Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 45: Elizabeth Bathory

Not for the first time, Shigure winces as Liz’s voice reaches a new pitch, getting far too high for his tastes. Then she keeps shouting, positively screaming really, as she ‘sings’ her lyrics. Elizabeth Bathory. Also known as the Blood Countess, or Countess Dracula. A dragon girl, in every possible definition of the moniker.
And Shigure had taken it upon himself to be her manager. Because as it turned out, his newest Servant… wanted to be an Idol. Yeah, ever since he’d saved humanity from Goetia, the world was suddenly a lot more populated again. But Chaldea was still there and still his. He had made sure that he had complete control of the place… and he would keep complete control of the place for the rest of his life if he had anything to say about it.
Regardless, with the fact that there was now a world beyond Chaldea again, as well as the realization by some of his summoned Servants that they weren’t going back to the Throne of Heroes anytime soon… some had taken it upon themselves to try new things. Or more accurately, to pick up things that they’d already decided they were doing.
Liz had declared herself to be a world-famous Idol from the first moment that Shigure had summoned her. Dressed in her skimpy little costume and wielding a microphone, Shigure could very well believe it. She was certainly enough of a prima donna to be an Idol, truth be told. Of course, when he’d first summoned her, there hadn’t BEEN a world outside of Chaldea, so it was easy for her to make the claim. Now that humanity was back in business… well, Liz was becoming upset that she wasn’t well-renowned practically everywhere, right away.
Which led them to what they were doing right now. Shigure had promised that he would set up a concert for Liz, and that he would get her on stage, not only in front of thousands of fans, but also recorded and streamed live to millions around the world. However, he’d added the caveat that Liz had to impress him first, had to practice hard, and had to truly wow him in rehearsals a few times before he would set it all up for her.
To her credit, Elizabeth had taken his words very seriously, and the Servant was constantly practicing, day after day. Of course, part of this practicing involved her dragging him in to listen to her screech into her mike for hours on end, and Shigure had to admit… that was starting to well and truly wear on him. As Liz starts belting out yet another stanza of one of the songs, he’d had written for her, acting like she’s in a Death Metal Band rather than a solo Idol, Shigure runs one hand down his face and lifts up the other to bring her to a stop.
“Liz… LIZ! That’s enough!”
The dragon girl idol pauses and stops screaming, blinking owlishly as she steps away from the microphone and looks at Shigure.
“What’s the matter, deerlet? Why’d you stop me?”
Shigure groans and contemplates the best way to explain things to the Servant. Because, at the end of the day… she really does have a nice singing voice. It’s just that anything good about said singing voice is in turn swallowed up by Liz’s inability to modulate her volume. She doesn’t sing, she screams. And he’s pretty sure everyone BUT the pink-haired dragon girl realizes it too.
“You’re still too loud, Liz. You need to learn how to keep your voice down. You don’t need to shout it… you need to sing it.”
Furrowing her brow in confusion, Elizabeth plants a finger on her lips, striking a thinking pose that has her tits jutting outwards a little as she hums to herself.
“… No, I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about that, deerlet! Louder is always better!”
Shigure rolls his eyes at the second use of the term of endearment that this particular Servant had decided to address him by. Truly, he preferred it when they called him Master, most of the time… but not every Servant did so, and he’d gotten used to the outliers such as Liz here.
“Louder isn’t always better, Liz.”
“But then, how will people hear me?! You said I’d be performing in front of thousands of fans, deerlet!”
The young Master of Chaldea resists the urge to facepalm for all of half a second before he gives in and does exactly that. Letting out another frustrated groan, Shigure shakes his head again.
“You’ll be singing into a microphone, Elizabeth. That mike is in turn hooked up to very large speakers, that will be blasting your pretty voice all across the area. I assure you, everyone will be able to hear you, even if you were to whisper.
Liz beams and does a little twirl, as carefree as ever.
“Aww, you think my voice is pretty? You’re the best manager an Idol of my caliber could ask for, you know that?”
Shigure rubs the bridge of his nose, feeling the tension headache already building there.
“Liz… can we try just once where you don’t scream the lyrics? Just… sing normally, one time.”
