Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 64: Queen Draco

A/N: As of today, this story is now up to date with where it is on all of the other websites I post to. Because of this, chapters will no longer come out daily, but will come out whenever the commissioner for this story has me write a new chapter!


Another day, another turn in Chaldea’s Summoning Chamber as Shigure, Master of Chaldea, find himself preparing to summon yet another new Servant. Ya know, after all this time you’d think that he would have run out of people to pull out of the Throne of Heroes, but apparently not. You also might think that he had enough Servants running around Chaldea as it was and that summoning more at this point was utterly pointless.
… You’d be half right on that last bit. The fact was, Shigure did have ‘enough’ Servants. But what did ‘enough’ even mean, really? Was it ‘enough’ that he had brought over three hundred Servants to Chaldea at this point? Was it ‘enough’ that Merlin’s magic had made them all female, giving him no end of possibilities when it came to satisfying his inhuman, irrepressible lusts?
Shigure… would say no to that. He wasn’t just a simple man anymore. He was the Master of Chaldea, and with that came certain perks. Like being a bit more than human. Frankly, at this point he was a bit more than a bit more. He was closer to his weaker Servants than he was to the strongest human at this point, and that was a fact.
Regardless, the point of this was to say that he wasn’t content. Not even with over three hundred women in his harem… err, fighting force. He wanted more. He wanted to catch them all. And sure, he had absolutely no fucking clue what ‘them all’ would look like, or if it was even possible to reach such a thing… but he had to try.
Hence standing in the Summoning Chamber, preparing for another summoning. From the observation room, Da Vinci’s voice suddenly comes over Chaldea’s intercom.
“We’re ready whenever you are, Master.”
Smiling, Shigure nods and steps forward, starting the process on his end. Things begin lighting up, and the Summoning Ritual begins to get to work, bringing forth his latest Servant. Shigure still doesn’t fully understand the science OR magic behind it, but then he doesn’t really need to. He has people for that. In the end, the concept seems simple enough. Resources go in, Servant comes out. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am.
As runic arrays come to life all around him, glowing brightly and filling the air with a pleasant, familiar, and honestly reassuring hum, Shigure lets his eyes drift shut and just basks in the moment. He wonders what he might summon this time. He wonders what sort of body type they might have, who they might be, what kind of buttons he can push to make them his. He wonders-
All of a sudden, the Summoning Chamber powers down, the hum cutting off. Shigure’s eyes snap open but for a moment he gets a sense of vertigo because it doesn’t FEEL like his eyes are open. The Summoning Chamber has gone pitch black. Then, emergency lighting boots on, bathing the place in red as an alarm suddenly starts sounding all around him.
Shigure’s eyes narrow and the Master of Chaldea immediately sets aside his daydreaming in favor of calling out to his helper.
“Da Vinci?! What’s happening?”
Before the female Servant can respond, Shigure’s question is partially answered by a sudden dark singularity appearing out of nowhere right in the middle of the chamber. The Master of Chaldea’s eyes widen as a black mud immediately starts spewing from it, and he quickly takes a couple steps back.
“Master! It’s not good… all of my readings are saying the same thing. A Beast has hijacked the Summoning!”
Shigure narrows his eyes even further at that, frowning at the dark singularity before him.
“A Beast? Which one?”
He could have sworn they were all accounted for at this point. It wouldn’t be the first time that a former Beast was summoned as a new Class and a proper Servant after he’d defeated them, after all. Though, none of those summonings looked quite like this…
“No, Master! You misunderstand! This isn’t a Beast we’ve encountered before… this is someone new! A full-fledged Beast is being summoned directly into Chaldea!”
His eyes widen at that, flicking down to the black mud that even now is pooling in the center of the room, expanding to a certain point and then stopping where it lies. A shiver runs down his spine as Shigure glances to the door… and sighs.
“The Summoning Chamber has sealed itself, hasn’t it?”
“Err… yes, Master. Sorry, Master.”
Shigure just shakes his head.
“Work on getting it unsealed. And get everyone here, just in case.”
He can’t help the slightly fatalistic tone that enters his voice. On the one hand, the Summoning Chamber automatically sealing itself up as a precaution is perfectly sensible. On the other hand, Shigure is the Master of Chaldea… and a fully-fledged Beast wouldn’t be stopped by the seal for long anyways. Put simply, if he dies here, it’s bad. Really bad. But also, if the Beast gets out… it’s bad.
