
Chapter 14.1

Previously on Centaurus: A slime emerges from Flora and creates absolute chaos, at the same time various forces, including the town guard, the church legion, and the innkeeper’s guild come to arrest the band. 


◈ Now, Chapter 14:


As the people pressed up around her began to leave with the disintegrating crowd Fey managed to reach down with her hooves and touch at the cobble. Of course, being trapped atop the cum inflated body of an otterkin made this a tad tricky. She actually had to sway herself forward, riding atop the sloshing smooth skinned balloon of cum. A muffled moaning came from beneath her as she drove herself forward, getting louder with each swing.

At last she managed to get her hooves fully on the cobble with a clip clop and went about the difficult manoeuvre of removing herself from Lily. This involved swinging her hips to side until her own weight caused her to slide off. Her still hard cock came free brutally, ripping from the otterkin’s muff at an extreme angle, dragging out her cunt until it came free with a loud SCHLPOP! Along with a spray of cum from the otterkin’s gaped and steaming cunt. White fluid sailed through the air before hitting the cobble in a noisy splatter. Lily pressed her hands into her belly and moaned full throatedly, her eyes half lidded as it left her.

“Gods what are we going to do?” said Fey, looking around the disaster scene nervously. People were running in all directions now, fleeing from what looked like an oncoming four way war. The Church’s Legion, led by some kind of Bishop, along with Seth the ex-anti-mage now quite impossibly turned into some kind of priest Class. The exceptionally annoyed town guard who wanted to know why a good chunk of their town was running around bleating like sheep with an alabaster coating. The Innkeepers guild, which had apparently turned out in force for one of their own and were screaming about hanging Flora and burning her at the stake or possibly even both at the same time. And then there was Magic Mog, Ellaria was looking ready to make moves but Vivi was lost below of a small hill of screaming moaning woman showering the cobble with fluids as their naked bodies writhed between masses of tentacles. Above this literal cluster fuck was Flora who seemed to have gotten into a screaming match with the church’s Legion. Her flat out ignoring of the innkeepers’ angry demands was pissing them off even more.

“Fuck you and fuck your church and fuck your legion!! You had your Class taken because you tried to rob and kill us, that's called karma, maybe take the hint and turn over a new leaf asshole.”

“I don’t know what the hells you are talking about gnome. I’m new to all of this but even I know it’s impossible to lose a Class.”

The old bishop next to him gave the young man the side eye. “Watch your language boy, do not speak of the firelands so casually, you do not know what attentions you may attract.” He turned his gaze on Flora. “You. Gnome girl with the strangely rotund stomach. We have had reason to believe that you are harbouring souls with the intent to sell them for purposes of necromancy. The church does not allow this as a matter of course, for both religious and practical reasons; nobody wants to lose another town or city to the undead.”

“Yeah, I still have no clue what you are on about. I don't have any souls apart from my own.”

The old man frowned but waved his hand and a woman with snowy white skin and long black hair that partially covered her face stepped forward. She was skinny as a rake and stooped slightly giving her an unsettling look. 

“Mary, if you would.” 

“Yasss my bishop,” whisper hissed the girl. She waved her hands in the air. Her fingers weren't like normal fingers but more like large claws, the tips pointed, disturbing. The fingers rolled and twitched in the air and a large glowing fractalgram disc appeared beside Flora, patterned across its surface with intricate interwoven runes and scripture. The gnome girl looked at it nervously.

“H-hey what are you doing?!”

A number appeared on the disc, the number one. 

“This is a simple measure of the number of souls you have stashed away. It is better than a visual scan as it can detect any souls stored in dimensional bags. Mary if you would.”

Mary’s fingers twitched and the disc began to spin and Flora let out a gasp as slight vibration touched over her body. The number on the disc became a two then a three then a four.

“Hmm clearly we were right to come here just a few souls can become a massive problem when put in the right container-”

The number accelerated, six then eight then ten.

The bishop's brow rose slightly. 

“Sir, this seems cause for concern, perhaps we have an active necromancer in town?” said one of the legionnaires behind the bishop.

The bishops brow then furrowed as the numbers went on and on and on, thirteen then sixteen then nineteen. 

