
Chapter 52 3/4

"You have no need to worry about that now, this is your new home, now and forever. Your sole job is to make our cowkins like the huge breasted otterkin, massively improving their milk quantity and making it that much more valuable."


"Y-you want to enslave me?!" Fey's hands formed fists and she took a step forward.


"Don't. We know what your touch can do."


She took another step.


The metal prong was jabbed into her midriff and electricity shot through her body, locking up every muscle. The only reason she didn't keel over on the spot was because of her four legs. She gritted her teeth uncomfortably tight as the pain became everything.


The drake removed the prong and Fey nearly fell over, staggering on her feet, breathing hard, skin and coat covered in sweat.


"Y-you bastard!"


"Just one of these can do that to you and each of us has one. Now be a good little centaur and impregnate our cowkins."


Fey trembled as she looked over the drakes in dismay. But there was nothing she could do.


They eyed her carefully before they stepped aside, revealing the naked cowkin rears presented to her in a row, three in total.


Despite herself, it was an appealing sight, doe-eyed cowkins shyly looking over their shoulders at her in surprise, and what looked like a clear eagerness barely withheld, their tails flagging into the air, the skin of their puffy pussies shiny with their natural lubricant that rolled down their thick thighs. 


The one directly in front of her caught her attention and shook her head faintly, then made a gesturing motion.


Fey hesitantly trotted forward.


"That's a good girl." growled the drake.


Fey ignored that and leaned down over the cowkin.


"Hey," the cowkin whispered. "You can't fight the cattle prods."


"What should I do?" Fey hissed back.


"Just… just do it with us and wait for an opportunity."


Fey blinked down at her


"Are you sure… this is just.."


The cowkin nodded ahead of her, and Fey followed her gaze to where a great metal incense burner sat, smoke slowly oozing out of its broad lidded bowl. Fey drew in a breath, smoke entering through her nose causing her to jerk back as her entire body heated and flushed.


The cowkin bit her lip. "Yeah, trust me, you need to relieve us before anything, we've been here months with that aphrodisiac thing and I'm dying on my feet for cock, it's-"


A powerful jet of precum exploded from Fey's dick, spraying between the cowkin's legs and between her milky breasts, launching out far ahead of them. The precum smashed into the legs of the brazier and the entire rickety thing came crashing down, splitting open revealing heaping mounds of dried herb within. The piles of fully exposed herb that scattered across the ground ignited instantly and clouds of smoke so thickly filled the air that it became impossible to see. 


Fey drew in breath, drawing in huge amounts of the smoke into herself.


"D-did you just cum? Goddam girl, talk about being on a hair trigger. Look, just do something with my pussy okay, I'm on fire! This is so much worse!" It was true, the cowkin's pussy was visibly reddening, her clit swelling further as a fresh wash of her hot fluids gushed down her inner thighs and drooled from her folds in dangling strings.


Fey keened, her hips bucking and thrusting on their own, completely out of control. Her cock tip slammed into the thigh of the cowkin, glancing off and causing it to ripple like jelly, then slammed into her rear, then finally managed to hit home against her pussy.


"Y-yeah, now just rub the tip against my clit, p-please-"


"In-Inside!" yipped Fey.




"I need- Inside!"


The cowkins eyes widened as the pressure on her pussy suddenly increased massively and she started to spread.


"H-Hey, hold on!"


Too late, Fey drove herself forward, thrusting violently against the cowkin's cunny until with a wet shchlorp her enormous cock stretched her pussy around itself and tented out her belly.


The cowkin screamed, squirting over the hay even as Fey thrust in deeper, her bulging belly lurching forward, parting her precum covered breasts, the lubricant of precum making skin on skin slippery.


Fey began violently and wildly thrusting, hips pumping, the cowkin's hair grabbed in her fists as she hauled her head back, the wooden frame she was bent over groaning alarmingly as she made ruin of the cowkin's puss. Thrust thrust thrust, like a wild bull she made use of the cowkin, using her like a wild animal, pounding her rear with a wet clapping as hard stallion thighs met soft rear, eliciting choked screams and frenzied squirting as the cowkin was rearranged around horse cock.


