
Chapter 16.3

“Wh-what is it?” said Kayla looking between the centaur and the harpy, “Is something wrong?”

Fey shook her head. “Lily… where did you get that feather?”

The little otterkin girl looked up at her wondering why she was asking. 

“I found it around the pobos this morning, just lying on the ground, why?”

A horrible thought suddenly struck Kayla just as it had Fey. An image of the harpy girl feeding the pobos that morning and being bullied by the birds, knocking her to the ground and nearly trampling her.

“Oh, oh no, it can't be!” the otterkin put her hands to her cheeks and shook her head.

Boze gasped suddenly as a wash of clear fluid spilt from her mouth. She coughed and her muscular stomach jumped as she pushed even more fluid out.

“What? What is it!” said Lily getting increasingly concerned with the expressions on the other two.

“It’s your feather Lils, it didn't come from a pobo, it came from…” She gestured at the harpy slumped over the pile of books.

The teddy bear dropped from Lily’s hands as she realised what she’d done.

“B-but that pobo that squawked…” 

“It was a coincidence, really awful timing and our bad assumption. We were toasting Boze here, not a pobo.”

Fey let out a sigh. “We were very lucky, she fell in spot with canvas to break her fall and right next to me. This could have gone so much worse..”

Kayla put a hand on the forlorn Lily. “It’s okay, things didn't quite go as planned, not your fault. Hey, at least we found out that it’s effective!”

“I almost drowned her in Fey’s precum!”

“Er, right, well that just goes to show how powerful of an adventurer you will be Lils! Just think what you could do to a monster with this Skill!”

“I could drown monsters in cum?”

“N-not exactly, but good that you're being positive!

Boze spat to the side and blinked groggily. “What the fuck, first something burns my ass and now I get covered in, in… what is this stuff?” The harpy seemed none the worse for wear from her fall thanks to Fey’s healing which had left her only very wet and very confused. The harpy lifted a foot into the air and spread her bird toes, thin strings of fluid stretching between them. Boze furrowed her brow. “I feel… weird…”

“Uhm, my, erm, stuff tends to have kind of an effect on people,” muttered Fey.

Kayla glanced between the centaur and the harpy. “Oh. And she has it all over her… and all over every single square inch of her insides…”

“Really kinda fuckin’ hot down there,” muttered the harpy, her hips unconsciously lifting into the air. She brought the corner of her wing down and touched at her shorts, she furrowed her brow and then as she pushed harder her eyes went wide and her back arched and her shorts flooded with a gush of squirt, fluid burbling through the fabric to pour down on the books below.

“G-gods, what the fuck! I'm so fucking sensitive! Hnyyaa!” the harpy’s six-pack tensed, her hardbody rippling as she clenched up and arched.

“What do we do!” exclaimed Lily, fretting over the squirting moaning harpy, the soaked teddy bear clutched in her hands.

Rina who had followed the otterkin’s inside and had been wringing her hands together as Fey healed the harpy suddenly timidly raised a hand. “Is… is this like with Zal? D-does she need medical healer sex?” The lamia blushed furiously and the tip of her tail swished back and forth excitedly.

“Uhhhh....” Fey glanced at the harpy who was still bucking her hips at the air, her wings flapping limply against the ground. “M-maybe?” she cleared her throat nervously catching the harpy’s attention. “H-hi there. Uhm, do you want to h-have medical s-sex?”

Boze stared at her. “What?”

“D-do you want m-me to penetrate y-you medically h-healing healer sex time?”


“She’s asking if you want to fuck!” said Kayla aloud. She slapped a hand over her mouth in surprise at her own words.

“I have no godsdamn clue what is happening right now...why am I so fucking horny, holy shit, I feel like my pussy is on fire,” said Boze shifting uncomfortable, her breath ragged.

“Erm, yes, that would be the medical healing part, to soothe your, erm, p-pussy.”

“Well, fuck, sure, if you got a guy around I’d climb him like a fucking tree right now.” The harpy squirmed her hips and glanced around as though expecting a male to jump from behind a bookcase and rip his trousers off.

“There’s a male, he’s beneath Fey though. I hope you’re okay with that.”

“What are you blathering about otter girl, just find me some dick already, gods this is getting worse and worse.” Boze groaned aloud and squeezed her thighs together, her toned stomach rippling as she twisted and turned.

Fey raised a hand. “She’s, ah, talking about me, I h-have a p-penis!” Fey squeaked out the last bit. 

The harpy gave her a confused look so Fey leaned her lower body to the side. Her fat veiny cock sprung out, its stiffness throbbing and jumping in the air. 

Boze stared at it.

“I can help Boze, I’ve got experience being a nurse!” interjected Rina. She had drawn closer and was eyeing Fey’s length.