Once again, Shigure finds himself as the last and only line of defense that humanity has against the monsters nipping at its heels. It’s just that this time he doesn’t even have any of his Servants supporting him. No, it’s just him and a literal Beast, a Calamity upon the world.
Letting out a soft sigh, Shigure stands his ground, shaking his head as he watches the Beast finally emerge from the mud. He soaks in her appearance, his eyes narrowing as his cock stirs down between his legs.
The Beast has taken a feminine form. A very short feminine form. If not for her tail, he’d put her at only four and a half feet if she were a normal human woman. But of course, she’s not. While her torso, head, and one of her arms are all distinctly human, her other arm and her legs give away her true nature… as do her red eyes and sharp canines.
Three of her limbs, the aforementioned arm and legs, are draconic in nature, covered in red scales and extending out into a clawed hand and a pair of heels respectively. Meanwhile, her blonde hair reminds him of the many, MANY blonde Servants he’s summoned, though her royal crown is certainly unique with its red jewels.
As is the Unholy Grail overflowing with more of that same black mud that she has held aloft in her one human arm.
On top of all of that, as though she were trying to entice HIM specifically… and maybe she was, the Beast is dressed in the absolute skimpiest outfit possible, wearing a pair of red panties that cling to her skinny hips just above her scaly thighs, as well as a pair of red straps that cross over her flat chest, hiding her nipples from view.
The white cloak she’s wearing might as well not exist with how open it is, though Shigure does notice she also has an armlength glove on her one human hand, the white of it contrasting with the gold of the Grail that she’s holding aloft like a wine glass.
Everything about the Beast screams hedonistic royalty, down to the malicious gleam in her blood-red eyes and the wicked grin filled with sharp fangs that stretches across her face. As Shigure takes all of this in, as he fully comprehends what he’s up against… she throws her head back and begins to laugh maniacally.
“Ohohohoho! Ohhhooohhooo! At long last! I have been granted direct access to Chaldea! Ooooh, and what a version of Chaldea it is~”
Looking around herself for a moment, the Beast ultimately lets her gaze fall upon Shigure specifically. She licks her fangs suggestively, her eyes twinkling with completely uncontained malevolent glee.
“A Chaldea with YOU as its Master should be incredibly amusing~ Yessss… this will be perfect! From here, I shall see my plans to their inevitable conclusion!”
Shigure narrows his eyes, well aware that he’s pretty hopelessly outmatched here. Even if he was as strong as some of his weakest Servants by this point, he was no match for a Beast. No single Servant would be. In the end, all he could do was try and distract her for as long as possible. If everyone in Chaldea could be mobilized and the Summoning Chamber could be reopened before she killed him, then maybe they’d have a chance…
In the meantime, he needed to get her monologuing.
“And what might those plans be? What are your goals, Beast?”
Looking at him with those bright red eyes of hers, the draconic Beast giggles girlishly, an evil sound when it comes from her mouth. She swings her Grail around almost contemptuously, causing more black mud to slosh out of it and onto the chamber floor.
“Why… I’m here to witness the end of humanity, of course! What other reason for existing is there?!”
Just as he expected. She- wait, what? Shigure blinks and pauses for a moment, going back over what the Beast had just said in his head. After a beat, he finds himself forced to ask for clarification.
“Excuse me… did you say WITNESS the end of humanity? Not CAUSE it?”
Looking downright amused at him now, the diminutive Beast just smirks.
“But of course. What do you take me for, exactly? Do you think that I’m an idiot like all those other Beasts? The only thing that will exterminate humanity… are humans themselves. You lot will destroy yourselves given enough time, so why should I do anything but sit back and watch, really?”
A distant look comes across the Beast’s face, and she licks her fangs again.
“Mm. The most delicious bite of a piece of fruit comes right at the moment before it rots. Humans are so good at rotting themselves out from the inside. So good at giving into their desires and taking themselves to the brink… and then right over the edge. That is where I come in. Before they can drop over that edge, I pluck them from it… and devour them whole as my reward!”
Spreading her arms wide, both the draconic one and the human one, causing her Grail to slosh more black mud all over the place, the Beast laughs.
“That is what I shall do with the Human Order, right before it collapses in on itself! Until then, I am content to watch and wait! My purpose is not to hasten the end… for that would ruin the meal!”
