
Chapter 2




“We’ll find an expert who knows what to do in town, just remain calm. There’s no point going crazy over this, it’s not like it will change anything.”

“Oh gods, what’s happening to me?!”

“No idea. It must be an effect of that light that hit you.”

Ellaria ran her fingers through her hair, a plume of dust came away with her hand. She grimaced.

“Look, let's just recoup for a bit, we very nearly died several times in that dungeon or whatever it was. Let's go to that spring we saw on the way here and wash all this dungeon dirt off ourselves.”

Fey gave her a hopeless look but after a moment she sadly nodded.

The band helped her get her hooves under her and she climbed to her feet.

Vivi looked up at her. “I swear you’ve grown again. You must be a little over seven foot tall now.”

“See, not all bad Fey, now you won't be short for a centaur.”

“This is not how I wanted that!”

The band set off down the dirt trail. They didn't talk and the awkward silence was filled with Fey's large rigid horse penis slapping up against her barrel with every step she took. She cringed in embarrassment and covered her face with her hands.

“It’s kinda a good looking penis, if it makes you feel any better.”

Fey turned to see Flora gliding by at a height with her dick and watching it swing hypnotically up and down.

“Very vascular, meaty, looks like it could deal some real damage.”

“Flora, please shut up, you aren't helping,” said Ellaria.

“I don’t know about looks but haven't you guys noticed? The air is starting to get a little ahem musky.” Vivi drew in a great long breath through her nose. “It smells, uhnff, sorry Fey, but your dick smells really good and so do you.”

“That’s your overactive fox sense of smell tricking you. Just ignore it.” said the elf, locking down further comment.

They carried onward, the sound of the centaur’s dick slapping against her barrel filling the awkward silence once again. Minutes went by.

Fey wasn't sure she could feel much more uncomfortable but then she suddenly felt a small hand touch on her throbbing length and fondle it for a moment. She snapped her head around to see Flora in the middle of drifting away, intentionally not looking in her direction and a deep red blush on her face.

What has gotten into her? 

“Oh, we’re here,” said Ellaria pointing off to the side of the trail. 

They pushed through the foliage and trees and after a few steps they emerged into a clearing with a steaming pool of water in the center. An idyllic scene filled with mossy rocks, soft green grass, turquoise water, and lit by the warm late day sun. 

“Naturally heated baths, I can’t think of anything better after a deep dungeon dive. I love this region, it’s full of the things, must be all the volcanic activity.”

“My fur is so grimy! First!” Vivi shedded her clothes with ease and leapt into the pool with a Ker-plunk-sploosh!

The gnome gracefully removed her clothing with telekinesis and neatly folded them on a large flat rock by the pool before casually lowering herself into the water with a sigh.

Fey watched nervously as Ellaria removed hers. The elf paused.

“Well, aren't you coming in too?”

“I- I- Have a thing though!”

“Pshh, haven't you ever experienced shared bathing? Happens all the time in the city. Your ruralness is showing Fey.” said Ellaria with a wink.


Fey began removing her clothes. As a centaur she was generally exempt from wearing a lot, a centaur’s lower groin area sometimes had a cup for men or a loincloth for women, clothing your lower half was a relatively new thing for centaurs and many still preferred being au naturel as they were on the plains. Lack of clothing down below was considered just about socially acceptable outside of centaur circles as long as the centaur in question didn't get excited. 

With Fey’s new penis her loincloth was woefully inadequate and it only served to cover a little bit of her rear. She removed it and then started on her upper body, the usually more clothed part of a centaur. In Fey’s case that meant her blouse and bra. She looked down and realised while once the blouse had been quite loose it was now significantly tighter fitting as she had grown overall larger. She carefully removed it and set it aside then stared at her bra. It looked ready to burst open. Her bust had swollen and grown out at a faster rate than her body and breast flesh spilled out over the rim of the bra barely being kept in check. As she went to remove it the buckle snapped and pinged into the water letting her new proportionally larger chest drop and bounce under its own gravity, indecently round and perky.

“Woah! hey, that's not fair! You get zapped and get bigger tits? I want that! Hey Ella! Let's go back! Maybe that thing down in the dungeon built up some more juice!” said the gnome.

