Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 48: Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I & Mk. II

It was done. Once again, Shigure was victorious. The day was saved… and now it was time to reap the rewards of his latest success. With Csejte Pyramid Himeji Castle conquered to the T, Shigure just had one option left before him, it seemed.
“Now that everything is fixed… one of us would be willing to return with you to Chaldea, young Master. However, it can only be one of us. The other must remain behind to act as the guardian for the Himeji Castle.”
Right, that was the dilemma before him now. Shigure presses his lips tightly together as he regards the two robotic girls standing before him. Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I… and Mecha Eli-chan Mk. II. They’re rather similar in appearance, but where they most differ is in color scheme. The Mark One Mecha Eli-chan has a bit of a pink motif, just like the actual Elizabeth Bathory. Meanwhile, the Mark Two Mecha Eli-chan has more of a light blue motif to her… as well as the large roman numeral II pressed into her metal forehead.
Both girls are undeniably robotic, and very much artificial intelligences. Though, when it came to Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I, there was no denying that she was slightly more human in her facial construction. Mk. II was just that much more robotic. And yet, that didn’t make it any easier for Shigure. How was he supposed to choose between the two of them, when his selfish nature compelled him to desire both? He wouldn’t feel complete without having the both of them back at Chaldea with him… he really had developed a sort of ‘gotta catch them all’ mentality when it came to his Servants. Was it any wonder, when so many of them turned out to be beautiful girls?
Not that Shigure expected to have sex with either of the robot girls in front of him. Unfortunately, he was pretty sure that they weren’t built for sex with a human man in mind. It really was too bad, because Shigure would definitely leap at the chance to get a taste of some robo-pussy… but alas, sometimes you didn’t always get what you wanted. And yet, Shigure wasn’t as willing to accept that when it came to bringing them both back with him.
Frowning, the young Master of Chaldea shakes his head.
“Couldn’t you both come back with me, and just take turns checking in on this place? Really, now that the troubles have been dealt with by yours truly, there’s not much danger anymore, right? So perhaps one of you doesn’t need to spend the rest of your life here… perhaps you can just stop by every once in a while…”
Mk. I and Mk. II exchange looks at that, and Shigure can well imagine a silent conversation passing between the two of them… possibly quite literally as it so happened. They were after all AIs; he had no idea what sort of connection they might share that would allow them to communicate outside of his range of hearing. Regardless, after a long moment passes, they turn back to him and Mk. I smiles slightly as she shakes her head.
“We expected this, young Master. In order to help you make your decision, we’ll go ahead and… persuade you properly. Whichever of us turns out to be more impressive, you can take with you.”
And that’s when things get weird from Shigure’s perspective… but in a wholly good way, of course. Retracting their metal skirts into their chassis, the two mechas expose themselves to Shigure. Now, because they were robot girls, this normally wouldn’t be an issue, there wouldn’t BE anything to expose, just like Shigure had assumed there wouldn’t. Except there was. Nestled between their sleek, iron legs, framed by ample hips, were a pair of metal pussy lips on both Mecha Eli-chans.
Shigure gapes for a moment, before clicking his jaw shut and staring at the two mechas in honest bafflement. Mk. I just beams slightly, clearly pleased that they managed to get one over on him.
“Yes, young Master… I and my Mk. II counterpart have gone out of our way to get a couple of… upgrades so to speak, so that whichever one you choose to take with you to Chaldea will be able to serve you properly once there.”
Mk. I finishes her simple explanation with a sultry wink directed at Shigure, and a lick of her lips. Meanwhile, Mk. II glances away shyly when he looks in her direction, two circles of pink light blinking into existence on each of her metal cheeks, signifying that the robotic maiden was in fact, blushing under his scrutiny.
Needless to say, once he gets passed his surprise, Shigure is more than a little intrigued. Stepping forward, he brings a hand up to each of the mechas’ crotches as they in turn stand perfectly still. But then of course they do, they were essentially offering themselves up on a silver platter for him as it were. Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I had literally told him to go ahead and take them both for a spin to figure out which one was best to take back to Chaldea.
Of course, even as Shigure pushes his palm against each of their crotches, feeling and fingering their iron pussies, the young Master of Chaldea is still contemplating just how he could go about snagging both of them, somehow. At the same time though, he’s finding himself very distracted by what he’s playing with right now. They’re nothing like any pussy he’s ever fondled and fingered before, that’s for sure.