That was… well, on the one hand, that was about as sick and twisted as Shigure had come to expect from a Beast’s way of thinking. On the other hand, he could perhaps work with this. If all she wanted to do was WATCH… and if the only failure condition was humanity collapsing on itself, then Shigure could probably manage her. Have her be Chaldea’s guest, and just make sure humanity stayed intact… so do what he’d already been doing.
However, just as he’s opening his mouth to offer the Beast a permanent guest spot at Chaldea for her ‘observance’, he finds himself cut off. Not by words… but by a single look. Those blood-red eyes of hers are suddenly locked on him in a predatory manner that Shigure recognizes quite well. After all, HE had looked at many a female Servant with that same sort of predatory gaze since becoming Master of Chaldea.
“Of course, in order to make my time as comfortable as possible… Chaldea will have to serve me. I suppose I shall have to exert myself a little bit and conquer it. Oh, but lucky me… the Master of Chaldea is already before me, ready to submit!”
Before Shigure can even fully process what she’s said, the Beast moves faster than he can see. In less than the blink of an eye, he’s laid flat on his back, his clothes shredded into smaller than small scraps as he finds himself naked with her straddling him. The Beast coos down at him, running draconic claws along his face.
“Greetings, little Master. Allow your new Mistress to introduce herself. I am Beast VI, Sodom’s Beast. I have been called many things. Whore of Babylon. The Great Beast. And of course, my personal favorite… Queen Draco~”
Licking her lips, she giggles evilly.
“Of course, when I’m done with you, you will address me as YOUR Queen… or Mistress. I’m not too picky, so long as you learn your place!”
As soon as she’s done speaking, the draconic claws on his face leave, reaching back behind her instead to grab his cock. At the same time, the corrupted mud from her Grail continues to spill over them both, even as she jerks him off with an evil smirk.
“Hmph, already half-hard. I see that you are made for submission, despite your title, oh Master of Chaldea.”
Leaning forward as she continues giving him a handjob and demeaning him with her words, the Beast giggles.
“And don’t think I don’t know all about you~ I’ve been watching! Of all the versions of Chaldea, this one was the one I hoped to be summoned into the most. So many conquests… so much hedonism and delight. Mm, I’ll enjoy feasting here, to be sure. Even still, all of those others… they didn’t know that deep down inside, you’re just a scared little boy.”
Shigure’s eyes narrow at that, a grunt expelled from his lips by her continued ministrations. Her inhuman arm grants inhuman pleasure despite the dangerously sharp claws. This Queen Draco is certainly someone who has supped upon the darkest of humanity’s desires, the most delicious of their perversities and debaucheries.
No part of him was made for submission. And yet, he was still rock hard in her grasp. His balls churned under her admittedly exquisite technique.
At the same time, she certainly thinks that she’s cut to the root of the matter, doesn’t she? Shigure was never supposed to shoulder this responsibility. He was never meant to be the sole Master of Chaldea. The position had been thrust upon him by circumstances outside of his control and he’d been forced to make the best of a bad situation. He’d done quite well for himself, flying by the seat of his pants, projecting a certain sort of personality and façade to all of his Servants in order to make sure that they knew he was their Master and not to be questioned.
Of course, none of that matters at this moment. Not when Queen Draco has him pinned down, holding his cock, stroking it up and down. Her dangerously sharp claws mean that if he makes even the slightest move, she could ‘accidentally’ snip his dick right off. If he struggles, he might very well lose his manhood.
And yet, despite that particular Sword of Damocles hanging over his head… he can’t stop it. With a grunt, Shigure cums, blowing his load directly into Queen Draco’s fisted clawed hand.
Smirking, the Great Beast pulls her hand back, licking her claws clean of his seed experimentally, though she gives nothing away regarding how she finds the taste. Standing up off of him, Sodom’s Beast then reaches down with her draconic claws and snips her skimpy clothing off of herself, starting with the panties and then moving up to the straps covering her nipples. Revealing her naked body in its entirety, she grins wickedly at him.
“Already partway there, aren’t you? Be a good boy and this will all be relatively-oof!”
This time it’s Shigure’s turn to surprise the bratty, diminutive Beast, as he tackles her before she can retake her position atop him. Now that he’s freed from those dangerous claws of hers, Shigure doesn’t hesitate to lung forward, using his greater size to bring her to the ground, even if he knows he’s not as strong as her.
