
Chapter 19.1

Previously on Centaurus: The band arrived in the city of Bine and Fey attracted the attention of a very large dragoness.

Now, Chapter 19:

The nine and a half foot tall and extremely intimidating dragoness turned her head and stared at Fey.

She also came to a halt which in turn paused the flow of the crowd as a gigantic person blocking the way tends to do. Ahead the centurion’s voices faltered and stumbled, wondering why their leader had stopped, their marching slowing to a stop.

Everyone was looking now, why had the Lady of the city interrupted the grand parade? For what possible reason could she have stopped?


“M-me?” Said Fey, her voice rising to a higher pitch in fright.

“You have a certain… scent about you…”

“I do?”

“I think it’s your penis,” whisper hissed Rina out of the corner of her mouth, quiet enough that the dragoness couldn't hear.

“I can't say that though can I!” Fey whispered urgently back.

“It really is quite a… delicious smell, what is it, some kind of perfume?”

The crowd stared at the dragoness. Then all their heads turned to look at Fey, or rather, the part below Fey’s barrel, her throbbing shaft which oozed precum even as they watched. Then they turned back to the dragoness and a small realisation threaded its way through the crowd: The dragoness was simply so tall and so far off the ground that she could not see below Fey’s barrel this closeby. The Lady had no idea she was talking to a centaur with a massive throbbing erection right in front of her.

“P-perfume? I d-don't use perfume.”


“You could have used that as an out!” Whisper hissed Rina gently elbowing Fey in the side

The dragonesses eyes shifted from Fey's desperately trying to look innocent face to her horse part, more specifically her horseback. A pair of small terrified faces looked back up at her, clearly about to lose their shit at being under the massive dragonesses gaze.

“Centaur, it appears you have some kind of vermin upon your back.”

“Wh-what? Were not vermin!” shouted Kayla before she could stop herself. She slapped a hand over her mouth realising she had spoken aloud.

The dragoness squinted down at them. “Ah so they are sapient, what a tiny species, I wonder if they are as short lived as they are small, such strange things number amongst the short lifers, they seem closer to rodents or mice at times. In any case-”

“G-give me one of your scales and I’ll show you who's small you over grown liz-!” Yelled Lily before Kayla dragged her back and slapped hand over her mouth, still with one hand over her own.

“P-please don't antagonise the gigantic dragon girls,” said Fey looking behind her. She turned back to the dragoness who was furrowing her brow at the two quivering otterkins. “Uhm, I’m not sure what you mean, do you want me for something?”

The dragoness returned her attention to Fey. “Perhaps it is just your natural scent, strange, but plausible I suppose. What are you doing in my city?”

“I-I'm part of an adventuring band.”

“Adventurers? Mess causing braggarts who cause a damnable amount of trouble. Good recruiting for my legion’s ranks however. What is it that you do? Lancer? Warrior?”

“Erm, I'm a healer…”

“A healer? With a body of that size? My gods What a waste!”

“I- I'm quite good at it!”

“It's true she's a brilliant healer!” yelled Kayla before slapping her hand back across her mouth.

The dragoness studied her. “Well I suppose healers are rare enough, and your mobility would be quite useful in a battlefield situation. Curious.”

“It-it's just who I am, I love helping people!”

“Hmph you do lack the realism of a centurion but that's something we could perhaps stamp out of you with enough gruelling training. A year in the field, slogging through fight after fight and you’ll soon put aside that silly fluffy naive optimism.”

Fey did not like the direction this conversation was going, she got the strong impression that she was in danger of being drafted against her will and put to work as some kind of healer warrior for this dragoness. Dragons weren't exactly known for not getting what they wanted, when a dragon wanted something to happen that something had a habit of happening more often than not. She needed to get out of this conversation, and fast.

Rina suddenly waved her tail at the dragoness. “Uhm Lady Alexandria, as much as it would benefit the noble city of Bine to see my wonderful friend Fey here added to its legions, I really would prefer it if that did not come to pass.”

Lady Alexandria glanced at Rina, then again. “Oh. It's you. oOne of those conniving merchants. You and your lot seem to have a claw in every pie these days.” 

“Yes, ahem, well we do bring rather a lot of wealth to the city my Lady, it is in Bine’s best interest to build strong healthy relations with the merchant body.” 

“Leeches the lot of you, leeching of dragon’s power and leadership.”

“Would a leech really bring all the lovely gold and jewels to the city that you have come into possession of as of late my Lady?”

The dragoness seemed to pause at this, a look of annoyance crossing her face because what the lamia said had the unfortunate taint of truth.

“Fine, more like snivelling kobolds. You have as much lust for gold as the little folk do in any case.”

It was Fey's turn to elbow Rina in the side as the lamia opened her mouth to retort. She glanced at Fey and slowly closed it.

“I-I really must be going your Ladyship, lots of adventurey things to do, I’ll try not to get into too much trouble while I am in your city.” said Fey, trying her best to graciously exit as soon as possible.

The dragoness cleaned one of her claws with another claw as Fey spoke.

“Yes yes, if you must. Although,” she glanced at Fey once more and this time her hips shifted ever so slightly. “When you have free time I command you to come to the palace, I wish to investigate this natural smell of yours in greater detail. It is of a certain interest to me, the longer I scent it the more interesting it becomes.”

