
Chapter 54 1/5

Previously on Centaurus: Fey is rescued from her kidnappers after a rather distressing experience. Once freed she meets one of the cowkins freed with her, a charismatic cowkin Queen. The Queen explains the usage of Dragon Silk and thrusts it into the band's hands before leaving to return to her home nation. As the band are experimenting with the Silk a black market merchant approaches. They start to haggle out a deal to sell the band's own milk on the black market, but the merchant in her eagerness to try the best milk samples Ellaria's. The taste is heavenly and uplifting, literally, and the band's ticket to sell their milk on the black market merrily floats off into the sky.

Now, chapter 54:


"Welp." said Fey, "What do we do now?" 


"Hard to say. We are in a somewhat tricky financial situation, so losing such an opportunity to sell on the black market is a problem. I'm, uh, not quite sure what our next move should be."


"Isn't it obvious?" came a voice from below Fey's barrel, "We go and grab her back from the dragon! Why should we let this opportunity escape? We could make loadsa money from selling my awesome milk!"


Fey stiffened hearing that, a worried look crossing her face. "Y-You aren't suggesting what I think you are? N-no, w-we c-cant!"


"Gods it's not— hang on, lemme-"


A wet schlucking mixed with a subtle airy sound came from below as Flora wiggled and rocked here her hips side to side easing herself along the massive four feet of cock sheathed in her puss, her small cum belly wobbling with the motion as she eased her self free. Her pussy obviously did not want to let go and hungrily tried to keep Fey inside, clinging to every vein and bulge until with one final gasp of escaped air she popped off the end and between Fey's front legs, tumbling head over heels and floating through the air, beach ball sized cum belly wobbling madly under the dragon silk.


Fey looked down to see the gnome girl struggling upside down, her skirt hanging over her cum rounded stomach as her legs kicked at the air.


Flora had become so much thicker since her first pregnancy and she only seemed to grow more so with time, wider hips, thiccer thighs, a body built for serious breeding.


She was given a full clear view of the gnome's gaped pussy, open and gasping at the air, highly displeased to be removed from horse cock. Her gape was significantly larger than before due to Fey's new size, a hungry feminine cave between her broad thighs, fat clit winking atop a thigh wide opening. The glossy pink donut of Flora's cervix could be seen at the back, somehow even more ravenous than the rest of her puss. 


As she watched her cervix puckered then spread slightly, a powerful aftershock orgasm racking the gnome's body. A huge spurt of white exploded from the opening, launching from her gape and spraying up Fey's front in a messy gush, all over the underside of her enormous breasts and soaking through her already cum soaked blouse.




The pink haired gnome finally managed to regain her balance and flipped right side up. Cum poured from between her thighs as entrance to her womb slowly eased back close, locking away the lake of semen hidden in the dragonsilk cave. 


She clutched at her skirt as the line of pouring white became a long line hanging from her pussy lips, a sloppy dangling string between her knees.


"s'not my fault you made me even more sensitive somehow, I can feel every little bit of you that you put in me!"


Fey tried to clean the heavy layer of horse cum from her blouse and midriff, but quickly gave up. She lifted her hands and spread her fingers, dozens of ropes of her semen dangling between her fingers.


"I was trying to get clean…"


"And failing terribly, you can't even reach most of your body! Look!"


Fey glanced over her shoulder. She had to admit that was true. Her reach was rather limited and her back half was still coated in her own seed from when she had bred the cowkins. She realised she didn't stand a hope in hell of cleaning herself on her own.


Flora wiggled her hips causing the remaining strings of cum hanging from under her skirt to fall and plap against the ground below.


"Look, stop fussing with that, the plan is we go steal back the bun from the gold dragon, and believe me the dragon won't notice if you're covered in cu-






"Don't care!" said Fey putting her hoof down, "I'm not going anywhere near that dragon. No way. Ella promised no big scary utterly terrifying dragons!"


