
Chapter 8.1

Previously on Centaurus: The Soulomancer that Ellaria hired to diagnose Fey discovers that Fey’s soul is very very large and has been filled with something mysterious. While The band mull over their next move Fey has become distressed by her balls which have become even more swollen and desperate for release. Ellaria comes up with a solution for emptying Fey properly. 


-Chapter 8: A glamorous Elf is starved for cum.


“She's saying she's going to find you a whore to fuck full of cum,” slurred Flora, still delirious with pleasure.

“Crude. But in essence, yes. You have obviously failed to sexually satisfy her Flora, it’s time we found an expert.”

“H-hey! I didsh fiiine!” The gnome tried to lift her head and stare down at the elf but after a moment she gave up and flopped over her cum filled belly, her limbs limp against it. Cum continued to slowly ooze from her gaped cunt and roll down the curve of her rounded stomach.

“You tried your best Flora but I don’t think you have the needed skills to truly milk a centaur. I’m sorry that's just how it is.”

“That's not true!” moaned the gnome, “I c-could go again!”

“You’re barely remaining conscious, I think not.”

Ellaria stepped over to the collapsed bed where Fey lay on her back. She climbed up on top of it and reached out her hand. The centaur grasped it gratefully and heaved herself forward. Her massively swollen and obscene testicles bounced off her crotch and the centaur let out a whimpering moan. 

“We’ll take this carefully, although I suppose if anything actually bad happens you can always heal it.”

“Th-that’s true,” said the centaur. “That makes me feel a little better.”

Fey slowly shuffled off the bed with Ellaria’s help until she managed to get her hooves under her. She stood, causing her balls to swing against her thigh and then bounce into her other thigh even harder, the taught things making a soft sloshing sound with each swing. She let out a yelp until she felt a pair of hands slip under their heavy roundness and steady them.


The hands were snatched from her balls as though suddenly caught in the middle of committing a crime. Fey looked around and saw Ellaria standing there, careful looking away from Fey. The elf coughed into her hand.

“Ahem. Safety first. We-we should get going, the sooner your balls can be drained the safer you will be Fey.”


The centaur moved to the door and pulled at the handle but the door was stuck, the dryad’s wood morphing not quite creating a perfect seal when she had used her abilities on it. Fey had to heave on the door multiple times using her new found strength and even then it only reluctantly came loose.

She moved the door experimentally to check it could still close properly then looked back to see if Ellaria was behind her. She was not, the elf was across the room. She had picked up her romance book from the floor. The book had not been spared the extreme mess and its cover was covered in a thick layer of horse cum. As she watched the extremely beautiful and elegant elf opened her mouth and tilted the book back and scooped the layer of horse cum into her mouth, swallowing it down enthusiastically as she scraped the book of the last of the white. The elf licked her lips, a strange look coming over her face as she finished the small meal.

Fey jerked her head away as the elf began to look in her direction. She pretended to be playing with the door handle as she heard the elf walk up behind her. 

“Come on Fey, careful when going down the stairs, you are vulnerable to, uh, rocking motions.”

Fey couldn't help but notice there was a slight rosy blush to her cheeks, a rare thing to see on the serious elf.

The pair climbed downstairs, Fey much more slowly than Ellaria, taking care not to let her sensitive balls gain any momentum and crash into her legs.

As she emerged at the bottom she saw the elf speaking to the innkeeper at the front desk. The innkeeper did not look happy. As she watched Ellaria handed her a few silver. The unhappy expression on the innkeeper’s face became significantly less unhappy. Ellaria waved the innkeeper away as through that was the end of the issue and beckoned for Fey.

“Sorry about that, I told her we were not to be disturbed, I doubt she expected the amount of noise we caused though. There’s going to be trouble when she finds out what exactly has been done to her rooms.

“Uhm, you think they will be angry?”

“It’s fine. Probably. Mostly. This place markets itself to adventurers, there's kind of an expectancy of property damage, adventurers have a bad reputation for a reason. I’ll try and play it off as a drunken celebration from a successful job, that's common enough.”

Eyes followed them in the lobby, magnetised to Fey and Fey’s lower parts, and then, as she passed, her rear. Her tail hung forlornly over her melon-sized balls that sloshed softly back and forth with each step that she took.

Fey hurried to escape their gaze and the pair emerged out onto the cobbled street. The sun was beginning to set and the streets were steeped in warm comfortable light that lit up the rooftops with orange. 

“D-do you know where we need to go?”

“No, but I remember what that rude frilled lizard said and where he pointed. It’s by the river. We’re not far, fortunately. You won't have to endure much longer Fey.”

The centaur nodded her head meekly.

“It- It's fine, I can cope, It’s not too bad.”

Ella looked back at Fey’s hips and bit her lip. The centaur’s gait was awkward, her legs trying to avoid touching up against her sensitive balls too much. The elf felt a twinge of guilt in her chest.

“...You shouldn't have to deal with this Fey. I should never have taken us down into that dungeon and I should never have led us all the way to the bottom. That was a mistake, I’m… I don't think I’m a very good band captain.”

