Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 46 [Interlude- Balance in Life]

[Illuminati's Headquaters]

Inside the high-tech meeting room at the Illuminati's headquarters, the members gathered around a large holographic display table. Professor X, the leader of the Illuminati, sat at the head of the table, his wheelchair positioned for optimal communication with the others. Black Bolt, Captain Carter, Captain Marvel, Reed Richards, Doctor Strange, and Tony Stark were all present, each of them representing their respective areas of expertise.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Professor X began. "As you know, we have a serious situation on our hands."

The holographic display flickered to life, showing images of Peter Parker in his Lizard form, attacking medical facilities and stealing crucial medicines.

As Captain Marvel watched the footage, she furrowed her brow and narrowed her eyes. "This situation has gone too far. We must take action to prevent further damage and protect innocent individuals from harm."

Captain Carter agreed, nodding. "He poses a threat to society. We cannot allow him to roam freely. I say we start taking this seriously."

Reed Richards interjected with a thoughtful expression, "We have to consider the possibility that he might not be in control of his actions. We are certain he is not a mutant. But his transformation into the Lizard seems to be triggered by something, and he may not have full control over his actions while in that state," Reed continued.

Doctor Strange suggested, "Experiment went wrong? DNA alteration like what happened to Ghost Spider? That seems like the most plausible explanation."

"I've been tracking his movements and analyzing his behavior patterns," Tony Stark said. "He seems to be searching for specific chemicals and medicines, but we're not sure if it's to further evolve or cure himself."

Black Bolt, usually a man of few words, nodded in agreement, showing his support for further investigation.

Professor X steepled his fingers, contemplating the situation, "We must approach this matter with caution. But time is against us. Tony, capture him and bring him to us. I will try to mend his mind and see if we can find a way to help him. Strange, assist him. And, I want the rest of you to prepare for the final phase of the Ultron Program."

With that, the meeting ended.

"Captain Carter, a moment if you don't mind," Professor X said with his usual calm expression.

Captain Carter nodded, following Professor X to his office.

"Is there something on your mind, Professor?" she asked, noticing his thoughtful expression.

"Yes, actually," he replied. "I couldn't help but notice that you've been acting differently lately. More... preoccupied, I suppose."

She hesitated for a moment before opening up, "It's true. I've been preoccupied with something personal. I reconnected with someone from my past, Brian. You remember the chef I told you about?"

Professor X nodded, listening attentively.

"Well, we've grown closer recently," she continued. "He had a near-death experience, and it made me realize how much he means to me. It's complicated, given our different worlds and responsibilities, but I can't help how I feel."

Professor X smiled gently, "Love can be a complicated and unpredictable force, Captain. But it's also one of the most powerful emotions we humans experience."

"I know, Professor," Captain Carter sighed. "It's just... I worry about the consequences of getting involved with someone outside my time and reality. And with the current situation with Peter Parker, the attack on Anna at the hospital, and Red Skull's warning, it's hard to focus on anything else."

Professor X nodded understandingly. "I can see why you feel torn between your personal feelings and your duty. It's never easy to balance such matters, especially when the world faces threats like these. However, it's essential to remember that life is about more than just duty and responsibilities. It's about finding happiness and forging meaningful connections."

"Do you think I should pursue this? I've been avoiding him for some time," she asked.

Professor X's expression softened. "I'm not going to tell you what to do, Captain. This is your life, and your choice. All I can offer you is advice: the greatest lessons we learn in life tend to be the ones we learn by making mistakes."

She thought back, remembering her past, before their breakup. The old memories made her wince. She had never regretted anything more in her life. Every night, she would lie awake wondering what she could have done differently. She would cry herself to sleep, thinking of the pain she caused Brian and the hurtful words they spoke.

Every day when she returned home, she found herself alone. Brian wasn't with her, and the house felt empty without his presence. She would find herself staring at the empty spaces where his things used to be, remembering the good times they had together. What would she not give to feel his touch again, to hold him close and share another kiss?

Things started looking good after they patched up their relationship again. It wasn't as strong as before, she was happy to be in Brian's company again. But she couldn't express it to him. She felt a tingle in her chest when Brian, despite her rejection kept on chasing her. And finally, she gave in...

The threesome she, Gwen, and Brian had together was a special moment for her, a once-in-a-lifetime experience that she'll never forget. She wants to explore this new relationship with Brian and Gwen, to discover this new feeling.

That day when she woke up in the morning after the threesome sex, she felt as if her heart is about to leap out of her chest. The night before was incredible, the most wonderful experience of her life, and she loved every minute of it. Gwen had the most incredible smile on her face that morning, and she felt so happy for her and Brian. But even so, she felt a small barrier between them. Gwen and Brian were so close... Closer than they ever were in the past. She felt jealous and envious. But more than that, she felt afraid. What if she gets between them and breaks them apart?

In the end, she had no choice. She couldn't risk hurting anyone. She decided to keep things only to sex and pleasure. As much as it pained her, she had to remain distant and detached from them. She couldn't lose Brian and Gwen like that.

Peggy's eyes went to her shield.

"Tell me, Professor, do you think it's time for me to hang up this old shield?" She asked.

Professor X regarded Captain Carter thoughtfully before speaking, "Retiring is a personal decision, and only you can truly know when the time is right. Your shield has been a symbol of hope and protection for many, and your dedication to serving others is commendable. But it's also essential to consider your own happiness and well-being."

"Your responsibilities as Captain Carter are significant, but so are your feelings as Peggy Carter. If pursuing a relationship with Brian brings you joy and fulfillment, it might be worth exploring. However, it's also essential to communicate openly with him about your past, your responsibilities, and the challenges you may face together."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Remember that life is about finding a balance between duty and personal happiness. You have the strength and courage to make difficult decisions, and whatever you choose, know that the Illuminati will support you."

Captain Carter nodded, feeling a mix of emotions. She appreciated Professor X's advice and support. She knew she needed to confront her feelings and make a decision about her future with Brian. The past was haunting her, but she couldn't let it dictate her present or future.

"Thank you, Professor," she said, a determined expression in her eyes. "I'll do my best to find that balance."

"Take all the time you need, Peggy," Professor X replied. "And remember, we are here for you, whatever you decide."

With that, Captain Carter left Professor X's office, feeling a weight lifted from her shoulders. She knew that facing her past and embracing her feelings was the first step toward finding the happiness and balance she sought.

After her conversation with Professor X, Peggy sat at her desk, thinking about what she'll do next. She decided to take her time and not rush into any decisions. But she also felt that if she doesn't act fast, Gwen might become more closer to Brian, and that's what scares her the most. She feels like a coward, running away from her feelings and her responsibilities.

Eventually, she made up her mind. She needs to have an honest conversation with Brian. She will tell him everything: about her fears, her responsibilities, and what it means for their future together. If they want to continue their relationship, it's essential that they are open and honest with each other.


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 12 chapters ahead⭐

[Vol-1 ended at Ch: 55 on Pat reon] [Vol- 2 will focus on Susan and MC + DOOM]

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