When he looks up at her hopefully, it’s to find Liz is pouting at him. She’s giving him puppy dog eyes… or is it baby dragon eyes? Either way, she’s got her lower lip jutting out and even has it wobbling as her eyes water, though no tears actually form. Shigure takes one look at her… and deadpans. Really, if puppy dog eyes worked on him, he wouldn’t BE the Master of Chaldea at this point. He’d be the bitch boi of Chaldea, the submissive loser of a dozen cuties who walked all over him and made him do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.
… The world would probably be fucked. Luckily for the world and everyone who lived on it, Shigure didn’t just lie down and take it. He wasn’t going to continue letting Liz screech his ear off and never get anywhere with all of this just because she pouted at him or something. Though, thinking about all of this, Shigure was starting to have a bit of an epiphany…
“Actually, I have an idea.”
Rising from where he’d been sitting up until this point, Shigure begins to approach his wayward draconic Servant. As he does so, he can’t help but take in her appearance. Elizabeth Bathory is… not quite what one would expect from someone with a title like ‘Countless Dracula’. However, she’s exactly what you would expect from a girl proclaiming to be a world-famous Idol.
Her hair is a hot pink color that is in turn matched by the scales smattered across her body. Her dress, meanwhile, is a black, pink, and white ensemble with quite a lot of frills, as well as a very skimpy top portion. Her breasts, while small, are still almost entirely on display, with only thin straps of black fabric attached to a choker around her neck to properly hide them from view. On top of that, she has pink claws instead of normal fingers, and is wearing arm-length, frilly detached sleeves.
Moving into position behind her, Shigure grabs Liz by her waist and places her back in front of the microphone she’d abandoned earlier. He then shifts his grip to her hips and yanks her lower half back a little, forcing her to arch her back as he juts her ass out in his direction. From beneath her frilly skirt comes a long black and pink dragon’s tail, matching the dark pink draconic horns atop her head perfectly.
Her legs spread wide, and even though she’s wearing high heels, Liz manages to keep her balance, though she does gasp a little at Shigure’s touch and forcefulness, looking back over her shoulder at him with her wide light blue eyes.
“Deerlet? What are you up to?”
Shigure doesn’t answer her verbally, at least not right away. Instead, he slides his hands along her frilly skirt and then up and under it. He moves his grip onto her body itself, and soon has his thumbs hooked into the waistband of her panties. Yanking them down roughly, Shigure brings Liz’s undergarments all the way to her knees, exposing her crotch to open air. Only then, as she lets out a quiet ‘eep!’, does he say anything.
“It’s obvious that you’re having a hard time modulating your volume on your own. So, I’m going to help you, Elizabeth. Together, we’re going to find that sweet spot that will let your singing voice really shine through.”
Liz sputters at that, blushing profusely and frowning in consternation.
“W-What? I don’t see how, a-ah~”
He’s not even inside of her yet. All Shigure has done is bring his fingers up to her pussy lips in an effort to locate her entrance since her frilly dress is in the way of him eyeballing it. At the same time, his other hand is working open his pants so he can pull out his big fat cock and lay some pipe, so to speak. However, the young Master of Chaldea pauses when he feels something… unexpected.
Furrowing his brow, Shigure pulls his fingers away from Liz’s moist slit and grabs the hem of her cute frilly dress, yanking the skirt up and over her tushie in its entirety, exposing her bottom and her naked cunt to his eyes. What he finds there is exactly what he already felt, but it’s no less surprising. Perhaps it shouldn’t be, really. He already knew that Liz wasn’t a normal human girl. She was a dragon girl, through and through.
So, he supposed it made sense that her pussy lips would be covered in scales. All around her pussy and asshole, there were these tiny sensitive scales, and they were the same neon hot pink as her hair. Humming, noticing that Liz hasn’t made a single sound since he last touched them, Shigure reaches down again and experimentally flicks his fingers across her scaled pussy lips.
The dragon girl eeps once more, shivering and shuddering as she stays frozen where she is, bent over the microphone in front of her. Just as he thought, she’s very, very sensitive down there. Grinning a little bit, Shigure takes hold of his cock with one hand, and ahold of Liz’s hip with the other. Then, lining himself up properly, he pushes his length into the dragon girl’s snatch, filling her twat with his girthy hard-on and eliciting a surprised yelp of pleasure from the wanna-be idol.
