
Chapter 22.1

Previously on Centaurus: Desperate for money the band ventured out on a slime hunting job in the sewers. They unfortunately came into contact with an unexpected and powerful giant slime monster but were then saved by Wummy absorbing the slime monster into itself and further evolving.


Now, Chapter 22:


The iron grate curled with leafy ivy shuddered, a layer of rust flakes shedding from its surface to shower down on the mossy cobble below. 

A muffled voice could be heard from behind it, then the grate shuddered again, and then again, making a horrendous shrieking noise as the rusted shut hinges bent and then snapped. The grate fell away from the wall and crashed down on the stone below sending debris spilling across the ground.

“See, I told you I could do it, some stupid grate ain’t gonna stop me from getting out of this shitty ass sewer,” sad Flora floating out into the sunlit alley.

“Erm, I think that might have been city property, I’m not sure they will like that we just, ah, broke it.”

“Fey, behold my field of fucks to give, for it is barren and the crop has failed.”

“Perhaps the events of our time in the sewer could provide you with some metaphorical fertiliser for your metaphorical field Flora. That could have been a lot worse,” said Ellaria as she gingerly stepped free and looked down at her boots with a look of distaste at their mucky covering.

“Nope. I run an all-natural field of fucks. If it doesn’t grow naturally then those fucks deserve to die. I’ve seen those all artificially grown fields, seems stressful, can't say I care for it.”

“You’d make a good rogue,” said Astrid, unsuccessfully brushing some muck from her blonde fur, “They have a similar attitude to property.”

Ellaria scowled as she found more dirt on her blouse, which was also still damp with the giant slime girl’s juices. “In any case that was a successful job as much of a disaster the last part was. Speaking of.” She narrowed her gaze and turned to find Vivi who was trying to sneak quietly from the dark hole where the grate had been.

Vivi looked extremely pregnant, her tummy fat and taut and round and drooping down as though with octuplets, so much so that the fox girl had to help hold it up with her paws and was clearly struggling with the greatly increased weight.

“Ah, h-hey their captain. Nice and sunny outside huh?”

“Don’t ‘hey there captain’ me, what exactly happened down there?”

“Y-you used its name!” said Vivi, unable to stop a small smile from crossing her face.

Ellaria did not look impressed.

Fey raised her hand hesitantly. “Actually I think Wummy became female after, er, absorbing that giant slime girl and then evolving again.”

The elf gave Fey an annoyed glance. “First a name, now a gender, it’s just slime! A monster!”

“Hey don't say that out loud, you’ll hurt it- er, her feelings!” said Vivi wrapping her paws around her tummy protectively.

Astrid was touching at her own still slightly distended stomach too, but with a look of wonder. Running her fingers over her abdomen she pressed in. The sound of liquid spraying could be heard and a gush of clear slime-girl fluid came from her still exposed pussy to run down her thighs and splash across the ground creating a puddle. She shivered as the last of it left her, the fluid was too watery and runny to stay in her womb and had been steadily leaking from her as she walked through the sewers leaving a trail of puddles in her wake. 

She bit her lip as the last few clear drips fell from her lower lips to pitter patter on the cobble. “I’ve been leaking the entire way here! Gods I’ve never felt so full in my life, so stretched and f-fucked, h-how was that even possible? My belly was out so- I felt that slime girl in my womb!”

“It’s probably the same magic as Fey’s right?” said Lily atop Fey’s back, a white floating orb of cum beside her, her still partly filled sister.

Ellaria tapped her lip. “That makes some amount of sense. The slimes evolve using her emissions, it would seem they inherit some aspect of her as well, more specifically making females more elastic and better able to take her.”

Vivi fondly patted her belly over her popped out belly button. “Wummy is a good girl, see? She’s careful and she cares. Plus she saved us! If Wummy hadn't been there who knows what that giant slime might have done? Drained you until you turned into really thirsty husks? It could have been bad like you said Ella, you should be grateful to Wummy!”

“HAH! She’s got you there Ell,” said Flora floating past with her hands behind her head looking incredibly smug.

“I’m not praising the wild slime monster smuggled in your pussy Vi.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Look we completed the job, first things first we should get paid. Come on.”

Flora looked down at herself. Her bottom half was still completely bare and naked, in fact all of the band were, the slime monster having shredded their shorts and panties in its eagerness to get at their slits.

