Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 51: Benienma

It couldn’t be allowed to go on as it had been any longer. Now that she was a Servant of Chaldea, Benienma the Tongue-Cut Sparrow, Proprietor of the Enma Pavilion, had seen enough. She’d seen the way her Master ate, the food that he consumed. Simply put… it wasn’t healthy! Something had to change, or her Master wouldn’t last much longer. Oh sure, he’d probably have a few more decades under his belt… his ever widening belt.
Certainly, the magic of some of his other Servants likely helped him in metabolizing the unhealthy junk foods that he was constantly consuming, but that didn’t make it right. Just because he had a lot of runic magic reinforcing his stats and increasing his everything didn’t give any excuse for eating in an unhealthy manner!
As a proprietress, as a self-described innkeeper above all else, it came down to Benienma to set things right. Her relationship with her Master be damned, she refused to permit an unhealthy lifestyle! Polite and respectful with guests, strict with the Master she serves, THAT was the Benienma-style of service! With a determined frown on her face and the glint of resolve in her gaze, Benienma gives a sharp nod to no one at all but herself.
It was time to begin preparing a proper meal for her Master.
He hadn’t failed to notice her stalking. To be perfectly fair, Shigure was used to being stalked in Chaldea. He wasn’t entirely sure it could even be considered stalking, since the female Servants that liked to follow him around invariably ended up in bed with him getting plowed silly before being sent upon their way. But then, that only made his current stalker all the more stalker-ish, didn’t it?
Benienma was a recent addition to Chaldea, though she’d been around for weeks now. And yet, he still hadn’t done anything with her, and she still hadn’t asked anything of him… until now. Up until this point, Shigure had seen the way she was watching him. Usually, she spied upon him while he was eating. A lot of Shigure’s meals were also sexual encounters, so at first Shigure had believed Benienma to be a pervert of the highest order, the kind of lewd oni that liked to watch as he fucked and ate off of this Servant or that.
But not every meal Shigure had involved sex. Sometimes, given how busy he usually was, he had to just grab something and go. It was because of this that he quickly came to realize Benienma wasn’t watching him have sex… she was watching him eat. For whatever reason, she was constantly there, just out of sight, for the majority of his meals, studying him, observing him, taking him in.
Maybe she has a food fetish? Shigure honestly can’t say for sure, mostly because he fully intended to wait for Benienma to come to him… or rather, as was the case now, for her to invite him to come to her. After weeks of stalking him, a very beautiful invitation done in calligraphy had been slipped under his door and into his quarters. The invitation was to dinner in Benienma’s room, so that the Proprietress of the Enma Pavilion could properly dine her Master.
Needless to say, Shigure was intrigued. Maybe even a little excited. He’d certainly be happy to clear his schedule for the evening, just so that he could finally get to the bottom of Benienma’s strange behavior. He wanted to find out what made the Servant tick, and one way or the other, he would. Coming to a stop outside of the innkeeper’s quarters, Shigure knocks gently and is unsurprised when the door slides open for him a moment later.
Stepping into her room catches him a bit more off-guard though. Whereas the rest of Chaldea is very modern, very sleek, and very… futuristic, in a way… Benienma’s bedroom is anything but. Oh, it’s still ‘sleek’ in its own rustic way… done up in the traditional Japanese-style, Benienma’s quarters are a blast from the past, looking far more cozy and even warm than most of Chaldea could be said to be, with its monochrome walls and floors and ceilings, and its spartan efficiency.
Stepping further into the room, Shigure can’t help but smile and nod, enjoying the feel more and more by the second. It doesn’t look like much of a bedroom, in fact, he can’t even see a bed. Instead, it looks more like the bottom floor of an inn, simply done in miniature. In the center of the room is a traditional Japanese meal, a feast really given he’s the only one there to consume it, laid out on a low-to-the-ground table of traditional Japanese make.
Off to the side is the proprietress herself. Benienma sits in the Seiza position upon a nearby cushion, wearing nothing but a naked apron, her small body otherwise on display in its currently half-naked state. That bit isn’t that surprising. After all, Shigure had come into this with amorous intent, had he not? He wasn’t leaving here without fucking the female oni at least once…
Still, business before pleasure and all that rot. The invitation wasn’t for sex, it was for a meal. And as enticing as Benienma currently looked, the spread of food she’d made looked even better. Striding forward, Shigure sits down at the table, kneeling on the cushion provided for him and lets his eyes feast on an up-close and personal view of the food that Benienma has prepared.
“… It all looks so wonderful. You’ve outdone yourself.”
Benienma preens under that, her back straightening and her nonexistent chest pushing outwards a bit at the praise. But she doesn’t make any further comments, and Shigure doesn’t really ask her for her opinion on what to eat first. After all, at the end of the day, he was the Master of Chaldea. He didn’t need to be TOLD how to eat.