“I- I can help too!” said Lily. The harpy turned to her and she cowered back slightly. 

“Why are you all pressuring- How can you help even?”

Lily bit her lip, glancing between the others, then she lifted the teddy bear to her lips and licked its crotch. The effect on Boze was immediate and explosive. She screamed and thrust her hips high into the air, a spray of girl cum coming from her with such force that it formed a stream through her clothes, a sputtering solid curve of liquid that whipped through the air. Unfortunately for Rina she happened to be directly in its path she yelped as piping hot fluids sprayed up her scales and then onto her skin, up her stomach and then over her blouse soaking it through, spraying everywhere in an incredible mess. The lamia was left blinking, small droplets of Boze flicking from her eyelashes.

“Oh my gods oh my gods, I need a fucking dick in me, holy shit!” groaned Boze, rolling around atop the books, her thighs rubbing together furiously, her eyes squeezed closed.

Rina wiped fluid from her face. “I can help Boze, I’ve done this before I’m a sexpert on this matter.”

Boze groaned and managed to crack an eye. “Did you just call yourself a sexpert Rina?”

“What? No I didn't, I said expert, I definitely said expert.”

“No no, you pretty clearly said sexpert.”

Rina lashed her tail irritably. “Shut up, patients don’t talk back to their nurses, you’re going to have your treatment administered now! For your own good!”

The lamia’s pink tail swooped in and coiled around the harpy who cried out in surprise, lifting her up into the air, she squawked as she was wrapped up and struggled until Rina’s scales passed by her crotch and touched up against her breasts, then she let out a weak moan and went limp.

“My fellow medical practitioner, if you would?” said Rina. The lamia’s ears were practically glowing by this point and her breaths were coming heavy and fast.

It took a second for Fey to realise that the lamia was referring to her. “Oh r-right”

Fey rolled onto her back, her cock slapping down against her belly as she did so before bucking up with rigid throbbing stiffness, visibly eager for what was about to happen.

Rina swallowed and manoeuvred the harpy around until she was atop Fey, her large green wings flopping against the centaur’s body.

“D-don't worry Boze, I’m going to take good care of you, really good care of you, and Fey, I’ll heal you both, really hard and fast and deep and-”

“You make a weird nurse you know that right?” grumbled Boze. She’d given up struggling and lay limp in Rina’s coils. 

“N-not weird! I’m j-just doing whats hotte- best for m- er- you!”

Boze squinted at the lamia who was becoming increasingly flustered and breathy. “Why do I get the feeling that you enjoyed what you did with ZaAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEE!

Rina suddenly slammed the harpy back against the centaur’s cock, the broad cock tip bashing up against the harpy’s shorts before slipping down below, to prod against her thigh. The harpy was sensitive enough that was enough to trigger a blistering orgasm.

“Ohh Gawwd!” moaned the harpy as her juices washed down her legs over her light brown skin and down onto her glossy black bird legs which became glossier and blacker with wet.

“Wait, hold on, let me remove her shorts!” cried Kayla. The otterkin jumped on top of Fey’s barrel, putting a hand on the centaur’s length to keep her balance. Her hand moved up the throbbing thing, her fingers dragging at the folds and veins.

“Er, Kayla?” said Fey.

The otterkin blinked and realised she had started rubbing Fey’s cock up and down. Catching herself she turned back to the harpy. Her rear was sticking from a coil of scales, her shorts dripping wet with fluid that dripped down on Fey’s fur. Stepping forward cautiously the otterkin reached out for the hem. She began tugging on them, pulling with her body weight, trying to shift them from the harpy’s hips. Each tug elicited a groan from the harpy as the sopping fabric peeled away from her swollen muff bit by agonising bit. 

Kayla was struggling, until the harpy’s legs suddenly straightened out and became rigid. She blinked as the shorts slipped from her legs with ease. She turned to her side to see Lily pulling the legs of the teddy bear down, her eyes closed and her brow furrowed in concentration. 

“Th-that's impressive,” commented Rina, “to already have such a capability with the Class, your Affinity really is that high.”

Kayla flicked the sopping cloth from around the harpy’s ankles and tossed it aside revealing the harpy’s bare exposed pussy. Boze’s hips wiggled amongst the scales, desperately shifting and rolling, her clit poking out hard and rigid. Kayla felt a little concern, if the harpy had truly been slathered with precum inside and outside then there might be longterm effects. She shook her head, best to deal with the here and now, they couldn't leave the poor harpy in such a state of horniness that she couldn't even move!

“You can go ahead now Rina,” said Kayla giving the all clear.

“Yes!” cried the lamia as she slithered up beside Fey. She glanced at the centaur, once, twice, then in a rush put her arm around the centaur’s upper back holding her close. A furious blush appeared on her face but she looked pleased.

