Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

From a very young age, little Sisle was always a child on the move.

She constantly ran, trying to catch up with her ever-busy father.

Your Highness! Youll fall if you run like that!

The maids chased after her, stomping their feet in frustration, but Sisle paid them no heed.

Even if she stumbled, she knew that a gust of wind would always come from somewhere to catch her before she fully fell. Appa-mama!

She loved the way he would stop and turn around quietly when she called out like that. Embracing him and feeling the rustling sound of his white robe was her favorite moment.

Think of those who must run with you, Sisle. They cannot keep up with your recovery rate.

He would caution her, tapping her forehead affectionately, and she loved that.

Indeed, the maids often collapsed from exhaustion in front of His Majesty the Emperor without even having the chance to properly greet him, but Sisle didnt care. Being by her fathers side was all that mattered to her.

She clung to the Holy Emperor so much that even the Second Queen Melody seemed envious.

If she fell asleep in the office, she would wake up in the Silver Rose Palace the next morning. As soon as she woke up, Sisle would start running again to find her father.

However, there were times when she had to return early to the Silver Rose Palace alone, especially on the days when the Holy Emperor retreated to the prayer room.

Occasionally, he would spend the night in the heart of the main palace, away from everyone else.

Though it was called a prayer room, it was actually a huge hall with an artificial pond. Sisle thought of it as a glamorous yet somehow lonely place.

Why does Appa-mama have to be alone in the prayer room?

As she parted ways with him at the entrance of the prayer room and was carried out of the main palace by the Knight Commander Katrina, Sisle asked.

His Majesty bears many heavy burdens that we cannot know, Your Highness.

Wouldnt it be better if we all stayed in the prayer room to help Appa-mama?

To this, the gentle Knight Commander replied with a slightly bitter smile.

How wonderful it would be if it were something we could help with. For now, the best we can do is to quietly avoid disturbing him. Just knowing that Your Highness cares so much for him will surely be a great strength to His Majesty.

Katrina said this, but Sisle couldnt agree.

She pouted, thinking to herself.

Mother always said not to disturb Father and kept a tight watch on my visits to the office, but Appa-mama always seemed happy when I did show up. So, if Im with him in the prayer room, wouldnt he be happier? Im sure of it!

Then, one night happened.

That day, she had separated from the Holy Emperor and returned early to the Silver Rose Palace, falling asleep. But in the middle of the night, she felt as if someone was shaking her awake.


Rubbing her eyes, Sisle woke up.

Was it an illusion? As she sat up, she found herself alone in her bedroom, with no sign of anyone who might have shaken her awake.

No, it wasnt her being shaken; perhaps it was the world itself that trembled.

She tried to sleep again, but her mind wouldnt settle. An intense unease enveloped her, a strange alienation as if the world around her had completely changed overnight.

Unable to sleep, Sisle eventually slipped on her slippers and left her bedroom. Strangely, that night, none of the maids woke up, and the palace guards stood asleep on their feet.


Unconsciously, Sisle found herself walking towards the Holy Emperor. Then, remembering he was in the prayer room, she hurried towards the main palace.

Despite the warm spring night, a chilling coldness gripped her, forcing her to stop and rub her hands together now and then.

Finally arriving at the heart of the main palace, Sisle hesitated before the prayer room door.

I shouldnt enter; I was told no one should

But then, a voice inside her head said,

[Open the door. Go inside and see what is happening.]

It sounded like someone elses whisper, yet it seemed to be her own thought. She opened the door slowly, in a daze. Creeeak

Suddenly, a strong smell of blood hit her.

Sisles eyes widened as she took in the dark interior of the prayer room.

There, in the center of the blood-red pond, stood her father. But something was off.

Under the dim moonlight, the Holy Emperor stood with a blood-soaked Nutcracker in one hand, staring intently at something. His usually pristine white robe was splattered with blood.

And sensing her presence, the Holy Emperor slowly turned his head towards Sisle.

In the dark hall, only his bright gray eyes emitted a chilling silvery glow.


Sisle was utterly shocked. The eyes that always looked at her with warmth were now cold and indifferent.

Is that person Is that really Appa-mama?

As she stepped back in fear, a voice whispered in her ear,

[Yes. That is his true nature. He ruthlessly cuts down those he deems useless. Soon, you too will meet the same fate at his hands, just like them.]

Appa-mama, would do that to me?

[Yes. What do you think? Dont you want to see the future prepared for you?]

A soft, mocking laughter echoed.

Staggering backward, Sisle turned and fled back to the Silver Rose Palace. The Emperor simply watched her go without saying a word or following her.

Once back in her room, Sisle dived into her bed in a frenzy. She soon fell into a deep sleep, only to be tormented by disturbing nightmares.

The next morning, a Saintesss mark suddenly appeared on the beloved youngest princesss body.

The Silver Rose Palace was thrown into chaos, and high priests from the Holy Church rushed over, proclaiming it the return of the Saintess.

