Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Side Story/Prologue: Wife of the “God of Shinobi”

Hello, and welcome to all the new readers, I appreciate the support bringing me all the way to #1 Trending!
Although this story is just my indulgence, I would be pleased if you got some enjoyment out of it.

NOTE: The main story starts next chapter, this prologue is meant for long-term context. You can skip this and start with the main chapters and then come back anytime when the plot starts ramping up.

A few droplets splattered onto the unfurled scroll, slowly spreading out and obscuring the words written within.

Mito realized she was damaging it and gingerly set the scroll on the desk in front of her with a weary hand.

It never got easier hearing news like this, even before Hashirama had died.

A slight draft of wind rustled the leaves outside and wafted through windows behind her.

Had it really been over a decade? Mito's love had sustained her as a jinchūriki for all this time, but grief was always a hard thing to bear.

Especially as those who believed in his dream took up its mantle and died to preserve it.

Mito was tired. The famed Shodai Hokage's will lived on through them all, and she knew that, but it always pained her to see how repeated loss devastated those closest to her. Was this really what Hashirama wanted?
...Children were still dying.

But it seemed that what he'd died for lived on all the same. Hiruzen Sarutobi1[Surname/Clan name]-[Given name] is how people are referred to, generally. But in internal monologue, I'll sometimes reverse it for western/English ease of reading. Especially when multiple people of the same clan are involved, to avoid confusion. had been doing his best, and the village was prospering.

Except that he had failed her. Just now, with this news, the Third Hokage had failed Mito personally. She wouldn't forget that.

Since Hashirama's passing, she had long since set up correspondence with her clansmen regarding her successor. Hosting the Kyuubi was not something just anyone could do. It was important to clearly prepare ahead of time. Contingencies were needed; the process ought to be smooth and quick for everyone.

She herself had long since resolved to die in this process, and Konoha's leadership had spit upon that resolve. They took it for granted.

The audacity was insulting.

Mito was not envious of the burdens that village leadership entailed. She was a founding member, after all. She had chosen to use her own body as a vessel in service of the village, in service of Hashirama.

Her family's sacrifices - to preserve the peace that Konoha now thrived in - were incalculable. Mito had and could continue in this capacity for decades with the strength she'd had.

But it was taking its toll on Mito. The loss of her husband, the loss of the people dearest to her exacerbated this fact. Every death put a hole in the long-suffering cage of the beast she contained within her body. She was no longer as confident in her ability to resist. All the more urgently, now.

But still, she had to do something after this.

She had initiated through all the proper channels and trusted the village to handle the minor details. That modicum of trust was apparently misplaced. This time once again, she had to take a more active role.

It disappointed her that her juniors were not attentive enough. Enough to cause this blunder.

This would worsen everything, even accelerate her decline.

Pain and quiet rage warped Mito's face.

They would all feel the consequences of this, oh yes, but it was just as dangerous for them as it was for her homeland.
For her family. It was an existential threat for them all. Why had they been so lax?!

The eagle-masked ANBU who had been kneeling in front of her desk this whole time stiffened, prompting Mito to calm herself. The demon fox's aura was a terrifying thing, and now it had another weapon to use against her...

Perhaps they all really were just willing to sacrifice their village's closest friend, their most steadfast ally.

Perhaps her decline was even someone's intention. To Mito, anyone from Konoha who let that happen was akin to a traitor.

Mito scoffed disdainfully. She knew of at least one councilor who would likely qualify. His hostile intent was blatant, as much as he tried to hide it.

If that Danzō had anything to do with this...

She glanced sharply at the masked figure in front of her.

"I will have none of the Hokage-sama's excuses. Tell him I will handle everything further about this matter personally. If he wants to spit on my preparations, sacrifice my clansmen, and ignore my warnings, then I will not avail myself and my connections to his folly. A price in blood and trust has been incurred today and I will collect. He will hear more from me later."

The ANBU acknowledged with a deep bow and flickered away.

After a brief silence, Mito sighed and returned her attention to the scroll on her table once more... before standing and heading measuredly towards the porch behind her study.

She moved a with an unhurried elegance that seemed like she was hardly taking steps at all, but rather gliding across the floor. Her movement made no sound either, not even with the door as she slid it open and brushed passed its threshold.

The Senju compound had a beautiful garden and it never failed to help Mito think. Looking out over the porch's fence, she leaned on the railing to view the grounds below her, arms tucked into her long kimono sleeves.

