
Chapter 55 4/4


It was as she was finishing the bowl that Lily slammed herself home and the leafery in Fey's hands was crushed into pulp by her fist as she let out a long slutty groan, her eyelids fluttering as her dick bucked and strained unloading into the eager pussy of the otterkin once more. Lily's cave cum belly rolled out across the soft moss floor as her silk clad belly drooped down below her, doubling in size and reaching Fey's knees.


"OoOh fuck Feeey, Wummy usually empties me out, I didn't know being so full and stretched could feel this freaking gewdd!" mewled Lily. Her entire body shuddered as little after shock squirts sprayed onto her silk clad belly and waterfalled down. "Mmmh-hhannnmmh! My womb is so freaking biiig now!!"


Of course, at this angle, the people manning the food stalls had a full view of Lily's belly expanding below to twice the size of a beach ball and they stared blankly, unsure what it was they were looking at, although others had clearly understood judging by how their mouths fell open in shock.


If only they knew Lily's true size, still, Fey found herself blushing furiously at their attention and hurried off into the crowd, Lily sloshing below her, her body like a filled condom dangling on her cock.


She needed a little privacy, just for a moment, this was too much. 


Her eyes spotted something ideal, a clothes shop, and she darted inside, ignoring the front desk and fleeing into the back rooms, amongst endless rows and rows of wall spanning racks.


Once alone she took a moment to catch her breath. Yes she could now fuck a girl freely in public without filling a street, but there were still people watching! Even though it was totally rude of them to stare! So what if she needed to be inside pussy twenty four seven? She had a condition!


Kayla looked up at her. "Are you okay Fey?"


"Y-yes, just didn't expect how I was being looked at, it feels… weird. It's almost better when they're after me instead…"


Kayla scratched her cheek.


"But you would rather be inside Lily than not right?"


"Obviously!" huffed Fey, being inside pussy was always better than being outside, duh.


She brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face and glanced around. She realised after a moment that she had ended up in the part of the shop with clothes designed for small species, tiny even, gnomes or smaller. The pink string bikini to her side in particular seemed perfectly sized for an otterkin. 


She glanced down at Kayla on her cleavage. The otterkin was looking around with curiosity too.


"This is just like our home town, there's clothes that actually fit and not just big people's clothes. That's the first time I've seen that since we left our old inn…" There was a certain innocent hopeful look in her gaze as she looked over the skirts and blouses and underwear.


Fey was a rational centaur, but being struck by that level of adorableness was like a slap to the face. How could she resist?


She took hold of Kayla's skirt and pulled it free, dragging it from her legs as the otterkin cried out in alarm, hands darting down to pathetically cover her cavernous gape. Her blouse was next, some of the buttons pinging free as Fey pulled at it clumsily, far too small for her to unbutton normally. Her silk clad breasts spilled out as it came off. 


She plucked up the panties, or rather thong, from the rack and slipped it around her ankles, pulling up and tight over her waist. The string pressed into her, her hips muffin topping around the string. The small triangle of the thong did a decent job of covering her clit… and that was about it, the fabric was even bulging with the shape of it. Her gape however was hopelessly exposed, a slim string of pink fabric crossing an abyss and covering nothing at all of her obscenity.


Fey held her otterkin up, hands under her armpits. She examined her work.


Yes, this was completely useless as a set of clothing.


But it was so freaking cute!


Especially as the otterkin was furiously blushing and trying to hide her puss with her hands and tail.


"Ooh you just became stiffer Fey," moaned Lily from beneath.


Fey noticed she wasn't the only one reacting to the thong, Kayla's inner thighs were quickly becoming drenched as her puss became increasingly wet, lubricant rolling down her legs and flowing between her scrunched toes to drip onto Fey's chest. The small bump at the centre of the triangle of pink cloth suddenly bulged outward as her clit popped from its too small hood, winking and pushing out against the fabric. 


A helpless moan escaped Kayla's lips as the fabric rubbed against her sensitive nub.


"Do you like this Kayla? wearing something so revealing?"


"Uhmm, m-maybe?" The slightest of smiles tweaked the corner of her lip, her tail coming up to hide her even deeper blush.


Fey's heart felt like it was going to burst from such cuteness and she hugged the otterkin to her face, burying her face in her breasts causing Kayla to yelp in surprise.


After a moment she moved her face down, her lips brushing against her exposed midriff, the sight arc of her pregnancy, her navel, down until her lips were touching at the top of the thong, and Kayla was crying out in alarm and grabbing hold of her hair to hold on.


Fey couldn't exactly breed Kayla since she was already doing so with Lily, but she still wanted to make her feel good, feel appreciated and loved and cared for, which was something she so desperately needed for her Kayla right now.


Fortunately she had other options.


Her tongue slipped from her lips and dipped below the top edge of her panties, finding the shape of her clitoral hood, the thing straining around her oversized clit. She lapped at it, tasting her, feeling the shape of it, her stiff little clit sleeved inside.


She was always inside a girl, but for once she was getting to explore her outsides a bit more. Being a centaur there were always logistical problems and less opportunities for her than others, less opportunities for that kind of intimacy. It wasn't like she could kiss a girl while she was inside of them, and most girls instantly dove under her barrel like they were as thirsty as a desert on the surface of the sun. 


