
Chapter 20.1

Previously on Centaurus: Fey and the band entered the city of Bine and go to Rina’s mansion. There Fey met her teenage tigerkin daughter, said daughter then accosted Fey in the night and became a little bit larger.

◈ Now, Chapter 20:


“Oh- Oh my god! What have you done to my Daughter!”

That exclamation was followed up by the sound of metal crashing against marble, and then by dead silence.

Fey looked up groggily. She was still atop Tami, the teenager turned into a huge cum tank, and a happy one at that going by the soft little muted purrs she made every time she shifted, her still hard dick still inside her, scraping against her abused love tunnel.

After a little effort, Fey managed to shift around enough to see what had caused the crash. It quickly became obvious that the speaker had been the one to create it. A man was lying there, a man wearing full lorica plate armour, and the crash had been him hitting the ground, seemingly because he had fainted. 

The words he had spoken at least sunk into Fey’s sleepy mind. Daughter. He had said Daughter.

“Oh... Oh no.”

She needed to fix this somehow! Fey jerked around atop Tami causing ripples to roll down her taut smooth belly and for her tiger’s tail to lash around where it poked out beneath the centaur.

Slowly she dragged herself back, her rigid length coming loose from Tami's cunt reluctantly, Tami’s pink inner labia dragging behind her muff, the flesh stretched so that it deformed over every vein and bump of Fey’s.

Six inches, then a foot, then a foot and a half. A muffled screaming could be heard from beneath her barrel and Fey felt the teenager’s cunt convulse and a fresh spritz of clear fluid wash over length. Just like the night before the tigerkin teenager was on a hair-trigger and just Fey moving was setting her off. Fey imagined it must be quite a nice way to wake up.

At last, she neared the final few inches and the flared head of her cock was all that was left, which of course proved hard on Tami. Her reddened puss fought desperately to keep Fey inside but after a moment of heaving Fey lurched free with an obscenely loud Schlurrrp and all three foot of horse dick was pulled into the air steaming wet.

Tami’s pussy gaped open, a rush of cool air pouring in to fill the vacuum Fey had left, her walls twitching as the top and bottom were connected by gel-like strings of her juices. Slowly, gradually, her cunt started to pull in, beginning the process of returning to normal after being so thoroughly stretched out by Fey.

Fey’s hooves slipped back across the expanse of the teenagers cum tummy. She was truly vast, her smooth curved skin covering the very large Lamia bed entirely and pushing Fey up toward the ceiling. Her hooves tented the smoothness inward where she rested upon them. Then as she shuffled backwards the teenager’s body became visible from beneath her, her head resting against her own stomach. She looked fully out of it, still so delirious with pleasure that she was seeing sightlessly, her eyes half-lidded, a line of drool running from her mouth. She might have been awake but Fey realised the teenager was still completely lost in her own mind after what had been done to her.

Fey grimaced, there was no way the teenage tigerkin was recovering from this anytime soon. She just hoped that she would become somewhat rational again during the course of the day.

She slipped down from the curve of her belly and clip clopped down onto the marble floor, her hooves making a racket as they landed.

She turned to see Ellaria and Flora at the door, Vivi standing a little ways behind in the hall, the elf was looking down at the man in dismay as Flora yawned and scratched her rear.

“What happened Fey? Wait, are you- are you taller?” said Ellaria turning to look at the Centaur with her massively rounded conquest behind her. Her eyes ran over Fey’s body and widened slightly seeing Fey’s larger penis.

Fey shifted on her hooves nervously. She was indeed taller, maybe three inches further from the ground by her reckoning, she was having some difficulty getting used to it and was shifting from hoof to hoof.

The elf shook her head, forcibly drawing her attention away from Fey’s throbbing now three foot long horse dick.

“You turned Rina’s daughter into a- well, that, I thought she hated us? And just who is this man lying on the ground? A guard?

“Erm, no, that’s uh, Tami’s dad and Rina’s husband, I think.”

