Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube

CH45 - Side Story 1- Ben's time at the church, Part 2

“Wait, is there even any point? You already said I can’t use magic right?”

“Well that’s still true, but there’s more you can do with your mana than just magic. Magic just happens to be highly mana intense, however all of your skills are going to use at least a little to properly power them, not to mention if you want to use any magic tools,” she patiently explained to him.

“Okay sounds cool,” It was already infinitely better than hearing about trade agreements and what nations and cities provided what resources. “How do I do it then?”

“We’ll try the more peaceful method first, if you can't get a feel for it in an hour we’ll try and shock your mana.”

“Not really sure I like the sound of that. What's the peaceful method?”

“Meditation. Lay down and try to focus on the energies inside of you.”

“Lay down here? The library floor?”

“It should be quiet enough that you’ll be free of any distractions, go ahead.”

Well whatever. The explanation sounded like hippy nonsense to Ben, but he would give it a try. Besides he couldn’t really call it nonsense when he’d already been shown that magic was real. He laid on the ground, closed his eyes, and tried to feel some mysterious energy inside of him.

“Well that was a bust,” He said as he opened his eyes.

“It was a bit of a long shot anyway, that strategy works better for races that have an innate magic. Of course it was supposedly a common way for different races to try to learn their magics before they came to this world, when full-fledged mages were more rare, but here with the system in place magic is a lot more viable to learn if you have the proper affinity, and there are mages around who can awaken your mana for you.”

“That sounds so much easier, why didn’t we lead with that?”

“It can feel a bit unpleasant. You have to use one of the magics that can be applied directly to the body. Either light, life, death, dark, or time. Luckily for you I have life magic, it and light are the most pleasant to go through. In desperation you could probably awaken it with one of the affinities I didn’t mention, but that would actually be even more unpleasant than having death magic cast on you.”

“Why’s that? From everything I read, death magic sounds pretty unpleasant to experience.”

“Let’s take my water magic as an example, it would be a little hard to use since it’s bound to you, but high-level mages can move the liquids in your body. I don’t think I need to mention just how watery that can be.”

Ben’s first thought was having his blood messed with, but why stop there? Wasn’t there also brain and spinal cord fluids in him as well? He had a small shudder. “Sounds pretty dangerous.”

“It would be, but it’s also not that easy to use your magic like that unless you try to specialize in it, which is why even death magic is considered an acceptable way to awaken it, though admittedly it’s the last choice for most. On that happy note let’s get started. Sit on a stool with your back to me.”

He did as he was told and took a seat. She pulled up a stool behind him, sat down, and pulled off his shirt, before placing her hands on his back.

“Um, Lehie? Is it okay to do this in the library? I feel like it’s not a great look if someone walks in.”

“Ben, I may not look like it from your perspective but I’m one of the oldest members of this church, I’d say it’s more of an issue with how the rest of you hominid types age, you decay so quickly,” She said, completely brushing off the idea that there could be an issue with his state of undress in a church library.

“Hominid types?” He asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, that's just how similar builds are lumped together, Races that look like you or me, although father Yan would qualify too. There’s not much of a strict definition, it's mostly a case of you’ll know it when you see it. Anyway, are you feeling it?”

“Feeling what?”

She sighed. “I swear, why did you need to have such high life resistance, it’s really going to cause any healer you meet some trouble. Alright, I just need to up my mana flow, let me know when you start to feel something.”

Ben continued to sit in silence, not perceiving anything with certainty no matter how much he tried, until Lehie grew impatient.

“Okay you’re going to feel this one. Sorry in advance.”

“Wait wha-AAH!” His body fell from the chair and collapsed to the ground, everything had pins and needles and he had to talk between gasps of breath. “What… Was... That?”

Lehie herself seemed exhausted, as she was unsteady on her chair and slid down next to him, also out of breath. “Sorry… I had to… Supercharge you with mana… Used up most...of my reserves... Can you feel it?”

He concentrated and thought he understood what he was looking for, the tingling throughout his limbs was her mana, he just needed to keep the feeling as it dissipated to get a better understanding of what his own might feel like. He focused, not wanting to miss a thing, as the door opened.

Another of the priests came in, one Ben wasn’t familiar with, and after seeing them both panting on the floor and Ben without his shirt on closed the door and left without a word.

Oh I am definitely going to be hearing something about this, aren’t I?

“Now Lehie, while I am aware of your actual age you do know that not every priest is, correct?”

“Yes Father Yan,” She said, an awkward blush covering her face and reaching the tips of her long ears.

“And Ben, did you not think to mention that finding a more appropriate place may be in order?”

“I actually did.”

Yan let out a long sigh. “I see. It seems young Ben isn’t the one who needs lessons on the common sense of the world. Ben, for now retire to your room for the day. I’m going to need to have a long talk with your caretaker.”

Lehie shot him a pleading look which he pretended not to see. “Of course, sounds good. You both have an excellent day,” And with that he walked off, picked up a book, and enjoyed the rest of his day.

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