Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

11: From Ash to Cinders

Kana returned her attention to the conversation inside the inn for a while longer. Just this idle eavesdropping allowed her to paint a decently comprehensive mental picture.

If she understood it right, then the three large "Great" shinobi nations Iwa1Hidden Stone, Suna2Hidden Sand, and Konoha3Hidden Leaf were all at war with each other. Apparently, the conflict was largely occurring in Amegakure4Hidden Rain, a nation between all three of the major belligerents. It was clear however, that this conflict was spilling over more and more into Kusa5Hidden Grass territory as well, where she was currently located.

It seemed that Ame was in chaos from collateral damage, which inspired an uprising from Hanzō of the Salamander, who overthrew the feudal government and now led a brutal defense of Ame. By challenging all shinobi trespassing in the Land of Rain, Hanzō was waging war on all of the Great nation invaders simultaneously.

She garnered a lot of other and more subtle details too, but this seemed to be the major context.

It was easy to see now why these people from Kusa, itself a small nation between the fighting powers, admired Hanzō's cause. They too were on the brink of fighting such a brutal defensive war, but as they'd pointed out, they have no Hanzō of their own. One way or another, the reclusive and somewhat xenophobic people of Kusagakure would have to pick a side or be destroyed.

The more she listened and heard, the more a plan took shape in Kana's mind. If she wove a story they were willing to believe, played into this sentiment, she might gain their aid.


Satisfied with her next course of action, she set about enacting it.

Retreating into the rain, she allowed herself to be drenched again before running up towards the inn's door, making sure to stomp into every puddle on the road to make noise.

Upon reaching the door and after nerving herself up, she shouted, "Hello? May I take refuge from the weather here?" in a calm, polite tone. Politeness was key. Everyone was on edge, being abrasive was not ideal.

Slowly, she pushed the front door open all the way but refrained from entering. The action revealed three wary people at a high wooden counter, two seated in front and one standing behind. The rest of the room contained various empty tables and chairs, like a sort of cafeteria.

"I'd ask to come in, but I don't want to track mud all over your floor. Is just staying under your awning alright?"
Kana didn't really want to enter anyway, so that she could flee at a moment's notice if her plan failed. But that's not what an innocent, weary, and paying traveler would want to do. She overheard them complaining about money, of which Kana had none. She deemed it unwise to advertise that fact. The less here said the better...

"Hah, the hell? A little girl?" one of the seated men rose, grasping a spear from where it rested by the counter next to him. This was the owner of the loud and raucous voice she'd overheard for a while now, not that she showed this recognition on her face.

Kana stayed calm, already knowing from their conversation that the man behind the counter was the innkeeper, owner of the melancholic third voice and the man who had hired the other two to guard him and his inn. These guards were ex-soldiers of some lord or something, untrained in ninjutsu. This fact allowed Kana to feel unthreatened by them, for she would never have attempted to be so bold if the other party were trained shinobi.

"My apologies. I do not mean to stay long, I just wanted to ask-"

"Ehhh? Some little brat out in a storm like this. What the hell, you're like a mess!" The raucous guard interrupted her with a harsh laugh. She suspected he might, but it was still annoying.

"Oi, lay off it you moron!" the second guard hissed out and punched the other's shoulder.

The innkeeper rolled his eyes at their antics before narrowing his brows at Kana, noticeably still alert. The two guards straightened up their posture and gained some semblance of seriousness when they caught sight of his expression.

"Before that girl, who are you what are you doing out alone at a time like this?" the innkeeper said gruffly. They were all looking at her with odd expressions she didn't quite know what to make of.

Kana was prepared for suspicion, allowing her neutral face to twist into a somewhat pitiable expression. Was she not reacting properly? This would be the true test. She was not used to speaking, could she pull it off convincingly?

"I'm not really alone, they just sent me ahead for supplies. Everyone else who could do it joined up with the volunteer forces out fighting those outlanders." She put some effort into contorting her face after saying that, trying to convey disdain. No one native to this country liked foreigners.

It was for this reason that she kept her hood up and only showed part of her face. Kana didn't know what other people looked like in this country. Her hair was very noticeable, and it might give her away as a foreigner immediately.

Unwilling to give them a chance to ask more questions, Kana proceeded with her plan. The first priority and line of investigation she had in mind would be procuring resources for herself.

"That's why I can't stay long. My village is on the front lines, so they need supplies as soon as I can get them. That's what I wanted to ask you as well, Innkeeper-san. It's my first time up this far north, so can you please tell me where the nearest place I can restock on rations, clothes, and medical supplies is?" she hurriedly continued on.

This seemed to be believable, as all three men had sombre looks on their faces at the mention of the volunteer forces.

"Already to conscripting the children, huh..." The innkeeper's face grew very tired saying that.

Then they all stood in silence. Kana waited... and waited.

This was getting exhausting. She had just spoken more in the last minute than she had in the last few years combined. It was truly taking all her concentration to analyze the situation. Did she really need to speak again here? Was a response to that expected? She began to doubt her plan. It had been good practice, but perhaps this was still beyond her capabilities.

The silence dragged on longer than Kana was comfortable with, but just as she was about to repeat her question she felt an odd presence behind her again.

Twisting her neck instinctively, she dodged to the side just in time to avoid a kunai blade aimed for the back of her head. The blade continued on its trajectory through the doorway and lodged itself into the wooden counter with a thunk, astounding the three occupants inside.

Four sets of eyes lingered on it for half a second before a tag wrapped around the kunai's handle ignited and exploded.


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