Caught off guard by his desperate charge, Draco’s eyes widen slightly as her corrupted Grail goes flying, clattering across the floor while she’s pinned to the ground by the annoyed and horny Master of Chaldea. As he holds her in place, Shigure slaps his cock down upon the Great Beast’s pussy mound, finding it to be more than wet enough for his purposes. While doing so, he looks her directly in the eye.
“… That might have true once upon a time. I might have been a scared little boy putting on a brave face back at the start. But you’d better believe I grew the fuck up. You think a scared little boy could build everything you see around you? You think I would still be Master of Chaldea if I were faking it even now? I faked it until I made it. And now… I’m going to put you in YOUR place, you little bitch.”
He’s talking a big game, but while it’s true that he’s not scared… he is resigned. Shigure doesn’t expect to be able to stop Queen Draco from doing whatever she wants to him. But he’s not going to go down without a fight. Tensing up, anticipating the sudden and inevitable retaliation of the Beast beneath him… Shigure is surprised when Draco just laughs and humps her hips at his cock instead.
“Such a cutie~ Trying to turn things around on me, hehe. But then, you’ve done that before haven’t you? Even with my own fellow Beasts. Aw, do you think you’ll manage to break me on your pathetic wittle cock, Shigure? Go ahead. As your Queen, I shall graciously allow you to see where your futile efforts get you.”
The smug grin on Draco’s face as she outlines just how fucked he really is… it ignites a fury deep inside of Shigure. With a snarl, the Master of Chaldea reaches down and grabs hold of his cock, lining it up with the lounging Beast’s pussy and thrusting in. She’s just as absurdly tight as her diminutive size would suggest, of course. Her cunt squeezes down around his cock with an insane strength, and it takes every fiber of Shigure’s being just to move in and out of her as he begins fucking her.
This draws a giggle from Sodom’s Beast, as her blood red eyes continue to gleam with malicious, malevolent intent. She watches him with that same predatory look as before… but now there’s something new behind it. Something… inevitable. It’s like her eyes themselves are telling Shigure that he doesn’t have a chance. That in the end, all she really had to do is outlast him.
It irks him greatly that she’s probably right, but even with that said, he has NEVER been one to give up, no matter how desperate the situation. No… rather, it’s in moments like these that Shigure finds himself reaching beyond what he thought his limits were. It’s against adversaries like Queen Draco that he truly surpasses what he’d originally thought he was capable of.
With that in mind, the Master of Chaldea goes full tilt. He fucks her insanely tight pussy with all his might, thrusting in and out of her as involuntary grunts are expelled from his lips each and every time. Every last thrust of his cock is a herculean effort, as he forces his way into her clenching, powerful cunt, only to then have to drag himself back out as her insides refuse to let go of him.
Even still, he knows that just fucking her won’t be enough. So, leaning forward, he grabs at her flat chest, squeezing the barely there itty bitty titties she’s sporting. He gropes at the nonexistent breasts and pinches her nipples. At the same time, he shoves his tongue into her mouth, uncaring of her maw full of sharp fangs. To her credit, Draco doesn’t bite his tongue off even though she could have. She even lets him kiss her, lets their tongues wrestle with one another as they swap spit.
Alternating between making out with her and slobbering all over her tits, Shigure feels like he’s making progress for a moment. Her nipples grow puffier and redder under his attentions, and even her flat chest raises up slightly, graduating from washboard to mosquito bites due to his efforts enflaming them a bit. Meanwhile, down below her pussy continues to milk his cock… but Shigure is picking up speed, fucking her harder and faster by the minute.
It's slow going, but maybe… just maybe he can do this. Maybe he can break her upon his cock, as he’s broken so many other women before her. In the end, Beast VI will be no different from her other kin. No different from the hundreds of Servants that Shigure has had his way with at this point! This, the Master of Chaldea swears!
Unfortunately, he’s given a harsh dose of reality a few minutes later, when he can hold back no longer and finds himself cumming inside of Queen Draco. Sodom’s Beast takes his load with casual aplomb, before bringing up her gloved human hand to her lips… and yawning.