The mechas’ twin cunts are solid, being made of metal as they are, but with some small amount of give, as though they’re spring-loaded to allow the lips to push apart. They also, once he’s been fingering them for a bit, begin to produce some sort of lubricant in response to his ministrations. As Shigure slips his fingers up into the two robot girls, effectively molesting them both where they stand, the two have very different reactions to his touch.
Mk. I moans loudly and lewdly at the sensations, the pinkish AI not even trying to hide her pleasure. It’s obvious that along with the pussy upgrades that the two gave themselves, they’ve also added the sensation of touch and made their new cunts very sensitive erogenous zones indeed. Mk. I is incredibly vocal in expressing just how happy she is to have him inside of her, even if it’s just his fingers for the time being.
Meanwhile, Mk. II is much shyer about the whole situation. She tries with all her might to hold in her pleasure, trying to keep from letting out her own moans in such a wanton and loud way as Mk. I is. In the end though, she ultimately fails, her moans coming out a little softer, but no less lewd, mixed in with whimpering as they are. The circles of pink light on the more robotic of the two girls’ cheeks grow brighter still as Shigure draws moans from her.
In the end, it’s Mk. I who makes the next move. While Shigure continues his pleasuring of the both of them, she’s the one who leans in abruptly to wrap her arms around his neck, capturing his human lips with her more robotic ones and making out with him. There’s no denying that her lips are cool to the touch, but they aren’t entirely solid, giving some even as Shigure and Mk. I’s mouths open in unison, a human tongue pushing out to meet with a steel, dexterous appendage that wraps around his tongue as they make out.
Of course, Shigure didn’t get where he was in life by being unable to multitask. Even as Mk. I kisses him, he’s still fingering both mechas. Even as he’s fingering the two of them and kissing Mk. I back, Shigure is able to see out of the corner of his eye as Mk. II pouts with obvious jealousy at the sight, squirming and whining in disappointment, clearly put out that her predecessor had beat her to his mouth.
She’s completely caught off guard when Shigure suddenly pulls away from Mk. I and shifts to capture her lips instead, kissing the second AI nice and deeply and dominating the shyer of the two robot girls’ mouth for a moment until Mk. II recovers enough to begin to respond to his kissing with some kissing of her own.
This continues for quite a while, with Shigure playing with the mechas’ metal pussies to his heart’s content, and alternating between kissing each of them, one after the other. He’s not just doing this for fun, though it is indeed fun… he’s got a purpose for this level of foreplay. He needs to know their full capabilities, and how can he know those without extracting certain things from the two of them?
In this case, ‘certain things’ means an orgasm. It takes some time, but eventually Shigure manages to extract an orgasm from both of the iron maidens, Mk. I and Mk. II freezing up for a moment before shuddering and spasming as they both climax all over his hands, their lubricant spraying across his fingers and palms in a wonderful imitation of pussy juices.
Shigure chuckles at this, only to stop when Mk. I suddenly pipes up, simulating breathless panting as she looks at him with shining eyes.
“Taste it, Master!”
He raises an eyebrow at that, even as Mk. II flushes even further, for her given definition of flushing, the two pink spots on her cheeks now full on red.
“W-What! N-No, don’t… don’t do that. That’s… s-so lewd…”
Mk. I scoffs and gestures at Shigure.
“He’s the Master of Lewdness, don’t be silly! Look, he’s already tasting us!”
And he was. Of course, Shigure wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity like this. While some small part of him was a little worried that he was being taken for a ride and the lubricant was going to taste disgusting, he assumed that Mk. I, as enthusiastic as she’d been so far, wouldn’t do something so damaging to her chances of getting picked to go back to Chaldea with him.
He was right, the lubricant all over his hands didn’t taste bad at all… in fact, it tasted quite good. Shigure is pleasantly surprised to find that their juices taste like strawberries and raspberries respectively, the former being Mk. I’s fluids, and the latter being Mk. II’s. Humming, Shigure takes his time licking the flavored juices of the two mechas off of his hands, nodding along in clear enjoyment of the taste, much to Mk. I’s puffed up exultation and Mk. II’s embarrassed, slight smile.
As he finishes up, however, Mk. I moves to kneel in front of him, pulling Mk. II down with her as the two robotic girls scrunch in close together, right in front of his crotch. Without hesitating for even a moment, Mk. I reaches out and pulls down Shigure’s pants, causing his hard cock to spring out right into their faces, as if HIS were the genitals that were spring-loaded at the end of the day.