“A-Ah! D-Deerlet! S-So forward!”
Shigure rolls his eyes once more at the term of endearment, even as he pushes deep into Liz’s depths. Once he’s lodged pretty damn far up into her hole, however, Shigure stops and begins to speak.
“I’m going to- what the heck?”
As Shigure was speaking, he’d brought one of his hands up and had grabbed hold of one of Liz’s horns. He’d only done so in order to force her head back so that he could look her in the eye and make sure that she heard what he was saying. However, in the middle of his sentence, a massive wanton (and frankly melodic) moan had left Liz’s throat as he gripped down hard on her horn and pulled back, and suddenly Shigure was having his cock milked for all it was worth as the dragon girl came her brains out on his dick, right then and there.
Pausing for a moment, Shigure stares at Liz’s ahegaoing face. Then, he looks to his hand still on her horn. Then, he looks back to her stupid, silly expression. Slowly, Shigure let’s go of the dragon girl’s horn and places his hand in her hair instead. Not immediately, but swiftly enough for it not to matter overly much, Liz’s ahegaoing expression clears up. Her eyes roll forward in her skull again, and her twitching tongue slips back into her mouth as she blinks dumbly.
With his grip on her hot pink hair, Shigure pulls her head back all the same, forcing her to look at him.
“… What was that?”
Blushing prettily, the dragon girl squirms in his grasp. But she’s also still impaled on his cock right now, so it’s not like she’s going anywhere.
“J-Jeez, deerlet… you’re a bit TOO forward, don’t you think? Touching a dragon’s h-horns like that… d-don’t you know? A d-dragon’s horns are the most sensitive part of a dragon’s body. P-Playing with them is enough to make any dragon ahegao hardcore, just from the touch! You… you should be n-nicer. It’s quite mean to mess around with me like this…”
Well, that was interesting. And good to know. But it didn’t exactly solve the current problem they were facing, now did it? Keeping his grip firmly on Liz’s hair for the time being, though he does eye those horns of her speculatively as he does so, Shigure clears his throat and continues on.
“… Right. Here’s what’s going to happen, Liz. I’m going to put you through some extra-special voice training. I’ll tell you how that’s going to go right now. I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you hard. You’re going to love it. However, you’ve got to keep your voice down, because if you get too loud, I’ll stop fucking you hard. Make sense?”
Liz furrows her brow cutely in confusion and shakes her head as best she can with her hair trapped in his grip.
“No, that doesn’t make sense at all dee- eeeeek!!!”
Before she can finish that sentence, Shigure begins to fuck her. He does just as he said he would, fucking her nice and hard. The little scales that make up her pussy lips are… an interesting and unique experience for him. But if he had to guess, they make it even more pleasurable for Liz, given the way she’s immediately moaning wantonly.
However, after a few minutes of this, Shigure stops, pausing as he continues to grip tightly at Liz’s hair.
“Start singing, Liz. Come on now, from the top.”
Thoroughly convinced by Shigure’s cock at this point, the dragon girl gives a half-nod.
And sing she does… or at least tries to. As Liz attempts to rehearse, Shigure keeps fucking her from behind, plowing into her cunt nice and hard. But eventually, she starts to get loud again. He’s pretty sure that she simply can’t hear herself at this point, but even tone-deaf people can be taught how to sing, at the end of the day. So, when Liz gets too loud, Shigure stops. He leaves himself buried inside of her clenching quim, but he doesn’t move a muscle.
It works, too. That first time, Liz falters and stops dead for a moment, clearly confused as to why she’s no longer getting fucked by the young Master of Chaldea’s big fat dick. However, she quickly figures it out, and when she starts singing again a moment later, she’s quiet again. So Shigure starts thrusting away once more. Eventually her voice starts to reach a higher and higher pitch, until she’s positively screeching and screaming the lyrics, so Shigure has to stop once more.
That second time, Liz doesn’t stop singing, but she DOES lower her voice dramatically. Smiling in approval, Shigure continues to plow the ever-living daylights out of the dragon girl. He fucks her long and hard, ramming into her cunt again and again… until she gets too loud again, her moans and cries and her so-called singing reaching truly horrendous levels, at which point he ceases fucking her, full stop, and waits until she’s modulated her volume to acceptable levels once more.