“No.” said Ellaria as she slid into the pool. “Adventurers do not conquer dungeons. We sneak in while the dungeon sleeps and rifle through its drawers then flee when the dungeon farts in its sleep. I feel safe in saying we disturbed its slumber. I’m not going to push our luck.”

Fey watched her out of the corner of her eye as the jaw-droppingly beautiful elf slid smoothly into the water. Ellaria was pretty average for an elf, that is, ridiculously gorgeous to everyone else.

Fey’s cock slapped against her barrel and throbbed at the sight. She grit her teeth and approached the pool doing her best to ignore her rock hard erection.

She waded into it sending a wave out before her body to sloosh up against her bandmates. The water was deep enough to reach the underside of her breasts when she sat down with her barrel resting a little above the bottom.

The warm steaming pool was bone achingly pleasant and she took a moment to let the grime and dust wash away from her body, her muscles relaxed and she let out a long sigh as her eyes closed. She even forgot her new stallion-hood momentarily as tension seeped from her body.

After a little while, the sound of water moving and an apologetic little cough broke the silence. Fey cracked an eye and then opened both in surprise seeing Vivi standing in front of her looking uncomfortable.

“Uh- uhm, t-there’s something I d-din’t tell you guys.”

Fey blinked. “What is it? Are you okay? You look a little flushed.”

Vivi squirmed, her paws below the waterline making motions that disturbed the water.

“I- oh gods, i'll just say it, I’m, I’m in H-Heat! Fey! You just smell so fucking good I can’t take it anymore! P-please let me touch you!”

The fox girls paws began moving frantically and Fey realised she was masturbating as she looked at her with a hungry gaze.


“Vivi!” cried Ellaria. “You can’t just say that out loud, and you should have told me about being in heat, that’s a risk to the band’s safety, what if you got distracted from the job?”

“I know! I’m sorry! It was fine! But now, now I feel like I’m on fucking fire! You gotta let me touch it Fey! It’s the only way my insides will cool off!”

“Wow, this bitch is as thirsty as a desert on the surface of the sun haha.”

“Fuck you half-pint, you don’t know what it’s like!”

“Hey if you want to get handsy with our bandmate feel free, I’m not stopping you, in fact you should go for it.”

“Flora, stop encouraging her,” said Ellaria.

“Oh come on Ella, stop being such a prude, she clearly needs the relief, and I’m sure Fey does too. Haven't you noticed? She’s been as hard as diamonds the entire time since we came out of the dungeon. I’m not a guy but I imagine that can’t be comfortable.”

“F-Fey, Just, just let me touch y-you. Flora’s right, you need relief t-too,” whined Vivi.

“I- I’m I don’t know!”

Flora leered at the centaur, just her head and proportionately huge breasts visible above the water.

“Go on, let her do it, do you want to walk all the way back to town with a rock hard boner?”

“N-no! B-but…”

Vivi was already moving, however. The fox girl sidled up by Fey and leant down to put her paw against the torso of her horse body.

The vulpine girl drew in a long breath and let out a little moan, her hips squirming in the water.

“G-gods, there’s something about your stallion part that’s really affecting me.”

The vulpine slid down and her paw reached beneath Fey’s barrel, the centaur flinched as she felt paw pads touch her through the water. Her dick jerked at the feel and slipped from Vivi’s grasp until she grabbed forward again and managed to get her digits around it.

Fey let out a gasp as Vivi pulled her jumping member to the side. Her paw pads were smooth and incredibly soft against her cock, contrasting against just how hard she was.

The fox girl whimpered as her paws ran along Fey’s massive length greedily trying to grasp it all for herself. Vivi’s hips began to make ripples in the water as she dry humped nothing.

“Lovely try at a show girls, but I really can’t see anything with you doing it all underwater.”

“It’s not a show,” said Fey blushing.

“Well you’re going to have to move, you ain’t helping foxy here with that passiveness, look at her, she looks like she’s going to faint if she doesn’t get some action.”

The fox girl let out a little frustrated moan and redoubled her air humping as she desperately fondled Fey’s dick.

“I’m not going to fuck my bandmate!”

“No, but seems like this is a little one-sided, isn't it your fault she’s like this in the first place?”