For a brief moment, though not so brief that Shigure misses it, the optics on both mechas flash with bright, neon hearts. Seeing this, Shigure can’t help but smile a wicked sort of smile… he’s beginning to see a chance at the path he most wants… where he gets both of them to go back to Chaldea with him. All he has to do is completely overwhelm the senses of both Artificial Intelligences, really.
Though, he is a little surprised when, after pulling down his pants, Mk. I leans back a bit, clearly surprised slightly by his size, and giving up the lead to Mk. II, who, seeing her chance and seizing the opportunity, opens wide and swallows him whole. She swallows his entire cock in a single gulp, her powerful robotic SUCCtion, vibrating throat, and extendable, sinuous tongue working together in perfect harmony.
Shigure groans as the robot girl begins to suck his cock, bobbing up and down on his member. Then, he’s yelping as all of her technique, all of the things she’s using to pleasure him, get him off quite quickly. Usually it’s Shigure that’s making the woman in the relationship orgasm again and again and again around his cock.
For once however, in the face of Mk. II’s incredibly superior robot throat, Shigure simply cannot handle it. She milks him of several orgasms in quick succession, his seed loads barely able to leave his balls fast enough as the sensations cause his legs to buckle from the pleasure. Forced to do so, Shigure grabs onto Mk. II’s horns to steady himself. Of course, much like the flesh and blood Elizabeth Bathory’s… the Mecha Eli-chans had gone ahead and upgraded their horns as well, making them erogenous zones in a similar vein to what their biological counterparts experienced when their horns were fondled.
As such, the moment Shigure latches onto Mk. II’s horns, her optics flash with neon hearts again, even brighter than before. Spurred on by Shigure’s touch, Mk. II wraps her gauntlets around the Master of Chaldea’s waist and pulls him into her oral crevice even fiercer than before. Meanwhile, Shigure, having Mk. II’s horns as handholds now, works with her, thrusting deep into her tight, vibrating, iron throat and pouring load after load of white, hot seed into her mana conversion chamber.
“Yeah! Keep it up, Mk. II! Show him what you’re made of! And finish up soon, damnit, I want a turn as well~”
While Mk. II is sucking the hell out of Shigure’s cock, and Shigure is in turn facing her face with all his strength, Mk. I is off to the side, cheering her metallic counterpart on, watching the scene with obvious lust and voyeuristic enjoyment… but also with a hint of impatient jealousy. After all, she was still waiting for HER turn to please her Pilot Candidate, and now it was Mk. I who was wishing that she had been a little faster and not let Mk. II get ahead of her so easily.
Still, with how much Mk. II is making Shigure cum, there’s a finite endpoint to what they’re currently doing. Eventually, Mk. II’s mana conversion chamber, the mecha’s ‘stomach’ so to speak, which converted anything that entered it into mana (such as semen) was filled past capacity. The amount of thick, creamy splooge that Shigure had so far unloaded into her was threatening to cause an overflow in Mk. II’s systems and clog her inner mechanisms with cum.
In the end, she was forced to reluctantly break off from the vigorous blowjob she was giving to Shigure so that her system could properly process all the seed in her mana conversion chamber in a timely fashion. Luckily for her, because Shigure was far from done, she wasn’t alone with the man. Or else he might have pinned her down and continued on without asking for permission, after how riled up she’d left him.
As it is, Mk. I is there and ready to take over. As Shigure sits down for a moment due to his legs feeling somewhat rubbery, the pinkish mecha struts over with a wide smile on her face, along with two red spots on her metal cheeks as well. She’s panting heavily at this point, with steam coming out of both her mouth and her nostrils to cool her overheating processors, which were in turn overheating because of sheer, unadulterated lust.
On top of that, Shigure notices that her optics have flashed over semi-permanently to bright, neon hearts at this point. When she goes to climb aboard, he’s there to grab her by her waist, though he doesn’t try to control her or anything. In the end, he simply helps her get into position, and then watches as Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I sinks her spring-loaded iron maidenhood down onto his cock.
The springs allow for her metal pussy lips to separate enough for Shigure’s cock to enter her, but as soon as he’s inside, they clamp down enough to squeeze his member in a pleasurable vice grip. Of course, if it wasn’t for all of his additional enhancements, Shigure isn’t so sure this would be as pleasurable as it is. Needless to say, he’s not entirely human himself anymore, and a lot more durable than most men would be. Given how tightly Mk. I’s robot cunt is clenching down around his shaft, the two mechas had known this and even accounted for it. It was safe to say if any normal man entered Mk. I’s cunt, he likely would have lost his dick.
