Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 43: Fem!Goetia Pt. 2

As Goetia stalks towards the two of them, her newly grown futa cock in her hand, Roman is surprisingly calm and measured in tone, given her circumstances. And yet, there’s still a note of nervousness in her voice when she speaks. Still, that’s far better than Shigure would have expected. After all, he currently has his dick firmly shoved up the good doctor’s ass, so really, he’s a little surprised that she’s capable of talking at all.
“S-Shigure… what do you think you’re doing?”
Keeping her voice down, as if Goetia can’t hear every word they’re saying, Roman frantically whispers to Shigure… who just smiles, responding just as quietly, but not giving anything away in the face of the threat currently bearing down on them both.
“Trust me… and just try to enjoy what’s about to come.”
Roman doesn’t respond, either because she decides that there is no further response that will convince Shigure to put an end to this, or more likely, because Goetia is finally closing in on both of them, only a few steps away now, and taking those steps one by one, right up to the two of them. Looming over both Roman and Shigure, the currently futanari King of Demons smirks down at the very nervous doctor currently held in Shigure’s arms.
“I’m going to enjoy this…”
Then, she turns her gaze towards Shigure, his singular eye blinking once, before she ultimately dips her head at him.
“Thank you for the invitation.”

Taking that as a good sign that maybe, just maybe everything can still work out for the best, Shigure makes a point of glancing down at the large cock that Goetia has grown between her legs, and then smirking back at her.
“You’re welcome… though I have to wonder… are you sure you’re not compensating for something, oh King of Demons?”
Goetia scowls at the barb, for as much as a monster girl such as herself CAN scowl. Her big eye narrows and her veiny cheeks pink up ever so slightly. Still, she doesn’t attack or anything like that. Her most aggressive move is to take her giant dick that she’s currently holding and shove it right up into her ‘mother’s’ pussy. Roman’s eyes go wide, her jaw drops open, and for a moment all is silent. It’s clear that the good doctor was NOT expecting the sudden impalement, even if that was obviously what was going to happen, one way or another. Perhaps she just wasn’t expecting it to happen quite so quickly.
Regardless, the moment of silence passes, and Goetia’s first thrust elicits a long, keening moan from the woman currently sandwiched between the two of them. A renewed smirk on her own lips, Goetia chuckles darkly as she meets Shigure’s eyes over Roman’s shoulder.
“My mother begs to differ, it would seem. In fact, I’d say that she’s enjoying my cock far more than yours, oh Master of Chaldea.”
Large monstrous claws latch onto Roman’s hips, and Goetia begins to thrust forward into the helpless, hapless doctor’s cunt, fucking the woman with deep, penetrating thrusts that Shigure is forced to answer, lest he end up falling flat on his ass from the sheer strength behind Goetia’s movements. Up until now, he wasn’t bouncing Roman up and down on his cock or anything like that. He’d simply used his enhanced strength to pick up the doctor before she could react, and subsequently impale her on his dick so that he could use her as a peace offering for Goetia.
Now though, Shigure begins to thrust as well, forced to do so in order to keep his footing. He solidifies his stance, spreading his legs apart ever so slightly, and relies on his magical enhancements to keep him in place, even as he matches Goetia thrust for thrust, fucking Roman hard in the ass, even as Goetia plows her ‘mother’ right in her cunt. They can feel each other through Roman’s body, they both know how deep they’re getting… but there’s no denying that the cock Goetia has grown for herself is larger than Shigure’s by a fair margin, hence his compensating crack.
Ah, but the King of Demons had given as good as she’d got, and now it was up to Shigure to offer some sort of rejoinder. Only a minute into the two of them sandwiching and double-penetrating Roman between them, he does so, bantering back at Goetia, even if he never in a million years thought that this was the way the battle would turn.
“Size isn’t everything, King of Demons. Once I take my turn with her, Roman will forget all about your virgin prick.”
That elicits another growl from Goetia, but it’s more playful than angry, more lusty than bloodlusty. The genre has been well and truly flipped on it’s head, as Shigure is best at doing. Rather than a world ending battle, they’re now engaged in a sexual competition in which they fuck Goetia’s ‘mother’ between them.
So, rather than batting Shigure’s head off of his shoulders with a swipe of her claws as she very well might have been able to, Goetia responds to his taunt by delivering an extra deep thrust into Roman’s quim, bashing up against her cervix and the entrance to the good doctor’s womb and causing her to yelp and squeal as she clutches instinctively at her creation’s shoulders.
“Then I’ll just have to make sure that I gape out my mother’s pussy enough that she won’t even be able to feel your tiny thing!”
Shigure just lets out a laugh at that, still fucking Roman’s ass from behind, more out of necessity than anything else, still matching Goetia thrust for thrust to keep the King of Demons from completely overpowering them both and sending them all crashing to the ground. Looking Goetia in her single, solitary eye, he smirks easily.
“You certainly didn’t have any complaints when I was plowing you just a bit ago, King of Demons.”