“Mm… is that all you have, Master of Chaldea? Because if so… you should probably just give up now. Maybe I can even manage to teach you how to make a real woman cum before humanity finally does itself in and I devour everything~”
Shigure’s face colors as he’s once again confronted with the hopelessness of his situation. Despite the flexing and clenching sensations of her insanely tight cunt wrapped around his cock, Draco hasn’t even come close to cumming for him yet. And sure, Shigure himself is still rock hard and raring to go… just one orgasm would never be enough to take him out of commission.
However, the fact that she was wet but not moaning, that she was squeezing down on his cock but not spasming… Shigure is a dab hand at sex by this point. He’s had hundreds of partners impaled upon his cock. Never before has he seen someone so… disinterested in what they’re doing.
The worst part is, as he growls and does his best to ignore Queen Draco’s words, returning to fucking her into the floor of the Summoning Chamber with hard and fast thrusts… she doesn’t just lay there like a dead fish. Nor does she ignore him. No, the Great Beast actively participates, even reciprocating as she milks him for all he’s got. However, it’s obvious that she’s not feeling it like he is. Whether that’s because she’s not LETTING herself feel it, or simply because he’s not good enough… well, does it really matter?
Still, it makes sense in an irritating sort of way. Shigure might be the Master of Chaldea, but he’s just one man. Queen Draco has set her sights much higher than him. Her desire is for all of humanity to be her meal, right at the cusp of its self-inflicted annihilation. By comparison, one single man, no matter who he is, no matter what he’s become… well, there is no comparison, is there?
That doesn’t mean Shigure is going to give up, however. There’s still the chance that they’ll manage to unlock the Summoning Chamber and bring the full might of Chaldea’s summoned Servants down upon Draco’s head. If he can last until that happens, then just maybe he can survive this.
However… he has to be realistic. Assembling Chaldea’s army of Servants will take hours at best. And unsealing the Summoning Chamber might take even longer. Maybe even days. It was designed to hold some serious power, though nothing like Queen Draco.
Still, Shigure knows that Queen Draco isn’t going to break out of here until she’s had her fill of him. She’s not going to destroy the seal until after she’s broken and subjugated him… and she’s not going to do THAT until he’s finally given up on his own attempts to fuck her into submission right back.
And so Shigure keeps going. He keeps fucking the diminutive Beast, pounding the Whore of Babylon into the floor. In doing so, he splashes black mud from her corrupted Grail all over the place. They’re literally knee deep in the stuff at this point, or he is anyways. Off to the side, Draco’s forgotten Grail continues to pour mud all over the floor unabated, slowly filling up the room.
But Shigure can’t think about that. He can’t think about anything but the task right in front of him. If he hesitates for even a moment, Draco might decide that he’s done and take back control. And so he fucks her. He fucks her for what must be hours, though in this small, sealed chamber, time loses all meaning. Shigure fucks her and cums inside of the Great Beast more times than he can count. He fills her with his seed again and again and again.
In response, Draco just takes it. She happily reciprocates, all without even letting out a single moan. She never cums for him. She never once tips over the edge into climax or orgasm. And slowly, as time goes on, Shigure can feel himself waning. He’s no mortal man, to be done in by a small bout of marathon sex. But this isn’t a small bout. This is hours of the most intense, high stakes fucking of Shigure’s entire life. And considering what his life has looked like up to this point, that’s saying something.
However… while things might seem hopeless for the Master of Chaldea, both from his and Queen Draco’s point of view… unbeknownst to both of them, something is happening. A saving grace of an asspull that not even Shigure could have come up with purposefully.
The diminutive size of the Great Beast’s body means that her cunt is actually quite compact and so is her womb. By his third load, Shigure has MORE than stuffed her full of his seed, causing every single fuck after that to spill forth his jizz into the corrupted mud covering the floor that they’re both fucking in.
The more he fruitlessly fucks her, the more of Shigure’s jizz comes flowing out of her overstuffed cunt. Slowly but surely, the once black mud becomes grey. More and more sticky, white semen covers it, spreading out from them in a growing, expanding circle. By this point, the entire floor of the Summoning Chamber is covered in the mud. It’s creeping up both the walls and Shigure and Queen Draco’s bodies.
However, most importantly of all… the semen-mud mixture is slowly spreading to the point that it’s beginning to reach the corrupted Grail, dropped earlier and left discarded by the Whore of Babylon in a fit of laziness.
By the time Draco finally takes notice… it’s too late. Her eyes snap open the moment that Shigure’s seed touches her Grail, but even as her head snaps in that direction… it’s much, MUCH too late.