Ellaria seemingly completely oblivious to this fact and started walking from the alley and into the main street. The band stared at her wondering when she was going to realise she was half naked.

The elf continued to walk. 

“Uh, should we-”


The crowded traffic of the street faltered as an astonishingly beautiful and ridiculously attractive half naked elf strode confidently out of an alleyway. Eyes bugged out of heads and several people crashed into walls and lamp posts not looking where they were going, one even fell over a stall causing it to collapse and the angry red faced merchant behind it to start bellowing.

Ellaria blinked at the reaction then looked down. “Oh goddamn it.” She about faced and quick walked back into the alley, the tips of her pointed ears a little pink.

“You really weren't kidding about elves forgetting they’re naked huh?” said Flora with a shit eating grin. 

“It- It’s a nature thing. Shut up.”

Ellaria swiftly loosed the string on her Dimensional Bag and began pulling out clothes, easily enough clothes for everyone, even Astrid.

They stepped out of the alleyway, this time with a lot less commotion.


Back at the AG they found the place quiet and subdued, the number of adventurers in it a fraction of what it was, and the remainder being employees who were still dealing with the minor natural disaster that was Fey’s cum. They had harangued a mage into helping from somewhere and the mage, with an aggrieved expression at how he was being put to work, was repeatedly flippy flapping his hands at the pools of cum causing them to move and shift and slowly roll toward a grate in the ground. 

Fey had whisper hissed about helping out but Ellaria had immediately overruled that. “How are we going to pay for a Soulomancer if we get banned from the AG Fey? Besides this AG is wealthy as anything and can afford to deal with this, how do you think they got that mage to clean the place, mages don’t clean.”

Fey didn’t have an answer for that so she guiltily let it drop.

Later the band were sat around a table with Astrid. The minotaur had insisted on buying the band several rounds of drinks as an apology for accidentally bringing them into contact with an unexpectedly powerful monster. Ellaria was out of sight, no doubt dealing with payment for the job. 

Flora lifted her second tankard of ale and belched. “You’re not all bad, for a minotaur, you know.”

“Thanks, I think?”

“You're welcome!” said Flora tipping back the tankard and chugging it.

“Say, uh, I know you are in need of money, would it be alright if I ask why?” asked Astrid.

Fey glanced between the others. She was sat on a centaur bench, a complicated piece of furniture that allowed a centaur to sit at a table at an appropriate height. Fey was impressed that the AG had it, less impressed with how awkward it was. She shifted uncomfortably and her rigid throbbing length scraped along the wood causing her to wince.

“I- I guess I can say, it’s not like it’s a secret. I’m uh, slowly growing larger, my uhm, s-sausage was inches shorter just yesterday but uhm something-, and my uh, c-cum, it’s h-hard to manage and it k-keeps increasing if I d-don’t…”

Astrid stared at the centaur. Her eyes darted to where her lower half would be below the table and she swallowed noisily. “L-larger? You’re growing even- even b-bigger? And you can cum even- gods.”

“God, she’s a total sex god,” said Flora banging her empty tankard back down on the table. “And you haven't lived until she’s fucked you full of cum, it’s life changing, nothing comes close, you cannot even imagine how it feels to be to be that satisfied and content and stretched and to orgasm so hard you think you're gonna die. It’s fucking incredible, no male will ever come close. Ever.”

A little drool fell from Astrid’s lip as she listened, her eyes dancing between Flora and Fey.

“Th-that good?”

“Flora stop encouraging her! I’m not going to be her husband okay!”

“W-well, maybe out of w-wedlock isn’t that b-

Astrid was cut off however by a crash as a half dozen heavy rounded bags were dumped on the table, the crisp clinking of metal coins filling the air.

Ellaria raised an eyebrow at her bandmates. “Told you it paid well. The jobs no one wants often do.”

Vivi grabbed for a bag and peered inside, her eyes round. “All this for some slimes?!”

Lily and Kayla who were too small for the chairs were sat crosslegged on the table. Seeing the bags they scrambled forward, or at least Lily appeared to, Kayla was still just a moving sphere of white. They tugged open bag after bag exclaiming in delight as they ran their hands through the contents.

“Well they might have bumped it up a tad when I explained the giant slime we found, but nevertheless this is a good if small step forward.”