As the two engage in this back and forth banter, as they snipe at one another with veiled and not-so-veiled barbs, their faces have been slowly, ever so slowly, drawing closer together. By the last comment, their lips are mere centimeters apart, and it’s not certain whether Goetia will respond with words or action… and then Roman decides to speak up, the moron.
“D-Don’t… don’t I, ah, get a, mm, say in a-any of this?”
Snapped out of the trance that they’d both subconsciously fallen into, Master and Beast pull away in unison, hot blushes blossoming across their respective faces. Then, they properly register Roman’s request and respond in unison.
“Absolutely not!”
With a simultaneous denial to Roman’s question, the both of them redouble their fucking of her, pounding away into her holes. Shigure is pretty sure that he feels the moment when Goetia batters down her ‘mother’s’ cervix and fills her womb with her futanari dick directly, because Roman’s asshole tightens up even more, and the good doctor cries out, tossing her head back in a mixture of feelings and sensations.
It’s not long before the two of them end up cumming, filling both Roman’s ass and quim with their seed. But that doesn’t mean this is over yet, not by a long shot. Shigure can see the intent in Goetia’s eyes, so he holds his position, and holds Roman as well, until ultimately Goetia pulls out of her ‘mother’s’ pussy and takes a step back. Allowing Roman to fall forward, Shigure watches as the King of Demons catches her ‘mother’ by the hair, leaving her eye-to-dick with her huge futa cock.
“No more words out of you, mother. Let’s put that mouth to better use, shall we?”
As Goetia plugs up Roman’s mouth, stuffing her cock past the female doctor’s lips, Shigure transitions his grip to Roman’s waist and pulls out of the woman’s ass, transferring his dick from her back door to her pussy and sliding in with ease. That’s not to say Roman is too lose for him or anything like that though, the female pussy is relatively elastic in situations like this. The whole concept of a ‘loose woman’ or what not was invented purely by the male ego, at the end of the day.
There’s no denying that he’s having Goetia’s sloppy seconds however, but Shigure doesn’t mind all that much. It just makes Roman even slicker, allowing him to fuck in and out of the good doctor all the harder and faster, even as she moans around Goetia’s cock, slurping at it, but also gagging and choking on the massive futa member as the King of Demons shoves her newly grown length down Roman’s throat again and again.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Chuckling, Shigure gives Roman’s hips a squeeze, before looking at Goetia with a wicked grin as the doctor cums around his cock.
“Mm, I don’t know… she’s still plenty tight, King of Demons.”
Goetia lets out a harrumph and sticks her non-existent nose in the air, tilting her chin up, even as she grips her ‘mother’s’ hair and fucks Roman’s face, humping away at the good doctor with mechanical precision.
“Hmph. Only because I decided to take mercy on you and not ruin her completely. You’re welcome, Master of Chaldea.”
Shigure just laughs. It’s madness, all of it. Seriously, he never would have expected something like this to happen. Even as he plows Roman silly, fucking into her deeper and deeper by the moment, part of him has to acknowledge how… insane this was. It was one thing for Tiamat to transform Goetia into a monster girl that he could then fuck into oblivion.
That… that actually kind of made sense, if you knew Shigure and how he’d run (and corrupted) Chaldea. Really, it was entirely on brand for him, at the end of the day. The problem was of course, that it hadn’t quite gone to plan, if the hastily performed actions after Tiamat’s big sacrifice play could even be called a ‘plan’. Roman had shown up, and nearly ruined everything.
And now here they were, sex still seeming to save the day… but not in a way Shigure ever would have expected. Rather than his dick conquering all like it always did, he was instead developing a strange sort of mutual respect and camaraderie with… the King of Demons herself? As the two of them continue their banter, they spit-roast Roman between them, and Shigure can tell that Goetia’s pleasure is growing, more and more.
It’s coming now… she’s on her last legs and he’s pretty sure she doesn’t even realize it. One release from her futanari prick was one thing… but a second? As Shigure and Goetia reach mutual climax a second time, as they both unload a second batch of seed into Roman, who at this point is fucked right out of her mind with pleasure, hanging limply between the two of them, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue writhing alongside the underside of Goetia’s cock… it happens.
Goetia’s connection to her final Demon Pillar snaps, and Shigure can see the exact moment that she realizes what he’s done in her big, solitary eye as it widens and looks at him, almost seeming a little… betrayed.
“You… you tricked me.”
Shigure catches Roman, as Goetia stumbles back, slowly dropping the good doctor down to the ground, his messy cock slipping out of her twice-creampied cunt.
“I did no such thing. You knew what would happen, how could you not? You’d felt it over seventy times before now, after all. Did you think just because I was no longer fucking you, that the pleasure of laying with humanity wouldn’t destroy your last remaining connection to the Demon Pillars? You’re a smart one, Goetia. You knew this would be your end. You chose it anyways. Deep down inside, I think you even wanted it.”