Shigure himself doesn’t understand what happens. One moment he’s fucking Draco’s incredibly responsive pussy while still getting nothing in the way of orgasms from the Beast herself. The next? The next everything changes. On Draco’s end, it’s like a switch has been forcibly flicked. A switch she’d happily turned off long ago. For the Great Beast, pleasure from just one single man was never enough anymore.
But what if her Grail, the very essence of her being, was infected by that man’s essence in turn?
In an instant, Draco feels every single fuck that Shigure has ever had hit her all at once. Not just the dozens of times he’s fucked her in the past several hours that she’s ignored, but every single time he’s fucked every single one of his women over the last several years. In terms of pleasure… it’s thousands upon thousands of climaxes, of orgasms, of conquests… all at once.
Even for Sodom’s Beast, it’s too much. Even for the Whore of Babylon, to have it all hit at the exact same time is overwhelming. Queen Draco’s blood-red eyes widen… and then subsequently roll back in her head as she HOWLS with pleasure and ecstasy and bliss, her mind overloaded with sensations. She wraps her limbs around Shigure, holding onto him for dear life and riding out the most explosive orgasm that she… and perhaps anyone in all of existence, has ever had.
Shigure, for his part, holds on right back, grunting as he finds himself milked of half a dozen releases alone by Draco’s monumental and massive climax. By the time she’s done cumming and in turn making him rapidly empty his balls into her over and over again, he can feel a sense of exhaustion finally beginning to overtake him. But he can’t stop. Not now.
Except… when Draco finally comes down from her orgasm and looks up at him, slowly releasing her grip on him, she has a beatific smile on her face.
“Ah… husband.”
Shigure blinks, staring down at the Great Beast incredulously. But she just licks her lips and giggles. There’s still malevolent glee in that giggle, but suddenly it doesn’t seem like it’s directed at him anymore. Rather, suddenly it feels like he’s in on the joke, rather than the butt of it.
“With this consummate union, I take you as my King. And I name myself your Queen~”
It was what she’d said before, that by the end of this she would be his Queen. But at the same time, it’s completely different. She’s not talking about subjugating him anymore. She’s talking about equality. A… partnership.
Looking as content as a dragon atop their hoard, Draco lays beneath him still impaled on his cock, her eyes lidded as she explains her thinking.
“Together, we shall control Chaldea and turn this into a place where we can watch humanity do itself in while being waited on, hand and foot. Mm, a luxurious bird’s eye view of the end of the Human Order… what’s not to love about that, husband?”
Shigure’s jaw clenches at that and his eye twitches.
“Well… there is one thing.”
Draco wrinkles her nose almost cutely as he drawls that out. Giving her a look, the Master of Chaldea sighs.
“I’m human, Draco. So I have a problem with humanity’s end.”
Deciding to put his foot down, regardless of if it got said foot bitten off or not, Shigure shakes his head, testing just how far this new… union of theirs goes.
“No buts. If you keep going on and on about how you’re going to eat the Human Order right before it collapses on itself, then there will be no more sex.”
It’s a gamble to be sure… but glancing over at her discarded Grail and the mixture of seed and mud now infiltrating it, Shigure thinks he might literally be the only person in existence now who can hold the Whore of Babylon in check. Thankfully… he’s right.
Having been matched and overwhelmed sexually for the first time in her entire existence, Draco can’t bear the thought of losing that pleasure… and with their essences mixed together, she can no longer fathom subjugating Shigure either. It would be akin to trying to subjugate herself… and that would be patently ridiculous.
With a sigh, Queen Draco slumps back into her own cum-infused mud, looking up into Shigure’s eyes with a pout.
“… Hmph, very well husband. I shall put my plans on hold for now. For you and you alone, my King. But… you’d better keep me happy, or else~”
Snorting derisively, Shigure begins to pull out of Draco’s cunt… before suddenly slamming back in again, a wicked grin of his own spreading across his face as he surprises the Great Beast, making her eyes widen and a squeal leave her lips while he starts fucking her body, which is now MUCH more responsive than before.
Draco was far from the first woman he’d wound up making a deal to ‘keep happy or else’ with. This, at least, was more familiar ground for him. Though he was going to have to punish some people once he finally got out of here. Taking so long to unseal the chamber? Oh, he was going to have words…


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