“Uhm, you seem to have come to quite like doing this, uh, medical, procedure,” murmured Fey giving the lamia a careful look.

“N-no I don't! This is simply to help Boze, that's all! I’m completely aloof and clinical!”

As she spoke her tail shifted and Boze’s rear moved toward Fey’s penis. Kayla was ready and lifted the heavy length up with both hands, angling to toward Boze’s waiting folds. Kayla for her part was starting to get a little hot around the collar, the sheer warmth that washed off the thick girthy length was enough to heat her body up, mostly because she had to practically clutch the heavy thing to her chest to lift it.

“Hnnnnnng, j-just put the damn dick in me already before I melt! Gods is this what Zal feels like in one of her heats?”

“I think that was a bit diffe-”

“I don't care put it in!”

Rina bit her lip and did as commanded. Her coils rolled and twisted and Boze moved smoothly back until the fat tip was pressed up against her muff, the heated hoof thick end spreading her thighs with its girth, the broad head dimpling in the skin of her legs to either side of her puss as it gently tickled the surface with its heat. 

Boze let out a long low whine that rose into a bird like trill as the head slowly, agonisingly, pressed up against her cunt harder and harder and harder.

Kayla watched with fascination as the harpy’s thighs and cheeks were spread apart with the immense girth. She’d moved from her previous position and was straddling the top of the dick, her legs to either side with her arms wrapped around it, her torso lying atop its length.

“Okay, now, here comes, uhm, penetration,” said Rina, desperately trying to keep her voice level and detached and failing utterly.

“Oh gods just do it already!”

Rina moved.

Her arm tensed up around Fey, holding the centaur fast, their breasts touching together, then she arched her spine and shifted, putting leverage down into her spiraling tail which then with a surge of powerful lamia muscle pushed outward, her tail acting like a gigantic spring, thrusting the harpy down the centaur.

Boze opened her mouth and screamed as the cockhead brutally slammed up against her pussy and then forced her lower lips wide in a thin ring around the cock, her inside walls stretched over the hard unforgiving length in such a way that every micro bump and every little texture of Fey’s immense dick was felt in extreme detail by every little nerve cluster she possessed.

The effect was immediate and dramatic. Squirt exploded from the harpy’s pussy in a high pressure spray that appeared white because the clear fluid of her juices were being expelled at such a velocity. A rising hose of the spray struck Fey’s barrel so hard it dimpled her body before it ricocheted back up in a finer spray in every direction dousing everything. As Boze’s voice became more shrill and loud the line of squirt rose until it was hitting Rina’s scales and back spattering up Boze’s thighs in a noisy cacophony of fluid.

Kayla watched with fascination as the back of Boze’s pussy engulfed Feys dick, the lips stretched so thin over it that she could see Fey’s veins outlined through the skin. She couldn't help herself, she began humping and grinding her crotch on the length, her panties quickly becoming damp.

Boze’s unusually high volume emissions didn't slow Rina and she thrust the screaming squawking harpy down Fey’s length until the light brown skin was bulging outward, the tip of Fey’s dick outlined in her smooth muscular stomach. Her powerful sixpack was drawn taught over the shape, desperately clenching and drawing in, making the feeling of being penetrated all the greater as her insides were squeeeezed between her abdomen muscles and massive equine intruder. 

The harpy for her part was struggling desperately, her legs kicking furiously at the air, her toes splaying as her thigh muscles clenched and unclenched sending her buttocks jiggling with her.

The harpy slowed momentarily, her sliding motion came to a stop, even as Rina strained.

“I think that's the entrance to her womb,” said Fey, biting her lip, “I can feel the ring of it pressing against my tip.”

“D-does it feel good? W-would it feel better i-inside?” said Rina. The lamia was pressing herself up against Fey harder and harder, her breasts squashing as they pressed against the side of Fey’s, her nipples hard and visibly erect through the fabric.

Fey blushed and looked away. This felt very unmedical.

“Uhm, yes? Inside, the deepest part of a girl, inside her womb, feels, uhm, really really good, like I’m supposed to be there, to pump them full of myself, breeding them as hard as possible.”

Rina’s lip trembled a little hearing that, a single tiny droplet of drool rolling from her open mouth.

“F-fuck, okay, okay. Boze, you’re going to get it in your womb, I hope you're ready.”

“I’m fucking what now, what di- AIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!”

Rina, hungry to pleasure Fey, thrust down with her scales as hard as she could and Fey’s dick punched through the harpy’s cervix in one big rush, a muffled POP! Heard from inside her body as she was penetrated in her deepest most sacred place. The harpy’s stomach bulged out violently thrusting between Rina’s scales.

