Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 39: Enkidu

Ever since Merlin’s spell, Enkidu had been feeling rather odd. And yet, she hadn’t quite sussed out what exactly was making her feel that way just yet. This was due to a number of contributing factors. Sure, the spell was the talk of all of Chaldea, and everyone knew exactly what Merlin had done. Merlin had made the entire male population of Chaldea… into females.
That wasn’t really up for debate. There were a lot more women around these days then there had been before. But why would Enkidu think that applied to her? After all, it wasn’t as if she was male before Merlin’s spell. She was genderless, and altogether formless when it came to sex. Made of clay, Enkidu had no real capacity for understanding being female or male, at the end of the day.
Of course, that didn’t stop it from affecting her. Merlin wasn’t so silly as to ONLY target the flesh and blood males after all. No, her magic went beyond that, and in the end, even Enkidu was changed ever so slightly by it. But that was another thing… the change WAS slight, and subtle in a way that didn’t really give Enkidu any true inkling of what had happened to her.
She’d never had any experience with genders before, so it didn’t even truly occur to the clay Servant that she’d suddenly started thinking in a feminine way, that she’d gone from identifying as ‘they’ and ‘them’ to ‘she’ and ‘her’. There was also the fact that Enkidu was pretty… casual in most ways. She wasn’t inclined to get emotional or high strung even in the worst situations. She also wasn’t the kind of person to psycho-analyze everything.
So what if it felt more comfortable wearing the shorter robes that she’d found her entire wardrobe replaced with the day after Merlin’s spell? So what if she’d also taken to wearing the cute white panties that had come with them? Even though she didn’t have anything to cover up there, it wasn’t as if Enkidu was completely senseless. Her body was made of clay, but she still felt the sensation of touch, and while her pleasure centers were understandably muted, she could still enjoy the feeling of a pair of snug, tight, white panties nestled up against her crotch, even if she didn’t quite understand WHY it felt so good.
Regardless, the ‘shorter robes’ she’d taken to wearing around Chaldea were more like dresses, and these dresses were short enough that they would occasionally flip up without warning to flash the very same innocent white panties that Enkidu had taken to wearing. Mostly because the formerly genderless Servant found herself instinctively sashaying her hips through the halls of Chaldea, despite not really having feminine hips. She has the feminine mentality though, and while she hasn’t quite figured that out yet and is thus somewhat unsure of WHY she feels the way she does, she still finds herself enjoying it.
This is the Enkidu that Shigure stumbles across one day in one of Chaldea’s hallways. An Enkidu with a distinctly feminine tilt to her now, but still with a bland, shapeless clay body. This is the Enkidu that Shigure stops and ponders.
He doesn’t think much of it initially, as they’re passing each other by. Enkidu is just… Enkidu. Even Shigure hadn’t thought about how Merlin’s magic would affect the genderless Servant. After all, they were straight up made of clay, weren’t they? And yet, his senses are also honed from his perverted activities and debauched actions. His gaze travels without his exact direction as Enkidu walks past him with that same soft bland smile as always and a slow tilt of her head.
… Her. Why did he think ‘her’? Enkidu was definitely just a ‘they’ before. Slowing to a stop, Shigure turns around and watches Enkidu walk by for a moment, just taking HER in. The dress was one thing, as was the sashay of her hips… but the eyeful of cute white panties really sealed the deal as Shigure found himself ever slowly starting to get slightly hard.
And yet, Enkidu might have started dressing more feminine, but that didn’t really change the fact that she was rather bland, right? Hell, did she even have any distinguishing features below the neck? Sure, there was her face and hair, but the rest of her was just featureless… right? Shigure finds himself starting to move again, but he’s no longer walking in the direction that he was walking before. No, now the young Master of Chaldea is following behind Enkidu, actually taking the Servant in for the first time, and getting flashed by her panties a few more times as well for his trouble.
