Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 22: Anne & Mary Pt. 2

A pair of swimsuits, dramatically different in size, float in the breeze on clotheslines as their owners, a duo of familiar bisexual pirates make out nearby in a quiet, secluded lagoon. Anne Bonny sits in the shallows of the lagoon, while Mary Read kneels on her lap. The larger of the two rests her hands on her lover’s hips, their tongues intertwining as Mary in turn slides her small digits all over Anne’s body.
Their lips press together with a certain casual eagerness to them. They are not in a rush, they have nowhere to be. It’s just the two of them out here, no Master to submit to, no one to disturb them. And as much as both pirates love the Master of Chaldea, they also love one another. This time alone that they’ve been able to snatch away… it’s precious to the two of them.
Mary’s hands eventually stop roaming, coming to Anne’s breasts and settling there. The white-haired pirate shows off just how skilled she is with her small fingers as she plays with her companion’s chest, her digits squeezing and groping and moving across the pillowy tits in all the right ways. Soon enough, Anne is moaning into Mary’s mouth, the bigger of the duo squirming in the cool lagoon water as Mary works her sensitive chest over.
This continues for a time, neither of them wanting to truly end their kiss, neither of them wanting to stop what they’re doing for even a moment. But where Anne gives in to her desire to continue and would likely do so forever if Mary let her, Mary eventually pulls away. As their lips separate, the white-haired Servant looks down at Anne’s chest, and then at her own. Her expression is forlorn as she compares the two of them and finds herself wanting. A low sigh exits her lips as she shakes her head.
“I… I wish I could be more like you, Anne. Even if you say I’m pretty, even if Master likes me… I can’t help but dislike my scrawny, unsexy body. E-Especially when I compare myself to your beautiful form. You’re just so gorgeous. And I’m… I’m not.”
That gets a scoff from the blonde pirate of the duo, and a moment later they’ve swapped positions as Anne lays Mary back in the shallows of the lagoon. An ‘eep’ leaves the more petite woman’s lips, and she stares up at Anne, even as the blonde smiles back down at her. Her own hands come up now, running over Mary’s body, playing with her form as she leans in and plants a kiss on Mary’s nose.
Then, she pulls Mary’s small frame up a bit, easily manhandling her lover into position as she places the white-haired pirate’s small chest at eye-level. And more importantly, at mouth level. Mewling noises leaves Mary’s throat as Anne proceeds to play with the small body beneath her. Groping her hips and her thighs, licking and sucking at her petite breasts. Eventually, she pulls her mouth back and cups Mary’s small chest with both hands as she gazes into her eyes.
“I love your body, Mary. I love your cute little tits. Look how nice they are? They fit perfectly in my hands.”
As if to illustrate, Anne squeezes and massages Mary’s small little titties ever so gently, drawing a gasp from the white-haired girl… and a smile. As she blushes at Anne’s praise, Mary’s gaze falls upon her own body, a slight smile beginning to form across her face. However, that smile quickly turns into a frown as she looks at herself, TRULY looks at herself… and finds more lacking than just her petite frame.
Her eyes have fallen upon the myriad of scars that cover her naked body now, and Mary can’t help but shake and tremble a little beneath Anne, even as her lower lip wobbles.
“But there’s nothing pretty about my scars. They’re so ugly… they make me ugly. How can you ever even gaze upon my naked flesh with anything but disgust and distaste, Anne?”
A low growl leaves her blonde lover’s lips, and the next thing Mary knows, Anne has her chin in hand and is forcing her to look her in the eyes, rather than continue gazing at her scars.
“You are NOT ugly, Mary.”
The funny thing is, Mary almost believes it when Anne says it. It’s obvious that the blonde believes it for some reason, though Mary can’t possibly fathom why. Perhaps Anne is delusional? Something of her thoughts must show on Mary’s face, because Anne is quick to continue, using her free hand to gesture at her own body as she explains.
“I might have a sexy bod. I might be bodacious and stacked and lewd and all those other words our adoring Master likes to use to describe me! But do you know what I see when I look at you? It might be the same thing Master sees, it might not! But what I see when I look at you is a soul so radiant that it outshines all others! What I see when I gaze upon your scars is the part of you that makes you the beautiful, strong, brilliant, and altogether simply AMAZING woman that I love!”
Mary finds herself staring up at her lover, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Anne responds to this by sealing her statement, her fateful words, with a powerful kiss. While there’s a certain level of passion to it, it’s not a particularly deep or lewd kiss. It’s simple and chaste, her lips pressing into Mary’s with neither of their tongues in place as Anne tries to impart every bit of her emotions and her feelings onto her white-haired lover.
At the same time, she’s gazing down into Mary’s eyes with such love that Mary can’t bring herself to turn away. All she can do is stare at Anne, and she continues to do so even after the blonde pulls back from the kiss and begins to trace Mary’s scars with her fingertips. The petite pirate trembles beneath Anne’s touch, nibbling at her lower lip as the blonde pays worship to her scars, as she lays soft kisses across the lines all over Mary’s body, as her fingers run over them and recognize them and don’t HATE them in the same way Mary does.
Confronted with such honestly, confronted with such love… Mary can’t do anything more than accept Anne’s words as gospel, now can she? When the blonde finally pulls back altogether, looking down into her eyes once more with a hopeful smile on her face, Mary returns it, shooting her a smile of her own, one filled with pure love, joy, and ultimately happiness.
Of course, they aren’t just going to spend an eternity gazing into one another’s eyes all dopey like. The moment passes, though the feelings between them do not. Their love for one another has never been stronger, even as Anne flips herself around and promptly sits her naked, glistening wet pussy lips on Mary’s mouth. The white-haired pirate is a little surprised at first, but as Anne grinds her cunt across Mary’s face, she’s quick to grab her lover’s thighs and start licking and lapping at her pussy.