Ellaria stared at her. “Don’t you think it might be a little bit of a problem if you turned the owner of this mansion’s daughter into, into-”

“She had s-sex with me! At least at first! She came to me, I swear!” said Fey, her face paling with worry.

“Well, we had better explain that to him so he doesn't throw us out.” She looked down at the man. He was completely insensate and had begun faintly snoring. “Okay, nevermind that, we’ll leave a note to explain everything.”

“A note?”

“Yes, a note that will ensure we can come back tonight and not be thrown out.”

“That’s gonna be a bloody impressive note,” muttered Flora. 

“...Yes. You had better explain things properly Fey.”

“Th-there was these uhm, m-minotaurs and they-”

“Wait, how were there minotaurs?”

“They came through then I absorbed them!”

“You killed them Fey?”

“NO! They’re definitely still alive, just uhm, r-really really small like six inches, and they tried to kill us!”

“They tried to kill you when they were six inches tall?”

Fey was starting to get flustered. “No, uhm, that was b-before.”

“Hrmm.” said Ellaria. “This might require a rather long note.”

Flora had somehow found paper from around Rina’s bedroom and had been scribbling on it as Fey spoke. She suddenly held up the sheet of paper to show them. It had a very crude drawing of a stick minotaur on it with an arrow pointing toward a black circle.

“Flora, just what the hell is that supposed to be?”

“It’s a warning, obviously. Those minotaurs won't have gotten out a huge mansion like this when they are six inches tall, therefore they are hiding in the walls like rats, in mouse holes. This tells the fainty human to watch out for them.”

Ellaria looked between the drawing and the Gnome. 

“I… that is actually true, and a fair point. So, that’s good. I just, ehhh-”

Flora glared at her, “are you saying I can't draw?”

“No no no, of course not! It's just-”

“Wow Ella, rude. I can totally draw.”

“Maybe not one of your better works…”

“Fine! Fine. Vivi, it's aaallll yours!”

“No no, I meant just write a longer no-”

Before she could finish however Vivi bounded forward and snatched up the paper. A small wooden art case appeared from her pocket along with several more sheets of paper. She spat on the side of Tami’s belly and slapped down the sheets, an artistic fire burning in her eyes. She flicked a paw and a pencil spun around her digits before she brought it down and began furiously scribbling.

Ellaria put her thumb and index to her forehead and let out a long sigh. After a moment she realised that Vivi wasn't going anywhere fast so she found a chair, pulled out her romance novel, flicked it open and began to read.

A few minutes later Vivi was still drawing, and then another few minutes later she was continuing to draw, in fact there was even more sheets of paper going up to Ellaria’s irritation and Flora’s smugness.

Fey shifted her hooves nervously, then she felt something touch up against her length. She twitched at the stimulation and glanced to her side but couldn't see anything, then to the other and found Lily standing there, she was holding the centaur stuffed toy partially in hand, the size of it meant that it dragged on the ground.  She looked up at Fey guiltily, one hand wrapped around the purple rubber cock sewn to its crotch. As Fey watched the otterkin moved her hand a little, the touch transported through her power to Fey’s dick.

“Lils this really isn't the time for that, I don't even have a Dimensional Bag to erm, e-ejaculate into anymore.”

Lily looked a little upset hearing that. “But I need to milk! I need to milk you! It’s- it’s important, or something, and it’s just good! Okay!”

Fey stared at her. “Did you really become addicted to milking me Lily? I knew there was something funny going on when you started doing it in my sleep too.”

The otterkin blushed pink. “NO! I'm just, I'm just looking out for you Fey, y-yeah. You can't let your balls get too b-big, I heard what h-happened!”

“Hmm. Then if you want to prove you aren’t addicted then leave that doll aside for now.”

Lily looked mildly horrified by the very idea, but after a moment she managed to reluctantly put the centaur toy up on a chair by the side of the door.

She backed away from it, unable to look away, her hand twitching as though subconsciously trying to masturbate the purple length. She was so fascinated looking at it that she completely failed to see where she was backing and stumbled into Kayla who had just walked through the door and was staring with big round eyes at the giant cum balloon that was the teenage tigerkin. They crashed to the ground together with a yelp.