Enkidu wasn’t human, right? She was made of clay. Now, there was an idea, wasn’t there? Looking at her in a new light, Shigure’s eyes widen slightly. She wasn’t made of flesh and blood and bones. She wasn’t skin wrapped around muscles and organs and reinforced by a skeleton, all of it piloted by a bunch of grey matter. Which, ew, he’d never really thought about the human body in such clinical terms before… but still.
If Enkidu didn’t have blood and bones and organs to be harmed, then one could really do whatever they wanted to change her body to their liking, so long as they had enough strength, right? And Shigure… Shigure was no weakling. His mind made up, the Master of Chaldea grins and quickens his stride, coming up on Enkidu in moments and reaching out to grab her by her hips.
This has the effect of stopping the Servant in her tracks, as well as eliciting quite the cute squeak of surprise from her. It also, as his grip on her hips arrests her center motion first and causes her to lean forward slightly, causes her dress to ride up over her ass, revealing more of her plain white panties.
“A-Ah! Master… what can I do f-for you?”
Shigure just smiles blandly.
“Enkidu… stay still for me for a moment, will you? I want to try something, and I need you not to move at all.”
“O-Oh… o-okay…”

The clay Servant sounds somewhat confused. Not just with Shigure, but with herself. Judging by her reactions, this is because his cock is pressing up against her ass at the moment, and she’s enjoying it. But given her past, she doesn’t understand why she’s enjoying it, or what to do with the sensations she’s currently experiencing. That said, Shigure isn’t standing idle. Now that he has Enkidu in place, he grins a little and begins to try and test his hypothesis.
Enkidu is still a hardy Servant, to be fair. If she were so malleable that any common human could affect her shape, then she would be useless in combat and also have so many accidents that permanently altered her body in a myriad of different ways. But Shigure wasn’t just any common human, no sir. While it does take a careful application of his enhanced strength to find the right point where he could actually mold without straight up ripping parts of her off… he does find it.
Slowly but surely, rubbing his hands deep into Enkidu’s clay flesh, Shigure smooths her hips out into nice, wide, child-birthing hips. These are the hips of a woman, not the hips of a man, or a genderless, formless clay golem like Enkidu was originally. Of course, in reshaping Enkidu’s hips into the flared hips of a feminine being, Shigure finds himself with… excess clay.
He’s not an idiot though, he knew from the get-go that he was going to have to reposition the leftover clay, once he was done with Enkidu’s hips. As it turns out, he already had JUST the place in mind for it. Pushing the excess to Enkidu’s ass, he fills her formerly flat and shapeless rump out nicely, until her derriere can be described quite accurately as a cute little ‘bubble butt’, nice and pert and filling out her plain white panties in a way that it just wasn’t before.
Of course, an ‘unfortunate’ side effect of Shigure’s ministrations is that the new shape of her hips and ass cause her short dress to be unable to come back down to cover either. It’s like she’s wearing nothing but a t-shirt now, the way the dress rides on her hips, just above her panties, which are definitely hugging her waist and her crotch.
His hypothesis proven, Shigure knows what he has to do, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Reaching up, he grabs Enkidu by the shoulders and spins her around, a grin on his face.
“I’ll need you to come with me, Enkidu. From my inspection, it seems you’re dressed most inappropriately… so we’ll have to get you out of the public eye. Come along now.”
Enkidu blinks owlishly at that, while at the same time clearly being flushed from all of the touching and all of the sensations coursing through her body. She fidgets and squirms but doesn’t put up any sort of real fight as Shigure places a hand on the small of her back and leads her back down the hallway towards his original destination, his bedroom.
Once they’ve arrived, Shigure watches as Enkidu steps into the center of the room, still looking somewhat baffled by what he wants from her. That’s alright though, he doesn’t necessarily need her understanding. By the time he’s done with her, she’ll understand plenty… and have a whole new outlook on life, if he does it right.
“Did you like what I did with your hips, Enkidu? Do you like how they feel now? I noticed that you found walking a little easier on the way here.”
