Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 62: Too Many Gils

As Shigure reaches the door to his quarters, the Master of Chaldea can’t help being a little apprehensive. After all, this time around he KNOWS he has visitors waiting for him in the room beyond. It’s not an ambush, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. The only reason it’s not an ambush is because he’s actually been flat out summoned to his room this time around. He, the Master of Chaldea, summoned for an ‘audience’.
The audacity was certainly something else, but then for these particular individuals, it was just about par for the course, wasn’t it? A rueful smile spreads across Shigure’s face and he shakes his head with a chuckle for a moment before finally opening the door to his quarters and stepping inside.
“Master! Finally!”
“Hmph, you certainly kept us waiting, Mongrel.”
Shigure’s eyes dart between the two Servants in the room beyond. Each of them are… rather similar to one another. But at the same time, they’re very different as well, both in appearance and personality.
Gilgamesh was a unique existence, one might say. Humanity’s Oldest and First King. The King of Heroes. The Linchpin of Heaven. To summon Gilgamesh to Chaldea, one would have to be absolutely mad. All things considered; Gilgamesh was an incredibly powerful Heroic Spirit who was just as likely to use his immense strength to kill you as he was to kill your enemies.
… So of course, over the years, Shigure had actually summoned three different copies of Gilgamesh. What? Desperate times called for desperate measures. The fact that he’d done so and was still living and breathing to this day even confirmed that. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that one of the versions of Gilgamesh he’d summoned would have killed him outright if the need for their assistance wasn’t so obvious and so great.
That they had let him live and even helped him out was a testament to just how bad shit had gotten and how much they were needed.
Of course, for all that Gilgamesh was Gilgamesh… Merlin was also Merlin. Shigure didn’t know how Merlin had done it, but it’d been done all the same. Way back when Merlin turned every male Servant in Chaldea into a woman, the three copies of Gilgamesh had all been hit by that spell as well… and it had even worked on them. They were all turned female, and in that time since, none of them had turned back.
Whether they’d even tried to or not, Shigure couldn’t say for sure… but the proof of their womanhood was now staring him right in the face, seeing as two different versions of Gilgamesh were waiting for him in his quarters, having summoned him to meet with them.
Neither are what Shigure had taken to calling ‘Gilgamesh Prime’ in his own head. They’re different versions of Gilgamesh. One is the younger version of Gilgamesh, Gil-kun. She’s the only version of Gilgamesh who has ever seen fit to name him ‘Master’. From the very beginning in fact, she called him Master.
This in and of itself might not have seemed that odd when ninety-nine percent of the other Servants he summoned to Chaldea did the same thing, but for a Gilgamesh to call him ‘Master’ instead of Mongrel was a pretty big deal. As evidenced by the OTHER version of Gilgamesh in the room, the ‘Caster’ Gilgamesh.
She wasn’t actually a mage. Though at the same time, to call her a fraud both to her face or even behind her back was not only doing her a great disservice, but also directly detrimental to one’s health. Caster Gilgamesh was only a Caster because she had access to an immense amount of magical staves from her massive royal armory, filled to the brim with treasures galore. As such, she was commonly known by titles like Sovereign of Magic Wands and Sage King, despite not casting a single spell herself. All of the magic she ‘performed’ came from one of her treasures. A great jest that she had once confided in him was all to make fun of the Great Sage himself.
Honestly, it was kind of funny, but the main point was, calling her ‘Caster’ wasn’t really appropriate. More than that, since both Young Gil and the regular Gilgamesh were summoned as Archers, calling Young Gil ‘Archer’ would be similarly inappropriate. And yet, at the same time… having three Gilgamesh wandering about made it rather confusing.
Luckily, when they’d all been turned into women, they’d worked things out themselves. Caster Gil and Young Gil had both adopted new names. Caster Gil now went by Ma-tur, who Shigure knew to be Gilgamesh’s younger sister from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Meanwhile, Young Gil had taken on the name ‘Ame’… both a feminine name as well as the middle three letters of the name Gilg(ame)sh.
Indeed, right now it was Ma-tur and Ame who were standing before Shigure, both of them excited in their own way. Ame was almost jumping up and down in excitement in fact, while Ma-tur had this wolfish grin on her face despite her rough welcome.
Cautiously, Shigure steps further into the room, clearing his throat somewhat apologetically.
“… I came as soon as I received your summons.”
Despite being the Master of Chaldea, there’s a reason Shigure has never approached any of the versions of Gilgamesh before, even after Merlin’s tomfoolery. Frankly, it was better to treat them as wild, untamed beasts even stronger than some of the actual Beasts he’d tamed. Best to leave them to their own devices.

Though that hadn’t stopped him from trying to get to know them all anyways. He’d worked hard to raise his Bond Levels with all of his Servants, and that included them. That was how he’d learned that Ma-tur had allowed herself to be summoned as a Caster solely to flip off the Grand Caster of the time, Solomon, with two big, honking middle fingers. And how he’d learned that Ame had way less ego than the older versions of herself.
In fact, for a long time Ame hadn’t even let the older versions of herself see her. Back when they’d all still been male, she’d confided in him that she was convinced that if she ever came face to face with either of the elder Gilgamesh, then they would almost certainly try to kill each other.
Clearly, something had changed when they became women, apparently. Indeed, Ame and Ma-tur seem to be getting along quite well at this moment.
“Hmph. I suppose one can’t expect much more than that from a Mongrel such as you.”
“We’re happy you came, Master!”
Ma-tur shoots a glance at her younger self then, and Shigure tenses up for a moment before realizing there’s fondness behind the exasperation in the older blonde’s eyes. Still, Ma-tur sniffs indelicately and shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest.
“It’s taken you far too long to come after us, you know. And so we’ve decided it’s about time we came after you. After all, we are the King of Heroes, are we not?”
Shigure valiantly resists the urge to correct Ma-tur and point out that she’s technically the Queen of Heroes as she is now. It wouldn’t be wise, and to be fair he had several servants who had been female even in the original legends but held the title of King. Artoria came to mind right off the bat for instance.
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s right! So um… really, there’s no one else that’s more worthy than us, Master!”
