Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 19: Shiki Ryougi

Another day, another battle. Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. They were getting better, Shigure would have to be blind not to see that. His Servants were already massive powerhouses in their own rights. They wouldn’t have been summonable if they weren’t. He was basically the Master of the most powerful force on Earth.
But then, end of the world and everything… he and his Servants were probably the LAST source of power on Earth. Regardless, they were getting even stronger these days. Their teamwork had improved as had Shigure’s ability to plan out attacks and lead them in battle. It was funny, because one would honestly expect things to get harder as time went on.
It really wasn’t. Harder, that is. The more he and his Servants fought at each other’s sides, the more he invested in their growth, the easier things got. Shigure didn’t want to get TOO cocky, because that way led to over-confidence, but this wasn’t anywhere close to OVER confidence, at least in his opinion. This confidence, this pride that swelled in his breast every time his Servants came through for him, it was well-deserved and whole satisfying.
Suffice to say, the day had been long, but it had not truly been a hardship. In the end, it’d only been a long day because Shigure had led his Servants through more than one battle. When they were working together so well, there was no point in waiting, right? He might as well push them to their limits and his own. And push he had. They’d made a significant dent in their enemies today… and in the future, they would eventually win out. The Master of Chaldea would become the savior of the world.
It was only right then that he be worshipped as something akin to a god, right? Shigure grinned at the idea, chuckling and shaking his head. He knew he wasn’t a god, no matter what a few of his Servants might seem to think now. He knew… but that didn’t mean he didn’t like being treated like one. Being worshipped, adored, loved by so many beautiful women of all shapes and sizes… it was a glorious thing indeed.
Yet, sometimes Shigure DID want a break from it all. One might call what he had a harem and dealing with a harem could sometimes get exhausting. Everyone wanted a piece of him, and while he was the Master and he was the one who decided who got what and when they got it, that didn’t stop them from begging. Shigure had no doubt that if he went to his bedroom, he’d find someone waiting for him. Hell, he might not even make it to the door before another Servant ambushed him out in the hall.
He really wasn’t in the mood for that though, so rather than heading in the direction of his quarters, Shigure turned around and went the opposite way. It was entirely possible that one of his more intelligent Servants had banked on him doing exactly that, but not today it seemed, for he saw no one on the way to his eventual destination.
Arriving before a rather nondescript door, Shigure knocks politely, smiling slightly at the thought of his newest Servant. She was a strange one, this woman. That much was for sure. But he thought they got along quite nicely if he was to be honest. She’d been cold and standoffish at first, but one did not remain that way around the Master of Chaldea for long. Still, they were more friends then lovers, even now. He had yet to make a move.
The door suddenly opens, and there’s a moment’s pause as they both take each other in. Shigure isn’t overly affected by the state of dress he finds Shiki Ryougi in, but it still must be noted. Wearing nothing more than a white button-down shirt and nothing else, the beautiful female Assassin is absolutely naked from the waist down. She also has a cup of ice cream in her hand and a small spoon hanging from her mouth as she stares right back at him.
Flashing a smile, Shigure gives Shiki a nod.
“Good evening, Shiki. I thought I’d come and check on you, see how you were settling in now that you’re a part of the family.”
Cocking her head to the side, the quiet Servant pauses for a moment before pulling her spoon from her lips and speaking.
“Good evening, Master. I am well. These accommodations are satisfactory.”
Silence falls for a moment. It quickly becomes awkward, and Shigure’s smile becomes just a little wooden. Is she really just going to stand there? Shiki is definitely one of Shigure’s odder Servants, that’s for sure. She’s a great Assassin of course, thanks to her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. It allowed her to get away with not much more than a small knife for her weapon.
Still, she acted so cold and aloof. Shigure was sure that there was something more to the female Servant beneath her outward attitude, given just how many layers he’d had to pull back from his other women over the last several months. It seemed like almost every female he summoned to Chaldea had some sort of quirk to them, or some hidden personality trait just waiting to be uncovered. Some were definitely more… extreme then others, that was for sure.
Regardless, he hadn’t figured out what Shiki’s was yet. He was still trying to penetrate the female Assassin’s cool exterior. That’s why he was there in that moment too, but he kind of needed her to invite him in first…
“Ah. Would you like to come in, Master?”
As if she’d read his mind, Shiki suddenly starts, finally realizing what he wants. Shigure just smiles and nods, secure in the knowledge that as far as he knew, the female Servant could NOT read minds. Shiki steps back from the entryway and Shigure follows her inside, closing the door behind him and locking it. Unbeknownst to him, a moment later several of the female Servants he’d bedded so far race past in opposite directions, all on the look out for him, all working independently of one another to try to get some time with their Master.
They don’t find him though, and none think to check on the new Servant’s room. Besides, Shiki is a bit creepy, at least in their eyes. She makes insanity look sane. Of course, neither Shiki nor Shigure know of any of this. Shigure finds himself glancing around the rather spartan set of quarters that they’d assigned Shiki, while the female Servant herself moves straight for the refrigerator she’d requested. The next thing Shigure knows, she’s pulling a fresh ice cream cup out of the freezer and holding it up to him.
