Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 36: Fem!Edmond Dantes

With a start, Shigure wakes up, eyes wide and an erection straining against the confines of his boxers. That’s right, he doesn’t wake up with a pair of soft lips and a hot, velvety mouth wrapped around his cock. Shocking, but despite how many women that Shigure as at his beck and call, he doesn’t always go to bed with one, and sometimes he locks his room more securely than any other so that female Servants can’t sneak in while he slumbers.
However, Shigure still finds himself slightly… disappointed by the reality of waking up alone. Of all things, the young Master of Chaldea had basically been having a wet dream. He’d been fantasizing about the elegant Countess of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantès. She had been a he before Merlin’s shenanigans of course, but now that Dantès was a woman, well, she was fantastic. From her curly, flowing white hair to her killer body, to the gorgeous dress she’d taken to wearing around Chaldea.
It really wasn’t any great surprise that she’d been on Shigure’s mind when he went to bed. They’d come across each other a few times since Merlin’s tomfoolery, and each time, Shigure had found himself staring at the Servant’s back as she walked the other way, admiring her from behind. She was smoking hot, and he kind of wanted to fuck her.
… Which, what exactly was he waiting for? He was horny right now. He was thinking about Dantès, about her feminine body, about how her soft curves would feel in his hands. Why fantasize about it when he could slake his lust by going and finding the Servant that had caused that lust to arise within him in the first place? The Countess of Monte Cristo was responsible for his current erection… so it only made sense that she would be the one to take care of it for him.
Grinning a bit wickedly, dead set on his course of action, Shigure hops out of bed and gets dressed quickly. It’s around that time that he finally realizes it’s not actually the morning yet, but late at night. Given this, Shigure quickly makes his way from his room and towards Dantès’. She might not be there right now, but it was easily the most likely place to find her at this time, and thus the first place he would look.
Not bothering to knock, Shigure simply opens the door when he gets to Dantès’ quarters, intending to either confront her directly about what her beautiful body had been doing to him, or otherwise find a clue as to where she might be so he could hunt her down. However, in the end his first instinct proves to be correct. Shigure finds Dantès in her room, and he walks in on her right as she’s in the middle of rehearsing one of her chuuni speeches about hatred and vengeance in her mirror.
“The path of vengeance that I walk is endless, for I have gone beyond love and hatred! How can you who has never seen what Hell is like possibly understand?! There is no mercy for one such as yourself, there is only despair, there is only decay! I-!”
As she’s about to continue, she finally notices him in the mirror, Shigure slowly moving into the room, the door closing behind him on its own. As soon as she lays eyes on him, Dantès cuts herself off mid-speech and whirls around, a blush already adorning her otherwise alabaster cheeks as she scowls at him.
“M-Master! W-What are you doing in my room so late at night?!”
Shigure doesn’t bother hiding his intentions at this point. He lets the natural, lust-filled smirk spread across his cheeks from ear to ear, and approaches Dantès slowly without a single word. As it so happens, the Countess of Monte Cristo quickly recognizes the look in his eyes. Her own eyes, yellow with cross shaped pupils, widen slightly, before she scoffs at him, sticking her nose up in the air.
“F-Foolish Master! I can see that your intentions are distinctly impure just by looking at you!”
Shigure doesn’t stop moving though. He sees right through her, and Dantès falters as his slow yet inexorable approach continues.
“I-If you think t-that you’ll be able to do to ME what you’ve done to all the o-other women of C-Chaldea, t-think again!”
Shigure just lifts an eyebrow at that, drawing ever closer. Realizing that he’s going to be invading her personal space in about half a moment, Dantès begins to finally back up in response to his approach, still stuttering and stammering.
“M-My vengeance… my h-hatred… these things c-cannot so easily b-be tamed, M-Master…”
She trails off then, a whimper bookending her words as her back hits the wall, Shigure’s intense gaze burning into her flesh. Her blush grows even redder as she goes silent under that gaze, while the young Master of Chaldea never stops coming, not until he’s right on top of her, and abruptly kissing the flustered Countess of Monte Cristo.
Silencing her stuttering, stammering rant with a dominating kiss, Shigure makes sure to apply tongue really early, slipping his into Dantès’ mouth and intertwining it with her own tongue in record time. He kisses her deeply, and she responds by kissing him back, even as she remains pressed up against the wall behind her. However, Shigure is not idle as their tongues dance together. He slides one hand up the slit in her dress, along her upper thigh, and reaches around behind her to cup her ass. Meanwhile, the other hand slips into her curly white locks, moving along the back of her head so as to pull her even deeper into the kiss.
It’s pretty obvious from the get-go that Dantès was all talk. Despite her initial attitude, she doesn’t put up any sort of fight, once he’s actually kissing her. In fact, she’s actively returning the kiss from moment one, her tongue moving and writhing and wiggling against his as their lips smack and smash together time and time again.