Fey opened her mouth but closed it a second later. She paused. “Damnit Flora!”

The centaur looked around at the pathetically whining Vivi, she didn't really have a hope of reaching her with her hands being a centaur. She sighed in exasperation and got her hooves under her. She pressed down and slowly raised herself, water sheeting off her back.

“Yes! Thank you!” cried the desperate Vivi. She dived below Fey’s barrel as it raised above the water line and Fey felt a tongue join the grasping frantic paws.

Fey blushed and put her hands over her face.

“Huh, I think you're still slowly getting bigger…Your dick too...” said Flora biting her lip.

“Keep it up Fey and you might end up being a front liner just by dint of being huge,” said Ellaria, eyeing Fey’s larger body with interest.

“Bloody band captains, the only thing they have on their mind is fighting. Can’t you enjoy a little bit of fun for once?”

The gnome levitated herself until she was in a reposed position, her proportionately huge breasts entirely above the waterline, her pink nipples hard and erect. She let a hand slide down her body as she locked eyes with Vivi’s attentions on Fey’s member. After a moment the water began to ripple around the gnome as she started pushing fingers inside herself.

“Well someone has to think about that stuff.” said Ellaria, crossing her arms and looking away. Her eyes kept surreptitiously wandering over to the centaur however.

“Fey, your cock is so fucking big and thick,” moaned Vivi. “I n-need mooore!”

The fox girl suddenly brought her muzzle to the blunt broad tip and opened her mouth. Her paws grasped the sides of the massive shaft and she forced her head forward onto it, her upper and lower jaw spreading over the head. Her mouth widened and the cock which didn’t look like it would fit suddenly pushed into her throat. The fox girl made a gagging sound and her body convulsed a little but she managed to get herself under control. 

“Wow, look at our girl go! Conquer that gag reflex!”

“Ooohh!” moaned Fey, “Her throat is so fucking tight!”

The centaur’s hooves moved underwater, nervously shifting around. Her rear humped forward forcing another inch into the fox girl, then another, Vivi’s neck bulged outward lewdly as the massive dick was slowly forced down her throat.

Vivi let out a long moany whine and one of her paws dropped from the centaurs dick to frantically rub at her erect and throbbing clit.

“Fuck Vivi, wouldn't have counted you for one to like the rough mouth play,” said the gnome, her hand speeding up below the water.

Ellaria kept snatching glances at the centaur and couldn't stop a blush from crossing her cheeks as Fey gasped.

Vivi pushed herself forward, taking more of the centaur’s dick into her. Her sharp teeth were pressed against the dick’s taut surface but left little imprint due to how hard it was.

The centaur’s bucking went up a notch sending waves throughout the pool and Vivi began moving her head back and forth, each push forward driving the dick a little deeper, each motion producing a lewd gagging wet slurp as the fox girl’s jaws did their best to contain the beast.

“Vivi!” Cried out Fey. “F-faster!”

The fox girl complied, moving her head frantically now, each motion a sucking wet gasp. Her paw jilling her clit also sped up and the fox girl let out a squeal and the water below her hips suddenly tinkled as she squirted a clear spray across it.

“Oh g-gods! I’m cumming!” cried out Fey as she drove her hips forward hard and rammed her medial ring up against the fox girls teeth.


The centaur bit down on her hand as she came, her balls hiked up and her dick swelled as cum exploded down it, rushing down its length and into the Vupline’s throat which bulged with the additional girth. 

The fox girl’s eyes went wide as the first gush was fired directly into her gut. Her paws slapped down on her stomach and scrabbled at it as her belly abruptly bulged outward. And then the next massive surge of cum hit her making her look six months pregnant. Her paws clawed at her belly and she came once again, a gush of clear fluid spritzing out behind her tail as she squirted from the sheer pressure and sensation of being filled.

The centaur wasn’t done however, not even close. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth surge, the centaur bucked as she came, her breasts bouncing wildly, the vulpine’s belly expanding outward, looking way past twelve months pregnant, looking like she was pregnant with octuplets, her belly button popped from an inny to an outy as she was filled with gallons of cum.

“Flora! Get her off!” Ellaria suddenly yelled.

“She’s already getting off silly, look how many times she squirted!”