Goetia’s mouth opens and closes without sound at that, even as a flush of embarrassment spreads across her face, likely marking Shigure as correct in this instance. Regardless, with her anchors gone and her unable to retain her Beasthood through… a rather ridiculous manner, Goetia fades away. Shigure watches her go, not as joyous as he thought he would be, more solemn than anything. He figures he owes her at least this much, taking it all in as she fades out of existence entirely.
Without the King of Demons to control Ars Almadel Salomonis, the bands of light lose their cohesion and begin to break apart the Timeless Temple of Ars Paulina. Knowing that their time here is now limited and not nearly as ‘timeless’ as it was before, Shigure sighs and reaches down, scooping up the freshly fucked Romani and tucking her under an arm as he turns and nods to Mash.
They make their way back to the Rayshift point as the temple collapses behind them, Shigure with Roman tucked under his arm, and Mash with Mini Tiamat safely tucked away between her breasts, snug in her cleavage. With Mash leading the way, they make good time to the exit… however, before they can quite make it through, before they can even make it all the way there, something stops them. No, not something… someone. Someone steps out of nothingness and stands in their way.
The group comes to a halt, eyes wide as they take in the sight before them. Deep down inside, Shigure knows immediately who it is, but it takes him a little while to accept it. It’s a woman, an actual human woman… at least, mostly. Her skin is pale but still a healthy human color, her face, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and lips, is an entirely human face. And her hair, spiky and all over the place, as well as halfway down her back, is nonetheless blonde human hair.
However, there is a darkness that encompasses a portion of her body. Her entire left arm, rather than being human like her right arm, is instead a mass of shadows taking the form of a truly monstrous, black claw. Across her breasts, as if covering her chest, there are more of these shadows, creeping along, twisting and swirling in shape.
Meanwhile, her entire right leg is also made of shadow, and it covers her crotch too, leaving her modesty protected across the board, in a way. Regardless, even if she’s taken on a new form, there’s only one person this can be. Even if she’s more of a person than ever before now, Shigure knows her on sight, instinctively.
It’s Goetia. No longer a monster girl, no longer a Beast… she’s nevertheless standing before them, standing in their way, stopping them from leaving… or more precisely, stopping HIM from leaving. Goetia’s two eyes are fixed solely on him. Not Mash, not Tiamat, not her mother tucked under Shigure’s arm. Only him. She stares at him, at his face, with a longing that Shigure knows quite well. She’s looking at him with the face of a woman in pure, unadulterated lust.
In fact, Shigure’s already beginning to formulate a hypothesis for how this has happened, even as Goetia steps forward and lifts up her human arm, pointing at him. He’s pretty sure, though of course he’s not a scientist or anything like that… that the King of Demons (though he was pretty sure as well that she couldn’t really be called that anymore) had resurrected herself through sheer force of Lust. Which… needless to say, was fairly impressive.
“You! You don’t get to leave! Not after everything! You’re mine, and I’m not planning on letting you escape my love!”
… Yeah, that was about Shigure’s luck. That was about what he’d come to expect from the wildlife he lived these days. Chuckling, he prepares to offer Goetia a response when Mash steps in front of him, his demiservant, heck, his very first servant, preparing to fight and defend her Master. The chuckle dies on his lips and Shigure’s face becomes more solemn as he reaches out and grabs Mash by the shoulder, stopping her from springing forward.
“No, Mash.”
His demiservant looks back at him with her single visible eye widening in disbelief.
“B-But Master, I can’t let her have you! I won’t let her take you!”
Shigure just chuckles and hands Roman off to his loyal kohai. He gives Mash a reassuring smile, and a pat on the bum for good measure that has her blushing and stammering up a storm.
“I’ll be fine, Mash. Now, be a good dear and go on ahead for me, alright? I’ll deal with Goetia and join you soon.”
Mash still waffles, and Shigure is a little impressed by the amount of spine that she’s showing, at least to him. The fact that she’s willing to stand up to him on this… it only shows how much she loves him. Still, Shigure is not one to be disobeyed. Cutting off whatever she might have said in return with a sharp wave of his hand, Shigure expends one of his Command Seals.
“That was an order, Mash. Go, now.”
And while she might have been able to resist, Mash would never do such a thing, no matter what he used the command seal to make her do. In fact, he probably didn’t need to use the command seal. At the end of the day, it’s more about making a point of how serious he is, then actually forcing her to obey. With lightning fast speed, Mash disappears with Roman and Tiamat into the Rayshift point, leaving Shigure and Goetia alone.
Standing there still naked, having not bothered with redressing as they were fleeing the temple, Shigure nonetheless feels completely in his element as he takes up a casual stance and watches Goetia, who drools slightly as she gazes hungrily at Shigure’s body, a heavy blush on her face as she pants with need. Ultimately, she licks her lips, stepping forward.
Here and now… one way or another… Shigure knew this would be their final confrontation. A slow smile spreads across his face as he raises one hand towards the former King of Demons, now turned mostly human woman… and curls his four fingers back, beckoning her to him in a taunting challenge.
Really, he’d have it no other way.


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