
Chapter 21.4

“Wummy stop!” cried out Vivi as the tentacles sticking from her took one look at the giant slime monster and promptly dragged Vivi off into the darkness pulling her along by her pussy.

Ellaria turned on the minotaur “The guild never said anything about this! That's way way beyond just any regular slime, this isn't something that can just be taken on by anyone! What the hell are they thinking not warning of such a thing?!”

“I- I don't know! Nobody must know this thing is here because no one comes here!”

“Tch. Or you led us into a trap so you could kill us off, no doubt in an attempt to poach Fey here as the only survivor.”

“Wha- NO! That’s not what’s happening I promise! I promise!”

Fey raised her hand hesitantly. “Uhm it wouldn't be a very good trap if she’s trapped in here with us too Ella.”

“We’re going to have words later,” said the elf, her eyes flashing before igniting into flames, her red hair rising as embers poured forth. She stretched out her arms and a pair of massive golden fireballs sprung to life over her palms, flecks of starlight and chromatic aberration fringing their wavering flickering edges. The fireballs exuded a sense of pure power.

“Back! Everyone back!” yelled Flora swiping at the air. The band and Astrid were hauled off their feet by her power and dragged backwards as Ellaria advanced on the slime, then strode, then dashed before flipping into the air and spinning, her arms flying around her like whips and loosing the pair of fireballs on the gigantic slime.

The fireballs roared toward the slime in pillars of terrible fire. 

Then they struck and an ear splitting scream rent the air as the giant slime reeled back in pain, a great plume of fog going up as the slimes surface instantly vaporized under the fire, like two freshly forged swords plunged into water the mist surged outward, filling the space, hiding the slime from view.

The band watched with bated breath as the mist gradually cleared.

Ellaria relaxed slightly. “Someone is going to have to answer for this, what if an amateur band had stumbled upon-”

A massive tentacle lunged from the mist and wrapped around Ellaria’s waist dragging her up into the air. A dozen more followed, then a dozen more, and more, until the air was writhing with blue tentacles in every direction snatching up everyone they could reach and holding them fast in the air, encircling limbs and hips and necks.

“You just had to jinx it didn't you El!” screamed Flora from the tentacles wrapped around her, desperately trying to push them back with her power and failing under its overwhelming strength.

 “Not my fault!” yelled the elf back while desperately trying to spark flames to life. 

The mist cleared as the tentacles moved and the gigantic slime monster was revealed, a large black scorch mark marred its front but apart from that it appeared entirely unharmed and extremely extremely angry.

“H-how do we escape! What do adventurers do about this!” Wailed Lily. Her sister was missing, the slime seemingly having overlooked the invisible otterkin.

The band had no answer, none of their Skills or weapons were viable, it seemed they were doomed to fall prey to the slime, an impossibly strong monster.

That is until one of the tentacles accidentally touched up against the cummy mess that was Fey’s under-barrel and back legs. She hadn't gotten around to cleaning herself from the mess made at the AG and her back parts were frosted in a layer of white.

The slime monster froze up, and then its main body seemed to slowly turn and stare at the centaur it held in tentacle.

“Uhm, h-hello?” said Fey, like a hare caught in the lamplight.

“Don't speak to the giant slime monster Fey!”

“I don't know what else to do!”

The slime touched up against her experimentally, drawing in the cum coating her fur, sucking it into its tentacles, tasting it. It reacted, the slime seemed beyond delighted by its discovery and a dozen more tentacles burst forth, this time all aimed at the unfortunate centaur who wailed in a panic as tentacles sucked and slurped over every inch of her body, sucking up every single drop of fluid on her and leaving her fur dry and clean in its wake. Soon though the slime ran out of cum and became frustrated, desperately going over every part of her looking for more, even pushing the tip of a tentacle into her mouth and puss in its exploration. Its movement became ever more frantic until as a tentacle curled around her three foot dick a cup of pre-cum gushed from the tip. The tentacles all immediately converged on the spot, practically fighting each other to get at the fresh source.

Fey groaned as so many tentacles squirmed and pressed against her cock and caused another spurt of precum. This seemed to confirm to the slime that this was indeed the source of its ambrosia and its tentacles suddenly changed, morphing together and creating a large barrel-like shape filled with squirming tentacles, a crude milking device.

“Wait! Fey! This is perfect!”  shouted Flora, still struggling “You remember what happened last time? Your cum overloaded the slime and it tried to flee because it couldn't handle it!”

“What are you saying!” she groaned in reply as the tentacles inside the slime barrel began to shift back and forth, rolling down her length in long dragging motion, a sucking force simultaneously being applied as air was drawn out of the barrel.

“I’m saying cum in it like you mean it!”

“I- I don't have a choice! Oh gods this feels- this feels!”

The milking device rapidly sped up, a lurid schlurking queefing noise coming from it as the air was manually pushed and squeezed from inside it, the pressure ever increasing, the tentacles squeezing down harder and harder until Fey let out a shriek and spasmed in the tentacles grasp, her great strength causing the giant slime actual difficulty in holding her still.

Then she came. 

The interior of the barrel instantly went white.

The giant slime monster let out an ear shattering “SQUEEE!” Of joy that left everyone's ears ringing and echoed on forever in the vast space, no doubt loud enough to be heard even on the surface.

The slime had found its ambrosia.

It just didn't expect so much.