Through this, through the next hour and a half of rehearsal, Shigure manages to teach Liz what a respectable volume is. He manages to show the dragon girl precisely how loud she can be without shouting and screaming everything. Eventually, under his ‘tutelage’, Liz manages to get her moans and cries, as well as her singing, down to acceptable levels.
During this time, Shigure doesn’t JUST fuck the smoking hot dragon girl, of course. He stays away from her horns for the time being, but that doesn’t mean he can’t slide his hands around her body, pulling aside the black straps that barely cover up her small tits, and molest and maul her cute little breasts to his heart’s content. The dragon girl’s nipples turn out to be just as sensitive as her scaled pussy lips, and Shigure draws orgasm after orgasm from Liz, all while forcing her to learn to modulate her volume, lest he stop suddenly and leave her utterly in the lurch.
When she seems to finally have it down, finishing up the last song of the proposed concert set that he’d made for her without screeching even a single time, Shigure smiles and leans forward, nipping at her ear before murmuring to her.
“Good job, Liz. You did well… are you ready for your reward?”
The would-be Idol is panting profusely by this point, clearly exhausted, both from all of the singing and all of the fucking. But that doesn’t stop her from nodding and giving him a rather quiet affirmative.
“… Y-Yes please.”
Grinning wickedly, Shigure reaches up and grabs hold of Liz’s horns, gripping them both tightly at the same exact time. Then, he starts to REALLY fuck her. Ever since he’d discovered just how sensitive the horns atop her head were, Shigure had known he was going to do this, known that this was going to be the grand finale. Going wild, fucking Liz’s dragon pussy like the beast she truly is, Shigure slams home into the ahegaoing pink-haired Idol’s cunt again and again and again.
Liz, of course, immediately loses it… but only partially. Yes, she’s ahegaoing stupidly and climaxing all over the place, but she’s not loud about it. To Shigure’s honest surprise, even now, even as he pushes himself to the edge of release and then over it, even as he FILLS her womb to the brim with his seed… Liz manages to keep her moaning to an acceptable volume, all while her body shakes and spasms from one final orgasm.
His training as worked even better than he thought, it seems. Though when he finally lets go of her horns and pulls out of her creampied quim, Shigure can’t help but wonder if he maybe over did it. Liz’s eyes remain rolled back in her head and her tongue stays lolled out of her mouth as she stays where she is, bent over the microphone stand in front of her, still twitching, still spasming, his cum slowly leaking out of her freshly fucked cunt.
… Eh, she’d probably be fine, eventually.
More than fine, as it turned out. In the end, after a few more ‘training’ sessions in which Liz proved able to sing at a proper volume again and again, even when ahegaoing uselessly all over his cock, Shigure decided that she was ready for Idoldom. So, true to his word, he held a concert for the dragon girl, using his weight and pull as Chaldea’s young Master to convince every single resident in Chaldea to come watch.
Needless to say, rumors of Liz’s ‘singing’ have more than circulated by this point, so Shigure really does have to throw his weight around to get everyone to show up. They all expect it to be terrible… which is why they’re all incredibly stunned when Liz comes out on the hastily constructed stage and blows them out of the water. Of course, the dragon girl always had all of the moves down. She always had the look. And, as Shigure well knew, she’d always had the voice, simply hidden under her incessant need to screech like a banshee.
After curing Liz of that last bit, she was all too ready to take center stage and flaunt her stuff. In the end, unable to believe what was happening, all of Chaldea stood or sat in silence, stunned to find that Liz was in fact an amazing singer and an amazing Idol as well. As the concert finally came to a close, it was Shigure that started the clap, but the rest of Chaldea quickly joined him in giving the dragon girl plenty of applause and cheering.
Happy beyond belief, a wide smile on her face even as tears well up in her eyes, Liz gives a few bows before thrusting her hands towards him.
“Deerlet! Get over here!”
Shigure chuckles and makes his way up onto the stage, only to immediately get glomped by the overeager dragon girl, who after pouncing on him, proceeds to make out with him right then and there, her tongue questing into his mouth to find his as they lock lips, unconcerned (and even welcoming) of the audience spectating their intimate moment.


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