Chains of the Senju Princess – Uzumaki/Senju Oc

Part 3 – Yamanaka, Trust and Family

Slowly and carefully, Uzu studied the expressions of the four people inside of the room.

Kakashi seemed to be unfazed, though his slightly widened eyes couldn’t hide his surprise.

Tsunade seemed calm … though … she smiled? Slightly?


Jiraiya had a soft smile on his face, trying to conceal his calculating look, but not really succeeding at that.

Naruto, however, looked at her with … an emotion on his face that she couldn’t quite understand.

Judging by his expression, he doesn’t seem scared or horrified. Though I am interested in getting to know him, if he dislikes me, I won’t waste time on him.

I don’t really understand what the purpose of this meeting is. Either way, I guess I’ll wait until they talk.

Tsunade carefully studied Uzu before finally opening her mouth: “Who are you?”

Uzu tilted her head slightly.

After a while she finally said: “Uzu.”

Jiraiya snickered slightly, looking at Tsunade who glared at him.

Tsunade sighed, moving her eyes back to Uzu: “Do you know why I called you here?”

“No.” Uzu said quietly.

Tsunade nodded: “Sigh …”

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya, making him straighten up and become serious.

What are they even doing? There could be many reasons for them to call me here. This situation is really making me uncomfortable, I’d like to sit down too … all this standing and walking is starting to annoy me.

Uzu looked around, and upon not seeing any chair beside the one Tsunade was sitting on, she just plopped down on the ground.

She stretched her legs, looking at the red nail polish covering her toe nails.

Seems pretty nice actually. This red also really compliments my hair, she thought as she reached out for a strand of her long hair to play with.

Twirling it around in her fingers and feeling its softness against her skin, her lips curled up slightly.

She felt the gazes of the people in the room on her, but seeing that they remained silent, she ignored them.

This is really awkward … can’t they just ask their questions and be done with it? What are they even waiting for?

Finally, Tsunade seemed to make up her mind on what to say after talking with Jiraiya. She coughed, getting Uzu’s attention: “Uzu, I asked you to come here because I sensed the chakra you hold. It is clearly a mix of Uzumaki and Senju chakra and we also already saw your kekkei genkai, the Uzumaki sealing chains.”

Uzu nodded.

“Kakashi, there”, Tsunade pointed at Kakashi, “has been watching you as you walked through the village. I asked him to bring you here if you proved to be ‘friendly’, or rather, not hostile. Also, someone like you shouldn’t exist, you know that, right? Please understand that if we do not know who or what you are, that we cannot let you run around the village freely. Seeing that you have proven to be calm, we decided to ask you kindly and not resort to torture and imprisonment. So, again, who are you?”

Uzu thought for a while before talking: “Hmm. I guess … I’m a failed test subject, or rather, weapon, created by scientists belonging to the Root?”

Uzu questioningly looked at Tsunade, whose eyes widened.

Tsunade’s eyes took on a rather sad gaze while looking at Uzu: “Sigh … Danzo, huh.”

Uzu pointed at the two corpses lying next to her: “Danzo’s men.”

Tsunade nodded.

“What’s going to happen now?” Uzu asked, readying her chains warily.

Tsunade was just about to talk when Naruto interrupted her: “So, you’re a member of my clan?” He said, smiling slightly.

He seems … more, uh, mature? Than in canon? I would have expected him to shout loudly much earlier, but apparently, he can keep his calm and his face seems to be shining brightly, as always. His expression has not changed one bit in the time we were here, or at least he knows how to hide that? Interesting.

Uzu nodded at him, a slight smile appearing on her face.

Naruto’s eyes widened slightly, though they soon calmed again.

He returned a smile before looking at Tsunade.

“Since you are also a member of my clan, in a way, we will allow you to remain in the village. Especially considering the fact that you seem to dislike Danzo … he’s been causing some trouble. Though, there’s something that I’d like to ask of you.” Tsunade said, looking at Uzu with a kind smile on her face.

Uzu studied her expression and after judging her kindness to be genuine, she nodded.

“Okay, Kakashi, get Inoichi … we need him to check if she is under any Genjutsu or Seal, before that we cannot make a proper decision on what to do with Uzu.” Tsunade said.

Kakashi nodded before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Well, shit. This isn’t good … but if I don’t let that Yamanaka look into my mind, they’ll never let me stay here. If he decides to mess with things he shouldn’t, then he’ll need to die.