“Off her dick stupid gnome! She’s gonna burst!”

“Oh, right.”

The gnome waved her hands and the fox girl was suddenly jerked backwards with a muffled cry, her throat deforming as the flared head of Fey’s dick was roughly dragged back up through it. It jerked to a stop as it reached her mouth before Flora applied a bit more force and the dick came free with a lewd schl-pop! sound. 

The fox girl floated backwards, her arms and legs flailing.

“N-Nuuuu! Put me back!”

“Uhnff- Uhnff- I, I can’t stop cumming!” cried Fey as her back horse hips thrust at the air, her cock waving around madly as cum spurted from the tip in huge gushes sending thick ropes shooting out meters in front of her between her front legs and spraying down her underside in white.

Her hips shifted and her waggling dick angled to the side enough to send a spray of cum hosing across the water to drench Flora, coating the entirety of her body above the water line in hot sticky cum.

The gnome yelped and dropped Vivi where she had been floating her to the shallows. The fox girl splashed down with a grunt, the water coming up to her belly button as she was forcibly sat down under the weight of her own stomach.

“How do I make it stooop!” cried Fey, her hands had dropped mindlessly to her breasts and she was roughly mauling them, squeezing and pulling as her dick continued to blast the hot spring with massive spraying ropes of cum.

“Just ride it out fey! It’s gotta stop soon.” said Ellaria who had carefully backed away from the cumming centaur to avoid the torrent of jizz she was spreading across half the pool.

“Holy fuck that’s a lot of cum.” said the gnome as she wiped white from her face and eyes. She held up a small hand and parted her fingers watching the dozens of sticky cummy strings spread between them. She hesitated and then brought her hand to her mouth where she cautiously poked out her tongue and licked it. Her eyes widened and she put her hand up to her mouth and began sucking cum from her fingers. “Woah, this actually tastes pretty good.”

“Flora!” said Ellaria, “What do you think you’re doing! That’s your bandmates, s-semen!”

“Hey I haven't eaten since we entered the dungeon and this stuff isn't bad, you should try some.”

“It came from her- her balls! Flora!”

“That just means it’s homegrown and fresh, none of that shipped in crap that spoils in the hold.”

Fey let out a long whine and bucked the air one final time, her legs shaking as one final massive long hosing spurt sprayed down the water in front of her and her barrel.

She let out a whimper and her legs nearly gave out beneath her. Her trembling hands returned to her face as she gazed at the mess she’d made of the water.

“Oh- oh no, what have I done!”

“You’ve relieved yourself and then some, I-, Wait, Are you still hard?” said the gnome blinking at the sight.

“She can't be! She came so much!” said Ellaria, staring at the centaur with a slightly outraged look.

The air was split by the sound of Fey’s cock slapping stickily up against the underside of her barrel, the cummy coating splatting wetly and massive sticky strings spreading between her underside and her rigid cock as it bounced back down.

“Gods, I think it’s bigger too, what is that? Nearly two and a half feet of dick now? D-dam!” said the gnome eyeing the dick hungrily even as she scooped jizz from her body and ate it.

“P-put mee baaaack!” moaned Vivi from where she sat in the shallows immobilised. Her belly was so huge that she couldn't get her arms around it and her paw tips were nearly a foot apart as she clutched at its sides. She shivered, the aftershocks of orgasm running through her.

“Girl, you’ve had enough and then some. How have you not exploded?”

“I-It’s her penis, it did something to me, made me more elastic, it was the same feeling as when she healed me in the dungeon, her dick is using healing magic or something, making my body more stretchy, I could feel it the same way I swear.” The fox girl let out a gentle moan as she squirmed. “Gods it’s so hot and heavy inside of me, the heat of her cum is so fucking intense.”

“Huh.'' The gnome's gaze drifted from the spherical fox girl desperately trying to move herself to the centaur who was covering her eyes with her hands and blushing furiously, trying to pretend this wasn’t happening. “Hey, doesn't that mean she could fit in anybody? Like in a certain small but brilliant and quite horny after watching that gnome?”

“Flora, don’t you dare.”

“Oh fuck off Ella, you know how hard it is dating up as a gnome? It’s rough when tall people make you hot under the collar but when we go to do the deed they struggle to get it in.”