The bodacious blonde moans, tilting her head back as she undulates across Mary’s skilled tongue for a few brief seconds. The petite pirate is quite good at what she’s doing, and it shows in how quickly Anne feels her pleasure building within her. Not to be out done, the blonde quickly lowers her own face down between Mary’s skinny legs.
Grabbing hold of her lover’s twig-like legs, she spreads them wide and plants her mouth between them, eating Mary out just the same as the other woman is doing for her. Of course, given the differences in their stature and heights, Anne has to scrunch herself up a little bit, her spine curving as she buries her face between Mary’s creamy thighs.
But the blonde doesn’t mind that, not even a little. What matters to her is Mary’s happiness, and she tries to express that in every deep, penetrating tonguing that she gives the other pirate. Mary is quite responsive, moaning into Anne’s own cunt lips, and quickly and eagerly returning the favor with her slightly smaller tongue as it darts this way and that. Her nose bumps against Anne’s clit, drawing a gasp from the blonde pirate and a retaliatory chin strike to Mary’s own little nub.
It’s both an expression of pure love… and perhaps a bit of a competition. They are both pirates, after all. Famous pirates at that, renowned enough that they’d become Heroic Spirits in the Throne of Heroes. Or, technically, one Heroic Spirit, given they’d been summoned together. This made them more than just a pair of lovers, at the end of the day. It was like they were soulmates, and not the modern definition, or even in fact any definition of the word that mortal humans had ever tried to use. Their love, their devotion, and their adoration to one another ran so much deeper than it ever could for a pair of mortals who claimed to be in love.
They were, in the end, one being. But that didn’t stop them from trying to one up one another in a somewhat playful way. As they continue sixty-nining, this became more and more apparent. Anne would rub her cunt all over Mary’s face, all while using her fingers to trace the outline of Mary’s pussy lips. Not to be out done, Mary would hurry to use her fingers as well, and the both of them would of course continue to use their tongues to equally great effect.
The pirate duo was trying to see which one would cum first. They were trying to defeat each other, trying to make one another cum so that they might be able to playfully lord it over the other later on. Of course, this led to greater and greater pleasure for both of them, even as they tried to hold back and suppress their individual releases until the other finally gave in.
But, they were both far too evenly matched for such a thing. As most of their competitions tended to end, the ultimate result… was a tie. A mutual victory, a mutual defeat… how it was described mattered not. In the end, neither won. In the end, both won. They came together, their pleasure just as closely linked as their minds, bodies, and souls as they squirted all over one another’s faces. Mary lapped up all of Anne’s pussy juices and Anne did the same for her diminutive lover.
Even at the height of their respective pleasure, they’re attentive of one another. Even as ecstasy and bliss crash over the both of them in equal measures, they happily drink down the other’s juices, slurping and swallowing to their heart’s content. And afterward? Well, of course it would be more of the same, right? Anne slides back down off of Mary’s face, turning in the shallows of the lagoon once more as she kisses her petite lover deeply.
This time, there is most certainly plenty of tongue once more, though they spend equal amounts of time cleaning each other off with said tongues as they do intertwining them. Mary moans into Anne’s mouth and Anne moans into hers, the duo truly a perfect pair as they play with one another and make out quite lazily. Enjoying the afterglow of their sixty-nine, their hands wander over their bodies and the lagoon water is used to great effect to finally wash them both off.
That was after all, the reason they’d come over here in the first place, ostensibly. They’d been here to clean themselves up and what not, though neither had managed to focus on such a task for long before they were exploring one another’s bodies and making out in the lagoon shallows. Now though, with their libidos temporarily calmed, Anne and Mary are a little quicker to wash up, after which they crawl out of the lagoon, heading over to where they’ve hung their bikinis on hastily constructed clotheslines.
Once the two are redressed in their perfectly fitted swimsuits, they walk back onto the beach where everyone else is, wide smiles on their faces and hands clasped together. Grinning a little, Anne glances over at Mary and gives her a wink.
“You know, you’re my other half, Mary. And you always will be.”
That gets a slightly dry look from the petite, white-haired pirate, as she slides her gaze up and down Anne’s body pointedly.
“More like your other quarter, Anne… mm, but yeah, you complete me too.”
They both smile at each other then. The lines might be cheesy, they might be a little silly… but they’re also completely honest and utterly true. They’re nothing more than two halves to a whole, in the end. Summoned together, registering as a single Servant… the pirate duo went down in history together, and now they’ll spend the rest of their existences together, whatever form that existence takes, in the end.
Of course, while pretty much everyone else is off doing their own thing, be it sunbathing or playing in the surf or shredding waves further out, the Master of Chaldea notices them returning immediately. Their Master turns to them as Anne and Mary walk up, a knowing smile on his face as he cocks his head to the side.
“And what have the two of you been up to, hm? How was your ‘shower’?”
Anne and Mary share one more glance… and then they separate from one another, only to come back together with their Master in the middle of them. The pirate duo immediately hang off of Shigure’s arms as they grin giddily at him.
“We had a magnificent shower, Master.”
“Maybe next time, you should join us…”
“Ooh! We’d LOVE that!”
The Master of Chaldea just chuckles as Anne Bonny and Mary Read rub themselves against him needily, both of them nearly moaning with suppressed need as they grind along his sides. They will always belong with each other… but that doesn’t change the fact that they both belong TO their Master. The Master of Chaldea is the only man the pair of bisexual lovers will ever welcome into their bed. And he knows it too, if the way he slides his arms down their backs and grabs a nice handful of both of their asses is any indication.
“Oh, don’t worry my dears. I’m sure that next time, I most definitely will.”


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