Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 311 308: Val vs the dimension master!

Chapter 311 308: Val vs the dimension master!

With blinding speed, Val darted to the right, narrowly evading the attack as it exploded behind him, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

"You dodged that?" A voice, filled with surprise, echoed through the corrupted air.

Val lifted his gaze, his Heavenly Eye piercing through the dense corruption, allowing him to clearly see the source of the voice.

Standing before him was a massive figure, its body covered in black scales, two mighty wings extending from its back, and two horns protruding from its head. Its muscles were well-defined, exuding a sense of overwhelming power. Despite its intimidating appearance, its face was contorted in an expression of shock, its eyes wide and mouth agape, as if it couldn't believe what it had just witnessed.

Val, not one to miss an opportunity to taunt his opponent and aggravate them so that they would make a mistake in anger, smirked and retorted, "You're a fool for thinking I'll be slowed down to the point of being hit by such a pathetic attack just because I have entered your lair."

The giant creature's shock quickly morphed into anger as it growled, "We will see who is the foolish one."

With that, it lunged forward, attacking once again. It threw a punch directly at Val. The force that accompanied its fist was absolutely overwhelming, filled with a terrifying pressure that seemed as if it had the capability to crush all forms of life caught in its path.

Val, quick on his feet and sharp in his assessment of the situation, immediately recognized the immense danger presented by the fist of the dimensional master. He realized that confronting this attack head-on would be tantamount to courting death.

Thus, with no time to spare, Val utilized his incredible speed to deftly flash out of the way, dodging the punch by the narrowest of margins. He was barely an inch away from the oppressive force that enveloped the dimensional master's fist as he made his evasive maneuver. Not one to miss an opportunity, Val then swiftly advanced forward, launching a powerful counterattack with a fist of his own aimed straight at the dimensional master.

The dimensional master, in its overconfidence and underestimation of Val's capabilities, didn't see the need to dodge the incoming punch. It couldn't comprehend how a human, whom it deemed puny and insignificant, could possibly pose any real threat to its colossal and sturdy body.

However, the very next moment, it was slapped in the face by the harshness of reality, and it realized how wrong it was.


As Val's fist connected with its body, a violent explosion erupted, sending the dimensional master hurtling through the air and crashing into the castle walls. Like a mere ragdoll, the dimensional master found itself being blasted away uncontrollably, its massive form colliding harshly against the sturdy walls of the castle

Shock and disbelief instantly painted the dimensional master's face. It was utterly taken aback, having not anticipated that a human's punch could inflict such severe damage to a being as great as it.

This unexpected turn of events also served as a harsh and painful lesson for the dimensional master. With a low mutter, it acknowledged its mistake, saying, "I can't underestimate him."

Val, having sharp ears and having caught wind of the dimensional master's admission, couldn't help but smile triumphantly. He had made his point, and now it was time to drive it home. In a voice filled with mockery and confidence, he responded, "Don't you think it's already too late for that realization?"

Confused by Val's words, the dimensional master blurted, "What do you mean by that?"

Val, with a knowing look, pointed at the spot on the dimensional master's chest where his punch had landed.

As the dimensional master's gaze followed Val's finger, it discovered a patch of black fire burning fervently, its flames dancing wildly like thousands of butterfly wings in motion.

Just then, the aderline lowered and the gut wrenching pain kicked in.


A sharp cry of agony escaped the dimensional master as it felt an intense wave of pain emanating from the burning area.

In a desperate attempt to extinguish the flames, it tried to utilize the corruptive forces in the surrounding air, but the abyssal hellfire proved to be indomitable.

Val's taunting voice filled the space once again, "My abyssal hellfire can't be put out. Once it latches onto something, it doesn't stop until it has reduced it to ashes."

The dimensional master, now in excruciating pain yet unwilling to show weakness, snorted in disdain and defiantly declared, "You've greatly underestimated me, human!"

With a swift and determined motion of its own wing, it sliced its own neck, effectively separating its head from the rest of its body that was caught in fire.

"What is he up to?" Val was forced to wonder by its weird behavior.

Val watched as the abyssal fire consumed the dimensional master's body, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake. However, to his utter surprise, the severed head remained suspended in mid-air, unaffected and determined. Moreover, drawing on the rich and concentrated power from the core of corruption, the head rapidly regenerated a new, completely unscathed body. The dimension master was once again in top notch condition and ready to fight again!

Val's eyes widened in disbelief, "Fuck, this is cheating!" he exclaimed, frustrated by the turn of events.

The dimensional master grinned menacingly and retorted, "Cheating? Think what you like, Human. I am just going to make sure you won't return alive after invading my dimension!"

As it spoke, the dimensional master, with utmost precision and control, began to weave the force of corruption in the surrounding into tangible form, creating orbs of tumultuous energy.

These orbs, each pulsating with an immense chaotic force of its own, grew exponentially in size until they resembled gargantuan bombs, potent enough to obliterate homes and reduce them to nothing but rubble.


These ominous spheres of destruction, now fully formed and radiating an aura of devastation, were hurled with unerring accuracy towards Val as the dimensional master shouted menacingly.

The path of each was meticulously calculated, intending to box Val in and leave no room for escape. With this attack, it was confident it could kill him.

"You want to kill me with this? You're being overconfident!" Val exclaimed.

Understanding the magnitude of the threat these orbs posed, Val knew he couldn't afford to be hit by even a single one. But he was not worried as he was confident in his ability to dodge them.

In an instant, he burst out with all the speed he could muster. As a result, he was moving so fast that his figure blurred out of existence. Like a phantom, he weaved through the rain of chaotic orbs, dodging them all while rapidly closing the distance between himself and the towering dimensional master.

"World Shattering Fist!" Val roared, as he launched his signature attack. His fist, engulfed in fierce, crimson flames, streaked through the air like a meteor, aiming directly at the face of the dimensional master.

He had learned from his previous mistake!

He went directly from its head.

If its head was destroyed, it would die! He had confirmed it when he inspected it with the Detect Skill!

The dimensional master, sensing the immense power behind Val's attack, didn't dare to take it head-on. With a swift motion, it raised its hand and created a barrier of pure black energy, positioned to intercept Val's Crimson Blaze Fist.

Val's powerful punch landed on the barrier, and immediately, an explosion of fire burst out. However, the barrier proved to be more resilient than expected, as it deflected the flames straight back towards Val.

Seeing Val caught in his own flames, the dimensional master couldn't help but smile triumphantly. In its eyes, Val's defeat was already sealed; it could already visualize him being consumed by his own flames.

However, the very next moment, something so unexpected happened that the dimensional master's jaw almost hit the ground in shock. "Impossible! How could he be unharmed?!" it screamed internally, its comical expression of disbelief almost cartoonish.

The reflected wave of abyssal flame parted ways, creating an opening that revealed Val, completely unharmed and standing confidently in the air using wizardry with a petty and taunting smile on his face.

"Really? That was your grand plan? To reflect my attack back at me? I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed. For a being that calls itself a dimension master, you really are quite weak," Val taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Without missing a beat, Val manipulated the abyssal flames that surrounded him, redirecting them towards the dimensional master. The waves of fire, now under Val's command, cleverly maneuvered around the barrier, engulfing the dimensional master in a sea of flames.


The air was filled with its pained roars as the abyssal flames hungrily consumed it.

Its entire body was caught on fire, including its hideous face.

There was no literally no surviving this.

"I have won." Val said confidently.

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