Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

The entire city of Delcross is blanketed in yellow crocuses, commemorating the first Holy Emperor.

Its the first such celebration in nearly 20 years since it was last held; the Festival of the First Holy Emperor.

The citizens of the Imperial Capital relished the long-awaited festive atmosphere, lauding the imperial family for bringing unprecedented prosperity to Delcross.

However, at the same time, a heavy atmosphere enveloped the Princesses Palace, the Silver Rose Palace. Unexpectedly, Princesses Amelia and Sisle were subjected to a sudden prohibition on leaving the palace.

Deprived of her scheduled fencing lesson, Amelia was profoundly disheartened. But her disappointment paled in comparison to her younger sisters.

Sisle, who had been crying since morning, had eyes swollen and red, despite her remarkable ability to heal.

Cheer up, Sisle. Theres always a reason behind Imperial Fathers decisions.

But what could that reason be? I understand being barred from the Holy Emperors celebration, but why am I also forbidden from attending the special mass?


If theres a valid reason for all this, why hasnt Imperial Father explained anything to me?

Amelia was at a loss for words; she didnt have any more insight than her sister.

However, she faintly recalled a passing comment made by Leonard before her regression.

Do you really think your father can now halt Rohans unbridled ambitions? A man so bound by restrictions in his actions and words, can he truly persuade other monarchs to stand with us?


Amelia remembered the complicated expression on the Holy Emperors face as he silently gazed at her, following her declaration to marry Leonard.

Reflecting on it now, it seemed that at the time, the Holy Emperor had foreseen that the union between Leonard and her could lead to an unfortunate end in some way.

Hence, he was busy tightening her security by significantly increasing the number of knights guarding her and frequently issuing orders prohibiting her from leaving. He did not shy away from worsening relations with Rohan, even attempting to banish the prince from Delcross without any justifiable reason.

Had Amelia not shown an extreme sensitivity to being confined, the Holy Emperor might have truly kept her locked in the Silver Rose Palace until Leonard was expelled.

And that slight gap led to irreversible consequences.

Leonards loyal servant, Romaine, using a cunning strategy unheard of in this world, managed to secretly whisk Amelia away. Sister, its not too late. Lets return to Delcross together. If you knew how Imperial Father is faring now, you couldnt possibly stay here.

At her wedding banquet held in Rohan, Logan, who had come from Delcross with a tremendous dowry, spoke with a somber expression, words that still linger in her memory.

Sisle, do you remember?

Amelia continued, gently stroking her sisters soft silver hair.

In the time of our ancestors, it was an annual event for every member of the Holy Emperors family to pay homage to the Holy Emperors Sarcophagus. The entire family would gather before the sarcophagus to pray for the long-standing glory of the Holy Emperors family and the endless prosperity of Delcross.

Sisle stopped her sobbing and listened intently to that affectionate voice.

However, at some point, our ancestors ceased the homage ceremony, and coincidentally or not, Delcross faced a period of decline in the following years. Are you aware of the incident when demonkind hid within the capital? It was then that our ancestor passed away.

Why? Why did our ancestor stop the ceremony?

Well, theres no record of their reasoning, so we cant know for sure now. But my guess is, maybe after that point, paying homage to the Holy Emperors Sarcophagus lost its significance.

Lost its significance?

Yes. For instance, perhaps the blessing of the first Holy Emperor suddenly vanished?

This was like a hunch she occasionally had.

The fact that the homage ceremony hadnt been held for 20 years suggested there might be a significant issue with it.

Or maybe the Holy Emperors Sarcophagus have become something dangerous?

Otherwise, why would the current Holy Emperor prohibit the homage by the family members?

Hearing this, Sisle widened her eyes and whispered softly to Amelia.

Sister, do you realize the gravity of what youve just said? The clerics of the Orthodox Church would not take kindly to such words.

Heh, is that so?

Of course! We must not deny the miracles of the first Holy Emperor. All the priests of the Orthodox Church can feel it, you know? The holy aura that emanates from the underground where the Holy Emperors Sarcophagus are enshrined.

Sisle said this and fiddled with the pink rabbit eye patch around her neck.

And if there really was a problem, His Majesty wouldnt have just sent Lady Seo Yi-seothere.

Is that so?

Yes. She is the most important person in this world and will always be under His Majestys protection.

Is that so?

Feeling an unusual presence, Amelia, whose senses had become more acute since she began practicing aura manipulation, lifted her head. She sensed a large group, likely knights, approaching the palace.

Shortly after, Mirabel, Amelias personal maid, who also sensed the unrest, peeked outside the window and exclaimed in surprise.

Whats all this commotion?

Whats the matter, Mirabel?

What could it be? Lady Amelia, the Order of Saint Aurelion knights are outside the palace.

Amelia and Sisle hurried to the terrace.

True to Mirabels words, a large assembly of paladins had gathered, encircling the Silver Rose Palace.

Instead of their usual ceremonial armors, they were donned in full battle gear, a rare sight.

They were clad in shining silver plate armors, holding large silver shields emblazoned with red swords.

The most formidable shield of the Holy Emperor, the emblematic armament of the Order of Saint Aurelion.

What in the world is happening?

As Amelia and Sisle stood side by side, gazing at the scene, a familiar voice came from behind them.

Do not be alarmed, Princess Amelia, Princess Sisle. The situation will be under control shortly.

A knight, head and shoulders taller than the rest, the Vice-Captain of the Order of Saint Aurelion, Francis, entered the reception room in full armor.

He placed a hand over his heart, bowing politely to the two.

I apologize for not informing you in advance. This is merely a precautionary measure by His Majestys command; please, do not be overly concerned.

Indeed, the figure of Commander Katrina, leading the knights, was visible. Her presence indicated that all this was under the Holy Emperors directive.