Blinking at that, the Servant looks down at her flared child-birthing hips and then cranes her neck back to stare at her ass, still a little nonplussed… but in the end, she also nods shyly when she looks back to him.
“A-Ah, yes Master. Walking did feel better after you were done…”
Shigure isn’t all that surprised. After all, Enkidu’s feminine mind was making her sashay her hips back and forth. But there was a reason that a woman’s hips tended to naturally sway back and forth while a man’s did not, and it had to do with the difference in shape between the two genders more than anything else. Enkidu, who had been genderless before, hadn’t had a defined shape, which had made her hips closer to that of a man’s than anything else. Though, not so much that it would truly hurt to sway her hips back and forth, only enough to make it not quite natural for her to do so.
Now though, he’d watched as she truly found her stride on the way to his quarters. Even the small change he’d already made to Enkidu’s bland genderless body had been helpful. But he was far from done. Smirking, he gestures to the bed.
“Then I’d like to do some more, now that you know I’m helping. Go ahead and take off your clothes for me and lay on the bed, alright? Then we’ll begin.”
Enkidu looks to the bed for a moment, before ultimately nodding again and grabbing the hem of her short dress. She shucks it over her head in one smooth motion, and then thumbs the waistband of her panties and pulls them down over her new hips and her perky bubble butt, all the way down her legs. Meanwhile, Shigure finds himself studying the clay Servant from the get-go. Besides the work he’s already done, Enkidu is as bland and genderless as she was before. It was only her mentality that was shifted.
That’s alright though, because Shigure knows he can work with what he’s been given. As Enkidu strips and lays down on the bed like she’s been told to, Shigure takes off his top and his shoes and his pants as well, leaving himself in nothing but his boxers and his socks when he climbs onto the bed and over the top of his new sculpting material.
He doesn’t fail to notice the way Enkidu goes even redder at the sight of his chest and the rest of his mostly naked body, her eyes gliding up and down his form. Oh yeah, she was definitely of a feminine mentality now, and from the look of things, she’d been given at least something of an appreciation for the masculine form to go along with that mentality as well.
That was good. That was very good. But before Shigure can have his fun, he needs to finish transforming his clay doll into the visage of gorgeous femininity he knows she can be. Starting at her waist, Shigure begins to slim it down, using his enhanced strength to slowly sculpt the clay on her waist upwards. He gives Enkidu an hourglass figure of course, finishing what he started with the flared hips by using the excess clay from her now-thin waist to give her a pair of nice, squeezable, but ultimately modest breasts, sticking with a B-Cup. To be fair, it wasn’t like she had a wide waist to begin with, but honestly, Shigure preferred B-Cup on Enkidu anyways, so it all worked out for the best in the end.
Once he had her torso where he wanted it, pinching out little nipples to cap off each of her titties and rolling them between his fingers to make them proper nubs, Shigure moves on to the other bits of her. He takes hold of each of her hands next, and with painstaking focus, slowly slims down her fingers. Then, he goes about giving her long fluttery eyelashes, as well as a cute, feminine face. Her lips, which up until this point where pretty bland and formless like the rest of her, are turned into pouty, kissable things, the sort of lips that one would DEFINITELY find on a cutie with her modest tits and flared hips and perky behind.
Of course, while Enkidu is idle during this time, not doing anything to truly resist him, this does not mean she is unaffected or unresponsive by any stretch of the imagination. The entire while, the increasingly feminine clay Servant is fidgeting, blushing, and moaning from Shigure’s manipulation of her body. Every area that he touches provokes a reaction from her. But then, to be fair, most of what he’s touching ARE erogenous zones.
It’s not a surprise when she whimpers and mewls as he sculpts her small breasts and gives her nipples to cap them off. It’s not that shocking when her eyes fill with arousal as he purses her lips together and makes them more and more pouty and kissable. It’s a little interesting that she even reacts when he’s playing with her fingers, but then, Shigure is well aware that some of his Servants have a fetish even for something as mundane as handholding. He’s not that surprised that a formerly genderless being like Enkidu would like that sort of thing.
