
Chapter 22.3

Soon they were beyond the massive city gates and heading out deep into the hills surrounding the city, the two bands slowly familiarizing themselves as they walked, including Kayla who had finally been noticed, or rather, the small sphere of white that floated where Kayla was. The minotaurs had assumed it was some kind of magical device belonging to Lily at first so were understandably shocked when the orb began to speak.

They put down camp for the night in the woods, the minotaurs quickly throwing together a fire. They efficiently began cooking, skewering vegetables, throwing down pots and pans, simmering and frying. Magic Mog looked on in amazement as the minotaurs worked together like a smoothly oiled machine. 

Flora stared then became concerned, then worried. “This is all really impressive guys, but… where’s the meat?”


“Oh no don't say it, don't you dare!”

“Minotaurs don't eat meat girl, only vegetables like the gods intended.”

Flora let out a long groan and flopped on her back, her massively swollen and expansive breasts rolling wildly across her chest, her blouse becoming freshly wetted with milk at the motion.

“Uhm, I don't mind, I quite like when there's no meat actually,” said Fey, raising her hand hesitantly.

Flora glared at her with one eyelid cracked. “Well you would, you're part horse, you’d probably start eating the damned grass on the side of the road given half a chance.”

“I- I would not! I would never! That only happened one time okay! I- I didn't know- s-stop harassing meeee!”

The flustered centaur shuffled where she sat. She was lying with her horse part on the ground, turned to the side so her under barrel was facing the fire, the heat pleasantly warming her erect length. This was incredibly distracting for the three female minotaurs who were having difficulty focusing on anything that wasn't Fey.

Still, despite the distractions, It didn't take long for the food to be set to cook and the bands were left waiting, chatting in comfortable warmth the fire created.

A pair of legs appeared beside Fey and she turned and looked up to see a beige furred minotaur looking down from above her impressive bust. It was one of the three female minotaurs, the one with a still slightly puffy eye from where Astrid had punched her when they had fought over Fey. She, like the others, wore a blouse and corset, a choker around her neck with a large blue sapphire set in the middle.

“H-Hi, Baerinda, do you want something?”

The minotaur ran her eyes all over Fey’s body, pausing to take in her throbbing length resting against the ground by her barrel. She bit her lip.

“I’m sorry, but I just can't wait anymore.”

“Wait, Wh-what are you suggesting? Are you-? I- No- and anyway there are people here, we're surrounded by our bandmates!” she squeaked out.

Baerinda snorted then opened her hand showing Fey something. It was a small stone. She pinched it between index and thumb and then threw it across the fire, the stone hurtled away and struck Averys on the nose, glancing off then clattering against his armour. 

Fey held her breath waiting for him to start yelling… Averys gestured vaguely and Fey tensed in expectation at the coming shout of anger. Instead he spoke calmly, maybe a touch annoyed.

“Damned flies, I’ll be glad to see the back of these hills, full of the little nuances.”

Fey blinked. “What?” She turned back to Baerinda and found her covered in glowing blue butterflies. The minotaur winked at her and the butterflies scattered into blue particles that misted away.

“You did something, and the butterflies, that was you?”

Baerinda rolled her knuckles as though in answer and a tiny pink ferret danced between her fingers. 

“I’m an illusionist, I can fool people's senses, this ferret isn't really here, it’s not real.”

“An illusionist? You can make… anything appear?”

Baerinda smiled and a copy of herself stepped out from behind her. The second Baerinda crouched down and touched at Fey’s arm causing her to flinch back in surprise. She actually felt the touch of this second Baerinda on her skin.

“What is this? Is- is she real?”

“Hmm, no, try touching her back.”

Fey hesitantly reached out. She felt the touch of the minotaur’s fur, soft, then her fingers passed through her body as though it wasn’t there and she felt the wet blood of the minotaur’s insides. She snatched her fingers back in surprise, having to look over them to check they really weren't bloodied.

“This is amazing! You’d be unstoppable in a fight, how would a monster even deal with such a thing?”

Baerinda shrugged lightly. “Not as good as you would think, it becomes harder to fool the senses the more agitated someone is. But, here, where we are all relaxed and comfortable? It works very well.”

The illusion reached out and affectionately touched at Fey’s chin as the real Baerinda hopped over to Fey’s barrel a gleeful look in her eyes. She locked on to Fey’s massive horse dick, her fingers twitching with eagerness to get it in hand, which she promptly did.

“G-gods I can barely get both hands around it! hnnff!”

Fey looked around the camp in alarm. She was being fondled right out in the open! The four members of her band, plus two apprentices, along with the seven in The Hammer Horns making thirteen people all sitting extremely close by, yet none of them even glanced her way. Well with the exception of the two other female minotaurs but they clearly hadn't noticed anything truly amiss.