Ame shows her age as she hops up and down, puffing her cheeks out and waving her hands aggressively. She’s playing the part of ‘hype-woman’ for her elder self quite well, even as Ma-tur nods her head in agreement, looking rather smug. Meanwhile, Shigure is kind of curious and a little confused.
“Uh… worthy of what, exactly?”
Stopping her movement, Ame clenches her hands into fists… and very real stars seem to shine in her red eyes.
“Of being your wives, of course! Come on, come over here!”
Shigure can only gape as Ame rushes up, grabs him by the wrists, and drags him over to his own bed. Ma-tur watches this with glittering eyes, following them at a slightly more sedate, slightly more regal pace. He’s starting to wonder if Ma-tur might have been a bad influence on Ame, truth be told. Before, the youngest Gilgamesh had honestly been a little bit of a cinnamon roll.
There had been a moment, back when Ame was still Young Gil and male, that she, or rather he, had confessed that he’d forgotten his duty because it was too comfortable with Shigure. Even as a guy, Young Gil had been adorable. As a girl, Ame was tooth achingly sweet… but also way more self-confident then she’d been previously. Obviously, Ma-tur had been coaching her or something.
“It’s only fair, Mongrel. We are, the two of us, a much superior catch than all those other Servants. I don’t see exactly why you’ve been so recalcitrant to approach us all this time.”
Shigure opens his mouth to very bluntly explain, having every intention of just confessing the truth to Ma-tur as it was. He’s just about to tell her that he didn’t want to piss her off… when Ame shows just how far her new self-confidence goes and proceeds to pants him right then and there. The words catch in the Master of Chaldea’s throat as Ame pulls off not just his pants but also his boxers in a single swift motion, leaving him naked from the waist down.
Ma-tur then pushes him onto the bed with a nonchalant hand to his chest, forcing him to sit before dropping to her knees between his legs. Shigure can’t help but gape at the sight. She hasn’t really changed her attire from what she wore as a man, truth be told. Which of course means that her sizable chest is barely contained within the high-collar blue and red open vest she’s wearing. Meanwhile, her skirt has a large golden belt around it, while showing a bit of thigh.
Still, he never in a million years thought that ANY version of Gilgamesh would get on their knees before him to suck him off. Well, Ma-tur is quick to prove that wrong. Despite calling him a Mongrel mere moments before, she hurriedly starts in on his cock and balls, almost like she’s been anticipating this moment for quite some time. Her hands fondle his nut sack, while her lips and tongue work over his cock, slurping and sucking and licking and lapping this way and that.
It's honestly enough to make the Master of Chaldea bluescreen a little bit. But he’s not allowed to check out for long, because as Ma-tur proceeds to fellate him, Ame clamors up onto the bed beside him, moving close and licking her lips for a moment. Shigure turns to her and raises an eyebrow, but before he can ask her what it is she wants, she makes her intentions very clear.
Small but powerful hands reach up and grab hold of his hair, holding him in place as Ame leans forward and pulls him into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. As Ma-tur is busy down below sucking him off, Ame is moaning into his mouth, wiggling in place as she squirms in… in his grasp.
Shigure blinks as he realizes he’s reached an arm around Ame’s waist without even thinking about it and is currently groping her pert little behind through the shorts she’s currently got on. Much like Ma-tur, Ame is dressed very similar to how she dressed as a boy. Except, there’s a few more differences. She’s still wearing her white jacket, but she’s also wearing a black top under it. She’s also got a pair of white boyish shorts alongside thigh-high black stockings to finish the style.
Regardless, his groping of Ame’s ass causes the young blonde to squeak and ultimately end the lip lock early, her red eyes dancing as she tries to keep control of the situation. While Ma-tur continues to blow him down below, Ame pulls back and lifts up her shirt, revealing her adorable tiny titties to him for all of a moment before shoving them directly into his face.
“H-Here! You can play with my chest, Master! I know how much of a lecher you are, so let these tide you o-over!”
As he’s ‘smothered’ by Ame’s ‘magnificent breasts’, Shigure can’t help grinning. In the end, he goes along with it and starts suckling at Ame’s flat but highly sensitive chest. Pinching and playing with her small titties as well prompts more squeaks and squeals from the young blonde, followed up by moans of pleasure though she tries her damnedest to conceal them. She fails, ultimately.
The longer this goes on, the more Shigure begins to feel at home. Why the hell was he afraid of these Servants? Why was he worried? Maybe when they were male they would have killed him at the drop of a hat, but now that they’re women… well, he’s in his element, isn’t he? This was what Shigure was made for. Taming sexy bitches.
… Sure, some people might have said he was made for saving the world or something and given how often he’d done THAT they might have even been right. But Shigure respectively disagreed. Saving the world was his side hobby. Making love to gorgeous female legends from across the entire span of human history? That was his true calling.
He’d wasted enough time trying to stay out of Gilgamesh’s way, Shigure finally realizes. He was the Master of Chaldea, and more than that… he was the only game in town now with every man turned into a woman across the entire organization.
And so, he held all the power. Or at least, most of the power.
With a lustful growl, Shigure lets himself cum without warning in Ma-tur’s mouth. He blows his load without giving her any sort of heads up somewhat as a test to see how she’ll react, only for Ma-tur to swallow his load almost eagerly. For a ‘Mongrel’, she’s certainly treating him like a King right now, which only serves to embolden Shigure even further…
Filled with a sudden lustful aggression all too characteristic of the Master of Chaldea that most of its denizens know and love, Shigure abruptly stands up. Ma-tur, eyes glittering with knowing, leans back to make room for him. Ame on the other hand, looks up at him stupidly for a moment, as if confused by his actions.
She then yelps when Shigure whips around on her and picks her up, lifting her by the legs and all but throwing her back onto the bed as a result.
“H-Hey! Master, w-why are you suddenly so forward, huh?!”
Grinning as he tosses her down, Shigure answers by grabbing Ame’s shorts and panties and yanking them off in a single motion of his own, just as she did to him.
“Why am I suddenly so forward? Is that really something you’re asking after all of this, Ame? Shouldn’t I be asking you the exact same thing?!”