Taking up his chopsticks, without further ado, Shigure begins to dig in. He piles his plate high and then begins to sample what he’s picked out so far. Finding it all to be equally delicious, he consumes that first place of food at a rapid pace before ultimately going back for seconds. The meal was very obviously crafted with love as well as something even more important… the skills of an expert chef.
Benienma wasn’t just a stellar innkeeper… or rather, it was perhaps better to say that she was even more of a stellar innkeeper because she could cook a meal this amazing as well as being able to take care of all of the other duties that one associated with a proprietress. Regardless, Shigure is all too happy to eat every last bit of food that she’s made for him, because at the end of the day… the changes that have been made to his personage make him all too hungry, far too much of the time.
Unbeknownst to Benienma, Shigure didn’t always go to junk food by choice. The truth was, his enhancements, the strength and stamina and everything else that he’d come to rely on in the course of discharging his duties as Master of Chaldea, required him to pack away a LOT of calories. Otherwise, he would have been as weak as a newborn kitten most of the time, runic magic be damned. Basically, he had to eat a lot every day in order to avoid starving himself.
Junk food just so happened to have the most calories in it, while also being exceptionally easy to get ahold of in comparison to other sorts of meals. But Benienma’s feast that she prepared for him was both high in calories by sheer dint of being a massive spread of food, while also being healthy and providing Shigure with a number of different vitamins that his body had been doing without for some time.
Needless to say, it was the best meal that he’d had in ages, though Shigure doesn’t just come out and say that. He eats everything before him with meticulous and methodical care, and when he’s done, he sets down his chopsticks on an empty plate and uses a provided napkin to wipe his face clean. As he’s finishing up, only then does Benienma speak.
“A-Ah… did Master like the meal-dechi?”
Shigure lets his gaze slide over to the half-naked Servant, a slight smile on his lips as he cocks his head to the side. That bit at the end, that was a verbal tic he was quite aware of by now. Benienma ended a lot of her sentences with it, and sometimes she was known to just say it all on its own. It was, as far as Shigure could tell, the equivalent to chirping… which given her title as the Tongue-Cut Sparrow, was in fact very appropriate.
“I did like the meal. I would even go so far as to say I greatly enjoyed it… I’m ready for dessert now.”
And truth be told, if she’d had a dessert to pull out of nowhere, Shigure would have happily and greedily consumed it, before ultimately getting down to pleasure. But he’s not surprised when she begins fretting, because as far as he can tell, there is no dessert… no traditional dessert, anyways.
“A-Ah, d-dessert! Oh no-dechi! I didn’t think to make any dessert-dechi! I… this meal was supposed to be h-healthy for Master, you see-dechi!”
Raising a hand, Shigure stops Benienma in her fretting tracks, offering her a kind smile.
“It’s fine. I see dessert right before me, in the end.”
Before she can react to that, the Master of Chaldea has reached out and snatched Benienma up off of her nearby cushion, dragging her forward and flipping her onto her back on the table he’s just finished eating off of. Benienma lets out a yelp that sounds vaguely like another ‘dechi’, before moaning as Shigure lifts her small legs up over his shoulders in order to bring her exposed quim up to his face, at which point he smirks and then proceeds to dig into the ‘honeypot’ he finds in front of him.
His tongue has to do a lot of work to push into Benienma’s tight, tiny cunt, but Shigure is no quitter and he makes headway regardless of how small the oni’s pussy is, pushing deeper and deeper as Benienma squeals and squirms, her feet kicking at empty air over either of his shoulders.
“M-Master-dechi! Dechi! Dechiiii!!!”
As the cute little Tongue-Cut Sparrow chirps away in surprise, Shigure just chuckles and continues to shove his tongue deep into her tiny pussy, pushing and pushing and wiggling his mouth muscle around inside of her cunt. He feels how she flexes her inner walls along his tongue entirely involuntarily, how she bucks and grinds against his facer as she ‘dechi’s’ all over the pleasure in pleasure, until finally… it hits her.
Benienma’s first orgasm of the night is quite explosive, but then Shigure is all too ready for that. When the honeypot he’s been delving into with his tongue finally explodes in his face, he’s very much pleased with the amount of ‘honey’ he receives as a reward, slurping up Benienma’s sweet pussy juices and swallowing them down as she squirts into his mouth directly.
He drinks until she’s finished with her orgasm, and then he pulls her back, letting her trembling, still-kicking little legs fall off of his shoulders. At the same time, his hands grip her waist and the young Master of Chaldea drags Benienma from where she’s lying on her back on the table, right into his lap. Once he has her where he wants her, the first thing Shigure does is push her apron together to expose her teeny tiny titties to open air and more importantly, to himself.
Leaning forward, Shigure grabs Benienma’s chest, groping and squeezing her little breasts, for as much as they exist on the almost-flat oni, while at the same time capturing her nipples in between his lips and teeth one after the other. He sucks at one teat, only to bite it before switching to the next, repeating the process between the two of them constantly.
