Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 49

Page 49

Obviously, they all have prejudice against Meng Chuan.

And right now!

Bajru’s baguette, it’s done.

He turned on the oven and took out the baked bread.

In an instant, the fragrance overflowed.

Those foreigners raised their high noses and took a light breath.

“Please taste, my work!”

“Champs Brioche Bread!”

Presented in front of the five judges is a gorgeously shaped bread.

Just hearing the name, you can feel its gorgeous atmosphere.

That’s right!

Bajaru while making this bread.

In addition to the classic baguette, raisins from far-flung lands are added.

Rose petal.

Let the whole bread present a gorgeous atmosphere that only aristocrats have.

This is exactly what Bajaru is good at.

“Well, I love the whole look!”

Consul Brown nodded.

He raised his hand to pick up a piece of bread, put it in his mouth, and savored it carefully.

The aroma of wheat, the delicateness of roses, and the sweetness of raisins are perfectly integrated.

After eating, he felt as if he had returned to his manor.

There are flocks of wheat fields, exquisite gardens, and charming girls.

As expected of the famous chef Bajaru.

Even making bread is so wonderful!

Several other judges also nodded again and again!

Can’t help but praise.

Bajaru didn’t see anything on the surface.

My heart was just overjoyed.

With the praise of this group of gourmets, I believe that his status in the food industry will be further improved soon.

“Okay, the trial is over! Judges, please start scoring!”

The host follows the process.

Several judges, after thinking for a while.

They have written down the numbers in their hearts on their own chopping boards!

“Okay, we see now that the judges have given their scores!”

“9 points, 8 points, 8 points, 7 points, 8 points!”

“A total of 40 points!”

The host couldn’t help exclaiming.

You know, this number is already unbelievably high.

The five judges in front of them are not ordinary people!

They have all traveled the world.

Have tasted the existence of countless delicacies.

Every mouth is very picky.

It is extremely rare to be able to score such a high score.

To know!

He has also hosted a food tasting before.

In that tasting meeting, there were also people who saw it.

Their highest score, no more than 6 points.

From this we can see the strength of Bajaru.

“thanks, thanks!”

After seeing the rating, Bajaru was also very proud.

He bent down and bowed to several of the judges to show his gratitude.

The dozens of foreigners immediately burst into thunderous applause.

As expected of a famous chef from Barry.

Then, let’s look at that kid.

Knock well at this time!

For Meng Chuan’s croissants, it’s time to bake.

He turned on the oven and took the tray out of it.

Dudu quickly looked up!

I saw a dozen croissants on the tray.

The surface looks dark.

It was all roasted to charcoal.

“how so!”

She opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

I didn’t expect that Meng Chuan would actually cook such a failed meal! *

[38] Turn defeat into victory!Golden Crescent Bread! (2 more, please collect!)

Tang Sanjie also rubbed his eyes.

Can’t believe what’s happening right in front of you.

In his eyes, the master is like a god.

How could it go wrong!

But the fact was placed in front of him, and he had to believe it.

Bajaru glanced slightly.

Also saw that charred croissant.

He couldn’t help but speak sarcastically!

“Boy, this is your bread!”

“Looks good!”

“It would be better if it wasn’t burnt though!”

Look at the appearance, how small it looks, how small it is.

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect this Oriental to be so unbearable!”

“To actually bake the bread black! What a shame!”

“I said it long ago! Where is the delicious food in the East!”

The dozens of foreigners watching the play also laughed at this moment.

“It doesn’t look good!”

“We seem to have lost the first game!”

The crowd outside the railings also began to sigh.

However, they didn’t blame Meng Chuan either.

After all, the questions asked by these foreigners are too tricky.

Which normal person can make bread!

At this time, only Master Ji Di still believed in Meng Chuan.

Because he did not believe that he could master twenty-eight blade techniques.

The person who performs the Bai Luo Snake Chain can bake the bread black.

Among them, there must be some hidden details that he does not know!

And on the field.

In the face of everyone’s ridicule, Meng Chuan did not have a single excuse.

Instead he smiled.

He chose five charred croissants and placed them on a tray.

The waiter had no choice but to bite the bullet and bring it to the judges’ table.

Several judges could not help frowning!

“Boy, are you insulting us?”

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