Soon she was crying out, cum exploding from her tip to cumflate the cowkin, the wooden frame breaking apart as she expanded the girl. Fey roared and yanked back, her cock still spraying cum as she searched for fresh pussy, huge lines of gooey white slathered up the eight foot tall cum belly of the first cowkin.


She turned jerkily, searching for the next cowkin in the smoke, nostrils flaring as she drew in more of the aphrodisiac, eyes becoming bloodshot, still cumming in huge roping lines that launched from between her front legs.


A red scaled drake stumbled from the smoke. The smoke was apparently having an effect on him too as his shorts were tented with an erection as he fought for air.


Seeing Fey, his eyes widened and he thrust the prongs of his cattle prod up. 


With a snarl Fey caught the prongs in her hand, electricity racing through her body and only making her cock spurt harder, the drake crying out as he was slathered in her cum, coating everything below his heck in inches of white.


Fey hauled back on the drake and he stumbled forward into her hands, her hands wrapping around his neck as he struggled.


"G-Get off of me!" he cried as he began to shrink. An uncaring Fey didn't say a word, only watching hungrily as all he was was absorbed into her body, making her bigger and stronger, more powerful, cum spraying over him as she shrunk down, clothing falling away as she ejaculated all over his body, each little spurt engulfed and absorbed by Fey's own. Putting on another half inch in height and cock length Fey tossed aside the tiny squawking drake and strode toward the next eagerly mooing cowkin in line. Rising up she slammed her front legs down on the frame, cock aligning with her pussy, cum spraying all over the cowkin's thighs and ass she used the lubrication to help drive her cock into her. Still non-stop ejaculating her length tented out her belly, breasts spreading around the penetration, belly already expanding with cum as Fey continued to spray cum into her.


A few dozen violent strokes later and Fey came a second time while still coming from her first, the cowkin's belly surging out even faster as her ejaculation redoubled.


Unable to hold herself back, she pulled free without finishing, and basted the cowkin's belly with cum, staggering to the side as she searched for more cowkins, more pussy, cock still spraying.


The drakes, who were finally beginning to realise that something was very very wrong ran at her from the smoke as she approached the next cowkin, cattle prods raised high and shorts tented, running directly into the stream of cum,


Steel touched bare flesh and Fey roared, grabbing two by the throat each and hugging the third into her breasts with them even as the prongs electrocuted her, exciting even more powerful sprays of cum from her bucking rigid cock.


She stumbled forward with the three drakes, desperate for pussy, for relief, and reared up over the next cowkin, even as she held the three shrinking drakes in her arms. The cum slathered pussy of the cowkin didn't stand a chance and Fey slammed home with a cry, the drakes crying out in alarm as electricity shot through her, only seeming to drive her on to buck more furiously into the howling cowkin.


She gripped them close, squeezing them into her breasts as she drained them, the cowkin below her screaming and squirting as the horse cock increased in size inside of her, her belly inching a little further beyond her face, even as her belly sagged down to the ground filling with continually spraying cum that then redoubled as Fey thrust and thrust until she was cumming once more, ejaculations overlaying.


The cowkin blimped outward, rising from the ground until her pussy was dragged from Fey's cock with her size leaving a maddened centaur with three tiny drakes stuck in her cleavage,


Cock still waggling and cumming in every direction she stumbled through the thick smoke, searching, searching for pussy, anything!


A drake appeared from the mist, eyes full of fear as he looked up at the now larger centaur. He didn't stand a chance, grabbed and held close as Fey crashed into a door, her weight making it buckle, breaking it open even as she fell through, a drake half his previous size struggling in her expansive cleavage.


Inside she found a larger more muscular drake sat behind a desk with a scar over his eye. A pipe spilling purple smoke fell from his mouth as his eyes came across the massive centaur struggling through his doorframe, the remains of the door tangled on her, four tiny drakes riding her cleavage, their hands raised in excitement as smoke billowed in behind her. His desk thumped as a powerful rope of cum shot from between her front legs and crashed against the wooden front.