Flora was nonchalantly floating coins around her head but paused hearing that. “Small? What do you mean small?”

“Ah. I was able to make some inquiries on the price of the services of an arch-soulomancer.”


Ellaria’s voice went uncharacteristically low. “It’s… a lot.”

“Oh gods Ella, I can’t be this much of a burden!”

“No, you're never a burden Fey. It’s fine, it will just take a little more time to save than I expected. I will be looking into lecturing at an adventurers school as soon as possible, I’m sure I can help things along by a lot with payment from that.”

Astrid hesitantly raised a hand.

“It might be a bit sudden but would you want to do a joint-band job?”

All of Magic Mog turned to look at her causing her to hesitate.

“A joint-band job? What are you suggesting?”

“W-well that’s actually why my band is here at the AG, we’ve been looking for a strong band to do a particularly difficult job with. It won’t be easy, and the risk is high, but it pays extremely well.”

“You would do that for us?” said Fey, delighted.

Astrid scratched at a horn. “Well, you know, you are a strong band, I saw what you could do, middle or upper silver if I had to guess.”

Ellaria, despite herself, couldn't help but look pleased by that statement.

“Plus having a healer is a big deal, really big, it saves a small fortune on potions and adventurer healers aren’t exactly common.”

“True enough, and if it’s helping us find jobs too then all the better.”

“Wait, why are you concerned about healing?” said Lily.

“Mmmmm, well that would be the risk part.”

“Sounds like she’s gonna get us killed if you ask me,” said Flora spinning her empty tankard in the air on the tip of one finger.

“No! It’s an honest job!”

“No one doing an honest job needs to call it honest.”

Ellaria rolled her eyes. “That’s enough Flora, I’m sure it's fine. However, I would still want to hear the details before we agree to anything. If you would?”

Astrid nodded. “For a few weeks a number of villages up in the hills have been repeatedly attacked, villagers dragged off into the night never to be seen again, the situation is… not good. They can't defend themselves or stop what’s being done to them, they are essentaily helpless.”

“Villages?” said Vivi tapping a claw on the table. She was sat with her legs spread, her rounded stomach bulging over the tabletop. Since the band had come to be aware of Wummy the slime seemed a lot more comfortable around them and the surface of her belly was shifting and moving with the slime’s tentacles, more, a tentacle was visible sticking up beside the vulpine, its tip wrapped around the handle of a tankard. Vivi lazily leaned her head to the side and opened her mouth and the tentacle lifted the tankard to her lips where she sipped at it. “Villages don’t usually pay ‘extremely well’, I know from long experience before I joined Magic Mog”.

“Er, yes that's the thing, this isn't a job from the villages, or even the AG.”

“Then who is it from? A generous noble? Intercity caravaneers?”

“Mmm, perhaps it would be better to hear it from my band The Hammer Horns, or more specifically my captain, Braddox, since they’ve just arrived,” said Astrid as a group of minotaurs stomped through the main doors.

“Astrid? Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you you know.” came a deep bass voice like rich planed oak.

Fey glanced at Vivi but the tentacle had already disappeared from sight. She turned her head to find an extremely large and muscular minotaur, the minotaur who had originally first spoken to them after Wummy had flung Vivi’s wetness over them.

“Hey captain, I got caught in the confusion earlier and ended up getting involved in a small job with this band, nothing, uh, too crazy, but I think I have something here, something we’ve been looking for.”

Braddox looked over the members of Magic Mog, a measuring look in his eye. His brow rose when he caught sight of Vivi’s heavily pregnant looking belly and Flora’s lesser pregnancy.

“You did a job with two pregnant girls?”

“Er, yes it’s not quite how it seems. I think they may be the ones.”

“But they're pregnant!” said a skinnier black furred minotaur to his side wearing highly polished silver armour. 

“S-sorta? It didn't matter, I saw them fight, I would be willing to bet if the last three teams we teamed up with were to fight Magic Mog here Magic Mog would win, and not by a small margin.”

Braddox grumbled thoughtfully and ran his thick fingers along his jaw. 

“I would like to hear what it is exactly this job entails, there is no guarantee that we choose to work with you on this,” interjected Ellaria.

Braddox paused and looked her way. “It’s… a problematic and rare type of monster.”

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