Ame blushes at that, letting Shigure know that his earlier suspicions are correct. Ma-tur has been a bad influence on her younger self. Before, Ame was a lot more self-conscious and innocent, not nearly as egotistical or full of herself as Ma-tur or the original Gilgamesh. Now, all of a sudden she was acting as though she had all the confidence in the world. It had to come from somewhere, and the full-grown Caster Gil on her knees behind him was the most likely culprit.
But Shigure would get to Ma-tur later. Right now, he was entirely focused on Ame and her lithe, nubile you body. The young blonde squeaks as Shigure lifts her lower body up into the air and drapes her thin legs over his broad shoulders. Her red eyes go wide and she opens her mouth to say something… but his lips and tongue reach Ame’s pussy a moment later.
Her bald, tight little cunt receives quite the tongue-lashing from the Master of Chaldea, prompting Ame to squeal at the top of her lungs rather than say what she was going to say. Grinning as his mouth gets messier and messier with her juices, Shigure goes to town on Ame’s pussy, driving his tongue deep inside of her as she flails about, eventually finding her voice again.
“M-Master! That’s not what you’re supposed to put there! It’s supposed to be your c-cock!”
Despite her protests, despite making a show of covering her bright red face with her hands… Shigure can see Ame’s red eyes peaking out from between her fingers, as well as feel her inner walls flexing and clenching down around his tongue as she gushes all over his face. She simply can’t conceal her pleasure at all, no matter how hard she tries.
Pulling back for a moment, Shigure’s eyes twinkle as he uses his fingers on Ame’s cunt, his index and middle fingers on one hand pistoning in and out of her pussy, while his thumb on the other hand frigs her clit.
“Where’d you learn a word like that, huh? Cock… where did my sweet innocent Ame go? Someone’s corrupted you!”
Ame shrieks, orgasming from the way he’s playing with her clit and pussy. Her hips buck and for a moment she can’t speak. Once she recovers though, she’s quick to deny it, shaking her head back and forth and offering up the most powerful of rebukes she can possibly muster.
“… N-Nuh-uh!”
Too cute. His young Gilgamesh can’t possibly be this cute. Amused as all hell, Shigure returns to eating out Ame’s tight pussy, his tongue driving back into her depths as her feet kick in the air over each of his shoulders, her toes no doubt curling in ecstasy.
It’s around this time that Ma-tur reminds him of her presence, the Sage King pressing up against his back with her breasts squishing against him. As she gives him a reach around, her hand coming down and jerking off the cock she was just sucking so damn effectively, Ma-tur coos into Shigure’s ear.
“That’s right Mongrel. It’s up to us to teach the young, isn’t it? Go on. Show her who’s boss.”
Having one Gilgamesh encourage him to dominate the other is a strange feeling to say the least. But at the same time, it almost feels appropriate in a way. Is he surprised that Ma-tur is egging him on as he all but takes Ame for a ride, leaving the younger Gilgamesh squeaking, squealing, and creaming herself on his tongue? Perhaps a little bit, but the more she whispers sweet nothings into his ear, the more sense it ultimately makes.
They might be the King of Heroes, but thanks to Merlin’s spell, they’re all both just women at the end of the day, with women’s needs. Shigure is uniquely equipped to supply those needs. Though he has to admit, Ma-tur is very much the adult in the room. Ame can’t even hope to stand up to him. Now that he has her in his grasp, she’s crumbling rapidly before the onslaught that is his tongue, mouth, and fingers.
At the same time, Ma-tur shows off just how skilled she is with her hands, her second joining the first and working away at his cock and balls. No more of her exquisite mouth, but in the end that doesn’t even matter. She’s so good with her hands that she might as well still be sucking him off. Is it any wonder then, that he doesn’t last much longer?
The most he can do is extract one last shrieking, screaming orgasm from Ame before Ma-tur manages to milk another climax from his dick. He grunts as the younger blonde squirts her pussy juices right into Shigure’s mouth. At the same time, he cums all over Ame’s back, her position meaning that his jizz ends up all over her as Ma-tur jerks him off to completion.
For a moment, Shigure recovers. But only for a moment, because Ma-tur is just getting started.
“A passing round of foreplay for all involved, I suppose. One can’t expect too much from a Mongrel… or an unripe copy.”
Smirking, the version of Gilgamesh that had allowed herself to be summoned as a Caster just to play a prank on the Grand Caster of the time, aka Solomon, slowly prowls around from behind Shigure over to the gasping, panting form of Ame. Before she joined them on the bed, Ma-tur had clearly stripped naked, but Shigure already knew that. The Master of Chaldea had felt her bared breasts pressing against his back the entire time she was giving him that exquisite reach around, after all.
Now, she crawls over to Ame, who’s thin legs have fallen off of Shigure’s shoulders, her body splayed out on the bed with his jizz staining the top of the blanket. Without further ado, Ma-tur grabs Ame and rolls them both over, grinning wickedly as she lies down on a cleaner part of the bed with Ame on top of her. The cheeky, slutty brat barely has time to squawk before Ma-tur has her just the way she wants her, with their legs intertwined and Ame’s legs forcibly spread apart.
“W-What are you doing? You-mmph!”
The younger of the two’s protests are subsequently cut off when Ma-tur proceeds to wrap a hand around the back of her head and smother Ame in her chest. As Ame is forced to motorboat her older self’s sizable rack, Ma-tur looks over the top of her younger self’s head at Shigure, red eyes twinkling with anticipation.
Well, he’s certainly not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. His cock is more than ready for Round Three. Hell, he’s ready to go Round Three through Twelve at this point. Nothing is going to stop him from fucking Ma-tur and Ame silly now. With a lustful growl, Shigure shuffles forward and proceeds to thrust his erection into Ma-tur’s pussy right then and there. His cock impales the Sage King’s cunt without hesitation, leaving her to gasp, her breath hitching a bit and her face coloring ever so slightly.
Grinning down at her, Shigure tilts his head to the side.
“Like that, O’ Sovereign of Magic Wands?”
Red eyes flashing, Ma-tur sniffs delicately and sticks up her nose at him.
“It is… mm, passable Mongrel. Do try to improve your technique though. One would think you would be better at this, but I suppose practicing with so many shoddy, worthless partners has left you with an over-inflated opinion of yourself.”