She waved her hand at Flora who was right next to her, the gnome sitting on a small stump. She completely ignored her hand as though she was seeing straight through it. 

“What are they seeing?”

Baerinda ran her fingers along Fey’s massiveness, her fingertips tracing every tree trunk vascular vein and branch, the heat of it made her heart flutter. It took a moment for Fey’s words to sink in.

“O-oh, to everyone else I’m still sitting where I was over there on that log, and you are still relaxing as you were, nothing more. How did she do that in that fox girls drawing, f-fuck I have to try!”

The minotaur hefted the length upwards, gasping lightly at its unexpected weight. A line of precum slowly drip dripped from the broad tip and unable to help herself she reached out with her tongue and gently lapped from it. 

“Gods, it even tastes glorious.”

The illusion version of Baerinda suddenly leaned forward and kissed Fey, her eyes went round and she resisted momentarily, then the real Baerinda touched her lips to the tip of her dick and began suckling and her eyes rolled up as she relaxed into illusion. The sensation of having a tongue that could go through your own tongue was a strange one and she wasn't sure she liked it, but it was difficult not to respond to the sucking slurping being applied to her urethra. She moaned into the illusion as a cup of precum gushed free and bulged out Baerinda’s cheeks hugely causing the minotaur to make a grunt of surprise before pushing her head in and swallowing heavily, the rush of fluid rolling down her throat in one go.

The minotaur came away gasping and panting.

“Fuck, and that's just your precum,” she wiped her lips roughly and went back for more.

A noise beside her made Fey pull back from the illusion minotaur.

“What is it?” said the illusion before turning.

It was Astrid, she was staring at a spot slightly to the right of Fey’s head, as though looking at someone that wasn't there. A sheet of crumpled paper with a drawing on it was poking from her pocket. The minotaur was wriggling her hips, her hands over her shorts. Her fingers shifted and Fey saw a dark damp patch, a droplet fell as her fingers moved. The minotaur was soaked through, her breath heavy. Behind her stood the last female minotaur who was glancing around nervously as though she wasn't sure she should be there.

“C’mon Astrid, this is silly, nothings happening,” said the minotaur behind her.

Astrid ignored her and stumbled forward.

“P-please, I know you're there Baeri, I- I can tell you’re doing something. L-let me in! Let me in or- or I’ll tell everyone what you're doing,” she urgently whispered.

Baerinda ripped her lips from Fey’s tip with a splatter of fluid and glared at Astrid.

“God dammit. She’s so horny and agitated that my illusions aren't working properly on her.”

“Could they have heard her?” said Fey looking around warily.

“It’s fine, I caught it in time. But I can't stop her from alerting them if she really tries, people are good at picking up anything that's too amiss.”

She flicked her fingers and Astrid blinked, seeing truly for the first time. Her gaze jumped from the illusion Baerinda to the real Baerinda happily fondling Fey’s length. The blonde minotaur pouted.

“Baeri! You did this without me?”

“Oh and like you wouldn't? Get off your high horse, or centaur, whatever.”

Astrid glared at her but didn't hesitate to pounce on Fey, running her hands down her barrel to her groin, then hesitantly touching at her dick, then joyfully wrapping her fingers around its girth, feeling the size of it up close.

Baerinda not wanting to let Astrid take her spot forced her mouth over the tip, she strained desperately and then with a POP! Her lips slipped over the edge, her cheeks bulging out as the broad head pushed into her mouth. The last minotaur that had arrived with Astrid stood frozen, staring between Fey’s upper half then then down to where the minotaur girls were tending her, then around at the camp.

“I- I can't believe you're doing this right in front of everyone!”

Baerinda made muffled noises from around the cock and then the illusion Baerinda turned. 

“What's the problem Chloe? they won't know it's happening and what they don't know about won't bother them yes?”

Chloe did not look convinced, still, she couldn't help but have her gaze be drawn back to Fey’s lower half where Astrid was whining, her hips shaking as she fingered herself and tongue bathed Fey’s length.

“Wh-what about them seeing these two? They came over here right?” said Fey. 

The Baerinda wrapped around Fey’s cock flapped her hand and illusion versions of Astrid and Chloe appeared sitting by the fire. 

“I made illusion copies of them as soon as they spoke,” said illusion Baerinda, “I’ve made it so you can see the illusion too. The others think they just came over to chat then went back to their seats. As far they are concerned nothing is wrong.”

Fey bit her lip. These illusions were incredibly powerful and flexible. Almost intimidating in how completely they could fool the senses, whatever Baerinda said she had an impressive and scary ability, she wondered just how far her control over senses went. 