“Ready yourselves, this number carries a heavy sentence, if it becomes much more…”

Twenty three, then twenty seven, then thirty one. The legion was starting to become unsettled by this point, actively shifting back and forth on their feet and drawing swords. Murmurs of alarm broke out. 

“What could she possibly be doing with such a number of souls? This is very concerning.” mused the bishop, a hand on his beard.

“Th-theres still more!” said Seth, his eyes rounded by the ever growing number.

Thirty six, thirty eight, forty, the numbers had started to slow down by this point, forty two, forty three, forty four, forty five….fourty... six. The numbers slowed and came to a halt on the number forty six.

“She’s working for a Necromancer’s Coven! The whole town is in danger!” cried someone in a panic.

The legion looked ready to attack all on their own by this point but the bishop held up a hand. 

“Forty six souls carries a heavy price I’m afraid. Do not worry young gnome, we shall make your final days comfortable before we execute you for your misdeeds.”

“Mate, you can shove your execution and your souls up your arsehole, I ain’t got no souls, never have, never will, the fuck would I even want souls for?”

By this point the platoon of town guards had managed to fight their way through the disintegrating crowd and were lockstep marching toward Flora as one, their boots making a hammer time beat on the cobble. At the same time as they made their way forward the Innkeepers Guild spilled from the alley. The two sides eyed each other warily, the small hill of tentacle covered women between them.

“She’s our gnome guard boys. You don't have personal blood on your side of the scale, this one harmed one of ours,” said one of the innkeepers, a thickly muscled woman who looked like she could break a tree in half with just her biceps. It was clear she was head of the Innkeepers Guild by the respectful looks the others gave her.

“Harmed?” said Flora “What are you on about? Why is nobody making any sense around here?!”

The innkeeper looked up at Flora with a raised eyebrow. “An Innkeeper’s body is their inn and to do personal harm and insult to one’s inn is a physical assault on one’s body. You VIOLATED my daughter and I will see you pay with your blood, the same as what you did to the inn shall be visited upon your body.”

“Uhm, d-didn’t she rip out an entire wall, uhm?” said Fey putting her hand up nervously.

“Yes,” said the serious looking woman. “Don't worry though once we’ve ripped part of her out we’ll clumsily shove it back in place and pretend like nothing happened.”

“Wow, you guys are fucking hardcore. I kinda respect it,” said Flora. 

“Nobody is ripping anything out of anybody, you are all, everyone of you, under arrest for violating the peace. You pushed it too far and forced our hand. Put your weapons down and put your hands behind your head. Now.”

“Pff fuck that, I’m out of here, peace,” said Flora as she began drifting upwards, two finger saluting the guards.

“Hey, she’s getting away! Somebody stop her!” yelled Seth. 

“As you command massshter!” hissed Mary. The woman flicked her fingers in the air and a golden spinning fractalgram appeared above her head, the fractalgram flashed and a spear of white light shot out straight toward Flora.

“Oh no you don't!” said the gnome flicking her own hands. The spear of light suddenly shifted trajectory and came crashing down to earth next to the hill of women just as one of the tentacles was reaching out. The tentacle was hit full on by the light in a blinding flash.

The reaction was immediate and explosive. A terrified SQUEEEEE! Came from within the hill of bodies and every single woman in the pile was flung into the air, nodule covered tentacles brutally ripping from cunts and mouths and assholes sending fluids spattering into the air along with the thrown women. The guards and innkeepers only had a moment to realise what was happening before they were broadside barraged by naked people. Howling cumming women flung amongst their ranks, knocking them down and entangling them in extremely compromising and embarrassing positions. The guard captain who had originally spoken ended up with the black eared wolfkin sitting astride his face, her crotch grinding down atop him as he made muffled shouting sounds into her folds.

This was the trigger that caused all hell to break loose. The innkeepers and the guards collided in a battle for the band as the church's legion decided they didn't want to miss out on this and charged straight into the melee while screaming about various gods. 

Vivi had no idea what the hell was happening, the last thing she had seen was the packed in crowd before her world became moaning mewling women and a slime monster ravaging them. Now there was apparently an all out war happening around her involving the town guard, some religious looking crazy people and… a load of chefs? Vivi wasn't sure but she doubted it mattered to the guard who had just been bashed over the head with a rolling pin.