It had all of three seconds to realise that it had made a mistake as white filled the barrel, forced itself through the tentacles surface and then exploded down the interior length of every tentacle connected to the milking barrel. Cum continued to pump and pump stretching the tentacles out as the sheer quantity of cum flowing into them strained them to the limit. The slime panicked, its tentacles flailing as an incredible amount of semen rushed down its tentacles and then burst into its own body.

“You did it! It’s gonna run!”

“If I recall correctly didn't that particular slime evolve first before it ran away?” said Ellaria.

“It… wait, shit, it did do that, stop the cum Fey, stop cumming!”

“I can't stop cumming!”

“Do kegels, just stop! Oh my god that's so much cum!”

“I- cannnnn’t It feeelss tooo gooodddd!”

As Fey's voice rose the slime suddenly began to emit a light, a light that grew brighter and brighter with every passing second until it filled Fey’s eyes with a blinding white in which she could see nothing else. 

The light faded and she blinked desperately, floaters crossing her vision as her eyes readjusted to the relative darkness. There was someone in front of her, right up close. She flinched back and it took a moment to realise that there wasn't actually someone right in front of her but there was someone further away, someone further away who was very very large and only appeared close due to her massive proportions.

The upper body and thighs of a girl stood where the slime had been, huge, over two stories tall, a vast slime person, her thighs connecting with a puddle of her slime that spread across the ground as though she was standing knee deep, the tentacles that held the band emerging from the puddles surface.

The giant slime girl blinked and held her semi transparent hands up in the air, looking at them with curiosity. “Squee?” she spoke.

“Di-did that incredibly powerful slime monster just evolve into an even more incredibly powerful slime monster from your c-cum?!” said Astrid, her eyes wide.

“D-don't panic! This might be a good thing! m-maybe?”

The giant slime girl turned her enormous head and looked between the members of the band and the minotaur with a curious light in her eyes. Then she tilted her head and smiled, her eyes closed. “SQUEEE!”

Dozens more tentacles exploded from the puddle and lunged for each person. A set dove toward Flora and slipped below the hem of her shorts before curling and ripping them apart exposing her bare muff to the air. Then without hesitation then surged into her, stretching her wide as more and more tentacles fought their way inside. The gnome’s pregnant belly bulged outward as tentacles writhed around in her womb, slurping and sucking and absorbing. Flora cried out, drool flecking from her lip as the writhing twisting tentacles furiously stirred up her insides.

“Hnnn! G-gawd, your cum makes them so m-much more perverted tooooo!”

Ellaria tried to make a captainy reply, she really did, but she could only manage a lush gasp as tentacles pounded into her bare rear, sending ripples across her thighs as they stagger plunge fucked her cunt over and over creating the lewdest sloppy wet queefing sounds. Which was particularly startling coming from the visually perfect elf, that such a perfect body could produce such obscene noises was jarring. She bit her lip hard and lifted her head as her hands desperately grasped as the tentacles wrapped around her waist.

Lily nearby hugged her Kayla doll desperately tight to her chest as tentacles squirmed around her, slipping around her tail and parting her cheeks. “Why is it going for that paaaart!!” whined the otterkin girl as a tentacle pushed up against her tiny pussy and then forced its way in, stretching her with its girth, then wiggling to make space for more tentacles that shoved their way in beside it. Her voice rose in pitch with each successive tentacle stretching her lower lips wider and wider.

“I- I think it likes g-girl’s p-parts more now! L-like Wummy!” groaned out Fey as a particularly thick tentacle forced its way into her pussy causing her clit to wink and pop from its hood. She let out a gasp and then opened her eyes wide in alarm as the milking barrel was suddenly ripped from her length and she began moving through the air. She looked up fearfully as she neared the titanic slime girl. The slime girl looked down at the centaur, a hungry look in her eyes. Fey glanced down and saw her wiggling her thighs together, her giant slime pussy leaking and showering a steady rain of clear fluid.

“H-help!” she managed to gasp out, but it was all too late. The tentacles moved and arranged her and she found herself placed between the slime girls thighs. Tentacles wrapped around her horse legs and pulled them wide and then another tentacles circled the base of her cock and angled it upwards.

The giant slime girl let out another happy “squee!” and then those vast titanic hips began to descend, Fey's barrel quickly became drenched in clear fluid as her giant sopping muff came close. Fey let out a little squeak as the slippery squishy touch of the slime girls labia came down atop the tip of her dick, and then easily pushed over, the slime girl’s pussy barely providing any resistance at all and Fey quickly found herself entirely sheathed inside of her.

“Oh- oh- it feels, it feels like she’s sized for me! Almost l-loose!”

The slime girl paused at that, seeming to understand. She nodded, and then it happened. Hundreds of small tentacles wriggled free from the surface of the slime girls inside walls and began squirming and licking and wrapping around and squeezing Fey's length like hundreds of powerful long tentacle tongues.

“Oh- OHHHHH!” cried out Fey as the unique sensation hit her like a ton of bricks.

“SQUEEE!!” cried out the giant slime girl as she slowly lifted then let herself fall, making long languid strokes as she bounced up and down on top Fey who was held up beneath her. The giant slime girl lifted her hands and ran her fingers through her hair which was more like a bundle of tentacles than real hair, ecstasy clear on her face as she used Fey like an over sized sex toy while simultaneously exploring the insides of all the girls in the band with her extensive network of tentacles through out the space.

The air was filled with a chorus of squawking and moaning, gasping and squeeing, slopping and smacking as smooth blue tentacles pumped and plunged.

And it would have continued like that, the slime girl freely using them, but then Astrid used one of her skills. A flash of red and black and three phantom axes appeared around her, they swung and the tentacles holding her up were parted.


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