She glanced down and found Baerinda trying to force herself further on to her dick, and Astrid furiously tongue bathing her length while trying to fit as many fingers in her snatch as possible, and then Chloe who had just fallen to her knees and buried her face in her large near melon sized balls, rubbing them desperately over her face. This was rather a lot of female attention and she could already feel herself responding, her hips starting to shift.

Baerinda grabbed hold of Fey's length with both hands and began to pull herself onto Fey, impaling herself on horse dick. The cock head filled her mouth, and then it began to edge down her throat, massively distending her, the flared tip visible through her flesh as an obscene bulging ridge. Her hands crossed where Astrid was tending and pushed her aside. Astrid, annoyed at being interrupted, turned and glared. 

“Do you mind? This was my section of dick.”

“First come first face fucked,” said the illusion version of Baerinda smugly.

Astrid did not seem to appreciate this answer and she ripped her hand from her panties and grabbed hold of the horns on real Baerinda's head. The beige furred minotaur’s eyes went wide but it was too late to do anything about it. Astrid used her Class empowered strength and hauled back on the horns, the bulge in her throat surged downward, that is until it came up against her sapphire choker, there it stopped, straining against the blockage as the mass of cock was unable to get past the tight ring squeezing Baerinda’s flesh inward.

Baerinda slapped her hands frantically at Astrid but the minotaur didn't stop, she grit her teeth and tugged Baerinda’s head toward her, then again as the choker stopped her from going further, then again, harder, slamming Fey’s tip up against the blockage, her muscles bulging, until she really exerted herself and the dick slowly, gradually, by millimeters, began to shift, and then with a loud snap! The choker broke. All of Astrid's great strength suddenly found no resistance at all and Baerinda was forcibly dragged an entire two foot down the cock making muffled screams around the massive thing stretching her mouth wide and bulging out her throat in its shape. 

The illusion Baerinda reacted too, stumbling around and clawing at her pussy as her tongue lolled from her mouth and her eyes danced madly. Fey for her part mewled as she was sheathed inside the minotaur’s tight throat with a crushing pressure. It felt like she was encased in a soft vice, a vice that rolled and squeezed as the minotaur screamed into her flesh, the vibration stimulating her further.

“You wanted it Baeri, now you’re getting it in buckets, hope it lives up to your expectations,” said Astrid with a wicked grin as she shoved the minotaur’s horns back then pulled them toward her again causing Baerinda’s mouth to rip along Fey’s length making the most lurid slurping noises as her lips were forced to snap and slop over Fey's bumps and veins, the greatest of which being her medial ring which was brutal on the minotaur. Butal enough that the illusion Baerinda fell to the ground and began thrashing, her shorts quickly soaking through.

Fey’s jaw quivered as Astrid increased the pace, using the other minotaur as a sleeve for Fey, aggressively hauling her back and forth along Fey’s length, the beige centaur helpless before Astrid, barely able to keep her self balanced and frantically slapping her hands to the ground as she was tugged back and forth.

It didn't take long for Fey to climax under such a treatment and her cock suddenly stiffened up harder than ever, swelling as a surge of cum exploded up her length. Baerinda’s eyes opened as far as possible as she felt the horse dick she was impaled on react, the flared tip swelling larger, the roaring river of cum about to hit. She let out a scream of panic and then the cum geysered into her, her corset bulging, billowing outward as gallons of cum hosed from Fey’s dick. The corset became rounded, then ripped apart as the lace holding it together snapped, her blouse coming with it, her belly freeing itself as it grew.

Illusion Baerinda was losing her mind by this point, her hips thrusting into the air even as she squirted so hard it sprayed through the fabric of her shorts.

Astrid grinned as Baerinda was filled, placing a hand on the rapidly expanding minotaur’s belly. Larger she swelled then larger still, her belly going from two to three to four foot across, touching down and then spilling across the ground, a great round mass.

“W-wait the fire!” Fey managed to gasp out as orgasm racked her and her eyes rolled up even as a dozen gallons more cum exploded into the minotaur girl.

Chloe who had been busily nursing Fey’s balls looked up at that. She blinked realising what the situation was and then thrust out a hand. Baerinda’s belly was forcibly dragged to the side along with Fey, just in time as the minotaur girl’s rapidly ballooning stomach just missed the fire, instead colliding with one of the male minotaurs, pressing up against him where he sat, bulging over the top of him. He didn't seem to take much notice, an uncomfortable look on his face as he vaguely pushed at the massive beige furred belly pressing up against him.

“Get this blanket off of me, I don't want it. It's not cold enough out for blankets however snug and warm,” he said, clearly not seeing what was truly happening.

At last, Fey came her last and fell limp. The now room sized minotaur beside her slowly wobbling and sloshing to a calm as the illusion Baerinda slumped on the ground gasping like a beached fish.

“Y-you’re like Flora?” Fey managed to get out between breaths.


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