“No, I don't, but she's your bandmate! We’re supposed to be professional!”

“Bitch, Vivi just gave her a gagging sloppy blow job and she loved it so much she squirted like a burst barrel. Twice! We’re long past professionalism.”

The gnome floated herself up into the air, her body leaving the water and a gap in the cum floating on the surface of it. Cum and water dripped from her as she eyed the centaur and licked her lips, a ravenous look in her eyes.

She gestured and Fey yelped as she suddenly felt herself being forcibly moved, her hooves scraping against the pool floor. She shifted back to the shore of the pool and her body tilted up, vertical, and then back so that her back was facing the ground. She was then gently lowered into the shallows, the water rising to halfway up her barrel.

Fey looked up with worried eyes as Flora floated toward her and then landed so that she was standing on the centaur's lower stomach. 

Fey’s dick stood up, eagerly bucking at the air.

The gnome reached out and grabbed it, she missed at first, her tiny hands slipping off the column of hard flesh, but then she managed to grasp at it, barely, her hands together couldn't even encircle a half of the dick. She grunted and set her feet, pushing the straining dick up until it was vertical.

“Holy shit this thing is nearly as tall as I am.” said the gnome looking down at the throbbing head that was still slightly flared from when it had last cum. The giant horse dick nearly came up to her neck. She licked her lips and drew in a long breath through her nose. You know I think fox girl was onto something, this musky smell, uhnff, amazing.”

“F-flora! T-this can’t be a good idea! You’re tiny! And we don’t even know what this is!”

“Hey this might be a once in a lifetime chance for me, you gotta let me do this Fey, I genuinely need you inside of me, it’s life or death!” said the gnome hanging on desperately as the dick jerked around in her hands nearly setting her off balance.


“You did it with foxy! Are you just going to loot hoard?”

“It’s not loot!”

“Yes it is, it totally is, you simply looted a dick from the dungeon, duh.”

The gnome stuck her tongue out at her and then sprang into the air, her hands waving and an invisible force wrapped around the rock hard horse dick, holding it straight up skyward. 

Flora levitated herself above it, her breath coming hot and heavy. She spread her legs and a long gel-like drool of fem lube slowly lowered down from her reddened puss to splatter against the dark coloured cock head.

“F-fuck I need this. Never again will I take an orc up to my bedroom only for him to throw me out the window in frustration when he can’t get it in me. This is a size queen’s dream!”

She slowly lowered herself until her puffy outer labia squeezed up against the blunt head of the centaur’s dick, it entirely hid her pussy from view as the dick was nearly as thick as one of the gnome's thighs.

“Oh my god, oh my gods, oh my gods!” said the gnome as she gradually pressed herself down, her breath rising and on the edge of hyperventilating.

“Flora stop! It’s too much for you!”

“I- I- I think I can feel it working I-!”

Suddenly with a loud and sloppy SCHHL-POP! The head of the dick slipped inside and the gnome's cunt yawned wide, stretched thin in a huge O as the massive dick penetrated her. 

The gnome's mouth opened wide and her eyes rolled backwards.


She screamed as her inner walls convulsed uncontrollably and clear fluid exploded from her puss as she squirted Hard. Fey’s stomach was sprayed down with fluid as the gnome came, her whole body convulsing as orgasm ripped through her diminutive body, her ankles drummed against the taut hard sides of Fey’s massive dick as she writhed and wriggled.

“Flora! Are you okay! Flora!”

After a moment the gnome managed to get herself somewhat under control although spasms still ran up and down her body.

“Fuck!'' The gnome rested a small hand on her stomach which was bulged outward with the head of Fey’s dick. “It worked! I’m stretching, oh gods, I think it made me more sensitive too, like way way way more sensitive!”

“Flora be careful!”

“Fuck you, no really, I’m going to fuck you now,” said the gnome a desperately hungry light in her eyes. 


But before Fey could do anything Flora began bouncing up and down on her dick, using her telekinetic ability to forcefully shift her entire body up and down the vascular shaft, her lower lips deforming over every bump and vein. The gnome groaned and whimpered as the bulge in her belly shifted slightly up and down.

“Gods I need you deeper inside of me!”