By the time Shigure is done with the outer bits, Enkidu is looking a LOT more like an actual woman, with all of the features that one would expect on a female figure. Of course, that didn’t change the fact that she was still made of clay, and not truly flesh and blood. That didn’t change the fact that at the end of the day, she was NOT anatomically correct.
Looking down between Enkidu’s creamy pale thighs, Shigure stares at the spot where a pussy WOULD be on a normal woman. Ever since he’d tested his hypothesis with her hips and ass, the young Master of Chaldea had known exactly what he wanted to do here. As such, reaching down, he grabs the waistband of his boxers and tugs at them, letting his rock-hard erection finally free of its confines.
Then, he brings his new ‘sculpting tool’ to bear on Enkidu’s crotch, reinforcing his cock with the same strength enhancements he’d used on his fingers in order to allow him to make Enkidu’s body so pliable and malleable under his touch. Prodding forward, pushing at the area between Enkidu’s legs, Shigure slowly forces his member into the pliably clay of the Servant’s body. He pushes a vagina into her, and then he begins to fuck her.
He’s not just going to stop, after all, just because he’s made the hole. After all, he’d made the hole… in order to make use of it. Thrusting up into Enkidu’s clay body without care for organs or a womb or a cervix or anything like that, Shigure is ultimately able to bury his entire length, a sizable member to be sure, inside of the clay of the feminized Servant’s crotch.
As his balls come to rest at the spot where Enkidu’s taint would be, he finds himself panting breathlessly… it feels good, there’s no denying that. It feels nice and tight, even though it doesn’t squeeze and clench around his cock rhythmically or sporadically like a normal pussy would, but instead just squeezes down the same amount all the time, fitted perfectly to his engorged, throbbing meat pillar.
Bringing himself back under control, Shigure reaches up and takes hold of Enkidu’s newly made breasts. However, he’s already stripped away the strength enhancements from his hand, leaving him to just grope and squeeze the soft boobflesh like he would a normal pair of tits, while his dick is the one pistoning in and out of Enkidu’s newly created vaginal passage, pounding away into the clay Servant as if she truly were just another woman.
But she’s not, and there’s something undeniably unique about this whole experience. In no time at all, Shigure lets out a shout as he finds himself unloading inside of Enkidu’s newly formed hole, his seed filling her freshly created passageway to the absolute brim and then some, the presence of his cock meat in her ‘pussy’ making more than a little of his cum leak out.
Pulling free of her, Shigure lays back, reclining on his bed and basking in the aftermath of what he’d just done, the sheer satisfaction of his very physical transformation of Enkidu, followed by his outright fucking of Enkidu. That was everything he’d hoped it would be from the very first moment that he’d realized he could manipulate the formerly genderless Servant’s body with nothing more than his hands and some enhanced strength.
Enkidu, meanwhile, takes a moment to recover. The clay Servant didn’t ever cum or anything like that, being distinctly incapable of orgasming, from the look of things. Or maybe he just hadn’t fucked her hard enough. She’d still felt it all though, and still experienced plenty of pleasure from the look of things. Regardless, as Shigure basks in his own glory, his ego growing a couple sizes larger now that he can solidly put ‘fucked a pussy into a bitch’ in his resume, Enkidu sits up on the bed.
Her face is atomic-red as she stares at Shigure with unreadable eyes, while her hands, her fingers now slender and feminine in a way they weren’t before, fidget down between her legs. Shigure figures she’s just checking out the work he’d done down there, and stares right back at her, giving her his raunchiest grin as if to say ‘Yeah, I did do that’.
As such, he’s a little surprised when a lewd smile suddenly spreads across Enkidu’s face from ear to ear, and as she pulls her hands away from her crotch, Shigure finds his eyes sliding down unconsciously, only to find that she hadn’t just been exploring what he’d made… she’d expanded upon it. It seemed that Enkidu had instincts for what she should look like, because Shigure wasn’t sure where she would have ever seen another pussy before now.

