Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 263 260: The Lesser Dimension

Chapter 263 260: The Lesser Dimension

Log in to get LK and view more chapters.Following the encounter with the Striped Mana Bear, which ended with Val strengthening his reputation as the second most powerful member of the group right after Marshall, the group finished their half an hour long journey through the dense forest toward the lesser dimension without encountering any additional beasts, a clear sign that the group's formidable combined strength and numbers was enough to deter any local wildlife of the first four regions of the Verdent Deepwood forest to prey on then, ensuring not only that there were no losses among their ranks, but also reinforcing the perception that they were a force too strong and too numerous to be trifled with.

The group found themselves gazing in awe at a massive, dome-like structure that loomed ahead as they pulled the reins on their horses and came to a stop. They dismounted in a synchronized fashion, their attention fixated on the mysterious structure before them.

"Is this the awe-inspiring gateway that leads to the lesser dimension? It's unlike anything I've ever seen." Someone in the group finally broke the silence that had overtaken the place as he asked Marshall a question.

Marshall, who had been silently observing the group's reactions, nodded affirmatively. With an air of authority, he elaborated, "Yes, indeed, this is the entrance. The structure you see here is sustained by a set of laws generated by the Core of Corruption. It serves as both a gateway and a barrier. Its unique properties are designed to keep intermediate and advanced-level bloodline users from entering the lesser dimension.

"In other words, only low-level bloodline users can pass through it and enter or exit the lesser dimension. And let me tell you, this barrier is so incredibly strong that not even an advanced-level bloodline user would be able to put a dent in it."

Everyone absorbed this information silently.

Val, who had been particularly quiet, suddenly spoke up. "So, if I understand correctly, destroying this Core of Corruption would effectively dismantle the barrier, thereby allowing you, Sir Marshall, to go in and clean up, so to speak?"

His eyebrows furrowed in deep thought as he questioned Marshall

Marshall looked at Val, appreciating the sharpness of his inquiry. Then he gave a response to him, "Exactly, you've hit the nail on the head. Once the Core of Corruption is destroyed and the barrier is neutralized, I'll take over. My role is to eliminate any remaining threats and monsters inside the lesser dimension."

Marshall said this with utmost confidence. It wasn't simply that he thought he could take on the monsters of the lesser dimension; he spoke as if he already knew the outcome as if he had no doubt that he could single-handedly confront and defeat all the menacing creatures that lurked within.

Val felt a tinge of excitement bubble up within him at the prospect of seeing a true powerhouse in action. Witnessing Marshall go head-to-head with the mysterious denizens of the lesser dimension would not only be thrilling but also educational. Val believed that this experience would also give him a clearer understanding of where he stood on the ladder of strength that defined their kingdom's hierarchy.

"Sir Marshall," another member of the group interjected, breaking the brief silence that had fallen over them. "You said earlier that you'd share some crucial insights with us as we stand on the threshold of the lesser dimension. Is this the appropriate time for that discussion?"

It was Ron who was speaking. Marshall liked the fact that he was speaking formally to him, unlike his master. Hence, he didn't intentionally make trouble for him.

Instead, Marshall nodded at him, "You're correct. I did say that, and now seems like the perfect time for it."

"First and foremost, be prepared for the possibility of being randomly teleported once you step through its entrance. You might find yourself separated from the group. If that happens, resist the urge to immediately seek out others. Firing off a flare or making any sort of spectacle to reveal your location to the members of your group could jeopardize your life. If you make a loud enough noise, your allies won't be the only entities drawn to you; the monsters of this realm will come looking as well."

Marshall warned them with a grim expression.

"Do you understand?"

Marshall asked.

"Yes, we do."

Most of the members of the group nodded in unison.

Marshall cleared his throat, then he launched into a detailed explanation about the things one must and mustn't do in the lesser dimension.

"Secondly, make sure you're careful about leaving tracks. The inhabitants of the lesser dimension aren't your run-of-the-mill forest creatures; they're often smarter than trained hunting dogs in our own world. If they notice any signs that someone foreign has entered their territory, they'll investigate. Their curiosity knows no bounds, and they won't stop until they've tracked down the source of their intrigue. They often move in groups, so you're done for if you make a mistake and they get on your case."

Marshall took a breath, scanning the faces around him to ensure he had their undivided attention before continuing.

"Now, let's talk about the third point. Dimensions like this one are hotbeds of the unusual and the bizarre. If you encounter something that defies your understanding, don't waste precious moments contemplating it. Making sense of the inexplicable is the last thing you wanna do in a dimension, trust me."

"Then... What should we do?" Oliver asked.

"Either run or take proactive action. If you come across something that defies understanding in the dimension and just stand there in awe or confusion, it will very well result in your death," Marshall answered.

"Fourth, lesser dimensions are also rife with odd and inexplicable phenomena. If you find yourself ensnared in one of these strange situations, don't panic. Instead, focus on understanding the phenomenon you're entangled in. That's the key to surviving it. The better you grasp the rules and law of the odd phenomena, the greater your chances are of getting out of it with your life intact."

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