“Y-yes! Of course!” said Fey. Secretly promising herself to avoid the palace and the dragonesses clutches at all costs.

Lady Alexandria flicked the last of the dirt from her claw and turned to move on, the legion she was marching with pulling itself together and beginning its parade march once more, hooves and boots striking up a marching beat.

Fey watched the dragoness as she strode down the street, her long violet and cream tail swaying behind her, knocking over a few unfortunate passersby, and a horse. The dragoness didn't seem to notice.

“That one's trouble, a real warhawk. It's a pity really, Bine never got into military trouble before Queen Excalivania assigned that firebrand to the city. Now it's wars this and battles that. She's never happy unless the legion is off marching and invading somewhere, or putting down some upstarts or monster problem or whatever.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Well, no, I'm exaggerating a touch, she isn't that bad, and she has made the economy much more open, the previous dragoness hoarded everything she could get her grubby claws on, as dragons have a habit of doing. Not good for the economy as you can imagine, it's taken a monumental effort from the merchant factions to start easing things and opening things up let me tell you. That's part of my job here, to ensure things actually stay open.”

“It is?”

“Of course, I can't be a wealthy and successful merchant if things are all closed up and the dragons are seizing everything not nailed down. Merchants suffer the most living under the claws of the dragons, we can’t trade if we keep getting robbed!”

“That's true- I sort of suppose?”

“Mhmm! Merchants are a repressed people! and I’m sure I could bore you to tears with our grievances but for now I believe we are going to have to part ways, that is unless you want to help my caravan unpack our stock in the warehouse districts?”

“Aheh, thank you but I think I'll pass, it has been a long trip.”

“Fair enough. Anyway here take this.”

She handed Fey a small white card and Fey took it. She peered at it. It had the address of a place in Bine scribbled upon it.

“It's a place to stay for free Fey, your band is obviously hurting a bit financially, I'm not stupid, I recognise the signs, your band captain gave me some fairly exceptional prices for the skill level of your band’s members. I hadn't felt that safe on a trip in a long time, it was a shame that nothing actually dangerous showed up, I would have liked to see your captain go toe to toe against a frost wyvern.”

“Uh right, Ella is rather strong, elves and being long lived kinda gives some advantages.”

“True.” The lamia turned distractedly, a small Pobo drawn cart was passing them by which contained a still very large and cum filled Zal, although most of her rounded belly was covered with blankets just leaving her body visible at the top. The labrador dogkin seemed to be having some difficulty getting through the crowd and was shaking her fist in anger.

“I’ll see you around Fey, maybe sooner than you think.” The lamia winked at Fey and then quickly slithered off to help Zal leaving Fey with the otterkin girls.

“She was nice,” said Kayla.

“I love her,” said Lily, “she helped get me my Class, she's awesome.”

“I’ll admit I have to agree to that, she's awesome on the outside… and the inside.”

Fey turned hearing a voice and found Flora floating beside Vivi, the both of them looking heavily pregnant, although Fey now knew that Flora’s was an actual pregnancy whereas Vivi’s was just a cum pregnancy. Flora looked increasingly healthy, as well as increasingly milky too. She had taken to putting crosses of tape over her nipples to try and stem the constant leaking, which had worked, except her breasts were slowly becoming larger as the milk built up inside.

Vivi, on the other hand, had appeared increasingly shifty and guilty looking as of late, in fact she seemed to be avoiding Ellaria altogether, she had yet to see the fox girl in proximity to the elf. Fey knew something was up, she just did, judging by the way the otterkin girls and Vivi kept giving each other really incompetently hidden knowing nods and looks suggested the twins were involved somehow.

“What's the card thing?” said Flora gesturing at the card Fey was holding. She blinked and glanced down at it having forgotten she was holding onto it. “Oh, this is an address, Rina gave it to me, she said we can stay there for free…”

“Huh, really? Guess we made a good impression.”

“Bit more than an impression, you were inside of her for days Flo,” said Vivi

“Hey it was cozy okay, and screw you, you were in me for a bit, your face anyways.”

Ellaria suddenly appeared by Flora’s side, completing the band, all members together once more. Vivi drew back seeing Ellaria and tried to make herself look innocent. She was not very good at it.

“Cut the arguing you too, and good going Fey, if we're not paying for expensive rooms at an inn that caters for adventurers or centaurs then that's more money we can put toward seeing this Arch-Soulomancer. Now let's get going, come on, no dawdling.”

Fey handed over the card to Ellaria and the elf led the way through the crowd with the rest of the band in tow, Vivi bringing up the rear.

They made their way through the streets of the city, passing by a vast variety of peoples, species, and races. Minotaurs lumbered past, as well as more lamia, catkins, lupine (who often had moments of confusion in passing Fey), strange many eyed beholders, (whose eyes seemed to have a habit of converging on Fey's lower parts), dogkins, humans, and even the occasional elf. This all in this one small part of the city, Bine was truly a megalopolis that attracted peoples from across the lands. Dragon dominion whilst having its downsides also had the upside of safety and stability and that attracted people like nothing else, a place for civilization to thrive unfettered.

The buildings around them quickly became more upscale and ornate, and the area became less trafficked as they exited the commercial districts and entered the housing districts. The band slowed their pace as the address they were after led them into a part of the city where the houses were more like mansions than anything, and they looked around wide eyed at the gated homes.



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