Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 34: Nightingale

As Shigure steps into the Chaldea Infirmary, looking around, he’s a little bemused by what he sees. There’s no one at all inside of the infirmary… save for the Servant put in charge of it. Florence Nightingale, once of the British Empire, sometime around the eighteenth to the nineteenth centuries. She was a woman of conviction… but it was her nursing skills that had put her in charge of Chaldea’s infirmary, leaving her to take control of those who needed their wounds patched up.
Of course, Shigure didn’t have any wounds. He hadn’t been hurt by anyone at all. And yet, Nightingale had called him in for a check-up all the same? Lifting an eyebrow but smiling slightly, the Master of Chaldea walks with confidence towards the expressionless female Servant. He thought he had a pretty good idea of what she REALLY wanted from him.
“Well, here I am. Shall we begin?”
Bobbing her head, the Servant gestures towards a medical bed for Shigure to sit upon.
“Yes, Master. Please, have a seat.”
“As you wish.”
Shigure sits down, curious to see how Nightingale intends to… initiate things. But for the time being, he ends up sorely disappointed. She starts by doing all of the normal things one would do in a check-up, and she does it without displacing a single ounce of emotion or interest. She checks his eyes, his ears, and his reflexes. She checks his breathing, and his heart-rate, and all of that stuff.
Truth be told, by the time she’s done, Shigure is a little annoyed. He’d thought that something interesting was happening here. Why had Nightingale very clearly kicked everyone else out of the infirmary in order to meet with him, if it wasn’t her intention to get it on with him? He had come into this check-up expecting some form of doctor-patient sex play, to be perfectly honest.
As she fills out information on a clipboard, likely for his file in the Chaldea Archives, Shigure stares at Nightingale’s ass while she’s turned away from him. He contemplates going over and just grabbing it. Or even perhaps using a Command Seal to get some loving from the Servant. But before he can make up his mind one way or another, because no matter what, he’s going to fuck this woman, the nurse turns back to him, and her eyes finally, FINALLY slide down his body, to his crotch.
“Now we will begin the more in-depth part of this physical exam, Master. Please remove your pants so that I may check your virility.”
For a moment, Shigure is speechless. Incredulous, even. So, he can be excused for how he responds.
“Are you… are you serious?”
It’s not just that she’s asking him to strip down and show her his cock. He’s been asked that by a LOT of women since becoming Master of Chaldea, and he’s well-used to it by now. What he’s NOT used to is the matter-of-fact, emotionless, and utterly professional way that Nightingale is asking for it. It has to… it has to be an act, right? It has to be a façade.
And yet, even Shigure, who has gotten really good at reading women since becoming Master of Chaldea, can’t see through the mask, if it even is a mask and not… actually how she’s feeling about the subject. Lifting an eyebrow at him, Nightingale simply nods.
“I am quite serious, Master. Your health is critical to the continued success of the Chaldea Mission, and the ultimate resurrection of the world. If you fall ill, or if you begin to suffer from… over-exposure, then reality itself is in danger.”
Over-exposure. She’s talking about him potentially fucking too much, isn’t she? Shigure almost scoffs in her face at the very idea, but in the end, he thinks better of it. This is what he wanted after all, right? And if he doesn’t like how things are going, he can always turn them around and just have his way with Nightingale until her emotionless façade cracks. For now, though, he’ll play ball.
Sighing, the young Master stands up and kicks off his shoes, before unbuttons and unzips his pants, pulling them down and kicking them off as well. He then removes his boxers for good measure. In the meantime, Nightingale is not standing there idle. He almost wishes she was, because it would mean she was ogling him at the very least. But no, the emotionless nurse is instead lathering up her usual white gloves with lotion.
Once he’s sat on the bed again, this time naked with his cock exposed between his thighs, Nightingale steps forward, and then kneels between his legs. Shigure watches her, looking for any sign that she’s taken aback by his size, or at the very least slightly intimidated by it. But no. Taking hold of his cock, the female Servant examines it like one would if one were a medical professional. She shifts it this way and that, making sure that there’s nothing untoward, Shigure supposes.