Hearing the news, the Holy Emperor also visited the Silver Rose Palace. His face, full of tender concern, was no different from usual, making Sisle doubt if the events of the previous night were just a nightmare.

However, the scene from that night, the Holy Emperors cold gaze, remained a vivid afterimage in her mind. It resurfaced from her subconscious, repeatedly evoking the sensations of that chilly spring day.

And since that day, Sisle no longer ran after her father.

* * *

Good news often comes in succession.

Feeling elated from the achievements of his meeting with Eldest Young Master Siegmund, Seongjin visited the main palace to report his business trip to the Holy Emperor. Returning to the Pearl Palace, he was greeted by Commander Bruno with more news.

A message from Arenja. Two of the missing persons youve been investigating are currently detained at the Milo Trading Companys capital branch.

Bruno detailed the identities and current locations of the two individuals, Jonathan and Ashley, the theological academy students who apparently were beaten up by the jailers.

This is unexpected?

Arenja, who had agreed to close cooperation but often made excuses like the time isnt right and was reluctant to share information, had unexpectedly come through.

Caught off guard, Seongjin murmured, and Commander Bruno shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

Im not entirely sure about their criteria either. Its just that, based on what Your Highness discovered today, this information would have naturally surfaced once we intensified our search efforts.

So, it was crucial to understand the connection with the Milo Trading Company?

It seems so. Of course, I get the feeling thats not all there is to it.

Then, Commander Bruno stroked his mustache lightly.

Your Highness, this is just my personal opinion based on our interaction with them. Arenjar seemed to assume that theres another force behind the Milo Trading Company.

Eldest Young Master Siegmund said something similar. He mentioned a high likelihood of involvement from Asein or Scarcepino.

Originally, the Milo Trading Company was not known for its activities in the North.

Thus, it must have been operating across the continent with the tacit approval of Assein through the merchants union, or closely connected with Scarcepino, who has deep ties with the northwestern lords and border counts.

And he strongly suspected Scarcepino.


Commander Bruno suddenly furrowed his brows, focusing on something, then continued.

Yes, exactly. I just asked whether Asein or Scarcepino is behind this, but they said they couldnt answer that. However, they suggested that Scarcepino is someone Your Highness should keep an eye on, in some sense.

Is that so?


More than being the mastermind behind the grey plague, perhaps its related to the past actions of Mores. Come to think of it, didnt they say a young lord from the Scarcepino family had ties with Mores?

But why is my so-called only friend not in touch?

With everything that had been happening recently, it had slipped his mind, but now that he thought about it, it was strange. A lot of time had passed since the fever, and the restrictions on visiting the Pearl Palace had been lifted long ago.

At that moment, Edith, who was tidying up the bedding behind Seongjin, chimed in.

Maybe Your Highness is just ignoring his contacts?

Huh? What do you mean?

Well, doesnt the young lord send you an invitation like this every week?

Edith rummaged through the pile of letters on the desk and held up a golden envelope.


Had such things been coming in?

Yes. Theyve been arriving every week without fail, but since Your Highness told us to dispose of all the social gathering invitations, Ive been taking care of them over time.


Ah, now he remembered.

The memory of the first social gathering was so strong that he had decided to live in voluntary seclusion and ordered all the letters to be discarded.

Seongjin took the glittering envelope from Edith and examined the sender.

Ricardo Scarcepino

Ricardo, a prince of the Scarcepino family, is known for his sociability and regularly hosts gatherings with the scions of influential families.

He remembered hearing this description from Sir Masain.

The person who hosted the most mainstream gatherings in Delcross was really the only friend of the notorious Morres?

Seongjin rubbed his chin, pondering.

The date on the invitation was tomorrow. Maybe it was worth attending to meet him in person?

Shall I prepare for an outing tomorrow?

Edith, noticing his hesitation, quickly asked.

Hmm, yes. Lets do that.

Ignoring the weekly invitations didnt seem right, and the gatherings didnt appear suspicious.

As Seongjin made up his mind, Commander Bruno suddenly tensed and looked into space with a troubled expression.

Is that possible? Im not keen on it.


Yes, I will convey that.

Confused by the commanders grimacing and incomprehensible words, Bruno turned to Seongjin and spoke.

Your Highness, the leader of Arenja has a direct message for you.

Direct? How? Is he coming here?

No, hes not coming. He can temporarily possess me through an open channel.


Is it something like that? Like when the twin possessed Ashley and grabbed her by the collar?

As Seongjin nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Commander Brunos demeanor drastically changed. The aura of the former Decalon Knight, which had been softly blending with the surroundings, shifted to a distinct, slightly sharp unfamiliar presence.

Most notably, his deep green eyes turned a light gray with a strange glow.

[Your Highness.]

His voice was different too.

It sounded layered, almost genderless and ageless.

Kneeling on one knee and bowing his head, Commander Bruno or rather, the leader of Arenja greeted Seongjin.

[Nice to meet you. I am the leader of Arenja, currently acting as the Oracle of Cornsheim.]


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