Ma-tur’s words are cutting, but Shigure can’t help grinning. It almost feels like the Caster Gilgamesh’s love language is insults and disparaging comments. Honestly, the fact that she’d called him ‘passable’ was a massive compliment alone, wasn’t it?
Feeling emboldened even more now, Shigure begins to really give it to Ma-tur, wanting to garner even more of a reaction from her. At the same time though, he doesn’t ignore Ame, even if the younger blonde is being forced to pleasure her older self’s chest and has results to sucking and slurping at Ma-tur’s tits just to keep from being suffocated in her cleavage instead.
As Ame works over Ma-tur’s breasts and Ma-tur’s cunt grips, squeezes, and caresses every inch of his thrusting length, Shigure endeavors to complete the loop… by grabbing Ame’s small but plump little behind. Giving it a nice, deep squeeze, he grins as Ame lets out muffled moans into Ma-tur’s teats from the way he’s digging his digits deep into her backside.
Ma-tur, meanwhile, moans as well from the reverberations Ame’s voice is sending through her sensitive mammaries. This, finally, causes her to clench down even harder onto Shigure. It’s a feedback loop of pleasure, plain and simple, though it’s not just one way but multiple ways. Not only is Shigure groping Ame’s ass causing Ame to suckle harder at Ma-tur’s tits, which causes Ma-tur to clench down harder at his cock. Shigure is also fucking Ma-tur’s cunt, which causes Ma-tur to grip down harder on Ame’s hair, forcing her deeper into her breasts.
It is, without a doubt, pleasurable for all three of them. Shigure, for his part, endeavors to last long enough to make Ma-tur cum at least once. It’s a close thing, which is saying something for the Master of Chaldea. Luckily, Ame is there to help and with their efforts combined, the Sage King’s lidded eyes eventually roll back in her head, her mouth wide open as she orgasms around his thrusting cock at long last.
Her tongue does not stick out. It’s notably NOT a full ahegao. But then, expecting such a thing from any version of Gilgamesh was probably a bit of a stretch. Though something told Shigure if he tried hard enough he might just be able to get one out of Ame.
To that end, even as Ma-tur cums, Shigure finally stops holding back his own release. He grunts, cumming inside of the Sage King, filling her womb with his seed. He creampies her long and hard, and only pulls out when he’s fully done pumping a hot, thick load into her. As a result, his cock isn’t just covered in her love juices, but also in a copious amount of his own sticky cum as he gives Ame’s plump derriere another solid knead before spreading her cheeks apart.
Because he was already groping her ass, and because she was so focused on lavishing Ma-tur’s tits with attention, Ame really doesn’t see it coming until he’s already prodding her back door with his cockhead. Only then does the young blonde squeak and look back over her shoulder at him, red eyes going wide.
“W-Wait! Master, that’s the wrong hole! You can’t just- nnngh!”
Needless to say, her vehement protests fall completely on deaf ears as Shigure begins to impale her ass with his thick cock. The little brat’s denials turn into whining and complaining as the Master of Chaldea starts to ream her.
“T-Too big! Master is way too big to be going back there! S-Slow down! D-Damn it, Master is a big dumb i-idiot!”
And yet, despite her complaints, it’s clear from her squeaks and cries that she’s actually enjoying it. It’s also clear from the way Ame is grinding her pussy mound into Ma-tur’s abdomen, all but humping the other blonde even as she pushes back into his thrusting cock more than she should. Especially if she’s supposed to not be enjoying it like she claims she isn’t.
As for Ma-tur herself, the older blonde’s eyes continue to twinkle in amusement. She’s all relaxed now, laying back like some sort of pillow queen now that she’s received her load in her womb. She even goes so far as to reach over the top of Ame’s back and scoop up a dollop of his still drying cum from the load he’d coated the younger blonde in when Ma-tur gave him that handjob.
Humming to herself, Ma-tur brings the dollop of seed to her lips and carefully and slowly sucks it clean, seeming to take her time pondering and enjoying the taste. Shigure watches her and almost calls her out on it… but thinks better of doing so in the end and decides to keep his mouth shut. He’s got a good thing going here. There’s no point in ruining it by saying the first thing that’s come to his mind.
In this case, the first thing to come to mind? Well, in this moment, Ma-tur reminds him a lot of Nero, aka the Emperor of Roses, aka one of his more hedonistic Servants. Nero was always up for a good time, and sharing a smaller, younger girl with him only to lick the cum right off of the younger Servant’s back as Ma-tur had done would be something Nero would do without a second thought.
Still, Shigure knows automatically that it’s not a comparison Ma-tur would appreciate. Nero might be an Emperor, but Ma-tur was the first King and the King of Heroes beside. Her opinion of Nero was probably just as low as any other Servant in Chaldea.
And so, Shigure leaves Ma-tur to her treat, watching in amusement as she scoops more of his cum off of Ame’s back. All the while, Ame continues to whine and complain about how he’s reaming her ass… in between her exclamations of pleasure and audible enjoyment. Remembering his original goal of trying to make Ame ahegao, Shigure grunts and settles in for the long haul, fucking Ame’s ass all the harder and faster.
He splits the nubile young blonde upon his cock time and time again, spreading her cheeks and filling her bowels with his dick over and over. He doesn’t stop for anything, while the slutty brat he’s got impaled can do nothing but squeal and tremble as he roughly rails her with all he’s got.
Eventually, Shigure reaches out and grabs Ame by the hair after she stops talking and just settles for suspicious gurgling moans. Pulling her head back, he grins wickedly at the younger Gil’s O-face. He’s done it. He’s made Ame ahegao all over his cock, and from anal at that! Grunting, he picks up the pace, watching her eyes roll around in her head and her tongue stick straight out of her mouth.
Then, he grunts and proceeds to cum, spilling his seed deep, DEEP inside of Ame’s bowels, making sure to properly creampie the little slut’s ass right there on the spot. As Ma-tur coos down below, Shigure can’t help feeling rather proud of himself. Downright accomplished, even.