As it is, she’s the perfect level of tightness for Shigure, and judging by her moans and mewling, he’s the perfect thickness and length for Mk. I in turn. Bouncing up and down on Shigure’s cock, her iron maidenhood activates and begins to massage and vibrate along his length in all the right places, even as the mecha dragon girl gives Shigure a wide grin.
“Our upgrades are made out of a special, Eliza Particle-Infused Iron, Master. It gives our cunts that special, fuckable quality to them. Are you enjoying yourself?”
Shigure chuckles at that, running his hands along Mk. I’s sides, gripping tightly sometimes in order to help her bounce up and down on his cock. Her cunt feels amazing wrapped around his member, but after how Mk. II had started things off by sucking a good dozen loads of cum from him at least, he’s not about to cum any time soon, not until he wants to anyways. Still…
“I’m enjoying myself quite a lot, Mk. I. Why don’t you show me just how good you are, hm?”
Mk. I’s optics, still in the shape of neon hearts, glow brighter at that, the mecha’s way of having her ‘eyes light up’, Shigure figures. She increases the pace at which she’s bouncing up and down on his dick, moaning and groaning the entire while, shuddering in orgasmic bliss around his cock. Shigure, meanwhile, slides his hands around her metallic, robotic body, to her back side. He tries to grip and squeeze at her ass, but truth be told, there’s not enough give there. In the end, he just palms it instead as Mk. I leans forward and wraps her arms around his neck, moaning into his ear and letting him help her fuck herself on his dick.
It’s Shigure’s turn to make one of the mechas cum a shit ton, or so he thinks, until he notices Mk. II looking on almost forlornly from off to the side. Even as Mk. I is orgasming around his cock, Shigure notes the jealousy visible in the other mecha’s optics and grins wickedly, realizing that it’s not his turn to make ONE of the mechas cum a shit ton… it’s his turn to make them BOTH cum a shit ton.
“Oi, Mk. II! Come here!”
Blinking in surprise, the cum-stuffed mecha happily moves closer, and as soon as she’s in range, he grabs her by the gauntlet and yanks her onto the bed with them. Mk. II yelps, even as he forces her up to his head and plops her right down onto his face. She’s obviously still waiting for her mana conversion chamber to finish converting his seed into mana, but just because her ‘belly’ is absolutely filled with his cum doesn’t mean Shigure can’t give her some pleasure.
Driving his tongue between her crotch plates, the young Master of Chaldea uses every bit of the appendage’s dexterity to lap at her metal cunt, slurping up her tasty, raspberry-flavored lubricant. Once again, his enhanced durability comes in handy, keeping his tongue from being snipped off by the vice grip, spring-loaded nature of the mecha’s cunt. Instead, Shigure is quite able to play with and tease Mk. II to his heart’s content, all while Mk. I continues to bounce up and down on his rock-hard cock, still trying to draw a release from him, even as he in turn brings her to orgasm after orgasm with his meaty rod.
Meanwhile, Mk. II’s face heats up enough that steam literally starts emitting from the sides of her head, even as the pleasure from Shigure’s stimulation of her iron maidenhood causes her to squirt all over his face, more lubricant that he swallows down and greatly enjoys the raspberry taste of. The mecha sitting astride his face gasps and moans at this, grinding down a little bit… though even that little bit would have been dangerous for a normal human. These robot girls were no laughing matter.
Taking his hands off of Mk. I and trusting her to handle bouncing up and down on his dick all on her own, Shigure instead grabs hold of Mk. II by her thighs, squeezing down hard and holding her in place as best he can so he can continue to eat her out without being smothered to death or asphyxiated by her iron quim. In the end, Mk. II cums across his face a few more times, before Mk. I finally manages to make him cum, his seed spraying up inside of her, a load of his mana-heavy cum filling her.
For a moment, Shigure is undeniably dazed. But to be fair, he’s currently fighting a battle on two fronts, so it’s understandable that he would be a little beleaguered by this point. Out of all of the ‘opponents’ he’s ever ‘fought’ in bed, two artificial intelligences like the Mecha Eli-chans rank up there as perhaps the strongest. After all, he’s only human, for all his enhancements. And they’re both Genius-level AIs, made to be better than humans in every way.