"Yeah, but have you considered the counterpoint of us getting loads of money?


Ellaria let out a sigh, "It's fine Fey, you don't have to come, and in fact since Flora suggested it she will be taking point in this endeavour, the operation will be her responsibility, and if she fails she will be banned from your penis for a month."


"Huh!?" said Flora.


"You can consider it your punishment for spending the last of the coin, and all the trouble you've been causing lately."


“That's in the past, which doesn't exist any more, therefore it has nothing to do with me and I shouldn't be punished.”


"D-Does it really not exist though Flora?" came Kayla's voice, the otterkin was sitting on the nearby table watching the debate.


Flora glared at the otterkin, annoyed at her interruption.


"Yeah. And besides, Ella set fire to a street! How is that not causing trouble?" she turned to the elf, "And I saw you paying off those shopkeepers! How can I have spent the last of the coin if you were doing that huh?"


"Reserve fund, which amounted to couch change. It was barely enough to convince them we would pay them off later, it took a few threats to stop them calling the guard. But the fire itself was a necessary and calmly calculated strategy to smoke out Fey's kidnappers."


"You could have fooled me with how much you were shouting and swearing," muttered Flora. 


A few sparks floated from Ellaria's hair. "That's funny, I thought I just heard some insubordination coming from nearby."


"No I- AH!"


Ellaria's hand whipped out and pinched down on the gnome's ear, pulling her close to her side.


She turned to Fey.


"I'll go deal with the dragon. Fey stay here. I said I wouldn't needlessly involve you with dragons and I will keep to that as best I can."


"L-let gguuu!" wailed Flora as Ellaria turned and marched down the alley, ear-pinched gnome towed in her wake.


Fey and the twins watched her go, Flora's swearing slowly fading away as the distance increased.


Quiet fell over the alley as they disappeared out of sight.


A blob of semen dripped from the underside of Fey's breast and noisily plapped against the cobble. She looked down at her cum covered body with dismay.


"Uhm, should we maybe get cleaned off?'' said Kayla. 


Fey glanced over at the otterkin and realised she wasn't the only messy one, the twins hadn't exactly been elegant while gorging themselves. Safe to say they could all do with a bath.




Lily finished eating an eclair as she stepped up beside her sister. "Oh that's easy, my bears found a public bathhouse when they were raiding the bakeries, we can go there to get cleaned off! Come on, it'll be perfect!"


The bouncy otterkin, who may or may not have been on a sugar high, flapped her hands in the air and the table she and Kayla were sitting on was picked up by the bottom of each leg by a horde of bears and manoeuvred over to Fey. She then helped her sister climb up onto Fey's back, the both of them straddling her enormous barrel, or at least fractionally straddling with their small legs.


Fey glanced over her shoulder at them, a smiling Lily with her eyes squeezed shut, and behind her a concerned looking Kayla, her dragon silk clad breasts pressing up against her sister's back.




"Er, right."


Fey began trotting as a swarm of bears dealt with the remains of the feast left behind, putting away the tables and plates and disposing of crumbs. By the time Fey turned from the alley it was as it had been when she had first stepped into it, empty, with no visible suggestion that a black market dairy existed there.


The three of them made their way out into the city. An unusually massive centaur with two large breasted otterkins on her back. Not exactly a common sight.


In addition to that with the size and weight of Fey's new length it made a slower and heavier thud as it thumped up against her underside every other step. It didn't help that she was covered in cum either. All very eye catching.


As it was, it wasn't long before they were attracting attention. Heads turning as they browsed shops and stalls, or girls stopping in their tracks as they caught the cummy scent that surrounded Fey, drawing in great huffs of air, turning to look for the source, especially if they were in heat.


They passed by a group of women queuing at a shop and one by one they reacted as they slowly noticed the scent washing over them, hands descending to clutch skirts, knees turning inward. 