“Are you okay you two?”

“Yes,” said Kayla rubbing her arm. “I came to find you Lils I didn't think you would fall on me through.”

Lily blinked at Kayla, then at what she was holding in her arms, It was a doll, a doll that had clearly been customised, a pair of rounded fabric otter ears had been sewn onto the head and a fabric cone had been attached to the rear to act as a tail. 

“Is- is that me?”

“No, it’s me, duh, obviously.”

Fey wasn’t sure it was obvious at all but she decided not to mention that.

“Why do you have a doll of yourself Kayla?”

She turned to Fey. “Well I knew that Lily wouldn’t be able to keep using the Centaur toy as uhmm, you know. I figured that she would need a replacement to practice on?”

Fey looked between the doll of herself and Kayla, her brow rising. “You want your sister to…. Masturbate you?”

Kayla nearly choked on her tongue and had to take a moment to recover.

“That’s- no! I don't want that! It’s for practice! Didn't you notice how much better she’s gotten? How much she has leveled up already?”

“Now that you mention it… wait level up?”

“Yes, she’s level twelve already!”

It was Fey’s turn to be surprised as she nearly fell over hearing that.

“L-level twelve?! H-how!?”

Lily scratched the side of her cheek.

“Uhm, well, there was rather a lot of night time, uhm, stuff.”

Fey suddenly wondered just how many times she had been made to cum in her sleep and just how many lakes worth of cum had really been put in that Dimensional Bag, hundreds? A thousand? More than she had assumed, maybe many times more. Leveling outside of combat was usually less efficient, that was a broad rule of Classes. For Lily to level up so fast, well she did have incredible Affinity, that and perhaps her milking was exciting her enough that it increased the speed of which she leveled? She couldn't say, but it did change things. The little otterkin was already a burgeoning adventurer in waiting.

Kayla held up the doll of herself, it was surprisingly accurate.

“Where did you even get that from?”

“I stole it from Tami’s room,” said Kayla with a grin, “then I otter-ized it with some sewing.”

“Oh.” said Fey, wondering if the teenager would mind. Well, the tigerkin probably didn't have much on her mind at all right now apart from sex-after glow so it was something that could wait.

Kayla pushed the doll of herself into Lily’s hands.

“Here you go sis, this way you can level up all the faster and become a famous adventurer! Use me as much as you want, just become strong okay!”

Lily looked between the doll and her sister, her lip trembling for a moment. Then she hugged the doll and closed her eyes. It’s silhouette flashed a dark violet and then it was done.

“O-oh, that feels, oh I can feel you touching me Lil!”

Lily held out the doll and then lifted one of the arms. Kayla’s arm lifted into the air with it, she let out a gasp and stared at her own arm moving out of her control.

“That really is incredible Lily, how far can you go with it?” said Fey.

“Mmm, not as far as you would think, there are some fuzzy limitations with this voodoo stuff. Like if I threw this Kayla doll across the room Kayla wouldn't be launched into the air as you would expect.”

“L-launched?” Said kayla, suddenly very aware of just how vulnerable she had made herself. “G-good that, don’t do that, r-really good.”

“Mhmm, it's more physical stuff, like this.”

She grabbed hold of one of the doll’s breasts and squeezed and Kayla let out a squeak as her shirt suddenly became dark as a flood of milk rolled down her front. The otterkin had been lactating on and off, not as much as Flora, but still a lot so that even with a little pressure she produced a lot of milk. Lily’s eyes looked a little fervent as she continued to pump and squeeze and Kayla was left staggering around clutching at her front as more and more liquid spurted and spritzed from her fabric-covered nipples.


She blinked and seemed to realise what she was doing

“S-s-sorry, I j-just, - m-milking and-”

Kayla came to a halt, her breathing ragged, her shirt soaked.

“It’s fine, I I- just I-in p-private.”

Lily went a little pink hearing that but nodded.


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