Fey turned bloodshot eyes on the drake, chest rising and falling like a pair of blacksmith's bellows.




The drake flinched and jumped from his desk, chair clattering across the ground as he stood.


"C-calm down! I just wanted to offer you a job! I apologise if it came across as a bit of a strong offer!"


"Offer yourself to meee!" cried Fey, her body hungry to absorb him, to take him and make herself even more virile, even bigger and larger, more! more! more!


The drake yelped hearing this and turned, running at a large curtain set behind his desk. He leapt at it, his body pushing back the fabric, and Fey thought he was about to find a gap and slip through.


Instead… he appeared to slip into the fabric.


Ravenous for pussy and growth as Fey was the sight still caused her to pause. She frowned, the snarl on her face easing, the ropes of cum from her cock slowing and eventually stopping. Which was perhaps fortunate as the ground was already a pool a few inches deep.


Despite her horniness addled mind, she could still sense something odd was happening here. She approached the curtain, brushing off the four mini drakes on her breasts onto the desk as she passed.


Reaching out a hand she touched the cloth. 


…It just seemed like normal cloth, the fabric falling around her fingers. How had he passed into it?


Frowning she pushed harder, wondering if there was something behind the cloth. Instead, after a moment of resistance, her hand started to pass through, like pushing through a layer of soft resistance and out to something beyond. 


Well, there was a distinct lack of pussy on this side, perhaps she would find what she needed on the other. 


In a completely reckless act Fey threw herself at the curtain face first.


The fabric fell over her just as if she had run into normal fabric, then a moment later she started to press into it, pressing through it.


Her head emerged on the other side, but the other side wasn't the office.


She looked around in startlement as she fully emerged into what appeared to be a dark void. For one heart stopping moment, she thought she was back in the original dungeon that had changed her, distant lights about to start clunking on, revealing miles of glass tanks and the great bronze machine.


But no, the place remained stubbornly dark and the ground wasn't artificially flat but the uneven stone of a cave floor.


Seeing something from the corner of her eye, she turned to find pools of light in the dark, like islands in an infinite black ocean.


Soft moos and moans came from the pools of light and Fey realised she was looking at an open air stable, no, not a stable, a dairy.


The huge glass tanks of milk that stood meters high beside the rows of girls made that obvious. 


The muscled drake was there, crying out for the drakes tending the cowkins. They turned in alarm, holding up their cattle prongs, and the muscular drake ran for what seemed to be a cowkin different from the others. She was larger, with large horns, and on her chest were six heavy breasts.


He grabbed up a huge jewelled axe from nearby and turned on Fey.


"Submit to me centaur, and I'll let you fuck all of my cows. That's all we wanted, for you to impregnate them so we can increase their milk production further, so we can make money!"


"MOaR!!" roared a mindless Fey not having understood a word he said. She charged forward.


Cries of alarm came from the drakes as the giant centaur galloped toward them cock flinging around beneath her. Two drakes stepped in front of her, setting their feet and raising their cattle prongs, which was unfortunate positioning for them as they were standing directly in front of the cowkin pussy that Fey was after.


The three collided and the drakes went rolling, but not before their prongs hit home sending an electric jolt through Fey's body and eliciting a cry of pain. Furious eyes turned on the drakes just as another pair stepped up and jammed their cattle prongs into her side.


Body twitching and locking up Fey fought through the electrocution by the power of pure outrage, one hoof stepping then the other until she suddenly lunged forward, gripping them by the necks and dragging them close, using one arm to hold them against herself as she reached for a third as they tried to flee, snatching hold of his tail and dragging him close as he screamed, clawed fingers leaving long lines in the ground as he was dragged back into her embrace.


It didn't matter, Fey was inevitable and she held the three slowly shrinking drakes close, groaning as her body enlarged.


A moment of distraction, one that the muscular drake took advantage of.


"You fucking m-monster!"


The axe came down in an overhead swing and Fey raised an arm to stop it, hand catching the haft.







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