And then, once she’s decided that he’s clean of disease, she begins to jerk him off. One hand slides up and down his shaft most expertly, while the other slips down to his ball sack, massaging and kneading his nuts. Shigure groans and tilts his head back as he enjoys Nightingale’s ministrations.
“Oh fuck… you’re VERY good at this.”
“I appreciate the compliment, Master, but let’s keep this strictly professional. I am merely performing this checkup to make sure of your virility and your health.”
His head snaps back down, and he watches her even as she stares, fixated, at his cock. She’s REALLY maintaining this act… and truth be told, the longer it goes on, the more it works for him? He’s definitely rock hard now, and his balls, still being massaged by her gloved, lotioned hand are churning with a need for release. He’s getting closer and closer, and Shigure can barely contain himself as he groans loudly.
He doesn’t warn her though. Perhaps it’s a bit petulant, but he doesn’t warn her. All too soon, he’s ejaculating without a single word, all over her hair, face, and hands. Maybe he imagines that this will get a reaction out of her. As his hot, thick jizz splatters across Nightingale’s light-pink hair, as he covers her features, he stares down into those red eyes of her, waiting to see if she does anything, anything at all. Even expressing displeasure at the mess he’s made would make him happy at this point. Hell, even if she got angry, he could always use command seals to have his way with her anyways.
But no, none of that happens. He cums all over the female Servant, and in response, Nightingale proceeds to take some of his seed into her mouth, swishing it around quite visibly as she looks off into the distance to the side of him for a moment. She then swallows and smacks her lips.
“The thickness and volume of your cum makes it clear that you have a very high sperm count. There is no doubt in my mind that you are incredibly virile, Master.”
Well, that’s a bit of an ego booster, now isn’t it? Not that Shigure didn’t already know there was absolutely nothing wrong with his dick or his seed. Still, having the extremely professional, completely emotionless Servant on her knees before him say as much was nice. Staring down at her as she looks back up at him expressionless… Shigure can’t help but admire her body. So much so, that he takes a second to eventually recover and respond with a somewhat lame rejoinder.
“Ah… well… that’s good to hear, I guess.”
Rising gracefully from her knees, Nightingale takes his cock in one hand, before pushing him onto his back with the other. She guides him so that he’s laid out along the medical bed, rather than across its width, and she continues to stroke his cock, staring down at it, still seemingly emotionless. As Shigure gets hard again, he frowns slightly.
“And what exactly are you testing now?”
Nightingale slides her red eyes back up to his face, speaking in the same professional monotone as before.
“Now that I’ve ascertained your virility, it is important that I check your fertility. As I am currently the only available female on the premise, I will have you ejaculate inside of me, and we will see if you manage to impregnate me.”
Shigure just kind of… stares. Gawks, really. How she manages to say that all without an ounce of visible arousal, without blushing or averting her gaze or even biting her lip… it’s like she’s carved from marble. But Shigure knows better. As emotionless as Nightingale might be, or might just appear, she’s still a woman with a woman’s body. When she goes to climb aboard, he stops her.
“If we’re going to do that, it only makes sense that we both strip completely naked, wouldn’t you say? We wouldn’t want our clothes to get dirty unnecessarily, after all.”
For a moment, she pauses. Shigure half expects the Servant to disobey him… but then she begins to unbutton her red overcoat and strip down to her birthday suit. Shigure is quick to do the same and finished much faster than she is given that he’s only wearing his shirt at this point. Regardless, soon enough, the very naked, yet still completely emotionless Servant is climbing up onto the medical bed, and up onto him as well.
Shigure takes in her voluptuous body, even as she grips his cock in her lotioned, gloved hand and guides it up between her legs. Even now, even naked, she’s the picture-perfect image of professionalism. Shigure had no idea that such a thing could be so… so erotic. The absence of visible lust, arousal, and desire… it’s a turn on in and of itself, in a way.
And yet, she is wet, when she finally impales herself on his cock without even a hitching of her breath. As she fills herself with his meat, Shigure’s eyebrows raise at just how slick her cunt is.