… That is, until Ame’s face suddenly reverts in an instant, her eyes rolling forward again and her tongue rolling back up into her mouth as she gives a huff and looks at him from the upside down position he’s forcing her back to arch into.
“Finally done, Master? Sheesh, I can’t believe you came inside of my ass like that!”
… The slutty little brat was faking it! Shigure’s eyes widen as Ma-tur cackles, both of them recognizing in the same moment that he’d been had. Ame had used his own anticipation against him, giving him what he wanted so he would stop holding back and finally cum. Honestly… he’d be proud of her subterfuge, if he wasn’t the target of it!
As it is, there’s only one answer to her grumbling… she needs to be punished. And Shigure, it would seem, is the only man around for the job.
It’s important to note that Shigure’s quarters, by this point in time, are soundproofed. Not just soundproofed, but EXTREMELY soundproofed. Why? Well because the women of Chaldea have long since learned that their Master fucks who he wants when he wants and they just have to live with that. But that in no way means they need to all torture themselves by hearing him fucking others when he could be fucking them.
Sure, some of them were actually into that sort of thing, but the vast majority were not and thus the smaller group were ultimately overruled. The soundproofing was installed with Shigure’s approval and reinforced a dozen times over to deal with the enhanced hearing most of his Servants had.
Why was this important to note? Perhaps because outside of Shigure’s room at that very moment, the original Gilgamesh, just as female as her counterparts at this point, was currently pacing back and forth in front of the door to Shigure’s quarters, arguing with herself and trying to convince herself to just go in already. She had no idea what was going on in the room beyond, just as they had no idea she was out there.
“Come on… you’re the King of Heroes! He’s just a filthy Mongrel! Sure, a step up from the others if Enkidu’s words are anything to go by, but even still, he’s just barely worthy of your attention! There’s nothing to be ANXIOUS about!”
Indeed, Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s only real friend in this world or the last, had been talking the Master of Chaldea up at every opportunity. Gil hadn’t personally thought much of it. She was so far beyond any mortal man that it wasn’t even funny. Even transformed into a woman by that… that cretin’s machinations, that fact hadn’t changed.
Still, Enkidu’s constant praise had eventually gotten to Gil. She’d eventually decided that Shigure was worthy of her attention, if just barely. For a long time, she’d still fought with herself over the idea, going back and forth. Finally though, she’d given in and decided she would allow Shigure the privilege of courting her.
There was just one problem with that. For everyone else, if they had known, the problem would be blatantly obvious. Put simply, all of this was something that had happened in Gil’s head. The King of Heroes had decided internally that she would allow Shigure to court her… but not actually told him. But then, as far as she was concerned, that wasn’t the point! The problem as Gil saw it was that Shigure was IGNORING her in favor of all of the lowly hussies that pervaded the halls of Chaldea with their stench!
And after she’d deigned to grant him such a boon too! It wasn’t like she cared or anything though! She definitely doesn’t care that he’s been ignoring her advances. Said advances mostly consisted or her arrogantly boasting about herself, talking down to him, and threatening his life offhandedly… all things she’d already been doing as a male. But it was different since now she was female! He should have been able to see that!
Except, where she was concerned, the Master of Chaldea was apparently blind. He hadn’t even noticed her sexy new outfit she was constantly flaunting around him! She didn’t HAVE to wear a golden bikini version of her old armor that showed off her red tattoos now that she was a woman! She could have still worn full plate armor, but instead she’d been doing her best to attract his attention!
Instead, the filthy Mongrel had fucked every other girl in Chaldea except for her! And once again, it definitely wasn’t that she was jealous! Gil did not GET jealous! It was… it was just a matter of pride! That’s right! Her pride! As the King of Heroes!
“I’m the most beautiful and noble woman in all of Chaldea! I’m far superior to all those other mongrels! But damn him… once a Mongrel, always a Mongrel I suppose. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t see the beauty right in front of him!”
It was obvious to Gil that Shigure should be paying attention to HER above all others. Just as it was obvious that his idiocy meant he would never do it of his own volition. She would have to get right in his face and MAKE him acknowledge her. Once she was done with him, he wouldn’t be able to think of any other girl but her. THEN they could start on the centuries it would take for him to make up for his neglect and stupidity to her!
Coming to this conclusion, Gil straightens herself up and puffs out her large, skimpily clad chest and finally kicks down the door to Shigure’s quarters. It resists her immense strength slightly, but in the end she’s able to push right on through, barging into the bedroom with excitement flashing in her red eyes and confidence etched across every inch of her being.
“Mongrel! I have-!”
It takes a lot to silence the King of Heroes. In fact, Gilgamesh was more likely to nonchalantly kill someone trying to interrupt her and just continue speaking without break rather than actually allow an interruption to stop her in her tracks.
In this case however, the situation in which Gil finds herself struck dumb is perfectly reasonable. After all, it’s not every day that you finally work up the courage to go get your ma- your Mongrel, only to arrive and find him already in bed with both your older AND younger self!
The heavy smell of sex fills Gil’s nostrils a moment after she registers the threesome taking place before her. The Master of Chaldea, filthy Mongrel that he is, has defiled both of her other selves at this point, and is continuing to rail them right before her eyes. The foolish copy that was pretending to be a Caster, and the small brat who wielded only a fraction of her power… they’d beaten her to her prize!
Ame is the first to notice her, smirking as she looks up from watching Shigure lay into Ma-tur for the umpteenth time. The bratty slut’s eyes light up and she gives off a truly wicked grin as she sits up on the bed.
“Oh! Look who finally decided to join us. Late, as usual!”
At this, Shigure and Ma-tur finally begin to pull apart as well. Shigure looks at Gil curiously but doesn’t otherwise say a word. Ma-tur, meanwhile, rises as well and lets out a laugh at the dumbstruck, outraged look on her other self’s face.
“What? Did you think you were the only iteration of us that Enkidu was constantly whispering in the ear of?”
“I think she’s just struggling to come to terms with the fact that she wasn’t fast enough!”
Gil’s eyes damn near bulge out of her head as her other selves both smugly call her out. It makes perfect sense that Enkidu told all of them all about Shigure. Gil can’t bring herself to be mad at her friend. Instead, she turns her anger where it actually belongs… onto Ame and Ma-tur.