The weather was pleasant and the chill of early autumn had yet to cause the first frost. The wide range of trees in view made for a colorful collage, many leaves just starting to turn with the change of season.

Some of those trees had been planted and grown by her husband himself. She felt at peace in their presence as she imagined them growing, like Hashirama himself was nearer to her for their efforts. Like his life was a part of theirs. His will was one of growth and trust - a Will of Fire to fuel the hearts of the future.

Mito had tried to follow his example, planting seeds for the future and nurturing the young to take her place. How she longed for the warmth of Hashirama's heart and smile to guide her once again. Instead all she could do was forge her own path forward, fall back on the skills and knowledge she trained for her whole life.

But she had failed. She had failed Masumi, Masumi's whole family. Her Clan.

Mito clenched her teeth so tightly they creaked, something she would normally never be so uncouth as to do. Tears flooded down Mito's face as she recalled a young woman who had been in the prime of her happiness, who had just started a family.

Uzumaki Masumi.
She had been perfect for the role.

Masumi's mutated Adamantite Sealing Chains were said to be second to none according to the Uzushiogakure leaders. Their branch of the family had evolved the Sealing Chains to be even more powerful, an emerging kekkei genkai. Masumi in particular manifested chakra chains of such brilliant azure color, that merely seeing them was proof enough of their unique strength. Even the greatest masters of Uzushio's Adamantite Sealing techniques acknowledged her talent and this new bloodline's inheritance.

...And arguably even more important, Masumi's heart was already full to the brim with love for her husband and young child. Her vessel had no room to be manipulated by hate from a tailed beast.

Masumi's letters to Mito were always filled with endearing warmth for her lover and family— always filled with joy at the prospect of learning fūinjutsu from the famed Uzumaki Mito, wife of the famed God of Shinobi.

Already Mito had asked to selfishly use Masumi's love to contain a demonic embodiment of hate.

Already Mito had requested of Masumi's loving family to have but one child, to spare the difficulty of preserving the seal through childbirth.

Already Mito had arranged for them to leave their home, friends, and family behind to relocate to an estate by Konoha.

And Masumi had selflessly agreed to them all, willing to do what it took to preserve her homeland and its greatest ally, even if it meant she had to leave so much behind.

And Mito's summons led them all to an early death.

If she could have anticipated this, Mito would have asked Masumi to join her in Konoha before she gave birth. She just wanted to give her successor and pupil a chance to spend time with and show her child to family in the Land of Whirlpools before they emigrated.
Mito had still been strong and felt she needn't rush them. Masumi was worth the wait - and deserved as much time as possible.

This disaster was probably the greatest mistake of her life. Mito would bear the guilt and grief of this to her dying day.

But such a day could not come yet.

Mito turned about rapidly and marched gracefully back to her desk.

Her tears no longer flowed. She meant her words to Sarutobi. This was a debt of blood.

It was not just anyone who would attack a caravan marked with her family's crest, a crest every shinobi in Konoha bore on their armor.

The reports made it clear as day: whoever had done this had deliberately attacked the Uzumaki, targeting and killing several ranking individuals. It meant there was a serious danger to her surviving clansmen, her entire homeland.

The Hokage may not recognize it as such, but Uzushiogakure2Hidden Eddy Village, "Village Hidden by Whirling Tides", "Hidden Whirlpool Village". Located in the Land of Whirlpools, off the eastern Coast of the Land of Fire had been declared war upon.

Mito would know more once all the bodies were accounted for. The reports were sent practically as soon as the ANBU team arrived at the border zone and discovered the carnage, so doubtless more information was on its way. She had to dispatch her own personal ANBU as well, to look for that which Konoha shinobi might fail to see. The Uzumaki held many secrets, after all.

With fervor, she spread out a table full of ink and scrolls.

Until then, she had many letters to write. Mito had available to her a wealth of plans and resources that Uzushio would need. This disaster would not be tolerated.

A new jinchūriki candidate would have to be found, the time frame to do so much shorter now.

And perhaps most importantly... Mito's grandchildren needed to know that their cousins were dead.

Again, although this story is just my indulgence, I would be pleased if you got some enjoyment out of it.
If my phrasing or the way I write seems weird, that is probably because of the weird ways that I learned English.

I am always looking to improve so please let me know your impressions, especially errors/typos that need correcting.

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