Next to Dame Katrina stood an exorcist clad in somber attire, a familiar figure to Amelia from her visits to Morres. It was, if she recalled correctly, Dame Sharon of the Monster Special Task Force.

Now is the time.

As the inquisitor, who had been staring blankly into space, spoke up, Katrina nodded and stepped forward.

Form the third-grade demonkind defensive formation! All knights, to your positions!

At Commander Katrinas command, the paladins efficiently arranged themselves into formation, creating a sharp, spike-shaped perimeter around the Silver Rose Palace.

Finally, with a resonant thud, Katrina, standing firm in the center of the formation and slamming her shield into the ground, took her stance facing the main palace.

She looked every bit the iron shield of the Holy Emperor, as reliable and steadfast as ever.

And then,

Deploy the Granius Type-2 Formation!

With her shout, beams of holy light spread out in unison, unfolding a vast sacred barrier around the Silver Rose Palace.

* * *

Recently, Archbishop Wesker realized that his white hair was noticeably increasing.

As if worrying about the gray plague for weeks wasnt enough, he now had to deal with the Holy Emperors command to sanctify a woman he had never heard of before. And once he did elevate her to sainthood, this Seo Yi-seo turned out to be quite the handful.

She was lackadaisical in her doctrinal studies and half-hearted in special masses.

Her main activity seemed to be following Princess Sisle around all day.

Even now, during the important homage ceremony held for the first time in nearly 20 years, she was absent-mindedly lost in thought.

Are you listening, Saintess?

Ah, yes, yes. I just need to go and receive the blessing, right? Yeah, yeah.

Despite repeated explanations about the ceremony, this was the kind of response he got. It was clear to anyone that this woman was far from normal.

Seo Yi-seo, for her part, seemed to finally snap to attention once she entered the corridor where the Holy Emperors Sarcophagus were enshrined.

Wait a moment

With a heavy thud, the doors firmly closed, and Wesker watched with a worried gaze.

Her flustered appearance until the very end made him wonder if she could truly receive the blessing, even if the First Holy Emperor were to bestow mercy upon her.

Despite the Holy Emperors command, Wesker couldnt help but worry if this was all too hasty.

After all, it was unprecedented for someone outside the Holy Emperor family, without the mark of sainthood, to undergo the homage ceremony.

However, when Seo Yi-seo emerged from the doors shortly after, Wesker sighed in relief.

It was proof that she had indeed received the blessing of the First Holy Emperor. Her eyes shone with a brilliant golden light, looking directly at Wesker.

An immensely strong and sacred aura cascaded from her like a waterfall. All the clergy observing the ceremony from outside were overwhelmed and bowed their heads in unison.

And then,

[I shall go to the Imperial Palace directly. Let no one follow me.]

A voice that seemed to shake the soul resounded deeply in their minds, issuing that command.

* * *

The main palace of the Imperial Palace was empty, not a single guard in sight, having been cleared out since morning.

I had thought you might come here, but your predictability never ceases to amaze me.

The Holy Emperor spoke to a woman exuding a commanding presence upon boldly stepping into the office.

For the indomitable First Holy Emperor, also known as Cardmos, settling scores from the past five years of humiliation took precedence over any tactical advantage he owned. Nevertheless, the Holy Emperor had already made preparations for the possibility of Cardmos going directly to Sisle.

Then, Seo Yi-seo, or rather Cardmos, rebuked him with a dignified voice.

[You are arrogant, child! I showed you mercy and consideration, yet where have you cast aside the respect due to your ancestors!]

To which the Holy Emperor coldly retorted.

Ancestors? Did you expect my respect after branding such a mark upon my childs body?

[You insolent!]

Cardmoss displeasure was evident as his eyebrows twitched.

Still so full of yourself, I see. Five years of penance were evidently not enough.

[What did you say? I deigned to look upon you with favor, and you dare]

Cardmos growled, baring his teeth. Sparks seemed to fly from his vertically slit golden irises.

Previously, right after he left, the mark of sainthood appeared on Sisles body.

However, his audacious descendant before him preposterously sealed his soul in the churchs crypt without a word. And now, this same descendant even had the gall to mock him, suggesting his penance was still insufficient.

With a thunderous roar, the main palace trembled under the wrath of the enraged Cardmos.

The doors to the terrace rattled as if they might fall off, and documents fluttered down as office furnishings crashed to the floor.

[She was a child doomed from the start!]

[Left alone, she would have eventually fallen prey to malevolent forces and perished! Out of pity, I sought to protect her from such fates!]

There was a mix of anger and a hint of injustice in his outburst.

Cardmos, having lived an unnaturally extended life, faced death as the First Holy Emperor due to the negative impact his continued existence would have on Delcross. Yet, his soul was still very much alive.

Occasionally, he would take over the bodies of his descendants or other saintesses to live anew.

At first glance, it seemed akin to the deeds of a demon usurping others bodies, but he had his own set of rules.

He only chose bodies of descendants who were in precarious positions due to their lack of innate divine power or those destined to die soon. He also took over the bodies of women who, despite their kindness and willingness to serve others, were doomed to die as witches due to their extraordinary deeds.

The souls that encountered Cardmoss sanctity would soon fade away, but this did not concern him. Their lives were destined to end, and their souls were meant to vanish anyway.

Thus, 20 years ago, he marked a child doomed to die as a hostage in a foreign land. And five years ago, he marked another child thought to be at risk of being overtaken by malevolent forces, potentially becoming a threat to the empire.

In his way, it was a form of protection he could offer descendants facing a grim fate.


Do not bestow judgment with your limited insight. That shall never come to pass.

20 years ago,

The descendant who had narrowly escaped Cardmoss grasp was still alive, smirking as he spoke those words.

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