“YOU BITCHES! Neither of you are worth my time! Neither of you are worth his time as well! I am here to very graciously grace the Mongrel with my presence, and you two are getting in the way! Begone with you both, before I deal with you like I should have done ages ago! I won’t tolerate you-!”
There aren’t many things in all of the cosmos that can defeat Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. Not even as she is now, a woman. There DEFINITELY aren’t many things that can possibly take her down nonlethally. If you want to come for her, you best come for the kill and you best not MISS either. And yet… and yet, she does have one glaring weakness. An incredibly obvious one that nevertheless, she never thought she’d have to face.
Enkidu, the Chains of Heaven. Her own Noble Phantasm, named after her closest friend. It was a weakness that Gil tolerated specifically because she never should have been faced with it. It was a Noble Phantasm that she trusted even more than Ea, the greatest relic, treasure, and secret stored within the Gate of Babylon.
It had the power to bind the gods themselves and was an Anti-Divine Type Weapon. It was HER weapon… which was why it was absolutely audacious, the way Ame invoked it. So audacious in fact, that Gil couldn’t even react in time. It was completely out of nowhere. She never saw it coming.
In a heartbeat, the Chains of Heaven have wrapped themselves around her and lifted her into the air, restraining her not just physically, but metaphysically as well. Enkidu truly was the only weapon in all of existence that could fully lock Gil down. Not only was her immense power suppressed by the Noble Phantasm, but so was her connection to her armory. So long as she was trussed up like a fucking pig by her younger self, she could not access the Gate of Babylon.
That was the other thing, the other reason Gil simply couldn’t react fast enough. For Ame to do this was so out of left field it wasn’t even funny. She’d barely interacted with her other selves since being summoned to Chaldea, but she knew enough to know that Ma-tur was a lazier, more hedonistic version of her (even if Ma-tur would throw a fit if she was told as much). She was also technically the older, more mature version, but Gil would never admit as much. Meanwhile Ame… Ame was a weakling with none of Gil’s confidence who would never grow into her own because she was stuck at an age where Gil had yet to become what she needed to be.
Put simply, Ame had stayed out of Gil and Ma-tur’s sight at all costs, and for good reason… she was an example of their weakness that had once been, a part of their lives they had both tried very hard to bury long ago.
So then where was this sudden confidence coming from? The brat not only binds her up and yanks her into the air with Enkidu, but also has the audacity to give her a wide, cheeky grin.
“Oh yeah bitch. I dare.”
Gil’s red eyes damn near bulge out of her skull and she howls in impotent fury, struggling as best she can. However, with her power suppressed and her body lifted upwards off the ground, she can’t even find the leverage to have a hope of escaping, let alone actually see if her normal innate strength would even be enough to break out of the Chains of Heaven in the first place.
“You fools! I’ll have your heads for this! I’ll destroy you all! Let me down this instant or I will-!”
Gil’s eyes cross as she finds herself silenced for the second time in a single day. Unheard of, to let herself be interrupted this much. Not that she could retaliate, trussed up as she currently was. Still, what had silenced her this time was both different and the same as what silenced her before. No longer was the Mongrel fucking her other selves… instead he’d brought his messy cock over to her and slapped it down between her tits.
As she was currently positioned by Ame’s use of the Chains of Heaven, Gil found herself partially upside down. Having approached from her head, Shigure has shoved his dick OVER her face and between her tits in an inverted titfuck. As his balls drag across her features, the Master of Chaldea grabs her by her hair, which is currently done up in a pair of twin tails (Enkidu had told her he would like that) and begins to thrust back and forth.
Gil lets out a moan and before she knows it, begins to unconsciously lick, kiss, and suck at his sack as his strong musk invades her nostrils. Enkidu had talked him up like he was some monster of a man, like there was no one else that could possibly compare when it came to sexual partners. Needless to say, Gil had then worked him into all sorts of fantasies in her head, tempered by her understanding that he was still just another Mongrel and likely barely worth her time.
However, coming in to find him already getting down and dirty with the other two versions of her had left Gil in a uniquely vulnerable state when combined with the rest of it. She tries to deny it to herself, she tries to ignore how she’s feeling… but her treacherous body doesn’t allow for that. She groans as she slurps and sucks at his ball sack, all while the Master of Chaldea thrusts his cock between her breasts, groping and squeezing them and pushing them together through her golden bikini top.
He doesn’t say a word either. He’s like an animal, savaging and ravaging her right there on the spot. If she were free, she would definitely be in control! She would dominate him! It would definitely not be like this! But she is not free, and… well, she’s been looking forward to finding out if Enkidu knew what she was talking about for quite some time.
Losing herself in the moment, Gil gurgles as his balls drag back and forth across her face, his cock pushing in and out of her tits. His hands pull on her hair, using her twin tails like handlebars until finally, without warning, like the Mongrel he is, he suddenly starts to cum.
His seed sprays all over her stomach and tits and then leaves a trail behind as he pulls his cock back, dragging it out of her cleavage and across her face. As he ends the inverted titfuck Gil finds herself licking the entire underside of his dick as it goes by.
With his cock and balls out of the way, everyone in the room watches as Gil sighs in lovesick delight, a smile of rapturous bliss spreading across her face. This, however, only lasts for a minute or so before she realizes what she’s doing and immediately reverts back to outrage and anger.
“Y-You… filthy Mongrel! What gives you the right?! Treating me like some common whore! I’ll destroy you! Your punishment will be legendary! When I am through with you, you will know who is in charge, I promise you that!”
Shigure, having stepped back, watches her in bemusement for a moment before looking at Ame and Ma-tur.
“Well at least she’s not threatening to kill me anymore.”
As Gil sputters at this nonchalant response to her very real, VERY SERIOUS threats, Ame, brat that she is, perks up.
“I have a solution, Master!”
Mocking Gil’s current state, the brat reaches into her own Gate of Babylon… and pulls out a familiar stoppered potion.
“This is the most powerful Potion of Lust in all of existence! It should drive her INSANE with pleasure!”