“Lucky!” moaned Vivi from where she sat in the shallows, a desperate paw below the waterline trying to reach around her bloated stomach to fondle her snatch.

The gnome moaned openly as she bounced, each drop shoving a bit more dick inside her overtaxed puss.

Fey couldn't help but bite her lip, the sensation of Flora’s insides desperately clutching and contracting around the oversized invader was driving her crazy.

The gnome paused for a moment. “Shit, I can feel you ramming up against the entrance to my womb. Fucking hell Fey you’re so big I’m not sure- No fuck that, I’ll make it fit!”

A heavy pressure came down on the gnome as though she had suddenly tripled in weight and the limit where she had stopped gradually began to move again, another half-inch gradually being forced inside the gnome. The gnome keened and both hands clutched at the bulge in her belly, her lips parted a string of drool linking them.

“Near- nearly- AIIIIEEE!!

With a sudden drop the horse dick slipped deep inside and the centaur’s thick medial ring half way down her dick slammed up against Flora’s muff. The bulge in her belly stretched upward and parted her proportionately huge breasts as her fingers clutched at it, her nails drawing red lines as she dragged her hands across the massive bulge.

The gnome screamed and Fey was once again hosed down as the gnome squirted noisily over her belly, Skllrrrt! Skllrrrt! Skllrrrt!, the layer of cum from before actually starting to be washed away by the slightly milky clear fluid the gnome was enthusiastically producing.

“Oh! Oh! Oh gods! It's in my womb! It so fucking hot, I can feel your pulse shaking my whole body Feeeey!”

The gnome's ankles dug into the base of the shaft as she rode out the orgasm, her toes curling uncontrollably.

Fey looked down at the hopelessly impaled gnome. She had to bite her lip to stop from crying out herself as she felt the gnome’s pussy flutter and ripple around her length as she orgasmed.

Her eyes drifted worriedly to Ellaria but to her surprise the elf wasn’t trying to ignore them. The elf’s pink nipples were achingly erect and she could see her arm moving below the waterline as the elf stared at the spectacle. They locked eyes and the elf looked away blushing beet red.

“Fey!” said the gnome between heaving breaths drawing the centaur’s attention back. The gnome had started bouncing again, lifting a few inches and ramming her reddened muff up against Fey’s medial ring. “I need you to say I’m your cocksleeve! Say it!”

The centaur blushed and bit her lip.

“Y-you’re m-my little cock sleeve!”

The gnome moaned whorishly and her small hands grasped at her oversized breasts. She closed her eyes and squeezed her breasts over the bulge in her stomach, giving Fey an internal boob job. Fey couldn’t help but let out a small whimper at the sensation.

“You’re so fucking biiig!” whimpered the gnome driving herself up and down faster and faster.

Fey let out a long moan and her horse hips bucked upward, rolling back and forth on instinct alone. 

Flora’s bouncing was beginning to become arrhythmic and jerky the faster she went and as she lost precision. She let out a gasping breath and then with a look of determination forced herself down on the centaur’s medial ring. With an abrupt jerking pop it suddenly slipped in just past her labia and at the same moment fey Came.

The gnome full-throated screamed and her ankles drummed against Fey’s barrel as she sprayed and squirted, but that was nothing compared to the deluge that exploded from the tip of Fey’s cock, the gnome’s stomach deformed around the shape of the emission for a moment before her womb was instantly flooded with heavy, thick, semen.

Her belly exploded outward swiftly making her appear six months pregnant, then twelve months pregnant. The gnome howled, her mouth open wide, her eyes rolled up in her head. Her belly button popped into an outie as her belly surged past twins, quadruplets, octuplets, rapidly rounding in her arms and spreading them further as the sphere of cum just kept going and going bigger and bigger. Her belly touched down on Fey’s stomach and spilled outward.

The gnome thrashed as she was filled, chain orgasms ripping through her body like lightning and making her insensate with pleasure as she was stretched and filled more and more. Rapid-fire squirts burst from her pussy as she came and came and came.

“Holy shit,” said Vivi staring at the expanding gnome as her paw dove into her own snatch driving herself to orgasm.

Worry crossed Ellaria’s face as she watched Flora’s belly swell but her hand didn’t stop moving below the water.