“You’re very wet.”
Nightingale just looks at him, seeming utterly unperturbed, even as she continues to sink down his length, gyrating her hips around his member.
“Of course, Master. All studies show that without proper lubrication, chafing might occur, and the experience will not be pleasant for either party. In the interest of seeing you ejaculate inside of me so that we can be certain of your ability to impregnate a fertile female, it is best that my body be sufficiently aroused to accommodate a length the size of your member.”
Hearing her explain that she’d essentially gotten herself all nice and wet to make the experience more pleasurable for him, but in such calm, clear terms… well, it was hot. There was no denying that it was hot. Swallowing thickly, Shigure reaches up and takes hold of Nightingale’s hips, watching her as she finally begins to ride him, bouncing up and down on his cock.
Her naked tits bounce and jiggle with her of course, but her face… her face never changes. Still dripping with the remnants of some of his cum, the emotionless Servant’s features never once shift out of their expressionless look. It has to be a façade, right? But what if it isn’t? Well… that’s fine too. In fact, it’s more than fine. This whole experience is something Shigure is rather unfamiliar with. And he’s enjoying it, quite a bit too.
With a grunt, he starts adding some of his own strength to the fucking. Nightingale might be maintaining her calm, professional demeanor, but that didn’t mean Shigure was just going to lay there like a dead fish. He also wouldn’t mind if his own participation finally provoked a reaction from the red-eyed Servant. It doesn’t though, of course. Even as he fucks Nightingale from below with all his might, even as she bounces up and down on his cock, riding him like a bucking bronco… not once does he see so much as a faint blush from her. Not once do her lips open in a breathy moan.
It’s interesting, watching just how much control she has over herself. Shigure is convinced by this point, that Nightingale is not truly an emotionless robot. He doesn’t imagine she would have come up with this entire silly charade if it wasn’t in fact exactly that, a charade. He MIGHT have been convinced if she’d just left it at the handjob, but deciding that in order to ‘test’ him she needed him to try and impregnate her?
Yeah, this was all an act to get him to fuck her, Shigure knew that. And yet, despite knowing it deep down, he doesn’t see a single crack in her façade the entire time. Not once does she break, not once does she moan wantonly and beg for more. It certainly sets her aside from many of the other women that Shigure has fucked into oblivion since becoming the Master of Chaldea. Far, far apart.
In the end, her tightening, clenching inner walls, the only real evidence of her enjoyment of the act, milk Shigure of his second load. He fills Nightingale’s womb directly with his seed, pumping it up into her, nice and thick. For a moment, he’s lost in the throes of ecstasy, of orgasm, his entire length buried inside of her, and his back arching off the bed as he groans.
Then, it’s over and she’s pulling off his cock, climbing off the bed. Shigure sits up just in time to watch her slap an adhesive, liquid-resistance bandage pad over her entire cunt before even a single drop of his cum can escape her body. And then she begins to get dressed again, like nothing had happened. Shigure thins out his lips, but follows her lead, remaining silent as he too gets dressed.
Then, having not heard anything from her otherwise, he begins heading for the door. The entire experience had been surreal, and while he’d enjoyed it immensely, he now finds himself in need of a woman with more emotion that he can bend over and fuck, or perhaps press up against a wall… and fuck. However, before Shigure can quite get to the door of the infirmary, he’s stopped by his Servant’s voice.
Shigure turns back around, only to stop dead in his tracks when he sees it.
“While it is very likely that I am pregnant now, it may be necessary to schedule follow-up appointments, just to make sure.”
She still sounds cool, calm, and collected. She still looks extremely professional. But as said before, Shigure had gotten REALLY good at reading women since he came to this place. Most others might not have even noticed it… but Shigure does. He sees the very slight blush that betrays her otherwise calm, emotionless exterior. He sees the crack in her façade.
Grinning, the young Master of Chaldea waves a hand dismissively.
“Set it up, and I’ll be here. Thanks for the check-up.”
Then he turns and leaves for real, a wide, wicked grin across his face that doesn’t go away for quite some time.


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