“Want one?”
He considers the idea for a moment, appreciating the offer. But… no. He’s fine. Smiling, he shakes his head and waves her off, prompting a shrug from Shiki as she keeps it rather than returning it to the freezer. Why is made clear a moment later as she deposits her last ice cream cup in the trash can next to the refrigerator. She’d just finished this one when he knocked, and now she was already on her next.
There was something amusing about that, even as the two of them lapsed into a much more relaxed silence. Shiki settled onto her bed with one leg up and the other dangling off the edge, beginning to eat the ice cream before her with slow, lazy moments. Shigure sits down as well, though he takes a chair nearby as he just relaxes into the quiet of the room.
This was at least part of the reason he sought Shiki out. She didn’t want anything from him. She was perfectly content eating her ice cream and lounging about as he relaxed in the big armchair that dominated one corner of her quarters. Still, even as he sat, Shigure couldn’t help it as his eyes drew downwards time and time again.
Shiki was making no effort to hide her bare-naked pussy lips with her current posture. If she cared that he could see all, she definitely wasn’t showing it. But then, she also wasn’t giving off any real indications that she wanted Shigure to look either. There were no sultry glances his way, no attempts to shift and show off her cute little butt and naked pussy lips in different ways.
She just sat there, eating ice cream, until eventually Shigure couldn’t take it anymore. It was after she finished yet another ice cream cup and then moved onto a third, giving him a nice view of her cute little tushie as she leaned in to grab the cup from her freezer, that Shigure finally asked the question. He did wait until she was seated again of course, but he just couldn’t hold his curiosity back any longer.
Looking over at him rather casually, the female Assassin cocks her head to the side.
“Yes, Master?”
“I have to ask… why aren’t you wearing any panties?”
That gets a blink from Shiki, even as she glances down at herself. If she’s surprised to find that she’s NOT wearing panties, it’s a very mild surprise at best. Still, Shigure does get the strange feeling that she didn’t know exactly how she was dressed, nor did she care in that moment. Eventually, Shiki looks back up and shrugs as she takes another spoonful of ice cream from her cup.
“I don’t own any, Master.”
That answer surprised Shigure, enough that his eyebrows raise as he stares at Shiki in shock.
“You don’t… own any panties? None at all?”
Shiki just shrugs again before nodding.
“That’s right, Master. I don’t wear panties, so there’s no reason for me to have any just lying about and cluttering up things. You’re not supposed to wear underwear under a kimono.”
… That actually makes sense, as Shigure considers Shiki’s normal attire, at least when she’s out in public. The outfit she usually wears is very… plain and simplistic, but it does also flow and-
“Also, I quite like how the air feels down there. It’s nice, so I don’t really mind all that much.”
She delivers that last line in such a matter-of-fact fashion that Shigure can barely contain his snort of amusement. Contain it he does, and instead the Master of Chaldea settles for an understanding nod as he smiles and sits back in the armchair he’s resting on. The comfortable, relaxed silence returns as they fall back into it without another word.
Shigure finds himself considering what Shiki said… and he also finds himself a little aroused by the entire situation in general. Perhaps it’s the simple fact that the whole scenario is unlike much else he’s done before it. None of his Servants act like this around him, not like Shiki does. It’s kind of nice… but he’s also growing harder and harder in his pants as he watches Shiki just sit there in nothing but her white button-up shirt, eating ice cream cup after ice cream cup.
She keeps going and getting more, and though she does nothing extra to draw attention to her ass and her puffy pussy lips when she bends over to get a new cup, Shigure can’t help but shift a bit at the tightening in the crotch of his pants all the same. To the point that even Shiki can’t help but notice when she returns to the bed once more and glances his way.
“You know, you can fuck me if you like.”
“E-Excuse me?!”
Maybe he just wasn’t expecting it. Shigure can’t help but be surprised by Shiki’s forwardness, even as the female Assassin gives him a half-shrug and elaborates.
“You fuck all the other female Servants, right? I wouldn’t mind if you sated your perverse lusts on my body as well. You are the Master here, after all.”
She was still using that matter-of-fact tone! How could he say no?
“Alright… alright then. I suppose I’ll take you up on that offer.”
And that’s how Shigure finds himself laying back on Shiki’s bed, watching as that cute tushie he’s been staring at for the past hour off and on slowly crouches down over his cock. Shiki holds her ice cream cup in one hand, her spoon in her mouth, and his shaft in her other hand as she slowly lowers herself onto his member, impaling her cunt on his shaft.
Her pussy swallows him up, inch by inch. Much like his other Servants, Shiki is more than durable enough to handle his girthy member and the stretching caused by his thick length. He settles his hands on her hips to help the Assassin steady herself, and he listens to hear her gasp and moan. But she doesn’t, at least not at first.