“FLOORRAA!” cried out Fey as she clawed at her breasts and desperately bucked up into the gnome, massive spraying ropes of cum still surging up her dick and into the gnomes already packed womb. At last with one final desperate cry and lurch of her hips the last huge surge of semen left her and squeezed into the gnome’s crammed womb. The centaur fell limp into the shallows breathing hard, her body spent.

She slowly lifted her head to see the orb she had made of Flora, a massive sphere five foot across that rested heavily on her barrel.

“Shi guud, Shu furking gerd,” slurred the gnome, her tits were pressed up in her face as the size of her belly had displaced them, her head barely visible above her own stomach.

“F-flora! A-are you okay?”

“Yesh, itsh besht thing evah,” slurred the gnome delirious with pleasure.

“F-fuck I wish that was me,” whined Vivi.

Ellaria coughed politely into her fist. “Now that you perverts have gotten that, whatever that was, out of your system I think it’s time we set up camp for the night.”

“Ella! Yoush donsht know what yoush mishing. Gods her cum ish sho hot and heavy in me. I feel so full!! So big!”

“Isn't it just the best?” moaned Vivi.

“I could shtay like this forever.”

“No, you can't stay like that forever Flora. Come on, get out of the hot spring.”

“Yoursh no fun gawd!” complained the gnome but with a little effort she managed to vaguely wave her hand in the air. The gnome's belly slowly began to lift upward, the sheer weight of it making it ponderous. With a lewd sloppy wet schlucking sound, the now somewhat soft stallion cock began to slip from the gnome's abused puss. The gnome shuddered and whimpered as it slipped from her folds along with a gush of white, although that stopped quickly as her womb closed off the lake of cum inside of her.

Fey’s cock slopped down and slapped against her slime-covered barrel with a loud wet sound.

The gnome floated above her, more cum belly than gnome, she rested her body on top of the orb of her own stomach like she was resting upon a luxurious waterbed.

“Oh this is nice, so comfy, it’s like an after-sex glow but so much better.”

“Ugh. Flora, you're going to need to drain yourself before you can help set up the tents.”

The gnome turned ponderously in the air to stare down at the elf contemptuously.

“What do you take me for? A physical labourer? Hah! The gnome snapped her fingers and a bunch of pebbles jumped into the air and began orbiting her belly as if to demonstrate she didn’t need hands to do anything.

Ellaria pursed her lips in annoyance but turned to Vivi. “She might not need to, but you do.”

The fox girl whined piteously. “J-just a little while, p-please!”

“No. It’s starting to get dark out.”

The white furred fox girl pouted but put her arms around her belly. With a straining effort she managed to lift the weight of it and get to her feet.

“Good thing I'm a physical fighter,” she said between gritted teeth. “This cum is so heavy I doubt I could move it without being strong.”

She laboriously moved from the shallows and onto dry land, then she paused.

“How am I supposed to get this out Ella?!”

“Can’t you just throw it up?”

“Ew no, that's horrible. O-oh hold on, I kinda need to go... R-really need to go.”

She waddled over to a nearby tree and behind it, partially out of view. She leaned over and  grasped onto a low hanging branch letting her pregnant looking stomach and breasts hang from her torso.

“Oh! Oh fuck ! I can feel it going through me!”

The fox girl trembled and then a spurt of white exploded from her ass sending a thick hose of the stuff across the ground and splattering it up her legs.

She moaned. “Oh f-fuck it’s so thick and there’s so- so much p-pressure!”

She hung onto the branch desperately as white hosed out of her backside in spurts sending it meters across the ground.

Her hips rolled and she tried to grind her thighs together which just caused more cum to splatter down her legs. She closed her eyes as she strained all the harder, sending a thick hose off the stuff to splash up against a nearby tree trunk. She let out a whorish moan and a spray of clear fluid burst from between her thighs to wet the ground in front of her.

“I’m so fuckign sensitive! g-gods!”

She dropped a paw down to clutch at her rapidly shrinking belly. A wet noise behind her made her look over her shoulder to see that the gnome had floated into the path of her expulsions and white was waterfalling down her sphere like belly. The gnome herself was sweeping her hands over her stretched flesh and scooping the cum toward her mouth where she greedily drank it down.