They dared?! Gil squawks in outrage as Shigure considers it for a moment. He would never! Right?! But no, the Master of Chaldea has always been pragmatic, regardless of what sort of man the King of Heroes has unknowingly built up for him in her head. Nodding to Ame, he takes the potion from her hands and begins to walk over to Gil.
Obviously, when he holds it out to her, she snarls and keeps her mouth shut, glaring daggers at him instead. She refuses to open his mouth no matter what he tries. She’s not sure what she’s expecting him from… an apology, perhaps? But her stubbornness eventually causes a strange glint to appear in his eye as he pulls the potion back from her lips… and starts to walk around her.
What… what is he doing?
“What do you think you’re do-IIIIING?!?!”
She quickly finds out exactly what the Master of Chaldea is doing when he suddenly lifts up her hips, turning her completely upside down. Then, he rips her panties off her body and proceeds to spread her cheeks, stuffing not one but TWO fingers right up her ass. Gil shrieks indignantly, yowling like a particularly pissed off cat. But she doesn’t understand that that’s just the beginning. He’s not fingering her asshole for no reason… he’s prepping it.
A moment later the cool feeling of the potion’s glass opening presses against her sphincter. Gil barely has a chance to react with a widening of the eyes and a choked noise before the incredibly powerful Potion of Lust begins to drain into her rectum.
In an instant, she begins to shake wildly, but just as she’s starting to spasm and seize up, a pair of arms wraps around her body as Ma-tur arrives to hold her still and force her flailing to cease. She doesn’t have to do so for long though, because the potion rapidly takes effect, causing Gil’s entire body to become extremely sensitive, and the King of Heroes herself to suddenly be incredibly horny.
Yanking her up by one of her twin tails alone makes Gil shriek from the sensation. Meanwhile, when Shigure’s other hand grabs hold of her jaw to force her still and make her look him in the eye, that nearly brings her to orgasm on the spot. Grinning down at her, the Master of Chaldea hums as he runs his thumb over Gil’s lips, which are already slightly parted. They immediately clamp down and suck on his digit when he pushes it past them, and Gil whimpers as she suckles at his thumb.
“… Go ahead and release her from the Chains of Heaven, Ame.”
“Are you sure, Master?”
“Oh yes… I think she’ll be fine from now on. And besides, I have plans for her… for all of you~”
“As you wish, Master!”
Gil glares daggers at Shigure. He thinks he has her right where he wants her does he?! Well she’d show him just as soon as Ame pulled back Enkidu. She would… she would… well, she would finish sucking his thumb first. Then she’d punish him. Yes. That would be fine…
Standing there in the middle of his quarters, Shigure resists the urge to shake his head in baffled amazement at the sight before him. Never in a million years would he have thought this would be possible!
Kneeling before him, all three versions of Gilgamesh have redressed in very skimpy, white, transparent harem girl outfits that hide the details but also ultimately leave nothing to the imagination when it comes to their beautiful bodies. Their harem outfits come with thick and ostentatious pure gold collars, which each have Enkidu chains stretching from them like leashes to Shigure’s hand.
The Chains of Heaven don’t actually suppress the three at all as they’re being used right now, but that’s perfectly fine. Shigure doesn’t need to suppress them, not even the original Gilgamesh… not anymore.
Of course, even though Ame and Ma-tur are altogether perfectly fine with this state of affairs, Gil has some choice words for him.
“This is an, mm, outrage you know! I’ll, nngh, get you back for this Mongrel. As soon as, ah, I’m done here, I’m, hah, gonna be in charge!”
Gil’s ‘outrage’ over the situation would mean a lot more to Shigure if she wasn’t so busy polishing his rod with her mouth and tongue in between her words. And even though she was talking a big game, Shigure had never seen such an extremely happy and adoring look on her face, nor had he seen her blushing so profusely.
It’s obvious her pussy is clenching in pleasure every time she gets to lick his cock or fondle his balls. Amused by the juxtaposition between the words from her mouth and her actions, Shigure reaches down and grabs hold of her twin tails, yanking her away from his cock at long last even as she desperately tries to continue licking at it. An almost pitiable whine explodes from Gil’s throat as he yanks her up onto her feet and forces her back onto the bed.
It’s not just her face, but her entire body that is bright red right now. Even just being dragged onto the bed is enough to make her shudder and quiver thanks to the Potion of Lust. And yet… Shigure also knows that Gil currently has access to her Gate of Babylon at the moment. If she wanted to cure herself with one of her endless treasures, he’s confident she could.
She doesn’t though, instead she acts like he’s forced her hand, like she’s going to get back at him for this ‘great injustice’ sooner or later. She doesn’t fight back at all as he gets between her legs, flips up the slip of cloth that her harem slave outfit affords her, and proceeds to prod her pussy with just the tip of his cock.
She’d probably been about to call him a Mongrel again, but just that tap of his dick against her sensitive pussy lips causes her to violently cum, her body shaking and seizing up. Shigure chuckles and holds her down by her thighs, but when he tries to push into her, her spasming cunt is clenching so tightly and so rapidly that he actually has trouble with it.
A frown spreads across Shigure’s face then, and he growls as he calls upon some of his own enhanced strength. The Master of Chaldea might be a mortal man, but he’s definitely not your average human being. He hasn’t been for a long time. With a snarl, Shigure slams home into Gil’s cunt at long last, impaling the King of Heroes upon his throbbing member.
When he does, her constantly convulsing insides prove to be one of the most pleasurable experiences of his life… and indeed, of Gil’s existence judging by the way she IMMEDIATELY ahegaos for him, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue ALL the way out. Somehow, Shigure knows that unlike before with Ame, Gil ain’t fucking faking it. No, the Potion of Lust has caused her to take complete leave of her faculties.
As he begins to fuck her incredibly tight, rapidly cumming cunt with deep, penetrating thrusts, Ame climbs onto the bed and crawls up, smirking a little bit at him as she clamors on top of Gil. The older version of her is in no position to stop Ame from doing whatever the fuck she wants. And what, exactly, does Ame want?
Well, it’s actually quite simple. She wants to humiliate and degrade Gil as much as possible. Luckily for her, Shigure had inadvertently given her the perfect tool to do so just a little while earlier. Even in a state of extreme lust like Gil was now, there was precisely zero chance that the King of Heroes would normally be willing to eat out Ame. Under no normal circumstances, nor under most abnormal circumstances, would Gil EVER let herself be subjugated by her ‘weakling’ younger self.