When the two of them eventually separate from the impromptu, passionate makeout session, it’s with a string of saliva connecting their lips, and the Countess of Monte Cristo blushing and breathing heavily like a needy slut rather than the Avatar of Vengeance and Hatred that she loves to present herself as. With Dantès distracted by the taste of Shigure still on her lips and recovering the breath that he’d so thoughtlessly stolen from her, the young Master of Chaldea takes the opportunity to sweep her off her feet into a bridal carry.
This elicits a cute squeak of surprise from the Avenger-Class Servant, and she unconsciously wraps her arms around Shigure’s neck for support, before realizing what’s happened. Burying her face in the crook of his neck to hide her truly atomic blush, Dantès mumbles into his shoulder, barely audible despite their proximity to one another.
“… ‘m not defeated yet…”
Chuckling at the display of childishness from an absolutely gorgeous grown woman, Shigure carries her over to her bed and lies her down on it, before beginning to strip out of his uniform. The entire time, he makes eyes at the Countess of Monte Cristo. What else is he going to do, right? Dantès, for her part, blushes profusely and averts her gaze. Or at least, she tries to. Her yellow eyes flicker back to his face time and time again, as if checking to make sure he’s still staring at her, still feasting on her beauty.
She makes no effort to hide herself, even if none of her gorgeous body is TRULY revealed yet. Still, he’d laid her out on her bed, and she makes no move to sit up or get off the bed, just… laying there, propped up on her elbows, trying to stare at the walls or the ceiling or anything but him and his body, which is growing steadily more naked by the second.
When his erection, which is definitely back at full mast now that he’s actually in the room with the object of his lusts, flops out of his boxers, Dantès’ eyes flicker down to it… and then of course, she tries to look away again. But she can’t stop stealing glances at his cock, even as Shigure, now completely naked, climbs onto the bed and grabs her by her ankles, pulling her close.
Another whimper escapes Dantès’ lips before she can quite bite it off, and the white-haired woman gasps when Shigure pushes the skirt of her gown to the side, exposing her long, creamy legs. Well, exposing her pantyhose, anyways. Grabbing at said pantyhose, Shigure doesn’t waste time, he simply grips tightly and pulls, ripping open a hole in the crotch of the undergarment, and exposing a pair of very black, very lacy panties juxtaposed on very pale skin underneath.
After his dream and their extended makeout session, Shigure is THROBBING, and he really has no concept of chill at the moment. He doesn’t want to engage in further foreplay or wait for Dantès to take off her clothes. He can’t even be bothered to do it for her, not really. With a low growl expressing his desire and what’s about to come, Shigure slips her lacy panties to the side and reveals her dripping, sopping pussy to the open air… and more importantly, exposes it to an introduction with his big, fat cock.
Pressing his dick up against her entrance, Shigure prepares to penetrate the Countess of Monte Cristo, already knowing that he’ll be deflowering the woman, as there’s no other man in all of Chaldea to take her first time as a female away from her. However, Dantès is also conscious of this fact it seems, because she stops him with a hand, biting her lower lip and looking away shyly before making a request.
“A-Ah… this will be my first time a-as a woman… so please, Master… be gentle.”
She’s as adorable being vulnerable with him now as she is when she’s being all chuuni about vengeance and hatred and all that shit. Chuckling lightly, Shigure reaches up and cups Dantès’ cheek, smiling down at her as she looks up at him with hopeful eyes.
“Not to worry, dear Countess. You’re in good hands.”
He punctuates that statement by easing forward and beginning to slowly push his cock into Dantès’ waiting quim. Inch after inch of his throbbing, pulsating shaft disappears into her pussy, and the white-haired Servant can only moan in pleasure, even as he eventually rips through her hymen and takes her virginity all proper like. Shigure makes sure to take his time at first, giving Dantès plenty of room to adjust and making sure the entire experience is as pleasurable and as enjoyable for her as possible.
Eventually, he bottoms out inside of her, his slow speed making him merely tap the entrance of her womb, rather than hitting or slamming into it. Encountering resistance in the form of her cervix, Shigure pulls out and then does it all over again. Thrusting in and out of her, but slowly for the time being, the young Master of Chaldea delights in the sounds that he’s able to draw from Dantès’ imminently kissable lips.
The Countess of Monte Cristo moans and mewls and whimpers and squeaks as he fucks her, her face growing redder and redder, until in a fit of embarrassment, she wraps her arms around his neck and plants her face in his chest, trying to hide herself from him. Shigure just grins and takes that as a sign that he needs to fuck her harder, which he does, slowly accelerating the pace at which his cock is thrusting into her sopping wet, extremely tight cunt as time goes on.
In response, Dantès wraps her legs around him as well, and eventually has to toss her head back as she proceeds to moan her brains out, a deep and meaningful orgasm drawn from her by Shigure’s thrusting. Of course, given the opportunity, Shigure silences her with another deep kiss, enjoying how Dantès is too lost in the pleasure to do more than allow his tongue to plunder her mouth.
