Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 287 284: The enemy in plain slight!

Chapter 287 284: The enemy in plain slight!

The side of the lesser dimension Val and Oliver were currently in was a realm of unparalleled danger. It was decidedly more treacherous than its counterpart as its lands were rife with menacing threats, from devils lurking in the shadows to ferocious monsters that roamed freely, each more formidable than the last.

But its perils were not just limited to these creatures.

As night descended upon this dimension, it brought with it a series of bizarre phenomena.

These strange occurrences, ranging from eerie sounds to mysterious apparitions, made navigating and surviving during the nocturnal hours on this side of the lesser dimension a gamble, teetering on the edge of unpredictability.

However, there was a beacon of hope amidst this chaos.

Spending the night within the confines of a cave that was shielded by the power of the protective amulet that was granted to everyone in the Northern Frontier under the orders of the Thunderspear Tribe could greatly bolster one's chances of making it through the night unscathed.

With this knowledge in mind and the dangers of the night looming, Oliver and Val were on a pressing quest. They hoped to locate a cave, get inside it, and make it their sanctuary using their amulets as swiftly as possible, to not only seek refuge and get some rest but also ensure their safety until dawn.

In a forest so vast and sprawling that it stretched endlessly, merging with the horizon and covering no less than a few thousand miles, the search for a cave could seem like finding a needle in a haystack. For most, their chances of success would undoubtedly be a game of luck, especially if they hoped to find a cave and turn it into a sanctuary before confronting any lethal threats.

But Val was not like most.

His unique ability, the 'Heavenly Eye' skill, transformed the daunting quest into a manageable task.

With its activation, the trees inside the forest, the tangled underbrush, and every other thing turned translucent in Val's eyes.

The hidden contours of the landscape were revealed. Among these, a cave's silhouette could also be seen.

A gleeful glint flashed in Val's eyes as from the looks of it it wasn't too far away.

"There's a cave just north of here, and it is quite close to our location. If we maintain a brisk pace, we'll find shelter there within minutes." Val, with a hint of relief in his voice, informed Oliver of the good news.

Oliver's eyes sparkled with curiosity and amazement. "In such an expansive forest, how did you pinpoint its location so swiftly?" he asked.

"It's because of the innate wizardry technique I possess, the 'Heavenly Eye' skill. It grants me the ability to see past obstructions, revealing hidden sanctuaries and potential threats in my surroundings," Val replied.

Oliver whistled in awe and remarked, "That's incredibly handy."

The very next moment, with determination in his eyes, Val instructed, "Fow now, follow me closely," to which Oliver responded with a firm nod. "Sure!"

With Val taking the lead, they began to journey north.

Their journey northward had barely begun when the earth beneath them rumbled ominously.

In an unsettling spectacle, thick, sinewy vines burst forth from the ground, racing towards them with an alarming speed. These vines were like venomous vipers as not only were their tips menacingly sharp like the fangs of a beast but they were also glistening with a dark, viscous liquid.

A few droplets of this venomous concoction slid down the tips of the vines and fell to the ground, immediately corroding and eating through the earth and creating small, sizzling craters.

The deadly potential of the venom secreting from the tips of the vines became crystal clear.

"Getting touched by those vines can be deadly. Make sure they don't get anywhere near you," Val warned.

"Got it," Oliver nodded with a grim expression.

More than half of the vines went for Val, while the others attacked Oliver.

As the vines drew closer, a sword with complicated ruins materialized in Val's grasp. His ensuing movements were so swift, so precise, that to the untrained eye, it appeared as if his sword had multiplied, dancing wildly in the air. Within a heartbeat, he had unleashed a flurry of slashes, each finding its mark, chopping the incoming vines into pieces. When they were cut apart, toxic fluid burst out, but all of it was blown away by the powerful gusts generated by his rapid movements.

Val glanced sideways. Several vines were whipping the soul power shield Oliver had constructed to keep himself safe from harm. This barrier was the result of the little bit of soul power Oliver's arcane heart had produced over the past ten minutes. It meant that once it was destroyed, he would be left utterly defenseless.

Worst yet, under the assault of the vines, it didn't seem like his defensive barrier would hold for long.

Recognizing the dire predicament Oliver was in, Val acted instinctively.


With a deft flick of his wrist, several crimson blades emerged from thin air, soaring forward with deadly precision. These ethereal blades made short work of the menacing vines that were trying to get past Oliver's last line of defense, shredding them to pieces and ensuring Oliver's safety.

