Chaos Emperor System

Chapter 1587

Chapter 1581 smile

Now, his dream is finally about to come true. As long as the remaining two coffins are opened, he will be able to leave here. When the time comes, the sky will be high and the birds will fly, carefree and at ease.

Canggu looked at his **** thighs, swallowed with difficulty, and then turned his heart back, closed his eyes slightly, and shouted: “Forget it, die!”

Putting his hands on the coffin board of unknown material, the blue veins violently pushed forward.

After Canggou exerted his whole body strength, the coffin board was also moved by a third to the face.

Canggou’s face was happy. Isn’t he still alive?

The elegant man also looked nervous, staring at the moving coffin of the grey dog.

None of the seven Ye Hao dared to be careless, and turned their eyes to the dark coffin. Although there were three coffins, there might be something they wanted in the mouthful that Canggoo pushed.

Canggou’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he saw something in the coffin. When he was about to push the coffin board all the way away, a dazzling white light pierced his eyes.

Looking at the dazzling light, the elegant man trembled in his heart, his face became paler, his lips trembled, and he muttered, “Here, it’s coming.”

Before the words fell, a mighty force of stars rushed out of the coffin, and Canggu disappeared without even having time to let out a wailing.

The seven people in Ye Hao were shocked, a little scared. This is definitely a dangerous place, a dangerous place. Canggu just opened a third of the coffin board and died immediately. If it opened all of them What? What will happen?

The elegant man was beaming, because he felt that the sealing power of the Xingyue Palace on him seemed to weaken a little, and it seemed that this method was feasible.

With a big hand, Bai Jun was pushed to the coffin by him.

That position was where the grey dog ​​had just stood. Bai Jun trembled all over. He was the prince of the White God Empire, a noble existence, but now he can only be forced to pick up the coffin, which is really sad.

“If you don’t do it again, I can do it!”

Under the threat of the elegant man, Bai Jun trembled and moved the coffin board by one third. Before he could speak, another stellar power came out, and the princes of the two sixth-rank empires died away.

It was getting harder and harder to hide the excitement on the face of the elegant man. With a quick grasp, Long Yang Sanren stood in front of the “death coffin”.

He looked unwillingly at the beggars on abductions, and the beggars on the abductions were also powerless. After all, he had difficulty even protecting himself now. Standing in front of them was a powerful saint, and abuse of them was not the same as playing.

Long Yang Sanren sighed helplessly, and with a bang, the entire coffin board was pushed to the ground by him.

Then, Long Yang Sanren closed his eyes tightly, as if he was waiting for the call of death, but after a long time, there was no power from the stars, and he couldn’t help but smile, could it be said that the power of the stars in this coffin was exhausted.

He immediately looked at the coffin and found a small black bead lying quietly in the coffin.

“What is this?” Stretched out his right hand, just touched it, booming!

A cascade of silver light hung in the air, and Longyang scattered and died!

After the silver light dissipated, the elegant man laughed, rushed to the coffin, raised the small black bead, and laughed loudly: “Haha, there are still Hunyuan beads here, just because my old wounds are still unhealed. With this bead, I will be able to return to the top!”

The five Ye Hao faces were solemn. The elegant man was using them to explore the way. After all the threats disappeared, he could get the treasures inside.

This is just a small coffin and three people have died. The remaining coffin is the largest. It is as big as the left and right coffins. It is difficult to open this one!

The elegant man put away Hun Yuanzhu, came to the four of them, and said with a smile: “Okay, what they promised me has been done, it’s up to you next.”

The five were silent.

The elegant man sneered and said, “Do you want me to do it myself?”

The beggar on crutches has been struggling, but unfortunately it is useless; Duobaosan frowns and is thinking carefully; the monk Jinguang has a fierce face, and the golden light is more and more prosperous; the white swordsman has no expression on his face and does not know what he is thinking.

Eventually Ye Hao said: “I’ll come.”


The four people around were surprised.

Ye Hao tried his best to raise a smile and said, “Let me take the lead this time.”

The beggar on crutches looked at Ye Hao as if thinking of something.

“Okay, then you go!”

A thrust pushed Ye Hao to the remaining coffin.

The elegant man embraced his arms and watched this scene quietly. As far as he was concerned, it was the same whoever came first. Anyway, he was going to die.

Standing in front of the coffin, Ye Hao swallowed nervously. To be honest, he was not completely sure, but in the current situation, even if he was only 10% sure, he had to try.

Taking a deep breath, put your hands on the cold coffin board that you started with, and with a low cry, the blue veins on your forehead burst, and you pushed hard!


Ye Hao pushed the huge coffin board directly to the ground.

The elegant man was taken aback. He didn’t expect this guy with the lowest realm to be able to open the coffin board in one go. It was a bit interesting.

Monk Jin Guang looked at Ye Hao, who was standing in front of the coffin, becoming more anxious.

The swordsman in white slowly drew out the long sword, facing the back of the elegant man’s head with a cold expression.

Dubaosan probed his head, wondering what was inside the coffin.

The beggars on crutches are pinning all their hopes on Ye Hao. If Ye Hao is not spared, then there is no need for the rest of them to try.

Ye Hao slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, looking at the treasures lying quietly at the bottom of the coffin waiting for someone to take them away, the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily, revealing a smile.


Ye Hao’s palm just touched the treasure at the bottom of the coffin, and a dazzling light flashed.

The five elegant men hurriedly covered their eyes, and then they saw an incredible scene.

I saw the power of stars bursting out of the coffin rushing into the air to form a transparent circle, and within the transparent circle were four sheets of paper with silver-white light, and in the center surrounded by the paper, there was another person who possessed Young man with silver-white skin.

The elegant man glanced intently, isn’t that man Ye Hao? Can’t help being shocked, what’s going on?

He was sure that the four pieces of paper must have recorded the Xingyue Great Emperor’s techniques, but why did those pieces of paper surround Ye Hao now? Why didn’t the power of the stars swallow Ye Hao? What happened to the silvery white skin on Ye Hao?

These questions lingered not only in the hearts of the elegant men, but also in the hearts of the three white swordsmen. Only the beggars on crutches smiled as they watched this scene.

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