Shigure frowns, because he can feel Shiki’s insides and he knows that the female Servant is wet. Her body is aroused right now, and her cunt is quite accepting of his big fat cock. But Shiki herself gives no verbal indication of this. In fact, as he begins to thrust up into her from below, fucking her with a rather steady pace that she has no problem meeting, Shigure begins to realize… she’s still eating her ice cream.
She’s got a fresh cup right now, and once she’s fully impaled on his cock, the hand that she’d held it with leaves his member and goes back to her spoon, which is now moving between the ice cream cup and her mouth once more. Shigure can’t help but be a little… insulted. He knows he probably shouldn’t be. At the very least, Shiki isn’t trying to be insulting. This is just how she is.
But Shigure still wonders if there’s not something more. He still thinks there might be another layer to the female Assassin. So, after a few minutes of steady, Shigure takes things up a notch. His fingers dig into Shiki’s sides, and his hips begins to rise much faster to meet Shiki’s descending buttocks. His cock thrusts upwards into the taciturn Servant’s cunt with much more force and much more speed.
That’s when he starts to hear the gasps. That’s when he starts to hear the moans. Knowing that he’s making progress only spurs Shigure on to greater heights. How can he not give it his all, when he can feel Shiki’s cold, apathetic exterior breaking right before him. With a rather wicked grin on his face, Shigure really speeds things up.
He puts the power in power-bottom, even as he gives Shiki the dicking of her life. And the female Assassin responds to it oh so nicely, her voice sounding confused even as it got more and more high-pitched, even as it got more and more feminine. She wasn’t used to this, wasn’t aware of this sort of pleasure, obviously. Shigure wondered if she’d even truly known what she was offering when she told him that he could fuck her.
Well, she was definitely learning all about it now. As he plunged up into her depths from below, Shigure could tell that Shiki was coming unraveled. The first time she came, a cry split her lips and he heard a splat as some of her ice cream ended up on her shirt. Unable to help himself, Shigure reaches up and grabs Shiki by her short hair. Dragging her head back, he’s able to drag her entire body back across the length of his.
Holding her like this, holding her flush to his form as he fucks her with greater and greater force… it causes Shiki to make quite the mess of herself. She definitely hadn’t gotten all the way through this latest ice cream cup, because now the milky treat is getting all OVER her. Shigure could care less of course. He’s having too much fun dragging reaction after reaction from Shiki. By the time he feels his release approaching, the female Assassin is outright ahegaoing from what he can see of her face. Her eyes are rolled up in her head and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth.

She’s still clutching at her spoon and her now empty ice cream cup, but that seems to be more instinct than anything else, as an orgasm wracks her body more explosive than any before it. And the intensity of her inner walls clenching around his shaft, squeezing the life from his member is more than enough to bring Shigure over the edge as well. He cums, and when he does, he fills her with his seed, pumping the sticky white substance into her cunt.
It feels fantastic. There’s something new, fresh, and even exciting about Shiki Ryougi. She’s just so… unique. Pulling out of her and letting her slip off of him, Shigure moves over the female Servant. Unbuttoning her messy, stained shirt and removing it, Shigure begins to graciously clean off Shiki’s chest… with his tongue. Licking up the mostly melted ice cream from the girl’s breasts, the Master of Chaldea enjoys every last moment of the exchange, especially watching Shiki moan and fidget under his ministrations.
There’s no doubt between the two of them anymore… Shigure has broken through Shiki’s apathetic exterior and unleashed the young woman that lays beneath. Shiki blushes, while Shigure slurps and laps at her tits. He plays with them long after he’s done cleaning her off, enjoying the way she gasps and whimpers whenever he nibbles at her soft breast flesh, or licks around one of her nipples.
He teases and toys with her, because like she said before, he is the Master and she is but the Servant. In the end, it was perfectly fine if he used her body in whatever way he wanted, now wasn’t it? Of course, Shiki clearly didn’t expect it to be like this. She looks so cute now, so uncertain, so confused. Shigure loves it, he finds it indescribably adorable.
And in the end, as he finally pulls back and leaves her laying on the bed, collecting his clothing and getting dressed, Shiki calls out to him softly before he can make it to the door.
“Ah… Master.”
Lifting a brow, Shigure looks back in the direction of his taciturn Assassin.
“Yes, Shiki?”
Her blush grows a bit at hearing him address her so. It’s not different than how he addressed her before, but there’s new meaning to him saying her name that wasn’t there before…
“Master… Master should feel free to come relax with me any time if Master likes. My door is always open to you.”
Shigure grins a little at that and nods his head in acknowledgment of Shiki’s words.
“I just might take you up on that.”
Then he finishes zipping up his pants and moves towards the door. He steps out of Shiki’s room, leaving the dazed and well-fucked Assassin on her bed behind him as he starts off down the hall, feeling so much better about, well, everything. That was exactly what the doctor ordered. Of course, he barely gets a hundred feet before one of his other Servants confronts him and begs for his attention.
But with his relaxing time with Shiki under his belt, Shigure has no problem showing that one exactly WHY he’s the Master of Chaldea with a bit of rough play and his big fat cock. That, however… is a story for another time.


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