She found her curiosity rising, perhaps knowing Kayla's body better overall would allow her to breed her better in future.


Her tongue reached deeper under her thong and touched at her clit which was frantically popping in and out of its clitoral hood in little half-blips as her pussy quivered in excitement, her thighs clenching as a shocking amount of sticky sloppy pussy juice drooled between Fey's cleavage. Kayla was more turned on than Fey had realised.


She tongued and slipped the thong down until the triangle of cloth was sitting below the nub of her clit. She took the tiny thing into her lips and began suckling while swirling her tongue against it. Kayla's clit had grown larger due to her daily breeding, too big to properly fit in its hood anymore, but it was still small compared to Fey's mouth.


"Oh god F-Fey!"


Fey was relentless in tending to her broodmare, milking on her tiny clit and dragging it from its hood despite its efforts to hide, practically giving her a blowjob. She could feel Kayla's hands clawing at her head as her ankles wrapped around her neck, clutching tight as she was driven to a peak.




Squealed the otterkin as she buried her face in Fey's hair. Her pussy going mad as she squirted powerfully all over Fey's chin and neck, washes of her pleasure rolling down Fey's front and all over her breasts, soaking her blouse.


That had happened way faster than Fey had expected, granted the way she made girls more sensitive did make things kind of easy.


She pushed Kayla up further and found her mouth over the expanse that was Kayla's gape, her walls fluttering madly as she came down from her orgasmic high.


Now this was something Fey was far more familiar with, her cock having explored every square millimetre of the otterkin's insides. She had learned very well what made the otterkin scream the hardest.


She expertly lapped at her, and then what she could reach inside her and in moments felt Kayla tensing up over her head, wriggling under her tongue as she licked her out, stimulating her just so, leaving her helpless to do anything but hold on for dear life.


"F-FeyyY!" moaned Kayla, her insides quivering. Fey was surprised when her tongue was pushed back, the otterkin's cervix coming down to reach for her tongue, hungry for dick. She experimentally lapped at that too and the otterkin responded with a shriek, instantly squirting straight into Fey's mouth, fluid back-blasting, washing around Fey's teeth and tongue before she began swallowing, gulping her down, drinking her, even clamping her lips and sucking more of her down which only caused Kayla to cum even harder, legs thrashing into the air as she screamed and screamed.


And then it was done and Kayla was left limp and floppy as a noodle in Fey's hands, unable to move at all. Fey backed up and playfully nibbled on her clit eliciting a squeak from the weak limbed otterkin.


Her girls tended her so often, sometimes it was nice to tend the other way.


She set Kayla back down on her breasts, the leaky otterkin able to do nothing but lie atop her cleavage, her arms and legs spread, her chest rising and falling rapidly.


"That felt— really— special," the otterkin breathed. 


Fey felt pretty pleased with herself. 


She looked over the clothing as Kayla lay limp on her chest. Most of the clothes were suitable for an otterkin, and she quite happily snatched up a new pleated skirt and a tshirt with the words 'Big things come in small packages' clumsily painted across its front in pink. She held Kayla's floppy legs up and slipped the skirt over them, dragging them up and sliding them snug over her hips, following up with the tshirt which stretched over her massive chest making the writing unreadable.


She held up the floppy otterkin and examined her. She seemed quite out of it, aftershock orgasms making her toes curl and twitch as her head lolled. Her clothing was nice, but not quite there… 


She turned her head to see the teddybear with a red scarf holding up a pair of cat themed stockings, clearly on instruction from Lily. "Oh! Perfect!" She plucked them up and slipped them over the otterkin's bare feet and dragged them up one by one, her thighs muffin topping over their edges.


She held the otterkin up once again.


"Uhhhh…" said Kayla looking down at her new clothing.


"I think it's cute." came a voice


Fey looked over her shoulder at the squirrelkin. She had one elbow on her rump, chin cupped in hand.


"Uhm, thank you?" mumbled Kayla.


Fey squinted at the squirrelkin, she had completely forgotten she was there because she had been so quiet. 


"Seriously though, who the heck are you again?" she frowned


"Your ballsack warmer! Nut disguiser! Person! … eh, you can call me Violet." Violet wiggled on Fey's testicles which rumbled in response, swelling a little larger. "And I have the best seat in the house. Gosh."


"K-keep doing that!" came Lily's thirsty voice, "When you massage her she cums so much more into me!"


"Oh? Like this?" The squirrelkin squeezed her thighs down on Fey's sack and hooked her ankles underneath, wiggling furiously as she pressed her soaked through panties down, puffy muff smearing against the surface. Then she began humping her hips, practically bouncing on top of Fey's balls, squeezing and shifting.


Fey made a face as Lily started to move again, the insatiable otterkin after even more sperm for her greedy womb.


Well, she couldn't just stay here while Lily had her way with her, otherwise she would be standing here for the entire day as Lily drained her balls over and over and over again. If she were to always be sheathed in a girl then Fey needed to be able to do other things at the same time, it was a question of practicality, really.