Slowly she gets up from the ground and straightens her cloak. Her fingers running across the soft fabric, calming her down.

A few seconds later, two presences walked towards the door and knocked.

“Come in.” Tsunade said.

Kakashi returned to his former spot and a blond, slightly aged man stepped towards Tsunade and bowed slightly.

“You have called.” Inoichi said.

Tsunade nodded, motioning for him to come closer. In a quiet voice she whispered into his ear.

Uzu couldn’t make out what they were discussing.

Nodding a few times, Inoichi walked up to Uzu and said: “Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Inoichi Yamanaka. Uzu-san, Hokage-sama has ordered me to check your most recent memories and to see whether there is any seal or Genjutsu placed on you. Please don’t worry, you can see everything that I see and you will feel no pain.”

Slowly he reached out his hand to touch Uzu’s forehead. She stepped back a little, uncomfortable with having a stranger touch her.

Her face paled slightly. She had always feared the mind-techniques of the Yamanaka. If they so wanted to, they could easily destroy your mind, they just needed one moment of carelessness on your side to break you.

As Inoichi continued closing in on her, she stepped back further and further.

And I hoped they wouldn’t do this … perhaps it was a mistake to come here.

Just as she willed her chains to attack the man in front of her, three people appeared on her sides, two grabbing her arms. A piece of paper was strapped to her back and she could feel her control over her chakra slipping.

Shit, was all she could think as the big hand reached her forehead and the world around her turned black.

Slowly, her senses returned, and she could feel herself being surrounded by a pleasant and warm softness. She could feel it all over her skin as she slowly stirred and opened her eyes.

It smells nice here.

The bed smelled of flowers and after enjoying the afterglow of sleep for a while longer, she finally remembered what actually happened.

Curse them. If they ever try that again, I’ll kill them. Is there anything wrong with my mind? Well, not that I’d realize that after it has been tampered with anyway, right?

The rage soon dispersed and she decided to think about her situation.

Seeing that they haven’t disposed of me yet, and this doesn’t seem like a prison, they seem to have been satisfied with the results of the mind-walking.

She still couldn’t use any of her chakra, so the seal they placed on her was still active.

I need to learn about seals.

Slowly moving the blanket aside, she got up and noticed that she wasn’t wearing any clothes.

Sigh, I liked that cloak.

Looking around, she finally observed the room she woke up in.

Though, actually, there wasn’t that much in here anyway.

A big window to the right of the bed, making for a good view of the village.

A small table next to the bed, upon which a glass of water stood.

She could also make out a rather big cupboard, probably holding clothing?

To the left of the bed, there was a table with a chair, probably designed as a working space as she could see several scrolls lying on the table.

Looking to the end of the bed, she could see a pair of black shorts, underwear and an long-sleeved black shirt.

Looking down at her naked self, she decided to just wear whatever was available.

Slowly pulling on the clothes given to her, she was surprised at how well they fit. They fit snugly against her skin, making her feel very comfortable. She liked the way that they seemed to accentuate her gentle curves as she looked down at herself.

Looking around once more, she decided to leave this room to explore the place she was staying at.

This looks like a rather luxurious suite.

The kitchen looks nice, although I don’t know how to cook at all.

Soon, Uzu reached a living room of sorts and laid her eyes upon a woman sitting on a comfortable-looking couch. She held a scroll in one hand while sipping on tea with her other hand.

“Slept well?” Tsunade asked, smiling at Uzu.

Uzu nodded before sitting down next to Tsunade.

Uzu could feel no hostility from Tsunade.

Tsunade focused on her scroll for a bit longer before finally moving it onto the table in front of them.

She turned to Uzu and looked at her outfit for a while before nodding in satisfaction: “I’m glad the clothes fit you well. You were unconscious for three days after the mind-walking, so I decided to give your body a proper check up as well.”

Uzu nodded, already kind of having expected that.

“What did you find out?” Uzu asked softly.

I have never been good at small talk … but now that my emotions and fears are more in control, I can at least remain silent without feeling too awkward about it.

Tsunade was silent for a few seconds before saying: “You might have already realized, but we haven’t put you in prison or killed you, so you are safe, for now. We will still need to watch you for a while though.”