Regardless, once Shigure cums inside of Mk. I, the pinkish mecha cedes her place on his cock to Mk. II, most graciously changing spots with her robotic counterpart and taking Mk. II’s place atop Shigure’s face. Shigure grunts as his cock is enveloped once again in another spring-loaded iron maidenhood, while Mk. I’s not so dissimilar metal quim is placed right atop his face.
Normally, this would be some level of concerning, and Shigure would have stopped it from going further, namely because he had no desire to eat his own seed. But a quick check of Mk. I’s iron pussy reveals that there is none of his seed left, not outside of her vice-like maidenhood, and not directly inside either, when he spreads it open with his fingers.
Shigure doesn’t quite understand where his cum went, but it’s really quite simple. He just doesn’t have all of the information. Inside of Mk. I, just like with Mk. II, rests a mana conversion chamber. And of course, that mana conversion chamber can take seed and other resources from every orifice on both mechas. It wouldn’t make sense, after all, for them to only be able to take in semen through their mouths, now would it?
Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I’s cunt is completely clean because Shigure’s entire load has already been sucked up into her mana conversion chamber, where it’s currently being processed, even as she grinds her metal pussy down on his face. So, with that concern taken care of, the young Master of Chaldea begins to eat her out, just as he’d been eating out Mk. II, his tongue pushing up between the iron folds of her maidenhood, into the spring-loaded cunt, where he writhes it around even as she moans and wiggles atop his face.
Meanwhile, Mk. II is panting and gasping and moaning herself, all while trying to contain her reactions like she’d been doing from the very beginning. After all, it was Mk. I who was the promiscuous one, open about her sexuality and all too eager to be so lewd and wanton before their potential Pilot Candidate. Not that Mk. II DIDN’T want to go back to Chaldea with the young Master or anything like that. In fact, it was safe to say that Mecha Eli-chan Mk. II wanted to go to Chaldea just as much as, if not more than, Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I.
The only reason one of them was staying behind to guard the castle was out of a sheer sense of duty. There was no denying that whichever one of them the Master of Chaldea DIDN’T choose would be getting the short end of the stick. It was a little unfair, truth be told, that they were forcing themselves to go through this ‘trial process’ right now, in which they were letting Shigure fuck them both and enjoy both their bodies after the upgrades they’d had done to them.
After all, in allowing Shigure to take his pleasure from both of their bodies, they were in turn getting pleasured by the young Master of Chaldea. Case in point, as Mk. I cums all over Shigure’s face and he laps up her strawberry lubricant, Mk. II climaxes all over his cock, the both of them facing each other and staring each other in their heart-shaped neon optics, knowing that after this, neither of them was entirely sure how they would live without Shigure in their lives.
It wasn’t fair, but life rarely was. For a pair of Artificial Intelligences like the Mecha Eli-chans, there was no denying that shit was rough. Still, even if one of them was going to be abandoned here after this, even if they were in direct competition for Shigure’s favor… they were still grateful to get to experience all that he had to offer, right here and right now.
Perhaps that’s why they lean forward and makeout heatedly with one another, even as Mk. II bounces up and down on Shigure’s thick, fat cock, while Mk. I grinds down onto his expertly working tongue. Or perhaps its simple their way of saying that they forgive one another, just in case they’re not the one chosen in the end. One way or the other, one Mecha Eli-chan will stay at Shigure’s side, and the other will stay here. That’s just the way it has to be.
Eventually, Shigure pumps another load up into Mk. II’s mana conversion chamber, which by this point was mostly done processing the sheer amount of seed that she’d managed to extract via her oral crevice earlier. As she moans into her counterpart’s mouth, their metal tongues sliding and writhing and wrestling against one another, Mk. I in turn cums as well, shuddering and orgasming across Shigure’s face one last time.
They pull away after that, Mk. II climbing off of Shigure’s cock, and Mk. I moving off of his face in order to allow the young Master of Chaldea to sit up and get some air finally. The two robotic girls both look at Shigure, their optics flashing between heart-shaped and normal constantly at this point, the red circles on the sides of their metal cheeks permanently affixed to their faces as well. Mk. I is the one who speaks up, licking her iron lips as she cocks her head to the side questioningly.
“Well, Master?”
Shigure raises an eyebrow at the two of them, and then gains a considering frown on his face as he ponders them both for a long moment.
“… Where does my cum go, when you take it into yourselves? I find myself curious at how fast it vanishes.”