She began trotting to the entrance, hooves clopping on the floorboards a limp Kayla on her breasts and a pair of bouncing girls on her breasts and balls. 


Fey came out into the front entrance and to her surprise found it busy, way busier than when she had first entered, which she realised in a moment of horror was a huge problem as she needed to pay for the clothes she had just put on Kayla. 


She hesitantly stepped up to the queue by the main counter, a rabbitkin wearing a corset and a group of teenagers in school uniform the last in a very long line.


They glanced over their shoulders and then did a double take as they saw the sheer size of the centaur standing behind them, the rabbitkin unable to even see Fey's head due to the angle and shelf of her chest, her mouth flopping open in awe as she looked up. 


Fey carefully avoided their gazes as Kayla wiggled in her cleavage trying to hide her gape from view beneath her skirt.


She took a step forward as a minotaur picked up a dress from the clerk and moved off, the line moving up.


It wasn't exactly the fastest of queues…


Which was a problem as Lily and Violet were only becoming more horny and aggressive as time passed waiting awkwardly in line.


In front the gaggle of teenagers were giving her glances, looking her body over with curiosity, tilting their heads as they noticed the quiet sloppy sounds coming from beneath her barrel. The bunnykin was looking at the silk covered cock head nearly between Fey's front legs, clearly wondering just what the hell it was she was looking at. 


Another paid and the line moved forward. Fey balled her fists in a white knuckle grip as she tried to stop openly moaning in front of the full store front. The sounds of Lily's pussy gorging itself on horse dick was getting louder however, her ever harder thrusts drawing coos from the otterkin's mouth as her insides were freshly scraped up. It wasn't long before the sound of fluid hitting the marble floor came from below and Fey blushed as curious stares were drawn toward her, murmuring as they noticed the puddle of steaming fluid on the marble beneath her hooves.


As the teenagers were paying Lily lost any sense of decorum and began violently slam fucking herself onto Fey, openly moaning as she squirted again, fluid splashing up Fey's back legs, washing against the bunnykin's shoes as the puddle became a lake.


Even Violet was getting in on it, humping herself on Fey's balls frantically, bouncing up and down, her curly red hair flinging around her head as she sluttily moaned, cumming all over Fey's balls, which audibly growled and swelled larger still, reaching twice the size of pumpkins then larger, the surface becoming taut and hard to the touch. 


The sounds and motions combined so that the dozens of people browsing the storefront were slowly taking notice, all curious glances flicking over to the nine foot tall centaur.


There was nothing to be done. No matter how she dug her nails into her palms Fey could not hold on. She was going to blow a giant freaking load into Lily in front of all these people! So much for trying to be subtle.


The bunnykin in front of her was starting to figure out what was happening and a hesitant hand reached between Fey's legs touching at the cock tip that was stiffly bucking as Lily reamed herself near the base.


Her fingertips brushed the silk clad tip and Fey went over the edge.




Her balls hiked up so hard that Violet was launched into the air, catapulted onto her back as her balls disgorged a lake of sperm into her shaft to go pounding into Lily, a torrent of cum that exploded from her urethra and directly into Lily's womb in the silk cave beyond, turning the already existing lake of cum in her belly into a storming torrent.


The bunnykin yelped and snatched her hand back as the tip of Fey's cock bulged out momentarily as the passage of cum shifted the cloth. 


"AAAAAIIIIEEEE!" screamed Lily below as her womb ballooned outward with fresh seed, an ejaculation far larger than Fey's previous due to Violet's massaging stimulation. Lily's womb walls stretched out further and further as her belly rolled out across the cave floor, her sensation increasing as her nerves were stretched larger, a huge wobbling expanse of smooth cum belly, a popped out belly button capping the straining groaning mass in the dark, a dominating presence that grew to swallow up more territory, rolling past thirty, forty, fifty feet, a mass of femininity holding back a vast lake of horse spermd, growing larger and larger and larger.


it just didn't stop, huge roping surges of cum being pumped into the little otterkin in front of an audience of unknowing shoppers, her cave belly growing ever larger as her silk clad belly eased larger below her midriff, reaching past Fey's knees and toward the ground as Fey blew load after load.


Lily's messy squirting sprays became more powerful and more frequent as Lily rode her orgasms, pussy juice exploding around Fey's legs and thighs and splattering across the marble, over other customers as she howled, arms and legs flailing out of control.


Fey screwed her eyes shut, unable to stop her enjoyment but horrified she was doing it in front of the general public.


The sounds of spraying pussy juice as well as the muffled glrssh-glrsh of cum pumping into Kayla's womb finally came to a halt with one final rush and Fey nearly fell down on the spot, her legs going all wobbly like jelly with the relief. 


Lily's silk clad belly was dangling well past her knees and was wider than her barrel by that point, a small representation of how large Kayla's true belly was.


Fey finally recovered, her balls feeling quite emptied, and looked up to see that everyone ahead of her in line had already gone. 


The clerk looked at the mass that was Lily hanging below her barrel, then up at the enormous centaur.


"Uh, next please?"


Through the after sex fog Fey vaguely recalled she didn't have any morey, and that the only one that did was currently comatose with cum on her dick.









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