“The mind-walking revealed that you have no seal on you and that you have no genjutsu layered over your mind or reasoning. Regarding your memories, Inoichi assured us that all that you felt towards the village was curiosity. You remained cautious and wary, he also saw that you were ready to kill at all times. But that is all normal for shinobi. We find it hard to trust others, which is why we needed to ‘figure’ you out. Inoichi informed me that there was a part of your memories that he couldn't access. If he had tried any further than he already did, it would have permanently damaged your brain. We decided that as long as we know that you have no sinister intentions towards Konoha, we would be satisfied with that. As long as you remain as you are, you will be a fine member of Konoha. Who knows, maybe you’ll even come to love Konoha someday~.”

“My medical tests revealed that you have Senju and Uzumaki blood inside of you, just like me. It also revealed that your body is healthy, except for the fact that you are … infertile. Danzo’s scientists made sure that you can never reproduce … even with all of my medical knowledge … I couldn’t even theorize on how to heal you …” Tsunade said, her face showing sadness. It was quiet for a while, with neither of the two saying anything.

“Please know that I’ll try to work on a cure for your infertility, if you want me to. I have decided to adopt you into the Senju clan … though that’s something that the normal civilians will never know. So, you are kind of my daughter right now, is that alright with you?” Tsunade laughed softly, though her eyes betrayed that she was still feeling sorry.

Sigh, I'm glad they apparently did not get to see my past life. I am kind of happy … to be with Tsunade. She seems kind. I wonder though, is she trying to manipulate me into liking the Leaf? No matter … for now …

“I see.” Uzu said, smiling softly.

Tsunade laughed at her short reply.

“Tea?” Tsunade asked as she got up.

Uzu nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

As Tsunade was preparing the tea, Uzu asked: “Do you know of my abilities?”

Tsunade just smiled slightly: “Some. But surely not everything. Oh … I almost forgot, let me take that seal off you.”

Tsunade moved a chakra covered hand towards Uzu’s back and she felt her control over her chakra returning to her.

“Fuuinjutsu?” Uzu asked.

“Right, want to learn? I’d say, with your Senju and Uzumaki heritage, you have a great chance at becoming a master in a few years. Especially with your kekkei genkai already unlocked. Oh, yeah, your chains are a bit different right?” Tsunade asked, casually smiling at Uzu.

Uzu studied her expression and after judging her intentions to be genuine curiosity, she answered: “I’d like to learn. My kekkei genkai was mutated through their experiments. I can absorb an enemy’s chakra through them, refilling my reserves.”

She carefully left out the fact that her reserves grow whenever she absorbs chakra. If Tsunade proved herself to be trustworthy, then she would maybe consider telling her about that at some point.

Tsunade nodded: “Interesting~. We also figured it’d be something like that. I’m going to be honest with you. The fact that you are a weapon made by Danzo means that we need to keep an eye on you to protect you. You’ll mostly be staying with me, Jiraiya, Kakashi or Yamato. Ah, Yamato is an Anbu of mine who knows the wood release. Do you know of it?”

“Yea. If I’m not mistaken, I should be able to use it as well, since my body is made of part Hashirama cells.” Uzu said.

“Right. I’ll have Yamato teach you and we’ll also have you learn Fuuinjutsu, your talent given through your bloodlines is just too great to ignore it. Don’t worry though, we won’t make you do anything that you do not want to do if the situation isn’t dire. However, since you are a part of my clan and a part of Konoha, we need to ask you to do your part for the village as well. I will teach you about medicine as well, if you want to. Though, the way that you used the tenketsu of Danzo’s men suggests that you are already quite versed in medical ninjutsu. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.” Tsunade said, smiling softly at Uzu.

Ever since Tsunade took Uzu into her clan, she became something Tsunade would protect and shield. And if not for herself, then for the village. No matter how one puts it, Uzu would be used to benefit the village. She was simply too valuable for the village to not use her.

I know that they’ll use me. However, I’ll have a place to belong to and maybe … with Tsunade … I can find a true family?

Also, teaching me Fuuinjutsu and stuff will help me protect myself should I ever need to leave …

“I’ll work hard …”, Uzu said, tilting her head, “Mother?”

Was that the right thing to say? I mean she said that she adopted me …

Before Uzu could even finish her thought, she was suddenly embraced by two strong arms.

Feeling Tsunade’s warmth surround her, Uzu eased into the hug and moved her arms around Tsunade’s back.

This is nice … it’s been so long since someone last hugged me like this … hopefully I can truly trust her … if she keeps doing this, I won’t be able to not trust her …

A/N: Another chapter? Hmm. Let me know what you think.

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