The Mecha Eli-chans both look at one another, and then turn back to him. Mk. II is the one who answers somewhat shyly pressing a hand to her middle as she does so.
“We both have a mana conversion chamber installed inside of our chassis, Master. All of our orifices lead to this place, where your cum is safely collected and then turned into mana for us to use. When you choose which of us to take with you, it will be your duty to make sure that that Eli-chan has all the cum she needs on a regular basis, in order to function properly both in battle… and in bed.”
Mk. I bobs her head up and down right alongside her more recalcitrant counterpart, beaming widely even as Mk. II blushes even more and averts her gaze shyly by the time she’s done explaining things to him. Shigure, meanwhile, is busy processing exactly what this means. Mana Conversion Chambers… now that sounded interesting.
“Were those part of your more recent upgrades?”
Their optics flash in a simulation of blinking at the line of questioning, but even as confused as they are, they both answer with a shake of their heads no. Shigure smiles, and his smile is wide and wicked, because now he has an idea. However, he’s sure that these two won’t just let him try to pull off his plan all willy nilly. They might try to stop him, and he’s done fighting them at this point. But he’s not done fucking them. Not by a long shot.
“I haven’t decided which of you I’m going to take with me yet. As it is, I’m far from satisfied. So, you’re both going to have to keep on trying to persuade me, I suppose. Go ahead and assume the position, and we’ll continue.”
The Mecha Eli-chans look down at his still-hard cock, and then back up at him, and then to each other. In unison, the gorgeous robot girls turn around and plant their faces on the bed, even as they lift their hips high into the air, their massive, metal dragon tails flopping over their backs and their heads to expose their cunts, their wide hips, and their metal asses.
Shigure reaches out and fingers both of their pussies for a moment, pistoning his digits in and out of them as the two mechas moan happily, their spring-loaded metal cunts gripping and squeezing at his digits just as hard as they’d done to his member. In the end though, Shigure does need to fuck one of them first… and since he’d fucked Mk. II last, the choice is obvious.
Moving into position behind Mk. I, Shigure grabs her by her metal, flared hips and thrusts his cock into her from behind. As expected, her spring-loaded iron cunt feels amazing around his member, just as it did the first time. But this wasn’t about pleasure, this was about purpose. Now Shigure saw the path forward, crystalized in front of him. Now he saw what he needed to do in order to get EVERYTHING that he wanted.
Grinning somewhat like a loon, Shigure fucks Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I from behind with a sort of wild, reckless abandon, plowing her robo-pussy as hard as he can, even as she releases more and more of her strawberry-flavored lubricant to make the passage slicker and easier for him to plunder. With all of his attention focused on her counterpart, Mk. II could only shift her head so that she was facing Mk. I’s face and watching it contort in pleasure, watching as Mk. I’s elongated tongue eventually flopped out of her mouth, her optics flashing in an approximation of ‘rolling around’.
Mk. II’s hands slide up under her, and she begins to finger her own spring-loaded pussy to the view, staying in position, face down, ass up, but happily masturbating as Shigure plows her ‘sister’ in so many words as hard as he can. She’s still insanely jealous of course, but the two of them are well aware of how the Master of Chaldea is, and for the moment at least, he’s taken control. She doesn’t dare move from the position he’s ordered her to take… not and risk her chance at being the one chosen at the end of all of this.
Not bothering to hold back anymore, Shigure soon reaches another release, cumming inside of MK. I’s iron quim in just a short while, his seed getting sucked up into her mana conversion chamber right quick. Before she can even begin to say anything about this, however, he’s already pulled out of her and grabbed hold of Mk. II’s hips, thrusting his still-hard cock into HER spring-loaded cunt and fucking HER vice-like pussy as hard as he can.
He plows Mk. II with the same ferocity that he showed Mk. I, even as the latter flops onto her side and watches just like Mk. II watched, a wide, wicked lewd grin on her face as she touches her own cunt quite brazenly.
“Mm, young Master is quite eager, isn’t he? But does he really think he can handle the two of us for long? Maybe he thinks if he can show us how strong he is, we’ll both go with him.”
Panting, groaning, and moaning, Mk. II shakes her head, answering Mk. I’s words with a serious tone, unknowingly playing the straight robo-woman to Mk. I’s sarcastic wit.
“N-No… it, ah, doesn’t, oooh, work like t-that, Master. Y-You, mm, probably can handle, hah, both of us… b-but one of us, ah, has to stay behind and a-act as the castle’s g-guardian regardless!”