As she did so Kayla grabbed ahold of the thighs rushing toward her and buried her face in Boze’s rear, her tongue desperately lapping at the fold of skin at the back of the harpy’s puss stretched over the massiveness of fey. If she couldn't have that herself then she would put herself as near as possible. 

In that same moment Lily flipped over the teddy bear and buried her face into its crotch the same as her sister was doing to the harpy. She furiously tongued and bit at the bear, pressing her tongue against the sopping cloth as hard as she could, precum gushing into her mouth as she squeezed the sponge-like thing, lapping at it over and over and over.

Boze’s orgasm peaked and then seemed to find another even taller mountain to climb, the triple effect of being massively penetrated and the sensation of being orally stimulated at both the front and back of her pussy at the same was too much for the hyper sensitive harpy.

Boze’s voice transitioned from an open scream into a trilling shrill bird call, so loud and sharp that it hurt the ears, but even below that could be heard the incredibly loud sound of the harpy squirting herself silly, massive quantities of fluid spraying down from her cunny in a completely straight line to douse Fey’s barrel.

The harpy hadn't even peaked in her body racking orgasm before Rina jerked her back up the length, dragging Kayla along for the ride who had her arms wrapped tightly around Boze’s ass cheeks, her face still buried, lapping at her furiously. The solid hose of squirting emissions didn't stop as Boze rode higher, in fact it seemed to redouble as the harpy was slammed back down, then again, as she was dragged back up, every motion of the cock scraping her insides to pieces sending her into ever more spiralling crackling orgasm that rocked her body like nothing she had ever experienced in her entire life.

Her tongue stretched far from her mouth as she was roughly shoved down once more, her belly bulge parting Rinas pink scales which for their part squeezed down on the distention, pressuring Boze’s insides even tighter against the massive horse cock, pinching her nerves down, and when she was dragged back up the length her pussy went absolutely wild, spasming and convulsing, her belly fluttering as overwhelming stimulation utterly ruined her, flooding her brain with juicing crushing orgasm that made her eyes roll up into her head and her pussy spray and squirt harder and harder.

The amount of fluid the harpy was producing by this point was genuinely impressive and it poured off the sides of Fey’s barrel in lines and falls, an endless flash flood of girlcum that just didn't stop, the hose of foaming fluid jerking and spritzing as the harpy was roughly rocketed up and down the length until her pussy crashed into Fey’s medial ring. Then with a bird like trilling scream that became so high pitched it passed beyond hearing range her cunt was forced to take the fat medial ring and the harpy went rushing down to the base of Fey’s dick, her belly bulge exploding outward in a powerful thrust, knocking aside Rina’s coils.

SSPLRTCH!! GLSHRRSSH!! SKLLRRTSCHH!! The harpy’s pussy reacted, squirting so hard that the one solid line of pulsing fluid split apart as her pussy simply couldn't keep up with her emissions, lines of fluid spraying out in every direction, as her walls and six pack clamped down desperately on Fey’s swelling dick.

She almost held back the coming ejaculation she clamped down so hard and so vice like, momentarily backing up the cum, but then Fey’s dick bucked and it forced its load inside, the desire to breed unstoppable, shoving apart the harpy’s walls with the oncoming wave.

White exploded from Fey’s dick and the harpy thrashed, her legs kicking at the air so vehemently that Kayla was tossed from the harpy and sent tumbling across the ground.

Rina found herself rubbing at her breasts, groping and mauling at them as she watched her coils be pushed apart by the smooth brown belly of Boze, swelling larger and larger as she was filled and filled. She felt Fey groan beside her and saw the centaur lift her hands too and begin kneading at her own breasts. Desperate to feed the centaur more pleasure the lamia joined in, moving her hands to Fey’s chest, pinching at her nipples causing the centaur’s hips to buck all the harder, thicker and heavier ropes of cum spraying into the harpy with each rolling squeeze Rina applied to Fey’s nipples.

Rina whimpered and suddenly embraced Fey as Fey let out a final howl, pressing her head against the centaur’s as the last roping ejaculation exploded from Fey’s cock, filling out the harpy, a taut balloon of cum wrapped with snaking pink, her bright green wings resting limply atop her belly.

A mismatched rhythm of heavy breathing filled the air as the girls lay slumped across each other, their bodies limp and exhausted.

They simply rested like that for some time until Kayla picked herself up off the ground, her face sweaty and damp with exertion.


Kayla turned to see Lily, the bear hung loose in her hands, her eyes staring.

Kayla blinked. “What is it?”

“Y-your ch-chest…”

The otterkin looked down. Milk was beading through her shirt and rolling down her chest in long lines.




Kayla's having similar problems to Flora now, I worry for her future : >

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