Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 282 279: Fooling the Hunters!

Chapter 282 279: Fooling the Hunters!

In the vast and treacherous landscape, the devils moved with an agility and swiftness that could only be compared to level 3 warriors. They seemed almost like shadows darting across the ground. On the other hand, Oliver, having a physique that many would deem remarkable despite being a wizard, simply couldn't match up to a level 3 warrior in both strength and speed.

As they relentlessly pursued him, the once considerable distance between Oliver and his pursuers dwindled at an alarming rate.

Their hauntingly swift approach filled the air with palpable tension. It became evident that they would catch up to him in mere minutes.

Caught in this dire situation, Oliver could only keep running at full speed even as his lungs burned and his breathing grew audibly ragged.

However, before he could conjure any defensive spell or even think of a countermeasure, a devil, with a gleam of triumph in his eyes, lunged at him from the side. With practiced precision, the devil extended his staff, striking Oliver's legs. As a result, Oliver was crashing to the ground, the air knocked out of him.

Desperation and fear clouded his vision as he tried to regain his footing. But fate was not on his side. Before Oliver could even push himself off the ground, the first devil, with a terrifying gleam in his eyes, could be seen falling down the air, landing straight on his back, knocking the air out of him, and pressing his body against the forest floor.

Then, without a shred of hesitation or mercy, the first devil delivered a devastating blow to Oliver's head, stomping on it heavily. The sheer force of the attack was such that it turned his head into nothing more than a gruesome paste, ending Oliver's life instantaneously.

"We have done it!"

The devils, in the immediate aftermath of what they believed to be their victory, exuded an aura of pride. Their elongated, donkey-like faces were adorned with smiles, smirking with the satisfaction of a job well done. They basked in the glory of the moment, taking a brief second to exchange triumphant glances among themselves. Yet, the universe, it seemed, had a twisted sense of humor.

Just as they were reveling in their supposed achievement, the scene before them began to change dramatically, much to their astonishment.

Oliver's "corpse" started to fade away, slowly evaporating like morning mist under the sun's harsh rays. In the very spot where Oliver's body had lain, a piece of paper with a drawing on it could be seen.

The drawing on the paper resembled a crudely drawn hand gesture—a middle finger curled with two fingers surrounding it, bearing an uncanny resemblance to a phallus and balls sack.

A heavy silence fell upon them as they processed what they were seeing.

Their faces, a moment ago filled with triumph, now contorted in sheer disbelief and mortification. The weight of their miscalculation pressed down on them, and the realization that they had been chasing a mere clone of Oliver dawned on them, but the true sting was in the paper's graphic, a blatant mockery that seemed to laugh at their overconfidence.

Their donkey-like faces reddened, burning with shame. Not only had they been completely fooled, but the enemy had also chosen to add insult to injury by presenting them with such a disrespectful rune. This was the kind of humiliation that would haunt them for eons to come!

With the aftermath of their blunder still fresh, a critical question began to gnaw at the devils' minds: where could the real Oliver be hiding?

Without wasting any time, the devils darted back to the cave, hoping to find some clues. However, the scene that greeted them only deepened their despair. The cave was deserted, not even the amulet that once hung at the entrance remained

The first devil, already struggling to cope with the humiliation of being fooled by a mere brat, lost his composure. In a fury-driven act, he slammed his fist against the cave's interior with such force that the very foundation of the cave began to tremble as dust and rocks began to fall.

It was about to cave in!

Recognizing the impending danger of a cave-in, the devils, driven by survival instincts, scrambled to evacuate. They managed to dart out of the cave just moments before the cave collapsed behind them and a cascade of rocks and debris sealed its cave's entrance.

Angry shouts filled the air, with the other devils berating the first for his impulsiveness.

"Do you realize the peril you just put us in?"

"You nearly got us buried alive with that stunt!"

"I couldn't help it, alright!" the first devil shouted back angrily. "Don't you guys also feel angry having been fooled by a mere waste?"

"We do, but do you see us harming each other?" the second, fourth, and fifth devils chastised the first for his reckless actions, causing his heart to lower in shame and igniting a deep hatred for Oliver in his heart. If not for him, he wouldn't been humiliated by his own people. He blamed him for everything.

The third devil, always the voice of reason among them, stepped in to mediate. He sternly admonished the first devil, "Now's not the time to give in to rage. We need a clear head," before saying, "He couldn't have ventured too far from here. Our top priority should be to find him, and we must spare no effort in doing so. Understood?"


Nods of agreement followed, and with renewed determination, the five devils dispersed in different directions to track down the target of their assassination and fulfill their mission.

Choosing the southern path, the first devil moved with a determined pace.

As he ventured further, a glint of hope shined in his eyes.

He became increasingly confident that he was on the right trail as the distinctive scent of Oliver grew stronger in the air with each step he took in the southern direction.

After navigating through the maze-like thickets and tangled underbrush for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes, a familiar silhouette appeared in his view.

And this figure was unmistakably Oliver.

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