The vulpine blushed seeing this, though she didn’t stop, even increasing her efforts, caking the gnome in thick cum.

She could only hang on and squeeze as the gnome noisily swallowed pints of semen behind her.

At last her belly was flat and toned and completely back to normal and she shuddered as the last few spurts of jizz left her overtaxed asshole.

“I feel so empty now, like I’m missing something inside of me,” she moped.

“Your loss.” said the gnome happily licking the last of the cum she could reach from her flesh.

“Let me have some of yours!” 

“No way, back off foxy, if you want more then go and milk it yourself.”

The fox looked down forlornly and the gnome snorted.

They wandered back to the pool, or rather Flora floated on her bed of a belly and Vivi walked. On the grass to the side of it Ellaria was busy putting up the last part of her tent, Fey was beside her trying with somewhat less success to put hers up. Her semi-soft cock dangled below her barrel. 

Flora rolled her eyes and the mallet and string lifted from Fey’s hands and the tent swiftly put itself together. A smaller gnome tent appeared beside it and rapidly began pulling itself together too.

Fey blinked at her neatly put up tent and turned to the gnome. “Uh, thanks.”

“No problem. After a ride like that, it’s the least I can do.”

Fey pulled open the tent flap and with enormous difficulty managed to crouch down and back herself inside of it. Centaur tents were extra large and long to fit a prone centaur but Fey had grown a lot and she only barely managed to fit herself inside sitting down. She shuffled her butt further in.

“I can't keep getting bigger or I'm going to out grow my tent!”

Vivi bit her lip. “It is kinda hot though, seeing you get bigger and bigger, although it seems like it’s slowed down a lot.”

Fey set her lips in a line. “Easy for you to say, you don’t have to live with it.”

“Yeah, I guess, but still, a bit more height, isn't that something most people want?”

The centaur relented a little, “I just wish it wasn't happening this way.”

Vivi began putting together her tent as Ellaria pulled a book from a bag at her side, a romance novel, and flicked through its pages to a bookmark marking where she’d read up to. She snapped her fingers and a small yellow flame appeared by her head. She then crouched down to climb inside her tent and begin reading herself to sleep. She paused however and peered at the gnome who was floating contentedly beside her own small tent, completely outsizing it.

“I hope you realise that you are a little too large for your tent. Regretting not emptying yourself?”

“Pshh. No. You have no idea how warm and comfortable this is,” said the gnome, wiggling her hips on her swollen belly.

“And what if it rains?”

Flora glared at her but flicked up her hand. The small gnome tent ripped from the ground and floated up and over her where it plopped down over her back like a large blanket.


The elf sighed and shook her head but disappeared inside her tent.

The night sky darkened and the band fell into slumber. 

Sometime later Fey heard a noise. It was dark out, the middle of the night. She cracked an eye. Footsteps outside her tent, judging by the sound, paw pads. It was Vivi if she had to guess. She buried her head in her arm. She couldn't take much more of this. The fox girl came nearer to the entrance to her tent but suddenly a second pair of feet scraped the ground and Fey realised someone else had been silently standing by her tent flap.

“O-oh h-hey, Uhm- w-well, this is awkward,” whispered Vivi.

“What are you doing up?” said another and Fey realised that it was Ellaria. She blinked in surprise.

“I- I was just uh, going to the toilet, hey, wait, what are you doing up??”

The feet shuffled. “I’m just inspecting the camp for trespassers, monsters. Everythings fine it seems.”

“Inspecting right next to Fey’s tent?”

“Yes, what of it, monsters can come here too.”


“We should be sleeping now. Lot of travelling tomorrow.”


There was a moment of awkward silence and then the two stepped away from her tent. The centaur rubbed at her face. She wasn’t sure how to deal with this sudden interest from Ellaria. On one hand this was insanity, on the other, well, elves were stupendously gorgeous, even as an entirely female and straight centaur she had caught herself staring at Ellaria more than once. The fact that she was interested in her now made her feel strangely proud and warm and tingly inside. Being part male was definitely having an effect on her mind. A strong one.

Her cock rapidly hardened below her barrel at the thought and she groaned in frustration. She was never going to get used to that. She managed to drift off to sleep sometime later despite her twitching erection.

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