Regardless, the clay Servant has molded the hole that the young Master of Chaldea fucked into her further still, turning it into a proper pussy with folds and a slit and even a clit-like nub right above it. Shigure’s cock re-hardens faster than it ever has in his life, while Enkidu licks her pouty, kissable lips and climbs on board, taking hold of Shigure’s cock in one of her hands and guiding it up into her, impaling herself on his dick right then and there.
She slides down his member and Shigure finds himself hitting an internally formed cervix after all, the entrance to Enkidu’s newly created womb giving slightly in the fact of his rock-hard, still-enhanced dick, but not all the way. Shigure grunts at the feeling, even as Enkidu leans over him, her eyes shining with love and pleasure, and her face nice and red as she bounces on his cock, moaning softly.
“T-Thank you, Master. Thank you, a-ah, for helping me t-to realize w-what, mm, these odd feelings I’ve been, o-ooh, having a-are…”
Shigure blinks at that, and chuckles, reaching up to slide a hand through Enkidu’s hair and pull her down into a kiss. After all, he wasn’t going to sculpt such perfectly kissable lips and then NOT partake in them. They makeout for a few moments, their tongues intertwining, and it definitely feels like kissing a woman, something Shigure is very familiar with. He pats himself on the back mentally, pleased with his own work.
When they eventually pull apart, Shigure gives Enkidu a wink.
“Not a problem. I was more than happy to help you find your true identity as a woman, Enkidu.”
Gasping and moaning as she raises herself up and then drops herself down onto his cock once again, Enkidu giggles girlishly and then shakes her head, smiling down at her Master.
“That’s not it at all, Master! I finally know that what I’ve been feeling is my desire to be Master’s personal sex toy, all this time~”
Shigure blinks at that, slightly taken aback by the sudden crass language from the normally calm and chill Servant. Enkidu continues to ride him, her hands grabbing his shoulders as she leans over him further, her small perky tits hanging right in front of him.
“Don’t stop now, Master… use me as you will~”
Well, Shigure isn’t about to say no to that, now is he? Leaning forward, the Master of Chaldea takes one of Enkidu’s tits into his mouth and then the other, sucking and slurping at both of her perfectly sculpted mammaries. Meanwhile, the clay Servant slams herself down onto Shigure’s cock hard enough to pierce right through her newly-made cervix and into her newly-formed womb, where he finds his previous load waiting for him.
As her cervix and her inner walls all begin to clench down around his cock, Enkidu seeming to be learning fast how to properly simulate a woman’s pleasure, Shigure groans, unable to prevent himself from going right over the edge as she milks his cock for everything that’s churning in his balls. Enkidu lets out a long, loud, wanton moan as this goes on, and if he didn’t know better, she’d say she was orgasming, right then and there along with him.
Perhaps he doesn’t know better, because after all is said and done, Enkidu collapses forward onto his chest, exhausted, his cock still buried in her pussy and a fucked silly expression stretches across her perfectly-molded, feminine face. Shigure just smiles as he brushes some stray hairs out of the clay Servant’s face.
Really, the only thing that’s missing on Enkidu’s part is bodily fluids. No pussy juices, no sweat to speak of… she’s exhausted herself bouncing up and down on his cock like she did, but she doesn’t have the perspiration or the sexual secretions to show for it. Hm, they would have to work on that, perhaps. Or turn to one of the myriad of magic users that lived within Chaldea. Merlin, maybe, could help in giving Enkidu the normal bodily fluids of a woman, perhaps.
Though at the same time, maybe it wasn’t important. Maybe Enkidu was perfect just the way she was now. She wasn’t a normal flesh and blood woman, after all, and she never had been. That was what made her so interesting and unique, right? Chuckling softly at his own inner debate, Shigure lays back and lets Enkidu rest on his chest as he too lets his eyes drift shut and sleep begin to claim him.
It had been a productive evening, to be sure. He’d made an artistic masterpiece… and then he’d fucked her to multiple completions.


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