Oliver dispelled his shield and shot Val a grateful look while looking particularly exhausted. Val stared back sternly, his gaze was as sharp as a hawk's as he spoke, "Don't let your guard down. We are not out of danger just yet."

However, Val's next course of action wasn't at all strict like his gaze. Rather, they were as warm as a father's embrace. With merely a thought, he conjured multiple sturdy protective barriers around Oliver, ensuring his safety. Oliver counted that there were five of them. Even if one of them broke, there would be four more to keep him safe.

Oliver felt touched.

Actions spoke louder than words, and Val showed with his actions that he considered Oliver a valuable friend.

"I understand," replied Oliver, a hint of weariness still evident in his voice.

Val remained on high alert as he scanned his surroundings with a gaze of scrutiny.

The vines they encountered earlier behaved like living entities. However, when Val destroyed them, he didn't receive any system notification. This indicated that another force was controlling all of them.

As for what it could be, Val believed that it must be something like a Treant, and he was sure it must be close by.

As the heavenly eye skill was still active, Val had a panoramic view of his surroundings, granting him an unparalleled clarity of everything around him. By focusing intently and harnessing the skill's full potential, he was capable of inspecting each individual tree within a specific radius with him as the central point, all at the same time!

While the vast majority of trees appeared just as one would expect - ordinary and unremarkable - there was one that looked the same but wasn't a tree at all.

This particular tree was, in reality, a Dryad. She had artfully employed an illusion, disguising herself as one of the many regular trees that dotted Val's surroundings, seamlessly blending in and remaining inconspicuous.

Her disguise was perfect. Even if she failed to kill the people who came across her, at least she would be able to escape their retaliation and preserve her life.

Unfortunately for her, Val's heavenly eye granted him many unique abilities. One of them was the ability to pierce through deceptions and see the truth behind lies!

To Oliver, this Dryad still bore the appearance of a simple tree.

But Val was able to see her for who she truly was.

The Dryad was an enchanting beauty with long, flowing hair that shimmered in shades of deep emerald and teal, reminiscent of dense forest canopies intertwined with serene river streams. Her face looked delicate as she had high cheekbones, a slender nose, and lips that held the soft pink hue of dawn. Her eyes were as deep and mysterious as ancient woods, and her gaze was both captivating and slightly mischievous.

Lastly, her figure boasted an elegant balance of curves. She had big breasts, a narrow waist, and curvaceous hips, giving her an hourglass figure.

All in all, she was a breathtaking beauty, the kind that might be described in legends.

Her ethereal presence could easily captivate the heart of any man, evoking profound emotions even in the most stoic of individuals.

Some might become so entranced by her allure that they'd forget the danger she represented, becoming utterly smitten. They might fall in love with her at first sight and start simping for her on the spot.

Her breathtaking appearance, however, failed to sway Val.

Well, it was quite understandable.

His nature was unyielding, with a coldness that rivaled the iciest of winters. If mere beauty could sway his resolve, he would be unworthy of the title many in his previous life knew him by.

He directed his gaze towards the disguised Dryad, a mere 20 feet from where he stood. In that brief moment, a glint of intense ruthlessness was revealed in his eyes.

The Dryad was arguably the most breathtakingly beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon, but sadly she had a murderous heart and she liked to prey on unassuming victims.

She had also made an attempt on their lives, and in Val's unwavering moral code, this act alone deemed her deserving of death.

With an unshakeable belief in his convictions, Val prepared to mete out his judgment.

Choosing to act swiftly and silently, he decided against giving her any warning. He didn't utter a word, nor did he show any signs that he had seen through the Dryad's clever disguise. His intent was clear: to catch her off-guard and ensure she couldn't mount a defense as her life was snuffed out.

Drawing upon his profound knowledge of wizardry, Val channeled his formidable soul power. It was a unique energy, colorless and imperceptible to the untrained eye. In a masterful display of control, he shaped this power into countless tiny blades, as sharp as the real thing, but more deadly.


These blades, unseen and undetectable, cut through the air as they were unleashed upon the unsuspecting Dryad.

They found their mark, piercing her body relentlessly, wreaking havoc not just on her physical form but also tearing apart the very essence of her soul.

The entire sequence of events unfolded in a single moment, too fast for any conceivable reaction. Before the Dryad could even process what was happening, let alone emit a cry of distress, she was killed!

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