Her insides clench and squeeze around him, and his cock pistons in and out of her with greater and greater speed. However, all good things come to an end, and eventually Shigure can hold back no longer. He cums then, inside of her, pumping a thick load of his hot, white seed deep into Dantès’ womb, his cock pressing slightly through her battered down cervix to do so.
Dantès throws her head back even further as he does so, her back arching and her chest jutting upwards. A loud, long, single moan of overwhelming pleasure exits the beautiful Countess of Monte Cristo’s throat, and the single cross-shaped pupil visible from beneath her veil of hair morphs right before Shigure’s eyes into a heart-shaped one.
He definitely doesn’t fail to notice this, and seeing it, Shigure can’t help but grin, even as he takes the time to enjoy Dantès’ body a little further, running his hands up and down her gorgeous form, all while she enjoys the fruits of her orgasmic high. Only now that they’ve coupled, now that Shigure has left a thick load of viscous white cum inside of her, does he bother undressing her. He does it slowly, revealing her porcelain body bit by bit. Dantès helps him, and enjoys the way he touches her, the way he enjoys her soft, feminine flesh.
He reveals her body, inch by inch. First removing her slitted dress to expose her pale white skin hidden beneath. Matching the pair of lacy black panties, she has on is a lacy black bra, and Shigure enjoys unclasping that and pulling it away, even as Dantès blushes prettily and hides her face again. But it’s not her face Shigure is interested in feasting his eyes upon now, its her tits… and feast his eyes he does. He also touches them, groping and squeezing her breasts, before eventually moving on.
Having already torn her pantyhose open, Shigure goes a step further and rips them off of her body entirely. Dantès gasps at this, and moans, seeming to enjoy the rough, possessive treatment quite a lot, even as his hands slide down to her hips and thighs, digging into what parts of her pale, creamy ass her lacy black panties don’t hide, and then gripping at her thighs properly as he squeeze them, much to Dantès’ audible enjoyment.
Finally, he removes her panties, pulling them down her legs. They’re already soaked through with both her pussy juices and his cum, so Shigure tosses them aside once they’re off her feet, preferring to focus on the woman himself, laying kisses on her breasts, on her hips, on her ass. Trailing his lips all over her porcelain skin as he worships her absolutely beautiful body.
Eventually though the task is done, she’s completely naked as he is, and the two of them end up cuddled up to one another once Shigure is content with his exploration as well as his appreciation of her naked form. Dantès nuzzles into his chest as she rests against his side, her breasts smooshed up against his body, and the fingers of one of her hands interlaced with one of his. She looks up at him then with a truly soft smile and adoring eyes as brilliant pink flames envelope her hands in place of the old darkened purple that she’d once wielded.
However, these flames do not burn Shigure, they do not hurt him. All they do is cause a pleasant warmth, one that travels through his fingers and palm, up the length of his arm, before journeying through the rest of his body, leaving him suffused with a nice, comfortable heat that relaxes and even rejuvenates him.
“Y-You’ve done it, Master. You’ve doused the Flames of Hatred and Vengeance that resided within me. In their place, you have stoked the Flames of Love, of Happiness that I did not know I was even capable of any longer. You have quelled the darkness within me. However, I promise you, that does not mean I am in any way defenseless! While my Flames of Love shall never bring you harm, any enemies that dare to stand between us shall be incinerated by my passion!”
… She’s just as chuuni as ever, Shigure can’t help but reflect in mild amusement. Still, as Dantès punctuates her chuuni speech with a gentle kiss to Shigure’s cheek, he can’t help but be content, even as her heart-shaped pupil gazes at him lovingly.
“Mon amour, I will love you forever! This is my oath; this is my conviction!”
Nuzzling her face into his neck, Dantès sighs happily, and relaxes into his hold. Shigure, for his part, just wraps his arm around her and cuddles the white-haired woman close. He’d not expected anything less from someone like Edmond Dantès, the Countess of Monte Cristo. Even fucked silly and filled with a load of his cum, she was still as chuuni as she possibly could be.
Still, the fact that she’d gone from Hatred and Vengeance to Love and Happiness… that was probably a good thing. It truly didn’t seem to have affected her combat abilities, so long as what she’d said about her new flames was actually true. Of course, even if it wasn’t, Shigure could find a use for her, even if she wasn’t combat capable. He had plenty of frontline Servants after all… and he could always use another proper bedwarmer.
But he suspected that Dantès would prove to continue to be more than just that. Even as chuuni as she was, she was also a capable fighter, despite the gender swap. Now she was also yet another of his female Servants that he’d bagged and tagged, fucking her until she’d quite literally proclaimed her devotion and adoration to him. She would love him forever, that was the oath she’d made.
And Shigure was perfectly happy to accept such an oath.


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