There was only one way in which Gil would end up in such a position. The promise of Shigure’s thick, viscous seed. And that is exactly what Ame gives her. Kneeling on either side of Gil’s head, the slutty little brat reaches back and slips her own harem girl skirt aside before spreading her ass cheeks apart. She then promptly sits her plump derriere upon Gil’s face. The scent of Shigure’s cum, drooling out of Ame’s tight little asshole, reaches Gil’s nostrils before she can truly register what’s happening.
And thus, before she can properly process that it’s Ame on top of her, the constantly orgasming, explosively ahegaoing King of Heroes sticks her wagging tongue right into Ame’s ass, rimming her younger self for a chance at Shigure’s seed.
As Ame moans and tosses her head back, riding her older self’s face, Ma-tur crawls over as well. The Sage King’s eyes twinkle as she promptly sits astride Gil’s abdomen, grinding her pussy into the top of Gil’s pussy and wrapping her arms around Shigure’s neck. She pulls him into a tongue-filled kiss right then and there, one Shigure is more than happy to return.
He’s still holding onto their leashes, still lording his control over them all. It shouldn’t have been possible. They were, all of them, Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. And yet, was he not Shigure, Master of Chaldea? Had he not made his own legend over the course of his adventures? One that included all three of these lovely ladies too. They were his now… and that, Shigure decided, was exactly as it should be.
With a lustful growl into Ma-tur’s lips, Shigure proceeds to spill his seed inside of Gil’s cunt. Her clenching pussy walls try desperately to either push him out or hold him in, but truth be told, he couldn’t tell you which one it is. In the end, it doesn’t really matter because they fail at both. He does not leave until he’s fully creampied Gil’s womb, pumping a hot thick load into her cunt. Then, he pulls out, her cunt unable to hold him in for long. After all, he has places to be… he’s far from done with her.
His cock is more than lubed up for what’s next, as Shigure moves his grip from the top of Gil’s thighs to the underneath and abruptly lifts her lower body up into the air. A moment later and the tip of his dick is pressing into her ass cheeks, and then moving between them… and then hitting her sphincter. Already loosened by the potion he’d upended into her ass, her backdoor gives way before him, allowing Shigure to push in nice and deep in one go.
Gil might have raised a protest, if she weren’t still busy eating out every last ounce of his cum from her younger self’s ass. Of course, her ass was ground zero for a lust potion enema and was even more sensitive than her cunt. Her muffled squealing reaches a fever pitch from under Ame’s plump derriere, and the little brat’s red eyes widen before she has to clench her thighs down on either side of Gil’s head just to stay in position.
“O-Oh fuck!”
From the look of things, Ame herself is riding out an orgasm just from Shigure shoving his cock into her older self’s ass. Amusing to say the least. With an almost feral grin, Shigure continues to fuck Gil’s ass hard and fast. He’s not doing this just because he wants to, but also because he knows he has to. Eventually the Potion of Lust WILL wear off, and while Shigure suspects Gil is a huge Tsundere who DOES in fact want to be with him even without certain aids… well, he also knows he needs to establish the pecking order right fucking now.
As he pounds into Gil’s insanely sensitive ass hard and fast, he also pistons his fingers in and out of both her cunt and Ma-tur’s, causing the other blonde to moan happily as he drives his digits into her from around the side of her harem girl skirt. All three blondes are moaning quite wantonly in fact, but whereas Ma-tur and Ame sound all too normal, Gil’s muffled moans are interspersed with extremely loud shrieks and squeals, as she’s driven absolutely mad with lust and pleasure, riding out orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.
He makes sure to keep it going for as long as possible, until finally he can hold it back no longer. Only then does Shigure cum, creampieing her ass as he already did her womb, filling her backdoor with even more of his seed and leaving her to buck and shake and nearly knock both Ame and Ma-tur off of her once more with her flailing, orgasming movements.
It’s the moment of truth, as Shigure slowly pulls out of Gil and Ame and Ma-tur drag themselves off of her. Neither of the other versions of Gilgamesh seem all that worried, but Shigure is definitely feeling cautious. He’s not even sure Command Seals would work on any of them under normal circumstances. If Gil decides to take issue with all of this after all, he can only hope the Potion of Lust combined with everything else has weakened her sufficiently for them to be able to take effect.
As he sits down on the edge of the bed and waits to see what happens next, Ame and Ma-tur are quick to sidle up alongside him, attending to the Master of Chaldea like the good little harem girls they’re dressed up as. But it’s Gil that Shigure is keeping an eye on out of his periphery… and it’s Gil who ends up shocking him the most.
Sliding down off the bed and onto the floor, the King of Heroes prostrates herself before him. She doesn’t go between his knees to suck his cock again… but rather, all the way down to his feet, which she holds reverently in her hands as she begins to kiss, lick, and suck at them.
Blinking owlishly at the display of utter servitude and complete submission from the most egotistical woman that Shigure has ever met, the Master of Chaldea opens his mouth for a moment in wordless stupefaction, before closing it again as he can’t find the words.
Ame on the other hand, takes one look down at Gil and snickers.
“Enjoying yourself down there?”
Her taunting tone causes Gil’s had to snap up, and for a moment Shigure thinks he might have to use the Command Seals after all as the flustered, blushing blonde glares at her younger self. But in the end, if Gil was a tiger before… she’s an utter kitten now.
“N-No! It’s not like I’m e-enjoying this or anything! Not at all! I hate it, definitely! Ah… but Master has allowed me to worship his feet, so even if I detest this task with ever fiber of my being, I’ll do my best as his concubine to worship them p-properly!”
Both Ame and Ma-tur blink owlishly at their other self at THAT. Did Gil even hear herself talking?! But Shigure just chuckles and slides his hands around their waists, fondling and groping them until they focus on him and not Gil’s complete and total mind break. He’d gotten exactly what he wanted. He’d fucked Gil straight out of her mind. As she returns to worshipping his toes and feet, Shigure sighs contently.
Best Christmas Ever.


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