Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 313 310: End of Dimension Arc!

Chapter 313 310: End of Dimension Arc!

With everything in order, Val stepped out of the Shrine of Evil, returning to the dimension which was now crumbling as it had lost the core that was supporting its existence and expansion.

The castle had collapsed. The sky above was shattering, sending fragments falling towards the ground, which itself was tearing apart, creating gaping chasms. The entire scene resembled something from an apocalyptic movie, complete with destruction and chaos.

The collapse of a dimension was a catastrophic event, one that could easily claim the lives of any beings below the advanced level. Val's sixth sense was blaring alarms in his head, warning him that he would die if he didn't find a way out of the dimension anytime soon. However, Val stood unfazed amidst the chaos. He had unwavering trust in the will of the world. He had absolute trust that the will of the world would guide him to safety.

And just as he expected, the will of the world, an ethereal and omnipotent force, washed over him, enveloping him and every other being in the dimension in its gentle embrace. In the next moment, they were expelled from the dimension, finding themselves in Eldrich.

There was no barrier around the dimension, they noticed. So they were able to see it collapsing in on itself, and it was horrifying to say the least.

More horrifying than that was that they were not the only ones to be expelled; the monsters of the dimension were also teleported outside.

"Damn it, Marshall was supposed to deal with these creatures, but now he's nowhere to be found! We'll have to clean up his mess."

The wizards and bloodline warriors cursed Marshall's name, frustrated that they now had to fight these monsters themselves.

Without wasting a moment, the battle between the humans and the monsters of the dimension commenced.

During the chaos, someone pointed towards a certain monster, exclaiming, "The treasure of the dimension is in the possession of that one! Attack and claim it!"

Val's gaze followed the direction of the pointing finger, landing on a face that was all too familiar. It was the leader of the army he had once deeply offended back in the dimension. A group of eager and greedy adventurers charged at the monster, seeking to claim the treasure for themselves. However, they were swiftly and ruthlessly taken down by its subordinates.

Oliver and Alfred, observing the scene, couldn't help but comment on the foolishness of the adventurers. "They got themselves killed because of their greed. Did they really think they could snatch the treasure with all those monsters guarding it?" they remarked, shaking their heads in disbelief.


Suddenly, a whistle pierced through the air. It was Val, attempting to draw the attention of the monsters.

The leader of the Ashtines, recognizing Val, exclaimed, "Well, isn't this a surprise? The dimension collapses, and yet here you are, crossing paths with me again. I'm going to avenge my brethren and kill you right here!"

Val responded with a smirk, "I think you'll find that the unlucky one is you."

"Bullshit," the leader of the Ashtines spat, before ordering his army, "Show him what hell looks like!"

The archers nocked their arrows, loosing a veritable rain of death towards Val. Simultaneously, the Ashtine warriors charged, weapons drawn. The onlookers could only stare in horror, realizing that even if they survived the arrows, they would be slaughtered by the warriors. There seemed to be no way out.

"Don't worry. I got this," Val assured them confidently.

With a swift motion, he pushed his hands forward, and waves of abyssal hellfire erupted from his palms.

The arrows, the first to meet these waves, were instantly reduced to ashes.

But the waves of fire didn't stop there.

They continued on their path of destruction, colliding with the Ashtine warriors head-on, melting their flesh and bones.


The onlookers' eyes widened in disbelief, threatening to pop out of their sockets as they witnessed the unbelievable scene before them.

Countless Ashtines warriors were reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Is this even real? My elite knights, capable of standing against tens of thousands, wiped out by a single move from him?" the Ashtine leader muttered, his face a mask of shock and disbelief, his previous confidence nowhere to be found.

Val, the cause of all the chaos and death, calmly stated, "Numbers don't matter when dealing with a being like me. You made a mistake. Now, you're going to get punished for it."

With a mere thought, he manipulated the flames that were under his control, willing them to jump towards the archers situated behind the Ashtine leader. The flames, fluttering like the wings of a butterfly, eagerly complied with his command. They pounced on the vast wave of monsters with the ferocity of hungry beasts, engulfing them in a fiery inferno.

The monsters were rapidly reduced to piles of ashes, leaving nothing behind. Even those ashes were not spared, as every trace of their existence was erased from the face of the world. It was a clean sweep, a display of overwhelming power

Now, of the once formidable army of Ashtines, only the leader remained. And he was staring at Val with eyes wide with horror. The monster's face was pallid, and his confidence from earlier had vanished, replaced by a paralyzing fear. Val licked his lips. He could almost taste the terror emanating from him.


With a smirk, Val made his move. He leaped towards him, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

The Ashtine leader, overcome with fear but also driven by it, swung his sword at Val in a desperate attempt to protect himself.

Val, unimpressed and unfazed, effortlessly caught the blade with his hand before applying just enough pressure to crush it, rendering it useless. Without missing a beat, he struck the leader dead, ending the life of the last standing member of the Ashtine army.

Immediately after, a notification appeared in Val's vision, enclosed within brackets. It read, [Ding! Congratulations, Host. You have annihilated an army of Ashtines. You have gained tens of thousands of experience points." Val couldn't help but smirk at the message; it was a satisfying conclusion to the battle.

With the Ashtine leader now defeated, Val proceeded to search his body. His efforts were rewarded when he discovered the treasure that had been birthed in the dimension. Without a second thought, he pocketed it, claiming it as his own.

However, his actions did not go unnoticed, and not everyone was pleased with this turn of events.

Someone from the crowd, emboldened by greed, voiced their complaint, "You're just going to take it for yourself?"

Val's gaze shifted to the man, sharp and piercing. The man, feeling the weight of Val's stare, trembled uncontrollably. Val, his voice cold and unyielding, responded, "Why? You want to fight me for it?"

The man, realizing the gravity of his mistake, rapidly shook his head. He dared not challenge Val.

"I thought so," Val said, his voice laced with equal part mockery and satisfication.

After witnessing Val's overwhelming power and how easily he had decimated the Ashtines, the remaining monsters in the surroundings decided to flee, not wanting to share the same fate as the army. This sudden turn of events finally gave the low-level wizards and the bloodline users of levels one to three from the Northern Frontier the opportunity to catch their breath. Exhausted and relieved, they sat down, their bodies and minds finally getting a much-needed rest.

However, it didn't take long for them to notice that something was amiss. The air, which should have been warm and comforting, was unnaturally cold. It was a biting cold that seemed to cut right through them, making every breath they took feel disturbing and uneasy.

"Doesn't the environment feel off to you guys?" one of them finally voiced out, breaking the heavy silence that had settled over the group.

Heads nodded in agreement all around, with worried glances being exchanged. "It's colder than it should be for summer, but it's not as cold as winter should be. It feels like that transition period that starts at the end of September," Alfred observed thoughtfully.

"No way, right?" Rowan chuckled nervously, trying to dismiss the unsettling feeling. "We entered the dimension around July, and we've only been there for three days. There's no way around three months have passed outside!"

But before they could delve deeper into their speculations and concerns, the environment took an even more dramatic turn. The clear sky overhead, which had been basking them in the warmth of the golden sun, suddenly darkened. Dark thunder clouds appeared out of nowhere, looming ominously above them. And then it started rumbling. These clouds were so unique they were recognizable at a glance. They were tribulation clouds. The breakthrough of someone with a very powerful bloodline had triggered their appearance!

"Heavenly Tribulation? Whose is it?" Oliver questioned, his eyes widening in alarm.

"It's mine," Val replied calmly, his eyes fixated on the brewing storm above.

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