedly dragged herself along it, her walls rippling in way that made Fey’s tail twitch and her limbs tremble even as Lily’s gushing pussy sprayed down the cobble below.

The centaur’s hooves shifted uncontrollably against the damp cobble and she had to bite down on her wrist to stop herself from crying out as the small otter girl plunged and sawed her small body up and down the massively overwhelming cock like her life depended on it. Her little pussy snapping over every bump and vein yet always hungry for more and more and more to be stuffed into her cooch, stretching out her womb all the more with the thigh thick shaft.

She was giving her all.

And she still wanted more. Needed more.

“Ahn! AH! AHN!” mewled out Lily as she used herself on the thick stallion length, ancient breeding instinct screaming at her to secure this centaur’s load, to inseminate herself deep deep in her womb, to breed herself full of as many children as possible.

“Annhgggnnnnn!” groaned Fey, desperately clamping down on her voice, trying to prevent a full throated scream from emerging as her flare expanded wider and wider deep inside her mate’s hungry womb, anchoring itself in place and ensuring the otter girl would be bred into oblivion.

And then Lily got what she wanted.

Fey came hard, and as she came the horror and the shame of knowing that she was cumming into a girl in the middle of a huge public crowd right in the open just made her cum all the more. Lily shrieked below her barrel as her womb inflated with massive amounts of thick heavy horse cum, her tummy bloating and swelling and stretching as more and more and more just poured and hosed into her little stretched out pussy without stop.

Fey squeezed her eyes shut and groaned, desperately holding herself back from screaming out loud as she exploded into the squeaking shrieking thrashing otterkin.

Multiple people were starting to look down in confusion as Lily’s pussy repeatedly squirted and sprayed, sending droplets of herself splattering up the legs of every person surrounding Fey, drenching their legs in warm fem fluids and soaking their clothes through as her pussy went mad and her whole body convulsed.

As the otterkin’s belly rapidly filled with more and more surging ropes of cum the otterkin’s voice became more and more high pitched and shifted into full throated screaming as she swelled to two foot across, three foot, four foot, more, it just didn't stop. Lily’s warm cum filled belly was starting to touch up against the people standing around Fey, pressing up against them, squishing inward as it deformed around their bare legs and bulging out in the spaces between.

“Hnngh! It’s still goiiing!” cried out Fey as her cock eagerly bucked into the otterkin.

By this point Lily's belly was five foot across, nearing six foot and had filled up the space beneath Fey’s barrel, lifting the otterkin up against Fey. Her screaming suddenly became muffled as her own belly pressed up into her face and then pushed the back of her head up into Fey’s barrel, encasing her head entirely with flesh.

The people around Fey were becoming increasingly alarmed as a strange smooth skin-coloured jiggling blob seemed to be growing out from underneath the centaur, somehow forcefully pushing them aside despite the packed tight crowd.

The people not understanding what exactly was happening became angry as they were shoved away by the expansion and began to push back. They placed their palms on the smooth skin and pushed into it, their hands sinking into the soft warm to the touch flesh as they tried to press it back underneath Fey, pressuring what was inside and in so doing stimulating the sensitive body around it. The faint muffled pleasured howls of Lily could just be heard as they essentially massaged and squashed her cum belly, but it would take someone really paying attention to hear it over the crowd.

Fey’s eyes fluttered as she felt the pressure of her own cum swirl around her length, squeezing down on her shaft. This of course just caused her to cum all the harder. 

The crowd was fighting a losing battle by this point despite a dozen people joining together to heave back against the strange liquid filled balloon and they were gradually being pushed backwards and pressed against all the others packed together in the small area outside the AG. In fact the crowd was so packed that many of the people were left pressed tight against the otterkin’s belly, their arms spread out over it, their faces smooshed up against the surface, not knowing that just below the surface was a lake of boiling hot horse cum, only Lily’s stretched thin flesh separating them from it.

Fey shivered as one last surging spray of cum went into the otterkin and her expansive belly lifted her hooves an inch up off the ground, the centaur supported entirely by the gut of the otter girl. She gasped and trembled and panted as it came to an end, having to lean down and grab hold of the shoulders of two people in front of her to support her limp upper body. They gave her annoyed looks. A faint muffled scream could be heard and a small stream of Lily’s juices flowed down the back of her dome of a belly, soaking the people who were pressed up against her on that side.

“Er, maybe we should have waited until we were somewhere a little more private for that,” said Kayla looking around nervously at the belly bulging out from beneath the centaur that the crowd was pressed up against.

“Y-you think!?” panted Fey between heaving breaths. “What am I gonna do Kayla! I’m trapped like this!”

“I don't know!”

They were interrupted from further discussion however by Flora letting out a gasp.

The gnome was looking down at her belly in extreme alarm.

“What is it Flora?” said Ellaria emerging back out from the AG. 

“It’s coming, oh gods it’s coming out!”

Ellaria furrowed her brow in confusion.

“What’s coming out?

“The slime! I’m going to give birth to the slime right now!!!”

(part 3 of 3)

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