Still, he’s not about to remain in the foreplay stage of this transaction forever. His cock is entirely erect at this point, made all the more so by Benienma’s instinctive grinding of her naked little pussy against his crotch. After a moment, Shigure reaches down and all but tears his pants open to release his thick, long member from its confines. Its only the work of a few seconds to then press his length into the tiny little cunt he was eating out just moments before. With a grunt, Shigure impales Benienma on his length, penetrating her nice and deep with his cock.
His massive member easily fills Benienma’s tight cunt, and the very first penetration, due to just how absurdly wet she is by this point, ends up spearing right through her cervix. As a result, Shigure finds himself knocking into the back of her womb with a couple inches of cock left to spare. For a time, he settles for that, settles for just fucking her in that state.
Suckling at her titties, plowing his dick into her tight little cunt, Shigure is greatly enjoying his ‘dessert’, that’s for sure. Benienma, meanwhile… legitimately didn’t expect things to escalate so quickly. Oh, certainly, the small oni had been well aware that she would probably be part of the ‘menu’ after the meal, so to speak. She’d been watching her master for some time after all, and she’d seen how lots of his eating habits lined up with his sexual habits.
If she wanted to make sure he ate healthier, she would need to be ready to match those women who he was currently fucking while eating so unhealthily. Or at least, that was Benienma’s thinking when she’d decided to wear nothing but her apron to this little dinner. Her food had apparently done wonderfully though, something that filled her with pride… and yet, the Master’s appetites did not end with mere food, did they?
Orgasming around her Master’s cock again and again, all Benienma can do is moan and groan and ‘dechi’ all over the place. Chirping like the little sparrow she is, the innkeeper’s eyes roll around in her head, going crossed more often then not, though she never quite goes full ahegao. At least… she doesn’t until Shigure decides that he can’t let his current predicament stand.
Oh sure, he’s fucking Benienma and he’s certainly enjoying himself well enough… but at the same time, those last few inches of his cock left out in the cold so to speak… he’s gotta do right by them, doesn’t he? Gripping the small bird-girl tightly by the waist, Shigure proceeds to lift Benienma ALMOST all the way off of his member… and then he doesn’t so much drop her back down as he YANKS her back down, thrusting up into her at the same time and forcing every last inch of his cock into Benienma’s cunt and womb.
This in turn makes her stomach and apron bulge out beautifully, even as her eyes shoot wide open before rolling all the way back in her skull. Meanwhile, her tongue lolls out of her mouth, completing the utterly silly ahegao expression. As Shigure fucks her from that point on, Benienma, lost in the throes of pleasure and orgasming over and over again around his length, can do nothing more than utter her unique little verbal tic.
“Dechi! Dechi! Dechiiiii!!!”
Still, all good things come to an end eventually. Her pussy walls are too tight and her womb and cervix cling to his thrusting prick in a way few other women could ever hope to thanks to her small size. All in all, the tiny little oni milks Shigure of his release, the innkeeper doing her job as a proper host to her Master and guest, and bringing him off, causing him to fill her to the brim with his seed.
And then some, because really, Benienma’s womb is far to small to take one of Shigure’s enhanced cum loads. His seed explodes out of her stretched pussy around his thick pistoning prick and coats her thighs, even as her belly bulges even further because of the white, hot cum now filling her womb and stretching it even wider than his cock did.
When Shigure ultimately pulls out, Benienma remains bloated and looks like she’s a few months pregnant, her belly distended rather lewdly given her small frame.
Afterwards, Benienma recovers quickly enough and insists on cleaning up after herself. Shigure, of course, lets her, smiling as he watches the small bird-girl bob up and down on his cock, cleaning it of their lingering combined juices while at the same time verbally worshipping it thanks to her skill at Ventriloquism.
“Mm-Master has the best cock-dechi! Master’s seed is so good-dechi! Perhaps Master would let me use it in some of my dishes for the others-dechi!”
Shigure chuckles, marveling at how Benienma is able to talk so coherently even with a cock filling her throat. He can even see the way that her neck is currently bulging as a result of his member pushing down her esophagus and into her gullet. And yet, he hears every word she says. Truly, Benienma is a special girl.
As she continues to slurp up both of their sexual fluids from his member, Shigure chuckles, running a hand through the innkeeper’s hair.
“Perhaps… one thing is for sure though. I decided it back when I first finished that delicious meal you prepared for me. From now on, you’ll be in charge of all of my major meals, Benienma. I’ll expect a daily bento or five for lunch, and a feast just like tonight’s every night for dinner. Do you think you can do that for me?”
Benienma’s eyes have gone wide as he talks, and Shigure knows full well that he’s making her dreams come true. Her words a moment later, slipping out from around the cock she’s currently deep-throating without a single ounce of gagging or choking, simply confirm what he already knows.
“T-That would be wonderful Master-dechi! I-I won’t let you down-dechi!”
Shigure just chuckles, continuing to run his hand through Benienma’s hair as the small bird-girl goes all the way to the base of his cock in order to fully complete her clean-up mission.
“I know you won’t, my dear. I know you won’t.”


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