Mk. I giggles behind one hand as the other casually fingers her metal cunt, while Shigure just snorts and reaches out, grabbing Mk. II by her horns, and abruptly dragging her up onto her hands and knees while still fucking her from behind. Immediately, Mk. II’s optics begin doing their own rendition of ‘rolling around’ while her long tongue slides fully out of her open mouth, her entire body shaking and spasming from orgasm after orgasm forced out by Shigure’s rough handling of her metal horns and his rough fucking her of iron maidenhood.
As he brings Mk. II to climax after climax, he looks past her to where Mk. I is, making eye contact with the mecha’s heart-shaped optics. He grins wickedly, and she bites her lower lip at the look in his eyes.
“Well… we’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?”
And then he really gets into it, and even Mecha Eli-chan Mk. I begins to wonder if he’ll somehow manage to convince them both to abandon their duty after all. Soon enough, he’s cum inside of Mk. II again, and moved back to fucking Mk. I. This time, he takes her on her side, lifting one of her legs high into the air and draping it over his shoulder as he fucks her metal, spring-loaded cunt while she clutches at the bedding.
Things continue in a similar vein for quite a while, to be sure. He fucks them both in every position he can think of, and then some, plowing the two mechas silly again and again and again. They give as good as they get, of course, and Shigure happily fingers or licks them to climax again and again whenever they demand it of him. At the same time however, the young Master of Chaldea is well and truly focused on cumming inside of them one after the other, over and over, filling their mana conversion chambers with load after load after load of his seed.
In the end, Shigure’s mastery of the sexual arts and his sheer indomitable will, as well as his unwillingness to lose or fail, no matter the circumstances, proves to be too much for the two Genius-level AI. Ultimately, the Mecha Eli-chans’ processors start to overload, and their Operating Systems begin to crash from the constant pleasure. Altogether, Shigure manages to extract just one last orgasm of lubricant from each of them before they shut down completely, their hardware beginning it’s self-repair and their software forced into data recovery mode.
This of course equates to both of them looking like they’ve just been fucked silly, their metal bodies spasming and shuddering and their heart-shaped optics flicking as their flexible iron tongues loll out of their mouths. Shigure watches them both for a moment to make sure they’re well and truly down for the count… and then he walks off, a wicked grin on his face and a plan in his head.
Hours later, the two Mecha Eli-chans find themselves waking up on either side of the Master of Chaldea, their heads buried in his neck and their gauntlets gripping at his hands tightly. For a normal human man, it was a bone-crushing strength they were using. For Shigure, it was nothing, and he was able to squeeze their hands reassuringly right back, even as he smiles down at both of them.
“How are the two of you feeling? No permanent damage, I should hope?”
He means it as a joke, and the smile on his face says as much. However, that smile falters when he sees the two Mecha Eli-chans exchange a considering look at one another over his chest. When they look up at him, he can’t help but notice the neon-hearts permanently burned into their optics, even as they both shrug.
“There’s some permanent damage to our units, but it’s mostly minor. It really can’t be helped, you fucked us so good that the small little module we added to enhance our lovemaking seems to have broken, and now the hearts that are supposed to show up in our optics whenever we’re orgasming are there permanently.”
“… On top of that, our metal bodies seem to be completely trained to want to be with you. I can no longer extend my steel skirt, and neither can Mk. I. We are exposed permanently, because our bodies long to be fucked again by your big hard cock.”
Here, Mk. I presses herself up his chest, looking him right in the eye.
“Which brings up to the most important question of all. Who have you chosen, Master? Which of us will you be taking back to Chaldea with you?”
Mk. II, in a display utterly count to her past shyness, pushes herself up his chest on the other side, puffing out her cheeks as she takes up just as much room as Mk. I is and does her level best to draw Shigure’s eye. Both of the Mecha Eli-chans look at him expectantly, as if they really think he’s going to choose between them. Chuckling darkly, Shigure just shakes his head and shrugs.
“Sorry girls, but I’m gonna go with my first instinct on this… I pick you both.”
The two mechas shudder in ecstasy at that, but only for a moment before directing disappointed frowns in his direction. They pout at him, and shake their heads in eerie unison before Mk. I speaks up.
“You know it can’t be that way.”
Mk. II nods at her counterpart’s side.
“Indeed, one of us MUST remain behind to protect the castle!”
Shigure just gives them both a nice big shit-eating grin.
“About that… I found a work around.”