“NO! You made right choice Ella, we made it out of that dungeon alive, that's all anyone can ask for. It’s not your fault that it was a dungeon unlike any I’ve ever heard of, if it even was a dungeon. It was practically just a giant trap. That thing in the bottom of the dungeon, it wanted us down there for some reason I don’t understand.”

Ellaria let out a sigh. “When I was new to adventuring I always dreamed of being a captain, this, this isn't how I expected things to go. Everything is so, so, just-”

“Ah, Lewd?”

“I couldn’t imagine something like this happening in my wildest dreams Fey! You’re like some kind of sex god! It’s incredible!”

Fey’s cheeks coloured a little.

“D-does it bother you?”

“... It’s, it’s just I’m supposed to look after you Fey, protect you, you’re our healer, but your body is just, so, so, overwhelming, and, and-”

“I’m sorry!”

The elf’s shoulders dropped. “It’s fine Fey, It’s not on you, I just need to do better. Live up to what I told my students made a good adventurer when I was a lecturer. Someone who adapts and learns from what life throws at them, someone who never gives up.”

They walked on in thoughtful silence for a time. As they passed close by a food stall a plump lupine woman’s tail suddenly flagged into the air and she turned, her nostrils flaring. Her eyes locked onto Fey’s monstrous balls, a ravenous look momentarily crossing her eyes. She began to follow them.

Ellaria paused and then turned to face the lupine who was incompetently pretending not to be following them. She startled away from Ellaria’s gaze.

“I’ll give you until the count of three to flee from me wolf girl or I will end you.”

“Wha- m-me? I-I’m j-just looking at, uhm,” she glanced to her side actually looking at the stall she was pretending to be browsing, “uh, skincream?”

“But you’re covered in fur!” said Fey.

“It’s, uh, f-for my pawpads! Yes! I get, uh, dry pawpads!”

“That almost sounds believable. One.”

“Wait! Okay okay! I just, I just like how she smells alright! It’s that, that musk! It’s- like the most alpha, huge, big, dominating, g-gods the male I thought it must belong to and then I turned and saw, th-that, th-those!”

“Two.” Several small flames flickered to life above Ellaria’s head

“C-can I just t-touch them for a second! There just so, so beeeg! M-my heat!”

Ellaria snarled and the flames above her head bloomed into half a dozen fireballs. She took a sudden step forward and the lupine shrieked and fled, although she couldn't stop snatching glances over her shoulder at Fey.

The elf sighed and the flames winked out.

“Th-thankyou Ella, uhm, d-do you think we should have turned her down though? I really need to empty into a g-girl.”

“Yes, if both Vivi and Flora couldn't properly drain you then she definitely wouldn't have been able to do it, we’d be in the exact same situation after you filled her. We need someone who knows what they are doing when it comes to centaurs.”

“Uhm, y-yes…?”

They soon neared the boat busy river and, seemingly their destination, at least judging by the number of scantily clad people hanging around. Ellaria approached a human woman sitting daintily atop a mooring on the river’s edge with her midriff showing. She looked up from filing her nails.

“Oh? You want a little play? Not often we get elves around here. With the things I’ve heard about elves maybe it’s me who should be propositioning you hmm?”

“I’m not here for that, I want information.”

“Information isn't free you know, although I’d be willing to make an exception for you under certain circumstance. What do you say elfy? Want to slip into the sack and scissor up a storm?”

Ellaria frowned. “No thank you. This isn't a casual matter, my friend is in trouble, deep trouble.”

The woman furrowed her brow and leaned to the side to see Fey. Fey gave her a little nervous wave.

“I don't see-”

Ellaria held up her hand then made a spinning finger motion gesture at Fey. Fey trotted around displaying her throbbing horse cock that slapped up against her barrel and then the massive heaving pair of horse testicles hanging between her legs.

The nail file jerked violently in the woman’s hand and she broke a nail.


Behind them a man choked and fell off his boat with a splash.

“So you see the problem.”

“Elfy, you should be seeing mage about that, that’s that!!!”

“Already done. I’m looking for someone who really knows how to deal with centaurs in the bedroom, maybe another centaur, I don’t know. Do you know anyone like that?”

The woman opened her mouth then closed it before speaking. “Uhm, r-right, I uh, I don’t know specifically but I know who will.”


The woman pointed down the river where a large building was lit up. 

“The owner of that whore house, she knows everyone in the trade, employs most of them. She’ll have someone who can, ah, deal with… that.”

“Thank You. You have been of great help. I wish you luck in your... business.”

Fey and Ellaria left the stunned woman where she sat, nail file hanging limply from her fingers, eyes staring at Fey’s rear.

Eyes followed them down the street along with catcalls and whistles and many many offers, especially for Ellaria. It seemed there was an understanding of elves around here that was not common amongst the general public. Fortunately there appeared to be no women in heat and Fey wasn’t accosted as they walked.

The building they approached dominated, larger and blockier than anything nearby and with colourful magical lights strung around its red and black walls and pillars. A big illuminated gold leaf sign above the door read:

The Madame’s’

“I’m going to find you the best Fey, I don't care what it costs.”

“Uhm, okay?”

The determined elf marched up to the building, flung the doors wide, and strode inside. Fey followed nervously in her wake.

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