Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 309 306: Endless Wave of monstes!!!

Chapter 309 306: Endless Wave of monstes!!!

Crouching down, the sand giant placed its hand on the desert sand, attempting to absorb more sand to regain its lost size and strength.

It had begun its healing process.

That was when Oliver, with a determined shout, intervened.

"I won't let you," he declared, channeling his soul power into a a powerful blast that struck the giant with the force of thunder, pulling it off its feet and sending it flying away.

It was sent directly towards Val, who tapped into the dark and ominous powers of the Abyssal Hellfire, intertwining it meticulously with his blood manipulation bloodline skill.

This moment required a fusion of both precision and might.

With a deep breath, he gathered his energy, channeling it into his palms.

The air around him crackled with power as he shaped and forged the deadly attack, ensuring a perfect amalgamation of the two formidable forces.

"This is the end!"

His eyes glinted with ruthlessness as he released the chaotic orb of destruction, propelling it with an unmatched force toward the giant sand structure.


The orb, now a massive entity of fiery wrath, grew exponentially as it cut through the air, bearing down upon the giant with a menacing promise of obliteration.


Upon impact, the desert landscape was instantly illuminated as the explosion erupted, a cacophony of flames and force that reduced the giant to nothing more than dust and echoes.

Remarkably, despite the overwhelming magnitude of the attack, Rowan, who had been engulfed within the giant, emerged unscathed. It was because Val's control over his powers was precise and he had willed it. Thus, he had managed to obliterate the giant while sparing Rowan from the cataclysm.

Rowan was pulled from the giant during the explosion. He dropped into the desert. He was covered in sand, coughing and wheezing.

In that moment of victory, a Game-like system notification appeared before Val, acknowledging his triumph over the colossal adversary.

[+10,000 Experience Points]

[Item Acquired: Rune of Self-Activation]

Intrigued, Val opened the system screen, eager to examine his newfound prize.

He inspected it.

And it was revealed to him that this was an item of great power, capable of enchanting equipment with a power that would automatically bring out their ability when most needed, sparing the user from the need for direct control.

With a sense of anticipation, Val reached into the system screen, retrieving the glittering rune.

The Rune of Self-Activation was a marvel to behold, glittering under the desert sun with ancient runes etched upon its surface. The runes seemed to dance, shimmering with a light of their own, inviting Val to unlock their potential.

'Which item should I enchant?'

He held it in his hand for a moment before deciding to enchant his Emberflame Bracelet with it. As he did so, the bracelet was bathed in a soft glow, the rune's energy merging seamlessly with it.

A notification appeared, confirming the successful enchantment.

[Emberflame Bracelet has been successfully enchanted with Rune of Self-Activation. Its defensive abilities will now automatically activate in response to incoming attacks.]

Meanwhile, Oliver, displaying a sense of camaraderie and concern, approached Rowan and extended a hand to help him up.

"Hey, you took quite a beating there. You sure you're okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Managing to catch his breath, Rowan nodded in gratitude. "Yeah... That was something else. Never thought I'd be inside a giant made of sand."

He also send a thankful glance Val's way.

Alfred, his body battered and bruised, managed to stagger over to the group, his steps unsteady.

Val assessed his condition with a critical eye and said, "You're in no shape to continue fighting. It might be best for you to stay back and find a safe place to wait for us."

Alfred waved off the concern, though his face was twisted in pain. "It's just a few scrapes and bruises. Nothing a healing potion can't fix."

He reached into his pack, pulling out a vial of the potent troll's blood potion. Without hesitation, he uncorked it and took a swig, grimacing at the bitter taste. Although the taste was bitter, the effects were as expected. His wounds started to heal. Even his broken bones started to mend!

He then offered a vial to Rowan, saying, "Here, you look like you could use some of this too. You're all banged up."

Rowan eyed the vial warily and opened it, only to be immediately assaulted by the pungent aroma.

"What in the world is this? It smells like a troll took a piss in a bottle!" he exclaimed, his nose wrinkling in disgust."

Val retorted, "Quit complaining. If you want to stay on your feet and be of any use to the team, you'll drink it."

"Alright, fine."

With a grumble, Rowan downed the potion, his face contorting as he swallowed the bitter concoction.

Now somewhat recovered, the group continued their journey toward the imposing castle in the heart of the desert.

The closer they drew, the heavier the air felt, as if the very sands beneath their feet were whispering warnings of impending peril.

And then, as if to confirm their worst suspicions, the ground around them stirred and hundreds of sand soldiers arose from the desert floor.

They were an army forged from the sand itself, their forms solid and menacing, their eyes ablaze with an eerie light.

With military precision, they mounted a charge, their sandy forms shifting and flowing as they advanced, weapons drawn and ready for battle.

Val and his group braced themselves, knowing that a fierce battle was imminent. The desert had come alive, and they were in the heart of the storm, facing an onslaught of sand and fury.

In the heart of the raging battle, with sand soldiers swarming from every direction, Val stood resolute, tapping into the depths of his bloodline skill, Blood Manipulation. Around him, the air thickened as wisps of his own blood manifested, swirling in a chaotic dance of power and precision. These wisps of life essence twirled and spun, gradually condensing into dozens of sharply defined bullets. Val's focus was unbreakable, his control over his blood absolute, as he intricately wove the destructive essence of Abyssal Hellfire into each bullet, moments before he propelled them with deadly accuracy toward the relentless wave of approaching sand soldiers.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The bullets, now cloaked in the searing, malevolent flames of Abyssal Hellfire, cut through the air with unparalleled speed, piercing through the sand soldiers with such force that they continued on to strike additional foes standing behind the initial targets.

The sand soldier didn't have weaknesses like humans. Even if their bodies were destroyed, they could simply rise up as long as there was enough sand in their surrounding and their will was alive. However, if that very will was targeted, then they would meet their demise.

As the flaming bullets made contact, they didn't just destroy the physical forms of the sand soldiers; they sought out and annihilated their wills, ensuring a permanent end to their existence.

Each bullet Val released was a double-edged sword of death, claiming two sand soldiers with every strike. In total, he unleashed a staggering 72 bullets, resulting in the demise of 144 of these relentless foes.

Sadly, despite this tremendous feat, the sea of sand soldiers seemed endless, their numbers undiminished.

"The desert itself is birthing them anew with each moment that passed," Val muttered under his breath as he took in his surroundings with eyes squinted.


The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and destruction as Val's comrades also threw themselves into the fray with reckless abandon.

"This is gonna leave me so exhausted."

Oliver sighed as he utilized his soul power to its fullest extent, sending devastating blasts of energy tearing through the ranks of the sand soldiers, scattering them like leaves in a storm.

Explode! Explode! Explode!

Alfred, with his trusty stick in hand, fought with a ferocity and precision that belied his earlier injuries. He struck at the sand soldiers with an expertise born of necessity, having honed this particular way of fighting for situations exactly like this. Each strike caused his foes to explode upon impact, adding to the cacophony of the battlefield.


Rowan, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of raw power and primal fury. He charged headlong into the enemy ranks, his weapon cutting a swathe through the sand soldiers, his roars of battle echoing across the desert. He was hit numerous times, but far from slowing him down, each strike seemed to invigorate him, fueling his strength and resolve. The more he was hit, the stronger he became—a masochistic fervor in his eyes as he reveled in the battle.

They were a formidable team, cutting down hundreds of sand soldiers, but for every one that fell, another rose from the desert sands to take its place.

It was essentially an unending army of relentless foes, willing to do everything it takes to take them out of the picture once and for all.

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