‘Blinking’ their optics at that, the two baffled mechas doesn’t resist as Shigure pushes them both back and gets up off the bed.
“Come along, girls.”
From there, he escorts them to the roof of Csejte Pyramid Himeji Castle, keeping a hand on each of their firm, steel buttocks the entire way. What they find waiting for them on the roof of the castle shocks both mechas to their core, as they come to head level with Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan, who contrary to all their expectations, is actually active and moving around again.
Both Mecha Eli-chans move to take up combat stances, worried that they’re going to have to fight their Kaiju sister in order to protect their Pilot Candidate, but Shigure just stops them with a raised hand and another chuckle.
“Sorry girls, let me explain. While you two were shut down and self-repairing, I reprogrammed Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan here to act as the guardian of Csejte Pyramid Himeji Castle in your stead.”
Truthfully, he’d had to call upon a few of his Servants to walk him through the necessary steps, the Master of Chaldea never revealed his secrets if he could help it. The two Mecha Eli-chans didn’t need to know how he’d done it, not when the proof that he HAD done it was staring them right in the face, Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan just standing there at the edge of the roof looking at them peacefully rather than attacking.
Still, the two are shocked, and spin on Shigure at the same time, Mk. I speaking up first, with Mk. II taking up the rear yet again.
“B-But this is impossible! The reactor exploded!”
“Yes… what did you do, Master? How did you make this happen?!”
Smirking, Shigure just waves a hand dismissively, brushing it off.
“I took care of things. It’s what I do. The point is, Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan is now ready to take up her duties as guardian of this castle. Isn’t that right, dear?”
Behind them, their much larger ‘sister’ nods her colossal head up and down at that.
“Yes. I am more than happy to protect Csejte Pyramid Himeji Castle while you are both off with Master. It is what I am programmed for.”
Mk. I and Mk. II both whirl around to stare at the Kaiju, who in turn looks back at them, unblinking of course. Stepping up between them, Shigure runs his hands along the two mechas’ sides, and down betwixt their legs, caressing their iron maidenhoods ever so slightly and causing their lubricant to flow down the inside of their metal thighs once more.
“What do you say, girls? Ready to get out of here?”
As always, the two robot girls exchange a glance first, holding a silent conversation between themselves. Of course, they forget that with Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan there, it’s not so silent anymore. Shigure sees the way that the colossal mecha’s lips curl up ever so slightly into the faintest of smiles as the two smaller mechas ‘talk’ and he knows before they’ve even given their assent that he has them both.
“V-Very well… we shall accompany you back to Chaldea.”
“Yes… we will both serve you to the best of our abilities, so long as Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan is here to protect the castle…”
With that said, Shigure activates the Rayshift for the three of them, beginning the process of returning them all to Chaldea. However, as he does so, as both Mk. I and Mk. II are looking away, hit by a sudden mutual bout of shyness over just how much Shigure was willing to do to have both of them, the young Master of Chaldea looks over at Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan and winks at her.
This elicits a blush, and a shy blown kiss from the giant mecha in response, just as the trio is disappearing back to Chaldea. As soon as they’re gone, the mecha finds herself shifting her thighs together as large red spots appear on either side of her cheek, the simple expressionless face she’d been adopting for the benefit of her smaller ‘sisters’ gone and replaced by that of a blushing iron maiden.
After all, the way that Shigure was able to power her back on had been quite the intimate and pleasurable experience for the both of them. She had more than enough cum filling her super-sized mana conversion chamber that she could get the castle back to tip top shape and fixed up enough for her to power herself moving forward. But that didn’t mean some small part of her hoped the Master of Chaldea would visit again sometime soon…
As she stands there in front of Csejte Pyramid Himeji Castle, ready to guard it to her dying breath, even though she doesn’t actually breathe, Kaiju Mecha Eli-chan lets out a soft sigh. Then, she looks left and right, the titanic robot girl making sure that no one is around to see her. Once she’s made sure of that, she retracts her own skirt and reaches down to finger her massive spring-loaded iron cunt a bit, playing with the metal folds of her maidenhood as she finds herself fantasizing.
While she definitely hopes Shigure will come visit again soon, the memories of their time together still leaves her with plenty of material to pleasure herself to. In fact…
A wide smile spreads across Kaiju Mecha Eli-Chan’s face as she pulls up the recordings of everything that Shigure had done to her while he’d been powering her up again. A breathy moan leaves her metal lips, even as she schlicks herself to the footage most happily.


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