In any case, she had more important things to worry about, specifically the slime’s tentacle that was being slowly dragged back through her insides. She was amazed at just how much looping that the tentacle had to go through to make its way through her intestine, she could literally see the tentacle disappearing across her swollen belly’s surface, the lines of it bulging out her tummy slipping away. It accelerated and she only had a moment for her eyes to roll up before the tentacle pulled outward swiftly dragging itself from her distended throat and then her mouth. She let out a gasp like a drowning person coming up for air as the tentacle ripped from her lips bringing with it a wash of saliva that dripped and hung from Vivi’s swollen lips with a pitter patter.

She just lay there for a moment, breathing hard, staring at the slime in front of her. It did not look happy, in fact she could see a small burnt patch about a half inch across on its surface. It was using a tentacle to pat at the burnt spot in confusion. Apparently whatever had hit it had had an effect unlike Ellaria’s fire magic in its previous incarnation. Vivi almost felt glad that the thing was actually damageable, she felt less glad about the increasingly panicked look in the slime’s eyes as it looked around at the fighting. It suddenly looked up at Vivi and she saw genuine fear there in its expressive eyes, she almost felt sorry for it, that is until the slime started to move and she realised what exactly its solution was to escape the chaos.

The slime had a memory, that memory was of escaping danger, escaping danger in a dark, enclosed, warm place. Fortunately the slime was still partially inside of such a place. It Squeee’d in sudden determination and rushed over the top of Vivi as the fox girls eyes went round and she began to panic.

“No no no no no! You can't! You won't fit! NUUUUUU!”

The slime didn't listen and it quickly found the fox girl’s drooling pussy, still stuffed with thick glossy white and semi-transparent tentacles. Vivi was desperate by this point, holding her legs together and trying to protect her rear with her feet, curling her tail down defensively. But the slime could not be stopped and it sent out tentacles to firmly grasp the fox girl's legs, forcefully spreading them apart as well as grabbing her tail and holding it over her back. The slime had an exit from the danger and it would not be stopped, Vivi’s quivering folds beckoned, safety was near. 

The tentacles still inside Vivi suddenly slid in further, piling up inside her womb at the same time as the slime reeled itself inward, pulling its two foot wide body until it was pressed up against her rear. The fox girl’s thighs shook and trembled, sending her buttox jiggling as the slime squirmed itself against her. 

“W-wait! I- I can carry you! I can protect you!”

The slime Squeee’d! It agreed with her! Vivi would carry and protect it! Just not in the way Vivi would have preferred.

The slime tensed its tentacles up inside Vivi’s womb and then began to properly reel its main body in, dragging itself inward, pushing up against Vivi’s muff harder and harder even as her legs shook out of control and she made yipp yipp yelping sounds as a huge pressure was applied. The slime apparently knew what it was doing and it squished down its main body extending itself outward and pressing apart Vivi’s lower lips, spreading them wider and wider, stretching her outward further than she ever had been as it forced itself inside of her, eagerly searching for that home from home, her warm darkness.

“OHH GAWWWWDDD!!!” wailed Vivi as she bit down on her wrist as with a sudden loud SCHLORRRPP!! The body of the slime slipped inside the fox girl’s convulsing desperately clenching walls and found itself being quickly drawn past her cervix. The slime rushed past her entrance inside, setting the fox girl’s nerves on fire as her whole body trembled and shook. With an audible POP! it slipped entirely into her womb leaving her gaped out cunt to slowly tighten as a number of other tentacles were dragged inside, being one by one slurped up into her by the content and happy slime inside. 

The fox girl shuddered as she came, her claws making white scratches across the cobble as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her body. Panting like a bellows she looked down at her belly in dismay, it was significantly larger than before and she could see the slime’s tentacles beneath the surface, prodding at her womb walls, creating small moving bulges in her furred tummy.

“I’m- I’m not your goddam taxi service!” whined the fox girl as drool dripped from her open mouth and sweat ran from her overheated body.


(This is a 4 parter)


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