Perhaps this hadn't been the smartest of ideas. Her scent drove people wild normally, with the added scent of cum covering her it was so much worse.


She looked out of the corner of her eye to see a horde of girls following them. Some were trying to hide their stalking, but many were outright staring at her heavy pumpkin sized balls wobbling back and forth hypnotically with her steps, rolling from thigh to thigh.


Fey recalled how important it was to have Ellaria with her in public. There was just something about having a severe and astonishingly gorgeous looking elf striding along beside her that tended to keep the worst of the interested away. Probably because a glare from the elf made one question whether it was worth risking death by immolation.


But Ellaria wasn't there, and so it wasn't long before she felt the first touch, a kin girl with a squirrel tail touching at her balls, her eyes very round as though not believing Fey's nuts were real.


With the touch the dam seemed to break and a wash of women stormed forward, dozens of those in heat or otherwise. Gasps came from behind her as a dozen hands touched down on her balls feeling the heat and weight that was so very very very real, cupping and stroking the surface, cooing over the immense density of the things. And beneath came more on her cock, which was obviously quite happy with the attention, throbbing stiff and thumping against her barrel in excitement.


That was one thing about growing taller, it allowed easier access for people to get at her undercarriage, and they took full advantage. She shivered as small hands grasped at her length and lips pressed against the hard surface, mouths opening to kiss and then lick, then scooping the cummy covering into their mouths eliciting groans as their panties became that much more soaked in response.


"Hnnf, I- I'm not going to need a bath at this rate," groaned Fey as the growing crowd of girls surrounded her, the cum slowly disappearing from her sides as they scooped it into their mouths and licked their fingers clean, or even licked her directly.


"You're going to let them lick clean your boobies too?" said Lily brightly from behind.


"N-no!" cried Fey, protectively covering her expansive chest and mostly failing due its sheer size. She looked down at the crowd of girls looking up at her with a kind of carnal interest, like a pack of wolves eyeing their equine prey.


"Then we'll still have to go to the baths right?"


"O-Okay, but how are we going to get past this?" and that was a good question, Fey's steps had faltered as the crowd had surrounded her, slowing to a crawl and then coming to a stop.


Kayla looked down at the girls pressed up against Fey's barrel, all trying to duck underneath into the crowded space around her dick. She looked over her rear to see her balls, tongues frantically lapping at its roiling shifting surface.


"Uhm, sis, i think you might need to intervene or we'll be stuck here forever…"


A sprinkle of pre came from Fey's dick in response to the attention which produced a rippling series of coos and gasps as the girls in front were covered in hot wet. The crowd surged inward, trying to get at her fresh pre.


"Uh, right. Probably wise."


She lifted her hand and at first nothing happened, but then the crowd of women started to shift as something rose from below, something clambering between their legs. Fey's eyes widened as a pile of teddy bears grew, climbing over each other. In moments the pile was at six foot high, pushing apart girls in every direction, a column of bears holding onto each other. It took a moment to realise what she was looking at, a giant teddy bear formed from many teddy bears, one that reached up to her chin, which considering her height was an absolutely massive bear.


The crowd gawped up at this new giant bear and then started to cry out in alarm as it grabbed at the those on Fey, picking them up and tossing them aside.


The crowd fought back, but when an additional swarm of regular teddy bears started crawling up between them they began to break and Fey was able to take a few steps forward. A few minutes and she was slowly trotting, shedding girls in her wake as the teddy bears worked. 


Some of the most in heat and most determined were not having it however, and however many times the giant bear tossed them off they came back, clinging at Fey's cock or balls. 


Lily was starting to get huffy that her Class wasn't doing the trick and finally snapped. The bear picked up a dwarf hugging Fey's dick and lifted her high up into the air, depositing her on the roof of a nearby building. The dwarf looked down in surprise. She was clearly quite trapped.


The last dozen girls who refused to leave were dealt with that way, until all of them were once more at a distance, unable to come near.




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